Chapter 121

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"He's back!" Mel yipped, the first to see Tiberius. Everyone looked up just as the old hawk threw Ozone and Nitro on the ground in front of them. Landing nearby, he didn't say a word as he began walking towards a dark corner. Pausing when he got next to Chloe and Gidget, he growled at the tabby, "How's that for a predator not coming back, domestic?" That earned the red tail a fierce glare from the cat but he didn't care as he continued towards the dark corner. Watching him, Gidget had a sad look on her face. She knew instantly right then and there that he had heard every word that Chloe had said. It left her heart broken in pieces. Meanwhile, the others were marveling at the two cats Tiberius had brought with him.

"Uh, what exactly is that thing?" Buddy asked, pointing a shaky paw at Ozone. Chirping nervously, Sweetpea hid between the dachshund's front paws when he noticed that Nitro was staring at him with hunger glistening in his light green eyes. Tilting his head to the side inquisitively, Mel asked Ozone, "Are you an alien?"

"I'm a Sphynx cat," Ozone grumbled.

"Say what now?" Mel and Buddy said at the same time, their eyes widening in shock. Looking very disgusted that there was a breed of cat in the world that could look like what stood before, Chloe mumbled, "I officially hate this day and my life..." Squinting at first, Pops' face lit up when he recognized the pair in front of him. Smiling happily, the elderly basset hound greeted them by their nicknames, "Hey Black, hey Hairless. Long time no see."

"I think you got the better nickname Nitro," Ozone muttered.

"Remember me?" Gidget asked, trotting up to the felines. Horror flashing across his face within a second, Ozone crumbled to his knees before the fluffy white Pomeranian and exclaimed, "I already told you where the small dog went! Please let me live!" Nitro and the other animals gathered around in the small clearing amongst the towering apartment buildings slowly looked down at the Sphynx cat. Rolling her sky blue eyes in annoyance, Gidget explained gently to both cats, "I already know where Max is. I just want to know what the rabbit is planning to do with him."

"That's it?" Ozone questioned, no longer yowling. He and Nitro glanced at each other. But none of them said a word about any plans. They just looked at one another then up at Gidget. Watching from the dark corner where he was resting on a wooden crate, Tiberius lost his patience. Growling, he quickly flew over and landed in front of the pair. Getting right up in Ozone's face, the old red tailed hawk snapped, "Just tell us the plans already ya measly walking stick! We can do this either the easy way... or the hard way!" With the last part, he gestured towards Gidget.

Glancing at each other, Ozone and Nitro meowed at the same time, "Easy way."

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