What Not To Do In Fan Fiction On Wattpad

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As requested, I'm going to list a few things that are huge no-no's in fan fiction- or at least, things that annoy me to the point I just want to scream. 

And since I'm very tired today, I'm going to start right now with number one because that is the first number- if you didn't count zero which isn't technically a number because it's nothing but everyone knows zero wants to be a number. #zerosfeelingsmatter

#1: Crappy Titles                                                       

Okay, titles are hard enough to come up with. I mean, I even made a whole chapter about book titles because they are so easy to make fun of because yet again they are hard to make. Take it from me- it took me two weeks to come up with the actual title for this book. My first one was just "Annoying Things On Wattpad", but I figured there were to many of those already. 

So, in short, titles are hard. I just flat out named my Fan Fiction 'Born To Die'- which is just a legit song title that the book is based off of. In other words, I copied the freaking title of a song. But it fits, so I'm fine with cheating.

However, other's don't find this loophole of copying. Some just flat out use the name of the fandom or the character the Fan Fiction is based off of. 


A Fan Fiction About Peggy Carter (A Peggy Carter FanFic)

Wow... I couldn't have guessed.

Sometimes they have titles that just plan make you cringe. Let's say a Fan Fiction about Taylor Swift was called something very confusing- the the point you have no idea if the book is actually about Taylor Swift or just about a swift wind... named Taylor?

Long explanation short, you have no idea what the book is really about. 


Lula's Foreign Lullaby In Russia's Bank (A Taylor Swift FanFic)

And even some titles make perfect sense- but just don't match the story. I really dislike these because it feels like the title is for another book, but doesn't match the one it's on. That, and I just really want to make another title for the book, because really, it's a good one- it just needs another title.


The Cat's Claw (A Black Widow FanFic)

I just need to change that Black Widow to a Black Panther, darn it. 

And we all know the perfect feeling in your gut when you see a perfect title that you envy with all your heart. Or maybe I'm the only one- who knows.


Running Home Faster (A Flash FanFic)

You make me look weak, you authors who can make good titles. 

#2: Cliche Plots                                                             

Now, before I say anything, this chapter will just prove that I hate those horrible plots where the main character is so attractive that the whole universe lusts for him/her. If fact, this will just prove even more how much a hate it, since I apparently haven't mentioned it enough in previous chapters to please my little pea brain. 

 Okay- if you're going to write Fan Fiction, please do not follow any of these three common plots:

1. The plot where everyone and anything falls head over heals for the main character and/or everyone fights over him/her.

2. The plot where an older, dangerous villain isn't dead and is planning to do the same exact thing he did in the movie/book. 

3. The plot where the main character isn't supposed to fall in love with the love interest and is disobeying 'orders' when he/she does fall in love. 

Now, let me explain these.

Number one is a no-no because it's unrealistic and annoying. I mean, a plot where 1940's Steve (who is already interested in Peggy) drops everything he's doing to save people and enter the war and to get the girl just because he had fallen in love with this other random SHIELD agent who he thought was pretty. 

And even worse- the author changes it all up. Where instead of Peggy talking to him on that plane, it's the new and improved main character who Steve fell in love with for no apparent reason.

Who- you'll never see this coming- sets up a dancing sate with Steve.

And after he crashes, this main character falls off a freight car in Russia and gets a metal leg and is hired to kill Steve in the future. 

Not much of a plot twist. 

I see stories like this all the time- and although it's cool, it's also annoying. Clearly you're using the Steve&BuckyCliche™ if you pull a stunt like this, and it's not fooling me. In fact, a lot of romantic Fan Fictions are just reversing the roles.


Peeta fell in love with me after I picked up archery, cried about my little blonde sister, kissed him, and saved him in the Hunger Games after he got a leg wound! Who's this Katniss I hear about? Lmao! Panem is fun!!!

