Chapter 98

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About twenty seven minutes later...

"Huh, I could've sworn it was this way..." Pops murmured as he took a left turn. The rest of the search party dragged their feet behind him. Gidget was trying her hardest to keep walking but her feet were starting to hurt. Chloe's tail drooped low, allowing Norman to hold onto it as the tabby cat carried the young guinea pig around. Sweetpea laid stretched out on her back, too tired to fly. Mel had to help Buddy along after the dachshund's back legs gave out on him. Being the caboose of the group, Tiberius's head was hanging and he was about to start sleepwalking.

"I thought you said you knew these tunnels like the back of your paw..." Buddy whimpered. Not looking over his shoulder, Pops replied, "I do know these like the back of my paw." Glancing down at his left forepaw, he squinted his eyes as he added on to that statement, "Oh that's new." Everyone groaned in unison when they heard the basset hound say that. Her ear flicking irritably, Chloe grumbled, "Great, we're lost."

"At least we have each other," Norman squeaked, staying in the positive light of things. Smiling, Gidget turned to Chloe and remarked, "You could learn a thing or two from Norman here." The cat hissed in response.

"You know, we might all starve to death in here," Buddy commented. This caused a gasp from Mel and Sweetpea. Sighing heavily, Gidget facepawed herself. Still not looking over his shoulder at the group behind him as he led them blindly through the air vent tunnels, Pops reassured them, "Ain't no one gonna starve to death in here. I can get us out."

Just then, there was a low growl.

"Uh, Chloe? Please tell me that was your stomach," Mel whimpered as he and Buddy clung to each other fearfully. In front of them, the obese tabby cat had her fur puffed up. Sweetpea was whipping his head around in every possible direction as he let out tiny chirps filled with terror. No one stepped forward to admit that their stomach was growling for about a minute and a half. Sighing heavily, Tiberius cleared his throat and spoke apologetically, "Sorry, my bad."

"Nope, we're actually all gonna be eaten," Buddy corrected his earlier statement. Pulling Norman even closer to her, Chloe's green eyes flashed angrily as she hissed, "How bout you go eat your own stupid tail?!" Losing control of the anger he had been holding back for so long until now, Tiberius got right up in the tabby's face as he growled, "Ya know who's gonna be the first one eaten?! Come on, take a guess!"

"Nobody's eating anybody!" Gidget barked, putting herself in between the two arguing animals before anything bad could happen. Mel had covered Norman's eyes just in case while Buddy and Sweetpea cowered beside him. Pops had wandered off to find a route. Huffing, Chloe's tail lashed side to side as she muttered, "I'd like to see the predator try and eat me." His light brown eyes flashing red with anger, Tiberius would've launched himself right at the cat if Gidget hadn't been holding him back. Patting the old hawk on the back gently, the Pomeranian whispered, "Don't listen to her. She's usually like this."

"I can hear you!" Chloe retorted.

"Hey, if you guys are done fighting, how bout you all follow me?" Pops piped up, peering around the corner. Not waiting for a reply, he ducked his head back and strolled away. High tensions still hanging in the air, the rest of the group followed him to find a light in the distance. "Buddy, am I dead?" Mel asked. Shaking his head, Buddy replied, "No, I'm seeing this too Mel." Sweetpea whistled. Heading towards the light, Pops declared, "We're here."

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