Part two

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              Lucy walked out of the room for a second, and came back with a wet towel. When she came back she seen Nastu, Erza, Happy, and Grey in her apartment.
               "AH! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!" She screams angrily and sacredly.
                "Loke found us and told us you needed help, so we came. Now what is it. Do we get to beat someone up?" Natsu asks excited.
               "No, I need some help with her." Lucy says looking at Brooke.
             "Who's that?" Grey asks.
"Her name's Brooke, Grey you meet her today."
"That girl, was the guy wearing all that clothes!" Grey says shocked.
"What happened to her?" Happy asks going over to her.
              "I don't know, she just came here and fainted. But I feel like someone did something to her." Lucy says sadly.

Brooke tossed in the bed, and her arm falls out of the bed. On her arm is a purple rose that was on fire, a guild mark. Lucy looks at the guild mark and doesn't recognize it.
           "Do you guys know what guild she's in?" Lucy asks showing them the guild mark. They look at it in shock.
            "Black fire, it's one of the strongest dark guild." Erza says angrily.
"She's in a dark guild, but she looks so young." Lucy says calmly.

            Brooke rolls in the bed seeming to have a nightmare. Lucy looks out the window to see it's almost light out.
           "You guys better get going, I'll stay here and watch her." She says sadly.
          "Are you sure Lucy?" Happy asks.
          "Yah I think I can handle it."
       "Ok." Gray says as they all start to leave out the window.
"CAN YOU GUYS LEAVE LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE?!" Lucy yells as the finish leaving.

Once they have left, Lucy goes over to Brooke and looks down. Brooke opens her eyes and smiles at Lucy. Lucy is in shock.
"Hi Lucy," Brooke sits up in the bed, her black hair falls to her back. "So that was they strongest team in all of Fairy Tail. Wow must be fun to work with them." She laughs. Lucy is still in shock.
              "You talk a lot less now. Sorry for surprising you, but now I guess I better explain myself. Well first I better find Crystal." She says as she gets up and walks to the door. "Wait. Knowing Crystal." She mumbles to herself, and walks to her bag that's on the table.

             Brooke looks through the bag and pulls out a pair of glasses. She smiles and puts them on. She looks over the room and walks over to the window.
            "Hey Crystal." She says to nothing. Lucy looks at her as if she's crazy. A purple magic emblem appears and then stands a young blue haired girl where Brooke was talking.
              "Hi B-Brooke." The girl says shyly and looks over to Lucy in fear.
"It's ok Crystal she won't bite, but she will bark." Brooke laughs.
"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Lucy yells frightening Crystal even more.

"See what I told you Crystal. Oh don't be scared , Lucy let me explain. From what I have heard, when you thought I was sleeping, you know I am from the dark guild Black Fire. But I was forced into it by my parents, Oceana Pen and Light Fire Pen. They are the guild leaders, the strongest in the guild. I was once happy there, but I started to see what they did to other guilds. The terrible terrible things. So I ran away, I've had to hide for more than five years."

"And this is Crystal Breeze, she is also from the guild forced like me. She has Air magic, like your Wendy. And she ran away with me. That is pretty much it." Brooke explains.
"What about you?" Lucy asks
"What's your magic, you said your parents were the strongest in the guild. So that means you must have their power, so what's your magic?" Lucy asks.
"Well um, that's the thing. I don't really have magic." Brooke says nervously.

         "Wow, what's with the yelling today Lucy? I guess we should just leave, and all I wanted to do was return a favor." Brooke says starting to storm out.
           "Return a favor. To whom?" Lucy asks not caring that much.
              "Wow it hasn't even been a year and you've forgotten. I must have hit you harder than I thought. I have to return a favor to you!" She says rudely.
                "Brooke can we leave?" Crystal asks scared.
                "Yah, just let me grab my bag." Brooke says grabbing her bag and leaving with Crystal.

              Lucy stares at where Brooke stud for a moment then runs out the door. When she gets out there she see's Brooke and Crystal standing in front of Wendy, Carla, Gray, Erza, Natsu, and Happy, getting ready to fight.
              "So why'd you come here?" Gray asks angrily standing in front of Brooke.
            "Get out of my way Ice Boy." Brooke says pushing Gray slightly away and walking on.
             "NOBODY CALLS ME ICE BOY AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" He says grabbing Brooke's hand and stopping her.
          "You don't want to fight with me and Crystal. Isn't that right Crystal?!" Brooke says to Crystal.
           "No you don't!" Crystal says strangely angry.
            "Is that a threat?" Natsu angrily asks as his hands light on fire.
            "Fine if you want a fight, bring it on Flames for Brains." Brooke jokes ready to fight.
               "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!" Nastu yells.
               "Let's just get this over with." Brooke says. Then the fight began.

To be continued

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