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As the night fell over the forest, and the sky turned black, we were packing up are things for the small town. My mother had chosen this one in particular, because it was small, and very few people lived there.
We walked and walked for quite a few miles, until we saw firelight flickering in the distance.
"There it is." My mom said under her breath. "The town of Ligiru." She added. "We must follow the firelight."
So we walked to the flickering light, it wasn't far from where we were. Illia and my mother were positive that was the town, but I had my doubts.
We walked closer, Illia's deep blue torn cloak flowing behind her, majestically. My mom wore a robe, a dark red robe with tiny gold stars.
"Illia, where did you get that cloak? It is rather small." I questioned. "Oh, I've had it since I was very young, my parents had given it to me." She said in a quiet, almost sad voice.
We kept walking until we arrived at the firelight. Sure enough, it was a village. A small run-down village. There were about 9 houses made of old logs and straw. "We must trade goods with villagers" my mother told us. So that's what we began to do.

                                                            This is a painting of my mother when she was young.

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