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Usually during the summer, Lucy would drag me to the community pool or to the local park, but every Friday I was being forced to go to therapy. Timmy died, I didn't react and my parents thought I was seriously damaged. And truthfully, so did I. But I wasn't about to talk to some stranger about my feelings. 

The first session was a waste. An hour of him coloring, trying to get me to join in, was completely pointless. He didn't get anything out of me. Second session he gave me a Gameboy, expecting me to pick it up and play. But video games don't interest me, I like maths and sciences and school related stuff. I don't have time to get "lost" in a stupid video game. Third session he was finally cracking down. He tried to get me to talk by just talking to me. 

"Jared, that's an interesting name. Ever wondered why your parents named you that?" He asked.

And I just stared at him with an annoyed and weirded out look. 

"Right, okay. Well, my parents named be Kyle because they thought they were being original. Obviously not, everyone's name is Kyle."

"Not mine." Yeah I finally said something. I kind of felt bad for the man, he's been trying so hard.

He smiled, like he made a break through, but I have a plan. It's kind of cold, but I'm bored. Basically, I'm going to give him tiny bits of me speaking with things that won't be able to help him and then I'll just stop. I plan to really fuck with his head. I'm hoping by the end of the summer, he has to get his own therapy. I said I'm bored. 

"You're right! Now, what kind of things do you like?"

I just stared at him. Nothing to say. 

"Right," he seemed hopeless, "fun fact about me, I actually minored in this, my major was maths and well, finding a job in that is impossible."

He majored in maths? Fuck. This changes everything. My game turned on me/

"I mean you obviously don't care about that. You're a kid, school isn't your thing just yet."

"I actually prefer maths to anything else. Well, that and the law."

"Law? Seriously? How old are you again?"


He looked shocked, "that's amazing."

"Yeah, I'm already saving up for law school."

"Law school? I wish I could've gotten into law school."

I nodded, "my IQ is 168."

"Mine's 115. I can't believe a 14 year old is smarting than me."

"I can." I replied.

"That's because you're a genius."

"A high genius. I assume they gave up on naming after they came up with genius."

"Incredible. I'm blown away. However, that does explain the way you've been acting. Not crying at the funeral, not talking to me, seeming bored, you were probably trying to drive me insane."

"That won't hold up in court."

"This whole time I just thought I sucked at my job."

"I mean you kind of do."

"And being blunt, how could I forget that?"

I was about to say something about his IQ, but he stopped me. Told me not to answer that. I can't believe I'm saying this, but he won. He beat my own game. He got slightly through to me. Summer was finally over and high school was just beginning. Lily tried to freak Lucy and I out, but we knew better or at I did. 

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