Chapter 24 - Leo Asks: Rejection or Acceptance

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Nobody's POV-

The team had gone out to patrol, they stood on a building looking out in the city.

"Alright team, let's split up! Donnie, Mikey head to Mr. Murakami's. Look for Foot Soldiers. Raph, go to the TCRI building, if any activity happens, call either one of us. I'll head South, towards the girls, I'll make sure they're OK." Leo ordered.

Raph rolled his eyes, "of course your the one to visit them, why can't I? I'm the one who got the shampoo in donuts! I would like to see Lilly after that."

Leo sighed, "because you saw her last night, Mikey saw Emily today, I haven't seen them in a while."

"And what about me?" Asked Donnie, glaring at the eldest.

"You'll see her soon." He answered, running off  before Donnie could reply.

After an hour of running, he got to the Miller's. He went straight to Charlottes room and knocked.

The said teenage girl opened get window and smiled upon seeing Leo.

"Hey Captain Leo." She greeted, using a nickname she used over time for him.

"Hi Space Girl." He smiled, entering her room.

"What brings you here? You should be patrolling." Charlotte said, authority in her voice.

Leo chuckled, "I am, I'm protecting you and your sisters."

The teen girl smiled, "awe, that's so thoughtful."

Leo blushed, "I know we've only known each other for a couple of months and we hang out a lot. I know I'm a mutant and your human but, I feel this connection and- and-" he rubbed his face in frustration, "ugh, this is so stupid. I'm sorry, you must already be taken... I'm so stupid."

He went to jump out, but Charlotte stopped him.

"If you're asking me out, my answer is yes."

Leo froze, "you're serious?"

Charlotte nodded, "I'm single, well was, no point denying I fell for you. So... Yes."

Leo smiled and shouted, "yes!!!" He threw his arms up and fell backwards, off the railing.

"I'm ok!"

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