Number two is a no-no because it's just a copy. I mean, if you read a Flash Fan Fiction and it turns out Zoom isn't dead and Caitlyn starts to like him again and all this crazy, repeated stuff starts happening- you'd get annoyed pretty fast. 

If Loki comes back from wherever the heck the author says he is and attacks earth with worm-alien things, I'll stop reading. We already went through this! The Avengers and I- we went though this together. It was intense. I don't need a replay where Loki or Thor is the love interest of this new original character! Just give me a new villain! That, or do some fancy thing with A.I.M. or Thanos! Maybe another Marvel villain! In fact, you can even do Loki- just please, don't do Loki's staff and worm things. Anything but the Loki&WormsCliche™!

I also am tired of seeing TFA (The Force Awakens) Fan Fiction about the fact Darth Vader isn't dead and he's back to get Luke and Leia for doing some random stuff we never heard about. Oh, and how Ben Solo fanboys over Darth Vader and the #slay together. And how handsome Ben Solo's swollen baby face is. (No offense to Kylo fans you are all still great tbh I just have anger issues).

I'm so sick of that.

I mean, I'm sorry- didn't Vader get redeemed in the end? He's a good guy now!

Number three is a no-no because this is the ultimate kind of Fan Fiction cliche. And while this usually happens with an original character and a villain and/or assassin, it gets tiring. 


"Is there any rules about being alone with the very sexy Bucky Barnes 24/7 because he's dangerous and needs a handler who is conveniently me?" I ask.

Director Hill shrugs. "Yeah. Of course, under no circumstances, must you fall in love with him. I know you're alone with sexiness 24/7 and he's hurt like a little child and needs hugs- but don't develop feelings for him." She nods. "Also, that's the only rule. There really isn't even practical ones like 'you can not kill him' or 'make sure he stays alive' or  'don't rape him' or 'make sure he knows not to kill you' or 'don't let him eat a taco because he's allergic to lettuce' or 'don't stick magnets to his arm'. It's just the don't fall in love rule."

"Sounds easy-peasy." I laugh. Five minutes into being alone with Bucky, I realized I had already fallen in love. Whoops! My bad. I guess I have to hide my feelings for the rest of the story so there can be a very dramatic reveal scene where we will make out and probably have lots of non-written sex! Yay!

Maybe I'm the only one who is tired of the 'don't fall in love' rule. I mean, if two people are attracted to each other and it isn't the military, no one can stop them from being all in each other's pants. I don't know about you, but if someone told me to stay away from the hunk of sexy I might be with 24/7, I ain't gonna be listening. 

Why? Because I'm a rebel. #idowhatiwant

#3: Backstories                                                       

Okay, everyone knows that Fan Fiction is solely about fictional worlds. And while one may want to write a Fan Fiction, they may not have the knowledge to make it realistic. I see this all the time. Heck, I see it in my own writing. This just comes from the lack of knowing who and where the character or fictional world comes from. 

I'm not going to lie. I don't know everything about Marvel. Sure, I've read comics. I've seen movies. Heck, I've even seen little kid shows about the Infinity Stones which is why I know so much about Thanos and Silver Surfer. 

While I may be fluent in the Captain America/Bucky/Hydra story, no way do I know everything. Even about Bucky. I have to look things up online so I don't mess things up while I'm writing. Because the most embarrassing thing that can happen when you write Fan Fiction is when someone calls you out on a huge mistake. 

I'm not talking about typos or the misspell of a secret identity.

I'm talking about the big mistakes.


Barry Allen, the Green Arrow, met up with Steve Rogers who was the Flash. Fun times!


Bucky Barnes was the Winter Solder, a wolf hybrid from the X-Men.


Harley Quinn was the Riddler's Queen- and God help anyone who disrespected his Queen. 

Mistakes like this- and especially if someone points it out- will slaughter a Fan Fiction writer's confidence in less than a few seconds. So, as a helpful little wee tip, make sure to do research. Even if you're 60% sure, look it up. I've said it before in previous chapters- it will save you from destined embarrassment and self confidence issues as a writer.

