Chapter 7 - Oh No

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Charlottes POV-

Jumping down the man-hole, into the sewer, I got a whiff of sewage, rotten eggs, with three year old rotting pizza with all of my sisters weird toppings on, mayonnaise, ketchup, nachos and cheddar cheese, with BBQ sauce and olives...

Yes, we are related.

"Ugh, it smells like an old man in here!" Emily groaned.

"How would you know how that smelt like?"

"Duh! Dad."

"That is very disrespectful... But I can't disagree." I looked back down.

A red and purple dot. The red is Lilly and the purple is Amy. We are about an hour away from their location.

Emily looked at me "Dudette, what do you think they're doing in the sewers?!" She asked, disgust in her voice as she stood in another pile of....... You know what, I'm not even gonna say it!

"I honestly don't know..." I said, why could they have gone down here?

"Oh! You don't think Amy took this 'strange hero' thing seriously and took it down to the sewers, do you?"

I shrugged, "it makes sense. She's so content on finding this... 'Hero'... But why would Lilly be here?"

"Oh that's simple dudette! She's angry as death at you for calling her a 'lability'... Seriously though, why'd you call her that? It's like a curse word."

I didn't mean to, it just slipped out... I was angry, so very angry, I couldn't help it...

"I was angry... She... She has called me a liability, but that still doesn't give me a right... I'll apologies once we find her."

"We almost there?!" Emily whined.

I sighed "thirty minutes."

She whined "whyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!"

"Shut up."

We walked in silence until we finally got to the place, it was a hole and furniture in... As if it was a home...

I saw Lilly and Amy with... Two mutant... Things?

There was a green and blue banded mutant and a green and red banded mutant.

"Are you making fun of him?" asked the red guy in anger.

"Awe look it's another you, Lilly." Amy laughed.

Lilly screamed, "What?! I'm nothing like that hot-headed idiot!"

"I think your the hothead here little miss grump!" He retaliated.

Amy laughed "you guys just proved my point!"

"Keep telling yourself that flat chest." Growled Lils.

"Can you guys please be quiet?" Asked the blue mutant, who was engrossed in the cartoon.

Ohshitalkimushrooms! It's Space Heroes!!! I'm trying not to scream in excitement.

"Captain, what are we going to do?!" SLAP! "Thank you captain."

"Now, we must get to the Zurklaford! It's the only way to save MegaNala!" Shouted Captain Ryan, folding his arms and looking into space.

Oh my lord! It's Space Heroes episode 380 Return to MegaNala!

Right, Charlotte not the time!

"Why do you can watch Space Nerds?" Asked the Red.

Lilly laughed.

"You do realise that they lied to us? And are here?" Whispered Emily.

Oh yeah! They did, so we did the most normal thing. We walked out, into the... Living room?

"Lilly. Amy." I said in a low and firm voice.

The red and blue looked over at us in shock.

"Charlotte?! Emily?!" Screamed Amy in horror, standing up and then Lilly by her side.

"We wanted to find you. We was worried! We thought an evil, giant, fire breathing, winged, squirrel! That could-"

"Shut up, Emily." Groaned Lilly, in annoyance. She looked at me and the annoyance turned to anger.

"Oh for god sake! I can't seem to get anywhere without you being on my ass!"

I glared "well, maybe if you wouldn't-"

"Oh shut up! You aren't mother or father! So called fearless leader! Can't even let me go out without you freaking out!"

"Oh well maybe if the hothead who went out, wouldn't lie about where she is, along with Amy, then nobody would be in this mess!"

"Correction Space Nerd, the only reason we're in this mess I the first place is because-"

"Guys!" Shouted Amy, "your making a horrible first impression!"

Me and Lilly stopped our little glaring competition and looked around.

"You are so like Raph and Leo!" Laughed an orange banded thing.

"Who and what are you?" Asked Emily.

"Well..." Started Lilly.

Amy looked at them and pointed to them, as well as a new thing? who had a purple bandana. "That's Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey."

They all waved awkwardly.

"Ok, and what are they?" I asked, giving them a wary look.

"Well, sis they're ninjas" said Amy.

"They're mutants!" Lilly added, look angry.

"Technically, they're turtles" Amy said to Lilly.

"Oh! And They're teenagers!" Lilly quickly said.

"But they can still have adult conversations!" Smirked Amy, making Lilly and Emily laugh, while I looked in discussed.

"So, they're Ninja Mutant Turtle Teenagers?"

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds stupid." Lilly said, in an obvious tone.

We looked to see them staring at us.

"HEY DUDES! I'm Emily! If you couldn't already tell!" Laughed my little sister, getting way to comfortable with them.

"Hey dudette! I'm Mikey! Wanna hang?!" As 'Mikey'.

"Sure dude!" She said as they ran to his room.

"I'm Charlotte." I looked at Lilly.

"Look Lilly-"

"I know what your about to say, and I don't care. I know I ain't no liability!"

I walked up to the blue masked guy, as I watched Lilly sit back down.

Amy sat next to her and went on her phone.

"Uh Leo? Was it?"

"Yes" he said, smiling.

"Could i watch 'Return to MegaNala' with you?" I asked, he smiled.

"Sure!" I sat down, we'll go back later. I'll ask my sisters what happened tomorrow.

I already have another question in mind.

Can I trust them?

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