Chapter 1: Moonchild

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Seoul National University of Medical

Namjoon was sitting watching his fellow classmates get their graduation certificates. His parents watching him from the barricade, their son had topped the university and not just that but he was the first ever wild hybrid to do so.

"Mr. Kim Namjoon, Graduating in Biochemistry with Honors Degree."

Namjoon stood up from his chair and went onto the stage. He took the Degree in his hands and looked at his proud parents clapping for him. He smiled at them and bowed to the professors.

After the Graduation ceremony, Namjoon went to his parents, who cheered for him and he embraced them.

"Mom, Dad!"

"Son, we are so proud of you!"

Namjoon smiled, showing his cute dimples on his cheeks. They all took pictures and bid his goodbyes with his professors and fellow classmates.


Jackson came rushing towards him and almost jumped on Namjoon causing the poor boy stumble.

"Wolfie!! I am soo proud of you!!"

Jackson held Namjoon tighter, causing the later to laugh at his bestfriend's enthusiasm. Breaking the hug, Jackson gives Namjoon a bouquet.

"Jackson you are late!"

Namjoon playfully scold him in his santoori accent while the latter scratched his neck nervously. Namjoon eyed the boy.

"You hiding something from me... what is it?"

"My girlfriend wanted a ride... so I was a bit busy..."

"Oh, hey how is she? What was her name? Min-ji? Min-soo?"

"Not her Joonie... we broke up a years ago..."

Namjoon nodded understandingly, well he couldn't be blamed. He was away from his friends and family for three years. Just met them during vacations.

They all drove to Illsan, Namjoon's hometown. He looked out of the window, rolling it down and peaked his head a bit out. His furry ears ploping down due to the cool air. He watched few children playing together, hybrids and humans living in harmony.

He smiled at the familiar road, the road that lead to his home. The place where he was raised, he played, broke things. He chuckled at the memory where he would break the most random things and his mother would scold him. He also had earned a title "Prince of Destruction."

The car came to a halt infront of a two storey house. The house will be at least fifteen years old but still looked new thanks to his mother's care and his father's hardwork. Taking his luggage out of the car, Namjoon walked inside the house. Settling everything into place in his room, Namjoon lets out a small sigh and rests on the bed. He grabs the TV remote, turning the box on, he switches to news channel.

"Today, here we have the biggest pharmaceutical company Chairman Mr. Choi Lee Suk!"

The reporter announced his guest with great enthusiasm. Namjoon smiled, since his idol was on the TV screen. Choi Lee Suk, the man who had cured millions of people with his medicines. The natives called him "The God of Medicine."

There were ton of other pharmaceutical companies in South Korea but he was the must successful one and why wouldn't he? He had Noble Price, national and international awards. He did charity. A perfectly clean Public Figure and Namjoon wanted to be like him too.

On the TV, the audience applauded at the man's presence. Lee Suk bowed at audience, while the crowd awed at his gesture. Lee Suk took his seat on the chair in front of the reporter's. The reporter smiled and began with the interview, telling about Lee Suk's great work.

"Mr. Choi, we all are really grateful that you agreed on this interview. You never really do interviews much. Why is that?"

Lee Suk cleared his throat, leaned his back a bit and gave the reporter a small smile.

"I don't really get time to do interview, since I am always on hunt to find out ways to cure people. My dear people."

The audience applauded at this, hooting and cheering the man. The reporter nodded in understanding.

"Your company has always worked for the people. But there are few fraction of them who don't find any involvement of yours in their kinds."

Lee Suk looked at the reporter and gave a small sad sigh and looked at the audience with sad eyes.

"I know, my hybrid brothers and sisters. My company has always tried our best to bring the best medications for your well-being but... we failed."

He looked at his lap and then looked back up at the audience and the camera with new determination.

"But not this time."

"What do you mean Mr. Choi?"

Lee Suk smiled and looked at camera before standing up from his seat, directly addressing the audience.

"Today, I have not just come here for a simple interview but I have come here to share a news for you all."

The audience and the Reporter looked at the man with anticipation and Namjoon too at his home.

"We at MediCure will be developing a medicine that will cure any hybrid related diseases.

Whether it maybe simple cold or cancer. We will not let our hybrid brothers and sisters depend on medication that doesn't suit their evolved DNA."

The people around gasped. No pharmaceutical companies or scientists had made such bold claims when it came to Hybrid medications. Namjoon too was quite surprised by this and being a hybrid himself, he knows that normal human medications didn't work on their systems.

After a few seconds the whole crowd applauded for the man making him smile brightly at them and the camera. He waved a peace sign and bowed to the camera and the audience. He shook hands with the reporter and the news channel played an ad.

Turing off the TV, Namjoon smiled. He couldn't believe his idol was going through hard work for hybrids. His furry grey tail swayed in happiness, making his way downstairs to the kitchen, where his mom was preparing a feast for the boy.

"Why are you all smiley, Joonie?"

