'Dating' Profiles On Wattpad

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I know we've all seen them.

Their profile picture is either a woman with a huge butt in sweatpants or a young, teenage boy with his shirt off who suspiciously reminds me of Jacob Sartorius.

Their bio's have 400 curse words, written like they're gangsters, and are mostly just a long rant about how lonely they are and how single they will be for the rest of their lives, while all their pictures are of super good looking humans- which makes them sketchy. I mean, if a hot piece of bum like them are single, then regular people like me are destined for eternal loneliness. 

But not only that, they use Wattpad as a dating site. Heck, I've have profiles like these message me who claim to be twenty year old men, but they type like a ten year old and their profile picture is of a woman who they are "not" dating. 

I mean... that's pretty sketchy. 

I politely tell them go go away since I have no intentions of meeting my soulmate on a writing website, and they usually do go away. 

But I just find these people hard to trust. Now, I know there are people who have an honest-to-good body and are very real and I envy them- but people who don't are just cat fishers. I see these people and they have a whole book dedicated to their life. 

They post pictures of their perfectly toned body, acne-free face, perfect, flowing hair- they post the kind of pictures that make insecure turtles like me shiver in their seat. 

And then they post things like this:

Or this:

And then they may go on and on about this boy/girl they used to date who was a player and they will tell sob stories of how they cried in bed because this dude helped a girl up on the soccer field but they way he looked into her eyes meant that he cheated on them, or even how a girl smacked another guy and somehow that was cheating.

I don't know, maybe because these guys are just plain drama, it annoys me. Some people want to date on Wattpad- that's fine with me. I just like to stay out of it.

I mean, on Wattpad, you can't date someone 100%. I mean, I used to have this friend whom I really liked and he admitted that he liked me back. We both liked each other and we both lived in Texas, but we couldn't do anything about it. So, we just stayed friends and enjoyed each other's company until he left Wattpad. It was nice, and he logs on sometimes and we still talk every once and a while to this day.

I guess the struggle about these dating profiles is that they seem desperate for attention. I get the feeling myself that I want to feel loved and cherished by someone other than my own mother- but I don't get those who go as far as making a dating profile on every social media app there is. Most people you meet on the internet are not trustworthy, and your relationship would be fake. 

I much rather someone like me for who I am, not what I look like. 

In the end, dating profiles on Wattpad are best to be payed attention to those who are looking for an internet relationship, but best left alone to those who are not. 

But I mean, it's always hilarious to watch people freak out over a tiny zit or a bit of thigh fat, am I right?

Okay, before I end this chapter, I just wanted to say thank you! I woke up this morning, and I realized this book has nearly 300 reads (which is a lot for me) and is rated 603 in Humor! This is HUGE for me, and I wanted to thank everyone who has read this book!

Until next time, I love penguins. 


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