Endings On Wattpad

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See, the thing about writing books is that eventually, it all has to end. Sure, there might be others in a series. But at one point, there is a time when you simply can't write anymore, and you have to end it with a mighty salute.

I have to say, this chapter is very late because I couldn't force myself to write it. I knew I could, and I knew I could write it fast since I knew what I wanted to say. Right now, my fingers are all over my keyboard, going so fast I don't think I can stop. Once I start, it's hard to pause, and I knew it'd happen and this book would be over.

Maybe that's what ending a book is like- it just comes so fast, you can't stop it, and you're both really sad but really happy at the same time. I mean, it's not like this a novel I exhaust myself with. This is a rant book, but I love it just the same. 

See, when a book ends, a guess it's all either tears or glee. When Twilight ended, I'm sure some readers rejoiced. But when Hunger Games ended, I wasn't okay. You know, Finnick...

You get my point. Some things have a good ending, like Avengers. Others have a sad ending, like Civil War. Endings are places where a lot of things can happen, and when it comes to writing, that rule is taken to the max.

I guess I'm not really sad that my book is over, I'm more sad that since this is my most popular book, I'm not going to see some of my readers anymore. My other content is Marvel/poetry, and not everyone knows/likes Marvel. So, ending this book partly means saying goodbye to the people I've grown to look forward to- the people I scroll through my notifications for, just so I can read their comments.

I can't thank you all enough. I wish I could send you all a billion hugs and kisses and cookies and ice cream and pizza and kitties and puppies. But since I can't do that, I just want to thank all of you for reading this book and for commenting and making my day. Like I said, ya'll helped me out of a deep hole I was in, and I can't be any more happy than I am now.

Even Winter, as he lays on my desk right here >> is sleeping, probably dreaming of all the people he could still contact, begging for a way to escape my house so he can rule the world. While that won't happen, I know I'll miss telling you all about his latest shenanigans. 

While our book comes to an end, I'll never forgot ANY of you and what you've done for me. I love you all, and I can't thank you enough. 

Until we may speak again, and I hope we will, I'm with you all until the end of the line.

-Elise & Winter 

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