Chapter 18

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Knowing that whoever it was coming that way was just gonna pass right on by, Thunder ignored the footsteps, keeping his eyes shut. Just then, he heard the footsteps stop right in front of the cage. The hawk's feathers bristled slightly in a mixture of agitation and fear. He tried his best to make it look like he was sound asleep. "You poor little guys..." a kind voice spoke softly. It seemed to coax Thunder to lift his head and look at who was talking to him and Rain. A pair of blue eyes hidden by glasses gazed right into his light brown ones.

It was an older man, probably in his mid fifties. He didn't have much hair on the top of his head and there were wrinkles under his eyes. Yet he had a kind face. He had knelt down so he could be eye level with the two hawks inside the birdcage on top of a small table. His eyes, blue with a hint of green like the pictures of the sea that Thunder had seen, flashed with sympathy when he saw the muzzle on the young hawk. By now, Rain had woken up and seen the old man looking at them as well. All three of them silently gazed at each other, the hawks looking at the man while he looked back at them. They were so focused on each other that they all jumped when Phil spoke, "You interested in them or just want to hold a staring contest with them?"

"Why is this one wearing a muzzle?" the old man asked, pointing at Thunder. Rubbing the back of his neck with one meaty hand, Phil replied, "Cuz he doesn't know how to behave himself around people, kept biting them first week I put them up for sale. Bit a little boy's finger clean off. After that, I put the muzzle on."

"Is there a reason provoking his actions?"

"None that I know of. He just needs to learn how to behave and this is the only way."

Biting his lip, the old man asked, "Can I hold him for a moment? Please?" Both hawks and Phil looked at him like he was crazy. Sighing heavily, Phil mumbled, "Don't say I didn't warn ya if he claws ya." Quietly opening the cage, he stepped back while the old man quietly reached in and picked up Thunder. Freaking out, the young hawk tried to bite his arm but the muzzle wouldn't allow him. His talons dug into the man's jacket. "Easy, I'm not trying to hurt ya little one," the old man spoke softly, gently cradling the small hawk in his arms. Surprised that he wasn't crying out in pain or anything, the hawk began to settle down a little. Watching, Phil murmured, "I never seen him act like this around people."

"That's because you haven't showed him any signs that he can trust you or anyone else. Trust is key," the old man replied as he gently placed Thunder back in the cage beside Rain. While Phil closed the cage door before they could get out, the old man noticed how the hawks' ribs somewhat showed. Clearing his throat, he asked, "What are you feeding them?"

"Steak. Tiny pieces of it," Phil answered.

Rubbing his forehead as he sighed heavily, the old man murmured, "When do you feed them that?"

"Night, after I close up shop."

"And how old were they when you got them?"

"They were a week old. I put them up for sale a month later."

"And how long have they been here?"

"A year now."

"So they're now thirteen months?"

"I guess..."

"Ever take them out of the cage?"

"The one bites. Why would I do that?!"

"Have they been in this same birdcage since they got here?"

"I put them in that when I first put them on sale."

"Never put them in a different cage?"

"Nope. Never needed to. See, they're small enough to fit."

"That's because they're malnourished. Been in the same cage for a year and only fed once a day and with steak?! They're not going to get bigger with a lifestyle like that. And the fact is you have both in a very small cage. There's no room for them at all."

"What do you suggest I do? I can't just-"

"How much do they cost?"

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