Chapter 96

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"Thank you so much Mr. Pops! You won't believe how much this means to me- I mean us!" Gidget yipped, bouncing up and down excitedly. Chuckling softly as he strolled down the hallway in between Chloe and Mel, Pops replied back humbly, "It ain't nothin' little lady. Now how bout ya describe your friend to me so that way, when we get to the sewers, I can tell my friend what your pal looks like." With no hesitation whatsoever, the fluffy white Pomeranian blurted out before anyone else could, "He's a roguishly handsome brown and white shorthair with a sparkle in his eyes."

Everyone stopped in their tracks and slowly turned their heads to look over at her.

"Come again?" Pops asked, one eyebrow raised. Mel looked like he was trying to solve a complex math equation while Buddy scratched his head in confusion. Norman and Sweetpea glanced at each other while Chloe was looking up at the ceiling, questioning the gods about what she had just heard. Gidget blushed with embarassment when she realized what she had said. Seeing their reactions, Tiberius couldn't help but snicker quietly to himself. Whirling around, Chloe hissed, "What are you laughing at bird?!"

"Okay, before we bite someone's head off here," Buddy cautioned Chloe as he and Mel pulled her back. However, he cast a fearful glance towards Tiberius. Seeing it, the hawk turned his head away while Pops questioned, "Are we looking for an anime character or something?"

"Max is a brown and white shorthair. He's got floppy ears and brown eyes," Mel piped up. Sweetpea chirped while Buddy added on, "He's about as tall as your fuzzy little angel here." This earned him a whack on the head from Chloe. Sighing heavily, Pops asked, "Why didn't anyone say your pal was a Jack Russell terrier?" No one answered the basset hound at that. Rolling his eyes as he continued leading them down the hallway, "Youngsters these days." Following the rest of the search party, Tiberius noticed that Norman stuck close beside him until Mel and Sweetpea pulled the guinea pig away from him. Huffing, the old hawk went to walk beside Gidget. Seeing him, the Pomeranian whispered, "You alright?"

"Peachy," Tiberius grumbled sarcastically. Looking at the old red tailed hawk sympathetically, Gidget reassured him, "Give them time. They'll trust you." At that moment, the group halted in their tracks when Pops headed towards an air vent big enough to fit all of them, even Chloe. Opening it, he smiled at the search party as he declared, "Enter."

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