Well, maybe that's a bit dramatic, but you see my point.  

#4: Bad Grammar                                         

Okay, I plan to do an entire other chapter on this subject, but let me touch on this: editing is so important. Not only will your readers appreciate it, but it makes your story a million times neater. 

Some Fan Fictions are just hard to understand, and because of that, none of them really rise and get the glory they may or may not deserve. 


Bawwy Allan is de Flesh, a supeh fest hewo whu savs Cental Citi. Alwo, Olivwer Quean is de Grean Arrouw, whu liwes in Sterleght Citi. Dey are bect freindz an bowf wuv saveng puople. Alwo, dey bofth kizz Felicetey!

Who the heck am I kidding- these are the ones with 2845928584397583 reads, and those who edit and work hard to have good grammar and use a thesaurus have like, 9 reads. 

Basically, I'm not going to sit here and tell you to edit a bunch because if you just write gibberish, Wattpad will feature it after it gets millions of reads and you'll be famous. That's how most Fan Fictions are these days, anyway. 

What a sad, sad world we live in.

Oh, but do work hard. Even if you don't earn a ton of reads, what's the point in writing anything if you don't put love and work into it?

#5: Book Covers                                        

Long story short, don't do a cover like this:

Do one more like this:

Give it life, character, meaning. Make it artsy. Make it fancy. Hire someone else to do it if you can't do it yourself- books are judged by their covers. 

Also, pretend the 'good' one is actually good because I don't know how to photo shop or make a good 'artsy' cover. I am occasionally a huge hypocrite. No, actually I'm one all the time, I'm just really crappy about it. 

#6: CONFLICT!                                                          

Ah, yes, conflict. Now, conflict is not always easy to write, but it's 100% necessary. A story without any problems and a story that goes 100% smoothly is just sort of annoying. I mean, if you have no conflict and your character's romance goes perfect, all fights are even and are won by the good guys, they know what the problem is and how to fix it, and the villain is beat easy-peasy- there isn't any thrill. 

We all lie about hating cliffhangers. I mean, I hate them when they happen, but soon I realize that if everything was resolved at the end of the chapter there wouldn't be much of a story. After that I'm thankful for it. But you know, I'm sort of angry at the time.

As we all are. 


Within the entire book, I got an awesome new job and fell in love with Bruce Wayne who conveniently loved me back at the same time I decided to confess my love, we defeated Joker who seems to be the only villain associated with Batman these days and we did it together after Harley Quinn effortlessly told us his location. I moved in with Bruce into Wayne Manor where Alfred became my father figure within the first ten minutes. I did all of this without any trouble at all. And I also found out I'm related to Clark Kent- who, get this- is Superman! WHHHAATTTTT?!?!?! Crazy, right? Who would've guessed?

Conflict is not only realistic, but it also gives meaning and life to the story you're telling. 

And don't forget to write. I mean, this sounds dumb, but don't ever give up. I'm probably starting to sound so annoying by saying this 'don't give up, bae' stuff, but it's true. If you have an idea and you work hard, even if it isn't the best in the world, you can make it your own. 

Also, writing Fan Fiction is real fricking fun. Everyone should try it.

Okay, this chapter took forever to write because I am lazy and tired all the time. I know this chapter is a day late. But, on the bright side, I got a lot of writing done for my Fan Fiction I'm writing which is good because I got writers block for about a month (or so it felt like). 

Again, sorry this chapter is late, and I hope you enjoyed! I plan to make a Part 2 if you guys want it! This idea was submitted by Yavanna80. I hope you liked it!

This personally isn't my favorite chapter- I feel like I can do better- but I feel that way about everything anyway.

Until next time, I'm with you til' the end of the line. (Yes I know I used the quote before but it's a good gosh darn quote, okay? Feels)


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