Jackson asked, he was helping Mrs. Kim in the kitchen. Namjoon's smile widened and sat on the diner's chair.

"Mr. Choi is so amazing!"

"Oh so him again? What did he do this time? Saved us from alien invasion?"

Jackson asked sarcastically, earning a chuckle from the mother and glare from Namjoon.

"I believe he would do that too!"

Namjoon said leaning his back on the chair and crossing his arms, still glaring at the boy. Jackson's smile widened and sent him a flying kiss.

"Anyway.... what did he do to get you all smiling?"

Namjoon's mother asked coming from the kitchen with Naengmyeon bowl, placing it in front of the boy, making him smile brightly, letting his dimples appear.

"Thank you Mom! I will eat well and for your question, Mr. Choi is developing a new medicine for hybrids. He claimed that this medication will be able cure all the diseases hybrids face."

He said and started digging the food, while his mom cooed at her son, making Namjoon smile at her. After the wonderful dinner, Namjoon sat on the chair and clicked on the mouse opening the web page of MediCure to apply for a job.

It was Namjoon's life long dream to work in MediCure, he was only seven when he first saw Lee Suk and heard his inspiration journey. He had decided then itself that he wants to become like Choi Lee Suk.

Entering all the necessary details and resume, he shuts down the computer and moves towards his bed and lays down to sleep. Since he was tired from the long day, he fell asleep.

Next Day

Yoo Ra was anxiously tapped her feet on the floor, sitting in the waiting room of the news broadcasting channel 'CDB', waiting for her turn to go in. It was her first day at work and her supervisor wanted her to meet the director of the channel.

"Ms. Oh?"


"Ma'am is asking for you."

Yoo Ra rose up from her chair and walked towards the room. She adjusted her shirt, cleared her throat and knocked on the door confidentially. A small come in was heard. Letting herself in, she bowed to the director.

The director praised and motivated Yoo Ra, saying she could see potential in her to become the host of Prime Time. Yoo Ra smiled and bowed again as a goodbye and walked out confidentially.

Yoo Ra is a no nonsense hard working young girl. She always aspired to be a news reporter, not because she loved being in front of camera but because she wanted to help people, so that their voices are heard.

Walking to her cubicle office desk, she settled her things in the place and sat down on her chair. A girl peaked from the and looked at her. Yoo Ra looked at the girl and smiled.

"Hello, I am Oh Yoo Ra. It's my first day here."

"Hello, I am Lee Se-ri. I know, I am your-"

"Oh! So you met already?"

Yoo Ra's supervisor Mr. Guk interrupted Se-ri, taking her attention to him.

"Yoo Ra, she is your designated camera woman. I hope you both work in harmony and bring breaking news for us everyday."

"Yes sir."

They both say enthusiastically and the supervisor smiles and leaves.

"I am looking forward to be working with you!"

Seri says with a tint of excitement, making Yoo Ra smile and nod at her.

MediCure Company

Ha So-man was walking towards his office, the employees passing by, bowed to their vice president. Entering his office, he finds Lee Suk sitting on his chair, waiting for him.

"Mr. Choi."

"Good Morning son! I was waiting for you."

Lee Suk said getting up from the chair and walking towards the other man. So-man bowed to the older. Lee Suk passed by him and looked out of the huge French window, looking at the tall building, which is the part of his own. He turned around and faced So-man.

"You know this project that we are starting."

"The hybrid one?"

"Yes that one! We need to get a hybrid to do it!"

So-man looked the older skeptically.

"Should I appoint Mr. Kang on this one?"

"No no! We need someone new!"

"Someone new? But what's wrong with other hybrids in our company?"

Lee Suk glared at the young man and slowly walked towards him, making So-man gulp in fear.

"Did you say something?"

So-man slowly shook his head and looked down on his feet.

"I thought you one thing and that is....."

Lee Suk went towards a small coffee table and picked up the vase and smashed it on the ground.

"Never question me!"

Lee Suk's voice thundered throughout the room. So-man shook in fear. Choi Lee Suk was great man for the world but he was crazy and unpredictable. No one knows what goes around his brilliant brain. Lee Suk looked at mess and gasped as if he was snapped out of his thoughts.

"So-man.. I am sorry for this mess.... but you know right I don't like anyone questioning me... ha?"

"I know sir. This was my fault. I will make sure to never repeat this again."

So-man bowed apologetically but mostly out of fear. Lee Suk patted his back and held him up and smiled at him.

"Bring me a new hybrid for this project, is that understood?"

"Yes sir."

Lee Suk left and So-man sighed in relief. He looked at the mess and called his PA to get someone to clean it. Loosening his tie a bit, he sits on his chair, this was not the first time Lee Suk acted this way and this definitely won't be last.

He shakily sigh and calls up the HR department, letting them know Lee Suk's orders. Keeping the phone down, he leans back on his chair and looks at the 'MediCure' logo above the TV.

"What are you planning Lee Suk...?"

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