Chapter 134

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"I call shotgun!" Mel and Buddy barked at the same time. The two best friends raced towards the taxi cab, hoping to get the seat they wanted. Following them, Tiberius could see that the tattooed pig was in the driver seat. There was no sign of the bearded dragon but the hawk guessed he was somewhere inside the taxi cab.

"Guys, move over! I want the shotgun seat too!" Chloe meowed, trotting over. Jumping inside the taxi, the gray tabby cat muttered, "There's enough room for the three of us." A stray ferret who followed her chimed in, "There's enough room for everyone in here!"

"Scoot over Porkchop! Elderly dog coming through!" Pops ordered, squeezing himself into the driver's seat beside the tattooed pig. Max, Gidget and the huge mutt climbed into the backseat behind the driver's seat. They were joined by some of the Flushed Pets. Chloe, Mel and Buddy soon found themselves sharing the shotgun seat. Sweetpea was perched on the rear view mirror. Snowball took a seat on the dashboard.

"Wait, we can ride on the outside of the taxi?!" Norman exclaimed, seeing how the crocodile with a hamster on his head had climbed onto the back of the taxi. Climbing up on top as well, a stray iguana remarked, "Yes you can."

"Is that safe?" Chloe asked from inside the taxi. The stray iguana didn't answer her question. There was no changing Norman's mind anyway. He was already taking a seat at the very front of the taxi cab, looking very happy with himself. The other pets prayed he would hold on tight, for his safety. Wanting to be on the outside of the taxi as well despite the obvious danger, Tiberius flew up and landed beside the iguana.

"Hang on everyone!" the tattooed pig called out. That was the animals' only warning before the taxi cab lurched forward. It sped along the streets of Manhattan, breaking several traffic laws in the process. At one point, Tiberius thought he could hear a man hailing for a taxi. But it was hard to tell with the music blaring. Besides, it didn't matter anyway. Loving the wind that blew in his face as they drove through the night, Tiberius smiled. This was nice. He was so lost in the moment that he didn't notice that the crocodile had fallen off.

The moment was ruined when the taxi cab crashed into a no parking sign.

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