Meet The Family

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I ran as far as I could, far into the forest hiding from the police hiding from everything that wanted to hang me for me crimes. I didn't remember most of it, I just remember the faces, the faces of people in fear for their life, did I really kill all those people they announced on the news? I was coughing, choking, gasping trying to breathe. As I ran farther into the forest I fell down hearing a click-snap, I screamed in pain my leg was caught by a bear trap, I never felt such pain like this but I felt like I was being watched, I want to get out but I can even turn to look at it the bear trap. The sudden I stop whimpering I heard a branch on the forest floor snap and swoosh something was here with me and it was behind me very close. My whole body was covered in the leave from where they fell on me and I covered my head breathe slower than ever. It was tall just by seeing its shadow pass in front of me, a never ending shadow, but when it got close enough to know I wasn't just a pile of leaves, I passed out from the blood lost and exhaustion.

Two Days Later......
I woke up in a large room, the walls were wood, the bed was in a dark shade of brown, the pillows were a pale yellow. When I tired to sit up I was slowly brought back down to the pillows "You're  still not healthy enough to get out of bed" and strong deep voice said. I look at them, short brown hair flipped to the side, business man type hair, dark brown eyes, kinda the same color of the bed sheets, a tannish yellow jacket, he had a cigarette in his mouth not lit just sitting there, there was a mask on the desk beside him a white mask with black feminine lips and black rings around the eyes."Stay still, this will hurt." He pours some alcohol on the wounds the bear trap left on me I groan in pain, the stinging feeling shot up into my leg. I passed out again but he said something as my hearing and sight slowly started to fade into sleep, " Looks like another day,-sighs- I guess I'll let slender know about this." who was he talking about, who slender? I couldn't comprehend on anything right now all I know is I'm healing and asleep in this room.

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