My Oc's

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Full Name: Willow Justice

Alias: Torch / Vice


Role:Element Four

Element : Fire

Personality : Will is normally quite calm but she like her element tends to be a but hot headed at times , she is quite devious and quite smart but tends to try and keep her mouth shut , Will has a problem of speaking her mind and is very blunt.

Appearance :《The picture above, I don't own the picture 》

Normal outfit : She is normally wearing a white dress , black tights and a black jacket.

Elemental outfit : A red hoodie with black mask and black pants.

Gender :Female

Fears / Weakness : Her fear is drowning and her weakness is water for she can't swim.

Secrets / Strengths : Her parents do not know she is an element, Her strength is her smarts.

Sexuality : Bisexual

Weapons : An umbrella, her fire power and a frying pan.

Pets: A small squirrel named Puddin

Other:While as her element she pretends to be a boy for the fact she was mistaken as one when first meeting the other elements.

- - -
Full Name: William Justice

Alias:Liam, Rebel, Odd one.


Role:Normal Towns person

Personality : He is quite rude and loud, he seems to be very mean but deep down he has a heart probably.

Appearance :

《I don't own the picture 》

Outfits : He normally wears hoodies and jeans and black sneakers.

Gender : Male

Fears / Weakness : Fears loosing his sister , his weakness is his weak heart.

Secrets / Strengths : He is the only one that knows of his sisters powers, his strength is in computers.

Sexuality : Bisexual

Weapons :A can of mace.

Other: Willows older brother.

- - -

Full Name: Widow Justice



Role:Abnormal Towns person,  older sister

Personality :She is smart and tends to keep to herself,  she seems quiet but when you know her she is very annoying .

Appearance :

《I don't own the picture 》

Outfits : Normally she is seen wearing a white jacket and black pants.

Gender :Female

Power: She has no clue what to call her power as for the fact she can summon screen like things to spy on people and gather information without someone knowing.

Fears / Weakness : She is afraid of people and her weakness is her siblings, not knowing something.

Secrets / Strengths : She likes to keep tabs on her sisters friends and her brothers, Her strengths include hacking and stalking, she pretends to be normal but really isn't.

Sexuality : Bisexual

Weapons : Her cell phone and high heels.

Pets:A pug named Nibbles.

Other:She isn't very good at social interaction and may accidentally punch you in the face, knows more about the storm than she let's on.

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