Chapter 100

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Shocked by what had just happened in front of their very eyes, the search party all gasped at the same time. Well, a majority of the search party. Chloe didn't have any looks of surprise or horror on her face as she sat down and wrapped her tail neatly around her paws. "Okay, the secret route was DEATH..." she commented. A few of the others looked over at the gray tabby as she got to her feet and began to walk away, still talking, "Well, that's that I guess."

"Come on!" Pops' voice suddenly called, bringing everyone's attention back to the solar panel. Turning towards Buddy with confuion written all over his face, Mel questioned, "He's alive?!"

"Nah, must be his ghost," Buddy replied.

"Only one way to find out," Gidget declared, rushing over to the edge of the solar panel. Before he could be hissed or growled at by one of the others, Tiberius followed her. One by one, the others came over to as they crowded around the edge of the solar panel and peered down. Laying on his side upon a window washer's scaffolding, Pops was alive and well. Chloe huffed in annoyance. Looking up at the search party, the elderly basset hound ordered, "Get down here!" Not needing any further invitation, the group jumped down, minus Sweetpea and Chloe. Getting to his paws, Pops stated, "Buckle up."

"But there's no seatbelts sir," Norman squeaked. A moment later, Chloe came crashing down, almost landing on Tiberius. Sweetpea flew down behind her. Everyone else got settled down, most not even wondering why Pops had said to buckle up. All the while, the elderly basset hound was moving towards two buttons. Just as Tiberius was thinking that something was off, the old dog pressed the green button.

The window washer's scaffolding rocketed down at lightning speed.

Screaming at the top of their lungs, the search party grabbed a hold of anything they could get their paws on. After what was the scariest three seconds of their life, they crashed down on another roof. The door opened, revealing a bunch of terrified animals. Buddy had fallen over while Gidget, Mel and Sweetpea were petrified. They all were petrified. Norman looked like he had a heart attack and Chloe's tail and Tiberius's wings were sticking straight up in the air. Unfazed, Pops walked off and called over his shoulder, "Keep moving." Shaking, Gidget followed him off.

"Guys, I think I saw my life flash before my eyes..." Mel murmured, adding, "Man I haven't done anything with it." Chloe, Buddy and Sweetpea slowly turned their heads towards the pug while Tiberius was struggling to lower his wings.

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