Chapter 3 - Explain to the Braniac

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Amy's POV-

I'd snuck out the house about an hour ago, in search for the man in green and purple.

So, my nightly routine.

I was sat on a building ledge, in a street called Goulding Road.

I was looking out for the man that saved my life. I've recently been trying to get in danger so the mystery man can come to the rescue... I never can.

I got up, thinking its a no show, like every night.

I sighed deeply, as I started to walk, only to stop again.

I heard a sobbing.

I got out my black Swiss Army Knife from my pocket, a gift I got from Lilly when I turned thirteen. She taught me the basics on how to use it, and where to aim for, although she is more skilled then me, she knows I'm nervous so she told me to put two needles in my collar.

Which I was honestly confused about.

She explained to me, that I would possibly go for the needles and head straight for their eyes out of panic.

Obviously, with the Swiss Army Knife, you aim for the Angular Jugular Vein in the neck.

The sobbing came from behind a billboard, so I slowly walked towards it.

I jumped behind it, the army knife aiming at it, or rather she.

I never though I'd see this, Lilly, sobbing.

I moved to her and sat next to her wrapping my arm around her.

"Hey Lils, what happened?"

She looked at me with glossy, puffy, red eyes.

"C-Charlotte called me a-a LIABILITY!!!" She cried.

I was shocked, Char's never gotten that mad at anyone!

"It's not true! You helped me with defence! You make sure Em isn't bored! You help Char by being the second eldest!"

She started calming down.

"You right! Oh and Ames... You tell anyone I was crying I will hurt you" she threatened.

I smiled, there's Lilly!

"We should get back." I said.

She nodded but then stopped and looked at me.

"Why are you out here? When did you come out?"

I gulped, oh stars! She's gonna laugh!

"I uh, was looking for that green man..."

She smiled, "found him yet?"

I shook my head, no.

She smirked, "we should go."

"Right." We got up and was ready to head off.


We stood still and ran to the direction of the voice.

We stood over an alley, seeing a lady, on the floor, wearing a red dress, her sleeve down.

"Hey! Come on girly! Strip!"

The lady cried.

It was Hun who said that, he's a Purple Dragon- let me rephrase that!

He's the leader of the Purple Dragons, he's really stooping that low? Getting a poor lady to strip?!

Now we aren't heroes, but we want to help!

Lilly pounded her first in her hand.

"Needed a punching toy." She smirked.

I nodded.

"We gonna go in?"

She nodded, I signalled to drop in and we did.

Me landing behind Hun and Lilly landing in between him and the girl.

"Back off Hun." She growled.

"Lilly, so nice of you to drop by..." He smirked lowering his sun glasses.

I fake coughed.

"I wouldn't hurt her if I was you, she saved your sorry butt once." I crossed my arm.

Hun smirked.

"Two Millers? And it isn't even your leader... It's the hot head and nerd."

I could see Lilly's eye twitching in anger.

I signalled 'no!' With my eyes.

She ignored me and pounced on Hun, the girl running away.


Hun threw Lilly off.

"Oh! No that's ok!" Lilly said "it's not like we saved you!"

Hun headed towards her and she smirked.

She pointed behind him.

He turned and met my fist!

"Hun, meet Amy's fist, Amy's fist, meet Hun!"

I laughed and moved to the right next to her.

Five other Purple Dragons came out of nowhere.

Fong, Tsoi, Sid and two new people, who I think are called, Mark and Sean.

We gulped and got in a fighting position.

A big stick came out of the shadows and hit Fong knocking him down.

"Was that a Bō Staff?!" I whispered, the Bō man hit Sid, then a flash of green and purple.

"Oh stars!" It's him, I looked to my left to see her gone.


"Duck!!!" I did and Hun came flying past me.

"Nobody throughs me!" She said, growling.

"Look out!" I shouted, seeing Tsoi behind her.

She turned and gasped.

I kept over her, knocking out Tsoi, by kicking him in the face.

I felt a presence behind us, so I turned around and saw the new guys Mark and Sean.

They was about to shoot, but two things, hit them, knocking them out.

"Woah! Sais!" Said Lilly, her arms crossed.

A car came by with its might on and we saw a flash of green with one purple and the other red.

Lilly put a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh... remember how I didn't believe you?" She asked shaking.

I nodded, nervous.

"No I do!" She said, I fainted from shock.

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