Chapter 2: Instinct

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Peace has been taking over Planet Glord. Nothing worried the citizens. Its not hard to think that Planet Glord doesn't get attacked ever. No one ever harms this planet because it has the top medical assistance in the galaxy. It's crazy ever thinking of harming anyone in the planet. With Sayians on the planet however, it's changes people's perspective. Is there more to kill? Same my think that. Glordians don't think anything will happen to their home, but a certain Sayian just can't stop getting this feeling that something is gonna happen. Something they can't prevent even if they tried...

"UGH!" Chayote yelled in her pillow. "Why am I getting this feeling something is about to happen!?"

She rolled around in her bed. She was suppose to be sleeping an hour ago, but the feeling keeps on making her have these scary nightmares about the planet going "BOOM!" She hasn't told anyone in her family about these thoughts. She didn't think it was very Sayian like to confess about stupid dreams. She knew she was nothing like usual Sayians from her original planet, neither her parents. Her father told her what Sayians usually are SUPPOSED to act like and clearly pointed out the differences between them and the others.

Chayote didn't like how other Sayians acted. All they cared about was themselves and blood. Then again, being forced to work under Lord Frieza and sacrificing their freedom to be controlled over some lizard freak, you would think they would be a LITTLE violent towards others. It's only natural.

Chayote looked out her window and sighed. The night sky was full of beautiful little stars twinkling and dancing. The moon light shined down at her window from another angle. Chayote didn't knew what the moon looked like. Her mom forbids her from looking at the moon, even if it isn't full. She only can look at the stars and dark clouds.

She looked at the brightest star and closed her eyes, sitting up and holding her hands in a praying position. "Lord Yamoshi, God of the Sayians, ruler of us all. Please make sure that my suspicions are incorrect. I don't want to flee another planet, not do my parents most likely. I want this planet to live on. If it isn't my destiny to stay least tell me a more peaceful way. Then again, Sayians never get it easy.... Just make sure that my parents survive if it does happen on day. Ikanaide."

The door creaked open and shined a light in her room. Chayote opened her eyes and looked at the door to reveal her mother holding ki in her hand for light. "What are you doing? You should've been asleep an hour ago."

Chayote sighed and wrapped her tail around her waist. "I guess I'm not that sneaky huh?"

Camote smiled and closed the door. "Not really when it's nighttime cutie. You still need to work on that." She walked over to her daughter and sat next to her, patting her leg. "Why are you still up? Had a nightmare or something?"

"No!" She lied. "I don't get nightmares!"

"Everyone has at least one nightmare baby. It may not happen now, but it'll happen one point in your life." Camote responded.

"Well I didn't have one! I just can't sleep that's all." She lied again. She didn't like to lie, but their was no way she's gonna reveal some stupid feeling.

Camote hugged her close and kissed her head. "How about we have a midnight snack?"

"Sure! I'm hungry anyway!"


Luckily midnight snacks is the way to go when it comes to falling asleep. The young Saiyan sat on a hill near her training grounds, looking up at the sky. The bad feeling came back again as it swirled in her mind. She put her hands on her head and growled.

"All I want to do is sit here and calm myself... What do I get instead, A FREAKING MIGRAINE!!!!!!! What could be worse!?"

Trust never want to say those words. Something bad always happens when you do. Chayote looked back at the sky and saw a mysterious ship going above the planet. Now, Chay hasn't seen much spaceships in her 12 years of life, but she does know what Glordian ships look like and the one above the planet is WAY to big to be one of them. It looks like it could fill multiple armies!


Papa flew at full speed towards his daughter. Chayote was confused as hell. First there was a weird looking spaceship in the air, then her father flew to her and telling her to go. What the heck!?

"What do you mean papa!? Go where!?" She yelled.

Papa picked up Chayote and flew away quickly, holding her tight. "No time to say. He's back!"

"Who's back!?" She replied. She was getting scared now. Was it happening?

Papa landed near a Saiyan space pod where Camote was. "Hurry! Put her inside! I can see the attack forming!"

Chayote looked up at the sky and saw someone getting out of the ship. He had a huge orange/yellow orb of ki in one finger. "That's enough to destroy the planet! What is he doing!?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes.

Camote and Papa looked in each others eyes and sighed. They then looked at Chayote and hugged her close. "You need to get in the pod. The coordinates are already set for you." Camote said.

Chayote broke out of the hug and widen her eyes. "What about y'all!? I need y'all!"

Papa opened the pod door and grabbed his daughter. "I'm sorry Chay. I promise we'll get out alive. Now you have to go!"

Chayote yelled and moved around, trying to get out of her father's grasp. "Papa stop! Stop! I don't want to go! I need to stay here with you guys and Ziko! Please have mercy! PLEASE!!!"

Papa threw Chayote in the space pod and closed the door. "I'm sorry my love....." He shedded some tears and pressed the button for take off. The space pod flew up in the air in high speed and away from the planet right when the blast was heading for the planet. Chayote yelled and started to cry. She was all alone....a lone Saiyan in the dangerous space with nothing left. No home, no family, no love, no warmth, no comfort, nothing.....

" looks I'm alone. I guess I'll sleep it off..."

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