Chapter 104

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"Let's do that again!" Norman squeaked, having had landed on the very top of the pile. Below him, the other pets groaned in protest. They were all under Chloe. "I think you broke something..." Buddy whimpered, his body twisted and crushed under the weight of the obese tabby cat. Trying to pull himself out but failing miserably, Mel whined, "I can't feel a thing! I've lost the feeling in my legs!" Standing off to the side where he had safely avoided the pileup laying before him, Pops raised an eyebrow in question. One of the only ones who wasn't stuck under the fat cat known as Chloe, Sweetpea got up to his feet. However, he had hit his head on a rock when he had fallen out of the tube and thus, after spinning on one foot, collapsed.

Buried under a majority of the search party, Gidget could feel someone moving underneath her. Glancing down, she caught a glimpse of reddish brown feathers attached to a certain red tailed hawk's wing. Realizing that they had all just fallen down upon Tiberius, the fluffy white Pomeranian barked, "Everyone, get up!" Laying on her back while Norman slid off her stomach, Chloe mumbled, "Do I have to cuz I'm really tired and I don't want to move a-"

"NOW!" Gidget ordered.

"Here, I'll help you down Rhonda," Pops spoke softly, strolling over and holding a paw out towards Chloe. Mel and Buddy looked at the elderly basset hound, wondering why he wasn't offering them any help. Her green eyes widening in terror, Chloe rolled away from Pops, causing Buddy to cry out in pain as his entire back cracked. Mel dragged himself off the pile before going over to help the dachshund. Hopping off her best friend, Gidget looked down at Tiberius as he wheezed. Gasping for air, he whimpered, "I think you guys broke my spine or something..." He tried to get to his feet but pain ran all over him like a wildfire. Patting him on the shoulder, Gidget mumbled, "Hold still. I think your back might be out of place."

"It is. I've seen many a patient who put their backs out," Pops piped up.

"What do you mean hold-" Tiberius never got to finish his sentence as Gidget karate chopped the middle of his back, causing him to screech in pain as he felt something pop back into place. At least he could now get up. Stumbling at first, the hawk grumbled as he became steady on his feet, "We are never doing anything like that death trap ever again."

"Hey, can I get a karate chop to my back too?" Buddy asked where he was laying stretched out on his stomach. Mel, Norman and Sweetpea were giving him a back massage. Huffing, Chloe shooed the trio away before suddenly sitting down on Buddy, causing an ear splitting pop as his back was fixed. The dachshund couldn't even howl in pain, his voice lost somewhere in his throat. Getting off of him, the tabby murmured, "Problem solved."

Rolling his eyes, Pops cleared his throat and stated, "Welcome to the sewers youngsters." At that moment, the group noticed that they were standing in front of a drainage pipe. Heading towards it, the basset hound added, "Come on slowpokes." Following him, an awful odor greeted the gang, causing them to hold their breath. "What is that smell?!" Buddy questioned. Not looking back, Pops answered, "It's poo poo with a dash of caw caw."

"Whatever the heck that's supposed to mean..." Chloe muttered.

"When we're done here, I'm getting a new nose," Mel noted.

"Me too."

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