Chapter 5: New Home?

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Vegeta raised his eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. "You hit your head when you landed didn't you?"

Chayote nodded her head and sighed. "Yeah...blame the stupid mountain for my injuries..."

Vegeta rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Tell me what you remember Chayote."

The female Sayian nodded and closed her eyes. "I know that I'm a Sayian born on Planet Glord because the Planet Vegeta was about to get destroyed by Frieza. I don't remember anything of my parents nor why they sent me here to this place."

Kaeta laid her head on her chest and nuzzled it. "They must've had some good reason to do so."

Chayote sighed and looked over at the grown ups. "I guess...I just wish that STUPID MOUNTAIN DIDN'T RUIN MY MEMORY!! Then I would've have more info!"

Vegeta scoffed and pushed his mate forward. "You deal with the brat..."

Goku pouted and slapped his leg. "She's not a brat Vegeta! She has amnesia for Kami's sake!" He sighed And moved closer to Chayote, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Don't listen to him sweetie. Do you know what class you are?"

"What are classes?" Chayote asked.

"Well, every Saiyan is born into a certain class depending on their power level. I'm a third class, the lowest of the bunch. Vegeta is an elite, the highest of the bunch. I honestly don't know what Kaeta is...but I'm getting the vibe that she's up high. She may be a 5 year old, but she can kick some butt! Vegeta will be able to tell you your class. The royals know everything."

Vegeta nodded, smiling with pride as she looked directly in Chayote's soul. "She's a second class Saiyan. Right in between. Not to weak, but not to strong either."

Chayote frowned. 'I thought I'll be a little stronger than that...'  

Kaeta smiled and flew up to her head. "You're strong Chayote! Maybe one day we can spar! You can be my training buddy! It'll be like I have a older sister!"

The 12 year old girl blushed and gave the younger one a big smile. She wagged her tail as she gave a thumbs up. "Sure! I'll be your training partner! You're gonna need one for the future! You never know what bad guys are gonna show up."

Goku chuckled and patted both girls back. "Aww how cute! Hey, do you have a home Chay?"

Vegeta faceplanted and shook his head. "Kaka...I don't say this to you often anymore like I did, but are you stupid!? She just landed here you idiot! OF COURSE SHE'S NOT GONNA HAVE A HOME!!"

Goku held his hands up and shook his head. "I know Vegeta! I'm just asking! I want her to live with us!"


"We'll make it work! Besides, she needs to live somewhere right. She's only a kid. You don't want a kid to suffer right?"

"Well of course not! I just don't want another trouble maker in the house! I already have 1!"

"How about this...she lives her UNTIL she finds a home to live in. That'll mean she stays here for a couple years, and once she's old enough she can find a home for herself!"

Both males nodded and shook hands. Vegeta looked at Kaeta and sighed. "You better not make me regret this Son Kaeta OujiSama!"

Kaeta nodded and made her signature kitty face. "Don't worry daddy! I won't. Also I have a sissy now!"

"Yes you do. Welcome to the family Chayote!" Goku said, hugging the two girls.

Chayote smiled and hugged him and Kaeta. A new life had to happen somewhere right? She's glad that she landed on this planet. She's also thankful that the mountain was in the right location. 

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