November 4th

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 Keslyn didn't know how to react. She was angry, but she didn't own him. The thing that had made her really upset, was that the day after this all happened, he was texting her back about how he missed her and wanted to try again.

"He what?" She asked loudly, earning a look from one of her couches. "Sorry, Ozzy," she corrected, paying more attention to the coach now. She still wasn't fully engaged in the practice though. News that the person she was talking to had basically cheated on her with some college girl. A series of thoughts ran through her brain. Why am I not enough? He said he was serious. Why do these things always happen to my relationships?

Keslyn went hard in practice that night.

She knocked down a couple of the bigger girls in the boxing-out drill. She made almost every layup. And she even tested her skills in the ball-handling position. Keslyn didn't do half bad, and she was able to take her anger and her irritation at Boston, and use it to further herself in the practice. It was so out of the ordinary for her, that even the main coach came up to her after the practice and made a comment about how he was really seeing improvement in her that year.

Keslyn was glad that basketball practice was over, but she didn't want to go to rehearsal tonight. She walked away from the court and around the stage to get into the cafeteria where the cast was rehearsing. They hadn't started yet because Mrs. Davis was doing paperwork in the secretary office. Keslyn walked over to where Fiona was sitting and sat down, slumping towards the table as she laid her head in her arms.

"Keslyn, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she replied without looking up.

Fiona didn't sound like she believed Keslyn, but she didn't push, "Okay. If you want to talk, you can."

"Thanks, Fiona."

Keslyn heard her friend hum a little and felt the table shift slightly under the weight of someone sitting behind her.

Kirk, the only other guy in the musical; a senior; and in Boston and Ryan's friend group. He sat beside Keslyn and when she didn't look up at the movement, he motioned to her and made eye contact with Fiona as if asking, 'what's wrong with her?'. Fiona just shrugged her shoulders and looked at her friend.

"Hey, uh, Keslyn...? You okay?" He asked with an uncomfortable tone in his voice.

Keslyn sat up, revealing not sad eyes, but angry eyes. She nodded and tucked some wisps of red hair behind her ears. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"I don't know, you just look angry. Is everything with Boston okay?"

Ryan walked up to the three of them when Kirk asked about Boston, and Keslyn looked over at him and shrugged her shoulders, "It's fine. He just hooked up with some chick at a party I guess."

Ryan spoke up then and sat down across from Kirk, beside Fiona. He said, "He told us in the groupchat a couple weeks ago."

"Weeks?!" Keslyn's head shot up and her face got hard.

"Yeah... The party was right after New Year's," Ryan and Kirk exchanged a glance and then he added, "There has always been a deal in the groupchat to send a meme about Rocky Balboa's victory when one of us got some..." He sounded shy about the agreement, but his gaze stayed up on Keslyn's face while he gauged her reaction.

"Wh- Okay," Keslyn stood up and walked over to the water fountain, Fiona going with her. She leaned down and started drinking some water. "Fiona, why wasn't I enough for him? I'm not that horrible. I would date me if I were a guy." Fiona didn't say anything, she just rubbed her friend back as she started to cry.

"Keslyn, you're amazing. Okay? It's not you that was the problem."

The younger girl shrugged her shoulders and nodded slightly, taking a deep breath and wiping at her eyes as she straightened herself out to go back into the cafeteria. "Thanks, Fiona."

"Of course, Keslyn. Let's go start rehearsal, okay?"

Keslyn nodded and followed her friend back into the cafeteria. She held her head up and marched in there like she owned the place.

"Ryan, can we like, talk later after practice for a few minutes? You give good advice, and I think you were really helpful at the beginning of practice," she meant just a few minutes ago, but she didn't want to sound pushy. She was completely surprised by his answer.

He nodded his head and gave a sort of sad smile, "Yeah, sure thing. Let's go be all romantic first." He chuckled slightly and walked onto the stage.

Keslyn looked down, even more surprised with the second part of his sentence. She followed him onto the stage and sighed a bit. Her mood was ruined now, she couldn't stop thinking about why Boston would have felt like he needed to do something like that. She was distracted through the whole rehearsal, needing Ryan's cues for her a bit more than usual today. She was relieved when the night ended, because she wanted to talk more with Ryan.

Keslyn said goodbye to Fiona and Shayna, and then shyly walked up to Ryan. It was 8:50, so they got out of practice a solid ten minutes early that night. She remembered then that she didn't have a ride home from the school.

"Oh, wait! I don't have a ride home. I'll have to ask Fiona, I totally forgot," Keslyn turned and started walking away, but someone stopped her.

"Keslyn, I can drop you off if you want," she recognized Ryan's voice before she turned around to see him gathering up his things.

"Oh, are you sure? You don't have to do that," Keslyn started, her flaw or apologizing too much started to rear its ugly head then. She halted where she stood when he sent her a small smile and nodded his head. Keslyn looked down as she felt the blush grow on her cheeks and followed him out into the parking lot. 

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