Part Seven

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Lucy wakes up on the floor of the guild hall and looks around.
"What, happened?" She asks getting up. She walks to the door and opens it, to see a barricade of fire. She turns around to see most of the guild still asleep. She runs to Natsu, and shakes him.
"Natsu wake up!" She yells. "There's tons of food here!" She yells. Suddenly Natsu wakes up and looks around.
"Hey there's no food here!" He whines getting up.
"I had to wake you up. Now we're stuck in here." Lucy says.

Natsu looks past Lucy, she turns around and sees he's looking at a sleeping Grey. He goes over to Grey and pulls a marker out, then he starts drawing on Grey's face. He laughs quietly while doing this.
"Natsu what are you doing?" Lucy asks.
"Nothing." He says while still laughing.

"Well I'd better at least try to get out of here. Oh wait I know, I call open Gate of the Maiden, Virgo." Lucy says opening Virgo's gate.
"Hello princess, do you wish to punish me?" Virgo asks as she appears.
"What is with you and punishment, can you dig under the ground to get us out of here?" Lucy asks.
"As you wish princess." She says digging under the ground. In a few seconds later she comes back up. "I'm sorry princess, but I could not break the fire." She says.
"It must be magic proof. It's ok Virgo," Lucy says.
"Goodbye Princess." Virgo disappears.

"Lucy you know, nothing magic is magic proof right?" A person says stepping out of the shadows. Brooke smiles at Lucy.
"Brooke! What are you doing here?" Lucy asks shocked.
"Well hello to you too." Brooke says sarcastically.
"I mean before I passed out, they said they got You." She says.
"CRYSTAL YOU IDIOT! Never mind I know way to get us out of here. But first we have to wake up all of the guild." Brooke says as Natsu walks up to them.
"What are you doing here?" He asks.
"Just wake everyone up and I'll tell you later." Brooke says. Suddenly Grey wakes up and walks over to the ground.
"What happened?" He asks.
"I was about to ask you the same question." Brooke laughs quietly.
"What do you mean?" Grey asks. Brooke holds up a mirror to Grey's face, showing him he has a drawn on mustache. Grey gets really mad a Natsu, who's laughing really hard. "You idiot!" He yells as him and Natsu get in a fight.
From behind the door Juvia says, "My darling Grey looks great with a mustache." She says quietly out loud.

"WOULD YOU TWO QUIT FRIGHTENING AND HELP US WAKE UP THE GUILD!" Brooke yells waking up the whole guild. "Well that was easier than I thought." She says.
"What happened?" Wendy asks.
"I don't know child." Carla says.
"Well, now everyone is up we can finally get out of here. I will need everyone's help." Brooke says to the guild.
"Can you at least tell us what happened?" Erza asks standing up.

Brooke sighs, "I guess I was going to have to explain this sooner or later. My guild Black Fire, took Crystal who they thought was me. They took aboard their airship, Fire Wings. My parents want me back, but I have this feeling they want me for something more." Brooke says.

Aboard the dark guild Black Fire's airship, Fire Wings.

Crystal moves her head and wakes up in a chair, her hands and feet shackled to the floor. She tries to break the chains, but is not strong enough.
"Well you're finally awake, I was beginning to think you wouldn't wake up before we got there." The dark wizard Aspen says.
"Aspen! What do you want with me?" She growls at him.
"Oh I'm just doing a job, you see your parents are the ones that want you. I'm just doing it for the power and money." He laughs coming closer to her.
"So when do I get to see them?" Crystal asks.
"Oh you think they came to collect you, well you're wrong. They would never come to pick up a worthless thing like you. But you might see them, if you're your still alive by the time we're done with you." He slides his hand across her cheek,
"What are you going to do to me?" She growls at him.
"Oh we aren't going to do anything to you. But we are taking to Clover, and The Rose." He smirks.
"The Rose, that's not real!" She says shocked.
"Oh how wrong you are, it's almost fully functional. All we need is a person to have there magic sucked out of them. And you don't know anyone like that, do you?" He smiles wickedly.
"You can't do this!"
"Oh we can, and we intend to. Now be a good little hostage, and be quiet." He says putting a gag over her mouth.

"What do you mean, something more?" Erza asks.
"There are rumors, saying The Rose is almost fully functional." Brooke says darkly.
"The Rose, what's that?" Happy asks.
"Is a spell, a powerful spell that can destroy all light. It is said it is more like a machine lost to time. It takes a lot of power, and sacrifice. But whom ever is in control of it can rule with an iron fist. And I suspect that Crystal or I am the key to starting it." Brooke says.

To be continued

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