Supper With The Whole Family (Part 2)

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Authors Notes: Hello my candy corn children, I'm sorry I haven't updated I didn't have internet and my iPad got taken for three weeks but I got it back yesterday and I found some wifi so I redownload everything...they swiped my iPad clean from EVERYTHING I had on it so, thank the gods for still having my watt pad password, anyways XD ENJOY!!

I saw the Slenderman, he was real. The things people have face, white as snow, tall as a tree,wearing an old black suit with a newly bright red's all true, I just stood there starring up at the silent being. finally spoke " Hello Jones, welcome home." I stare at him confused then I flinch as he kneels down to hand me something, a little black and white box, I open hand a necklace in it with an oval shaped glass that had a circle with and X through it in the middle of the oval glass. He turns me around and puts it around my neck. It clicks together in the back, then I, calm mostly like I was actually home. I look over at the guy that brought me here..'shit' I mentally curse myself, I never even ask what his name was, and as if Slenderman could hear my thoughts  he puts a hand on my shoulder "His name is Tim, or you can call him Masky." The looks over then scratches the back of his head. I nod smiling holding my hand out properly to shake his, he looks up and shakes it then grips onto my hand and pulls me into an unexpected hug. "You are part of the family, a hug would rather be more proper." I nod in agreement after he lets me go and goes out the door. I look up to see Slenderman behind me "He's going to make dinner, tonight we are eating lasagna." I smile since it was one of my favorite dinners. I walk out of the room and I look over to the kitchen were Tim is making lasagna from scratch, I look at my phone to see the time, 3:30 pm,good time to start making it from scratch, I walk to him and I wash my hands taking off my heavy jacket revealing the some what large lumps on my chest, Tim looks over and his eyes go wide. I guess he thought I was a guy, but I don't take it offensively since I have more of my...fathers looks. His face is covered in blush and he looks down fixing the dough for the lasagna, I walk over to a little sauce pan and I start making the sauce, when I was reading the recipe I felt eyes on me, Tim was starring at me trying to figure out how I manage to hide my chest, I turned around and look him straight in the eyes" If you need to say something about my body say it instead of having your mouth open like that." I snapped at him, I guess he hadn't realized his mouth was hung open, he inhales and exhales slowly then he speaks. "I didn't realize you were a woman but now since I know I guess I owe you an apology. So, here it is, I am sorry I thought you were a man and now that it's revealed your a woman I'd like to compliment you by saying...t-that.. Your uh..chest looks..firmandplumpandverybeautiful." He couches and turns away from me his face red, my face had a light blush on it, but I turn around too and start stirring in some seasonings into the sauce , after 20 minutes of silence I finally said something to him."Thank you, for saying such nice things, I'm sorry if you feel like you're an asshole but you don't seem it so don't think it." He looked up and smileys, then he put the first layer of dough into the pan I poured some sauce I it then some cheese, this went on for about 30 minutes until it was finished and filled. Tim put it in the over for 18 minutes, by the time I looked at my time on my phone again it was 5:30 pm time flies when you make dinner I guess, I went over and made the table, which I shall remind you this table was as large as a kings table so there was a lot of people, good thing we had to make three pans of this since it all wouldn't fit in one...or two. The 18 minutes were up and as soon as the 'ding' echoed in the house the dining room was filled with..other people..or at least some of them were people once but there was three seats left two beside each other and one right in the middle beside a young girl with blood clots in her hair wearing pink pajamas holding a muddy teddy bear. I sat in one of the empty chairs next to the boy wearing googles, Tim took the spot right on the other side of me, Slenderman took the spot right in front of me that was in the middle and the young girl hugged him, I wonder if it's his daughter.

An hour later....
After cleaning up and doing the dishes with Sally, I finally asked her for her name and everything...the poor child died horribly and came back evilly, but she's nice to the family and me so nothing bad will happen ever...hopefully.
I look at the time on my phone and see it 8:50 pm, WHAT THE FUCK where did the time go?!?! I guess doing all the dishes and playing with Sally, I yawn and Sally walks into Slenders office and walks back out in Slenders arm asleep as he walks up stairs to her room, I walk into Tims' room since he wanted to share with me as I walk in the, Tim walks out of the bathroom in his plaid pajamas taking a washcloth drying his hair, I look over and see a black and white drawer, knowing it was for me I open it seeing my clothes already folded neatly and clean, I grab my black baggy shirt and my semi short black pajama pants and slip into the bathroom putting them on and walking back out seeing Tim in bed asleep already, I walked over and grabbed a pillow and went to sleep on the floor before Tim woke up looking at me," Hey,this is your room too, you're sleeping in the bed." I nod and grab the pillow and throw blanket crawling into the bed as Tims rolls over falling back asleep. I lay there for a couple minutes then I finally fall into a peaceful deep sleep.

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