Good luck, bad luck.

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That evening, Amber had given us bread and hot soup for supper. I quite liked Amber, she was wise, and intelligent. But Illia didn't seem to trust her. She had not eaten her hot soup, and didn't eat much bread thinking that Amber did something to the food.
The night was going well. My mom was by the fire, practicing spells, Amber and I were talking, and Illia was fiddling with the potion she had gotten from the armory.
Well, it was going great until we heard a slight knock on the front door of the rundown house. My mother opened the door, and there stood Kara, the mastermind herself. We were so shocked we couldn't move. My mother stood there, her eyes and face looked as if the color was drained out of them, just by the look of Kara's face. Kara was much prettier then Stoump. She had a small scar, but it was partially hidden by her bangs. "I've been looking for you" she cackled. Thankfully Stoump wasn't there. "Leave us alone, you heartless coward!" My mother stammered. Suddenly, Kara grabbed my mother, flicked her knife open, and pointed it at my mother. "Cheverie Spells, the first on my "to be executed" list." She laughed, maniacally. "Let her go!" I yelled firmly, I hoped no one noticed the fear in my voice. "Why should I? I mean, I just found you?" Kara replied. "Be born, be born, tons of thorns!" I yelled. But Kara had already left. She left, with my mother.

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