Chapter 18 - In The Ekusutorīmuwākuauto.

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Nobody's POV-
(Hey! Look something new!)

Who could have thought Mr and Mrs Miller would be so cruel?

"You've been here for twelve hours now..." Mr Miller, or in our case, we'll call him Andrew, considering repeating 'Mr Miller' will get annoying eventually.

"Are you sure you won't say why you was all gone for a day?" Asked Leah, also know as, Mrs Miller, but again, could get annoying if used to much.

The girls didn't say anything, even under the frightening and strict gaze of their parents.

The adults looked around at their children.

Charlotte, the poor girl, she's been on two tall cement blocks that was spread out to make her do the splits, while one arm was up and the other was out in front and in both hands, where chopsticks in which she had to hold two eggs on and one on her head. She's been doing this for twelve hours, shaking, sweating and ready to break.

Lilly, her anger had to be tamed. On a bicycle, and knitting. Which doesn't sound so bad, if it wasn't for the fact that it was a toddlers bike and stood on the seat on one foot and she had to stay in one place and make a long blanket and has been doing this for twelve hours straight with no rest. Wobbly, tired and angry, almost ready to break.

Amy, keeping her balance, on a wooden plank that was also on a small ball, that was also on another piece of wood that was on small blocks of concrete, to which she had to keep in one place, if she didn't keep balance would fall of and hurt herself and was playing a came of tennis table between her self not allowing the ball to drop... Minimum the table... Did I mention the thing was spinning? Twelve hours, of sweat, nausea and panic, one would be ready to break.

Emily, she didn't have it as hard, but it was still pretty rough treatment. She's been on a chair that's on wheels and spins, she can't let it slide from under her and it just slowly spins... Doesn't sound too bad? Now just add her doing a handstand on it and holding onto the handles while keeping everything straight... Twelve hours of shaking, deep breaths and wobbling motions would make anyone break.

"How you holding up, girls?" Charlotte asked through gritted teeth, her hands shaking almost dropping the eggs.

Leah used a long ruler to hit the side of the tricycle Lilly was on, making her wobble and almost fall.

Lilly, in shock, shouts, "Ah!" I fear she would fall and receive a punishment, she finally answered "I ain't breaking if Amy ain't breaking."

'Way to spring it on me!' Amy thought, her mind screaming with panic and she continued to hit the ball, almost vomiting.

"Experiencing intense nausea, but not breaking." She said, feeling dizzy and ready to fall.

Andrew, grabbed the plank and spun it fast, to which Amy,exclaimed "whoow!!!" And had to stop it from falling and keep balance all while hitting the ball.

"Guys?" Emily said, smiling. To which gained everyone's attention, "I'm in the zone! There is literally nothing that could break me right now!" She stated.

Leah placed a Pizza Hut box on a table that was in the middle.

Almost immediately, Emily's straight posture, broke, making her arms bend a little, "Starting to break."

The girls looked at the pizza box, eyes wide, they all loved pizza, but nobody loved pizza as much as Emily.

"Of course, you've all tasted the five-cheese pizza." Leah started, walking around, looking at her daughters.

"But this, cheesemongers have speculated of its existence for centuries." Andrew added, eyeing his girls closely.

"Da Vinci's original masterpiece." Leah stated.

"I submit to you..." Andrew paused, for dramatic effect, which caught the attention of the sixteen year old girls who then looked at the box as if it was a goddess.

"...the 99-cheese pizza." Leah finished, throwing open the box lid, revealing the cheesy and saucy goodness, with hear steams coming off and the aroma of cheese, tomato and dough filled the room.

Emily could have sworn she heard the pizza angles singing a majestic melody.

"It's not possible." She gapped.

"Emily, it's a trap! A pizza with that variety of cheese is a culinary impossibility!" Amy said, panic in her voice, still hitting the ball and balancing.

Andrew smiled slyly and picked up a pizza slice, "Shall I list the ingredients?" He asked, moving closely.

"No." Emily turned her head.

"Cheddar..." Andrew started.

"Provolone..." Leah continued.

"Emily, don't you dare!" Lilly growled.

"Asiago..." Andrew listed.

"Keep it together!" Amy added.

"Parmesan..." Leah said.

"Don't break!" Charlotte shouted, non of the girls knew how much longer Emily could stand, let alone them selves.

"Taleggio..." Andrew continued, pushing it closer to his daughters face.

"I don't even know what that is." Whispered Emily, her eyes wide.

"Mozzarella, of course." Leah finished, which made her daughter crack.

"All right, all right, all right! Amy and Lilly was out and got into a fight with Hun and Amy fainted and these two sixteen year old boys took them to their home where there was a father and two other sixteen year old boys and took care of them, so we track the girls down and since Amy had fainted we stayed there for the day and the guys a really nice, but don't worry, non of us are hurt!" Emily said, gasping at the end from not breathing.

"So, you and Charlotte lied when you said they was at Tamra's?" Andrew asked, moving the wick closer to her.

"Yes! But to be faire! Lilly and Amy said they was at Blake's!"

Andrew took the pizza slice away from her.

"You are to never see the boys again! If you do you'll be back in here! You lied to us, so you'll be here for another hour! Then you'll go straight to your room without supper!"

"Yes father!" The girls shouted in Union and watched as their parents then say down and ate the pizza in front of them, as the girls shook and wobbled.

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