Chapter ten

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Noibat released a loud sonic wave startling them all. "It's okay Noibat"Hop smiled, petting Noibat. Mairin smiled at Noibat chuckling softly. Noibat released another sonic wave. Luna quickly stroked his ear shocking herself. Noibat smiled enjoying her attention. "Bui"Buizel frowned, crossing his arms. "Oh! I have gifts for you guys"Luna beamed, giving her pokemon their gifts.

Zeraora opened his first. He picked up a bracelet surprised. "Your my partner Zeraora"Luna smiled, showing him her bracelet. Zeraora smiled slightly putting the bracelet on. "Bui"Buizel grinned, putting his shades on feeling cool. Noibat beamed wearing a small necklace. "Ja, ja"Jangmo-o beamed, a scarf his size around his neck.

"You all look so cool"Mairin beamed, her eyes twinkling. Chespin clapped looking at Buizel. Buizel crossed his arms grinning. "Now, now Buizel don't act too cool okay"Luna giggled, playfully scolding him. Buizel nodded opening his eyes. Zeraora wrestled with Charizard trying to push him back out of the circle.

Noibat beamed walking over towards the two. Charizard and Zeraora's eyes widened looking at the little Noibat as he walked under the gap between them. Alain and Luna laughed watching the two try not to fall over until Noibat got through under them. When Noibat passed the two collasped head first.

Buizel quickly grabbed Noibat turning him around. "Troublesome"Hop chuckled, as Noibat walked past him towards Zeraora. Jangmo-o snored sleeping on a rock nearby. Noibat used his Sound waves looking up at the apples. "He's hungry"Mairin said, tilting her head to the side. Zeraora climbed up the tree with Weavile and Thwackey grabbing as many apples as they can.

The trio jumped down with an armful of apples. "Go ahead Noibat"Mairin nodded. Noibat closed his eyes quiet sound waves coming from his ears. He beamed reaching for the one Weavile had. Weavile smiled giving Noibat the apple.

"There we go"Alain chuckled, stroking Noibat's ear. Noibat picked up a second one giving it to Mairin. "It's sweet"Mairin gasped. "It should be Noibat can sense sweet and sour foods"Luna informed. "We might have to start moving to the next town since the gym leader won't be able to take any challenges for a while"Alain sighed.

"I was looking forward to the gym battle"Hop muttered. "But we get to travel together more and meet more cool pokemon"Luna reminded, grinning. "Yeah!"Mairin nodded. Jangmo-o cried out in pain and shock. He ran around with a black skinny figure biting down on his tail. "Jangmo-o"Luna gasped.

Zeraora and Buizel grabbed the black skinny figure stopping Jangmo-o. Zeraora gritted his teeth trying to open its jaw. "Bat!"Noibat called. Zeraora and Buizel jumped back. Noibat slammed square into the skinny pokemon. Jangmo-o leaped away free. He leaped into his trainers arms eyes wide in terror. "Oh Jangmo-o"Luna said, gently rubbing his back. Noibat turned around flying towards the figure. Zeraora caught Noibat stopping him. The skinny figure ran away into the bushes.

"What was that"Mairin asked, looking at the bushes. "Rockruff"Alain answered, his pokedex out. Luna looked over his shoulder at the picture. "It didn't stay still long enough for me to fully scan it"Alain sighed. "It looked nothing like the picture"Mairin blinked. "Does that mean it was abandoned"Hop asked. "Looks like it"Alain answered. Zeraora crossed his arms leaning on a tree.

"Lets wait here in case it comes back...."Mairin suggested, sadly. Luna set out a bowl of pokemon food and a bowl of water. Mairin placed three pokepuff's in the bowl of pokemon food for a snack. "Now we wait"Aria mumbled. Luna poked the fire with a stick looking down. Alain and Hop looked at the girls which all three looked sad. The bushes rustled behind Mairin. The skinny Rockruff stepped out covered in bruises and looked filthy.

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