Chapter 117

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"Are we near the exit yet?" Buddy asked five minutes later. The search party was still following Pops through the dark tunnels of the sewers. The pets were at least beginning to talk again but that didn't mean everything was sunshine and rainbows. Everyone had lost track of how long they had been wandering around. Tiberius figured that at least an hour or so had passed. He was also feeling sick and his head ached badly. Luckily for him and everyone else, Pops finally announced the words that they all had been dying to hear, "Found it! We're getting out of here!" The group crowded around the elderly basset hound while he pressed against a grate with all of his strength. The grate opened up and the outside world greeted the search party with open arms. Seeing how low the sun was, Tiberius was surprised by how much time passed. It had been one long and stressful day for all of them.

"That rabbit... he had crazy eyes. Ain't no curing what's wrong with that thing!" Pops declared as he led the group into a community garden. Chloe dragged herself out of the sewers while Sweetpea landed beside her. Mel and Buddy panted while Gidget flopped down on the grass, looking exhausted and defeated. Recalling the harsh argument they had in the sewers earlier, Tiberius felt a twinge of regret in his heart. He wanted to make amends but he hadn't a clue of how. Plus, he was dying anyway. What was the point? All the hawk wanted to do now was head home where he could hopefully die in peace after the stress he had to put up with all day. Taking a step forward, the old hawk piped up, "Gidget, here's an idea. Maybe there's a dog in the city that looks like Max. Start hanging out with him. After awhile, you'll think it's him and we'll be done."

The scowl Gidget gave him made Tiberius's heart break. He was already regretting his words and wishing he could take them back but it was too late for that. He really wanted to go home now. The old hawk didn't bother looking at the other pets to see what their reactions were. His eyes were only focused on Gidget who suddenly jumped to her feet, startling everyone. Her head held high, she stated firmly, "We are NOT just giving up! We're dedicated! We're loyal! We're easily the greatest pet in the world! We're DOGS!" Having been inspired by her speech for the first half, Tiberius's spirits fell at the last part. He wasn't the only one who thought there was something wrong.

"Cat," Chloe piped up, raising her paw.

"Hawk," Tiberius reminded Gidget.

Sweetpea chirped.

Spinning around to face the three animals, Gidget declared, "Well today you're dogs, whether you like it or not." Motivated once again, Tiberius murmured, "Sweet." The fluffy white Pomeranian wasn't done inspiring the others yet though as she went on, "Now let's find Max before that rabbit does. Break! WE'RE DOGS!" Without another word, she spun around and knocked over a gnome as she headed for the gate doors to the community garden, bursting through them with ease. The others followed her while Tiberius let out a screech. Little did they know they accidentally left Pops behind as he tried to catch up but tripped over his ears. Racing alongside Gidget, Chloe asked, "What's the plan?"

A crash immediately followed those words.

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