Chapter 84

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He didn't have to wait very long as Tiberius felt the small dog grab the top part of his hood. With a gentle tug, she pulled off with ease. His vision now accessible, the hawk looked down upon the stranger inside his shed. It was a fluffy white Pomeranian with bright sky blue eyes and a small pink bow on the top of her head. Silently thanking her with a smile, he slowly began to rise to his full height. Her face turning from one of happiness to horror, the Pomeranian let out a gasp. Spreading his wings open, Tiberius screeched before lunging forward. Yelping, the small dog raced for the door.

The chase was on.

Fleeing the shed much faster than when she had entered it, the Pomeranian had almost been caught by Tiberius. Having had to stop before he could break his wings by slamming them into the doorway, the red tailed hawk gripped the sides of the shed door and stretched his neck forward. All he got was a mouthful of fur. Noting that the Pomeranian at least knew something about hygiene better than the rodents that he had eaten, the hawk spat out the fur and let out an angry screech. Opening his wings again, he flew after the running Pomeranian. She stole a glance over her shoulder to see that he was catching up fast. Screaming, she forced herself to run faster. Closing in on his prey rapidly, Tiberius's eyes narrowed as he screeched a third time and outstretched his talons. Just a few more centimeters and he would have a wonderful snack...

Just then, Tiberius's right foot was yanked back forcefully. Collapsing on the ground, the hawk recalled bitterly of the chain. He should've remembered that. Laying sprawled out on the rooftop now, he could only watch as the Pomeranian ran behind a metal exhaust. Groaning in pain, he cried out, "The chain!" Peering around the metal exhaust, the Pomeranian's blue eyes narrowed as she growled, "Oh! You tried to eat me?!" Not wanting to lose this once in a lifetime meal, Tiberius's mind scrambled to come up with a backup plan. Hatching an idea, he played his card carefully. Getting up on his feet, he pulled off an ashamed look on his face as he cried, "I'm sorry!"

"You should be sorry! You deserve to be locked up!" the fluffy white Pomeranian shouted angrily, a harsh tone in her voice as she took a few steps towards Tiberius. Backing away quickly while the hawk secretly continued his act, she barked, "You're a bad bad bird!" The red tailed hawk flinched when he heard those words. His mind traveled back to the days of old when he had been teased constantly by the other birds in the pet store and by the countless animals that had wondered up onto the rooftop towards their deaths. Desperate to catch the dog, he defended himself with the truth, "I can't help it! I was born with killer instincts!"

"That is just no excuse!" the Pomeranian snapped, holding her head high and standing her ground bravely. A wildfire as fierce as a rampaging lion blazed in her sky blue eyes. Fearing that he was going to lose, Tiberius bowed his head shamefully as he whimpered, "You're right. Even for a predator, I'm selfish. I'm a selfish predator!" Trembling slightly as he cast a sorrowful expression towards the fluffy white Pomeranian, the old red tailed hawk went on, "It's no wonder I have no friends. Nobody..." Summoning a few fake tears, he mumbled, "This is hopeless..." Fake crying, Tiberius glanced over at the small dog to see if his plan was working.

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