Book Covers On Wattpad

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Okay, let's be honest here- book covers are important.  

I 100% believe that people do judge a book by it's cover. And book covers are even more important on Wattpad because eventually, a good book may be passed by with a terrible book cover, mostly because readers know that if the book cover isn't worth looking at, the book isn't worth reading. 

So, here's the struggle. Someone could have an amazing book written about Captain America with a hint of romance and lots of action and drama and all this good stuff- but the cover legit just looks like this:

I mean, I get not everyone can make super good detailed covers, because I can't make a good one either. But, the easy solution is to just go to a cover shop! 

I'm not saying this because I hate people's covers, I'm saying this because good books are being dismissed and that's really heartbreaking. I want to be an author and I know what it feels like to want people to read your work. So personally, when I see people's hard work go to waste, it makes me sad. 

Another struggle with book covers are when the covers make no sense. 

Like, the plot could be about a unicorn who falls in love with Hilary Clinton and Hilary gives birth to Pepe the frog who looks like Ariana Grande and at the end Four from divergent comes and falls in love with Pepe and they have the Annoying Orange for a pet I KID YOU NOT, the cover looks like this:

I mean... it makes no sense and it has nothing to do with the story! 

Another struggle is when the book has an amazing book cover- but it throws it all off. Here's an example that is very over exaggerated:

Description: Plz raed this bouk becus I worced hard on it an if u dont I wil hunt u dwon an hrut you byi an enjoi

Book: Zac woke up 2 the sounz of him alarm. 'Oh, time 4 school now?' he asked mom. Mom saids yes, is time for shool, so Zac gots up and got dress with purpl shirt bc he is gay and him leave to go to shool but he is piced on so him go 2 de nurse. De nurse sayz he has brocen toe. De nerz said he must amputatete his foots. No, he thught, not me toez! How wil I plae footbell with no feet? The nursz says he sould shuck it up, and Zac remomves his feet and his lives is changes 4ever. Ze end of 1 chapters pls read secon one next

Last Updated: April 14th, 1912, 11:00 p.m. 

Book Cover:

AND EVEN WORSE: A book is a sappy romantic fandom thing about Bucky or something and and has a cheesy, embarrassing title:

Very kinky. 

I think I've done enough cover bashing for the day, eh?

In the end, what I'm trying to say through all of this (besides the fact I got to make random covers all morning tbh) is that people do judge books by their covers. So if you work hard on your book, work hard on everything else- because sometimes what's on the outside does matter. 

Gosh, I should be a poet.

Until next time, keep on keeping odd! (no I didn't reference Odd Squad you did)


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