Chapter 3: The Movie

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As Luke sits down, Ryder picks up the remote for the tv and turns it on. "We have Netflix and Hulu. What kind of movie should we watch?" He cocks his head inquisitively, looking to the male sitting next to him.
    "I've always kind of had a thing for horror movies." He shrugs nonchalantly. "If you're fine with that, maybe we could watch one?" He gives a small smile as he looks over at Ryder, sitting so close that their arms are brushing against one another with even the slightest movement. "There's just something so fun about getting your heart racing. It's just so fun."
    "I don't get scared at horror movies. I like them, they just don't scare me." He says, shrugging slightly and chuckling lightly, looking at his new roommate."
    "I don't believe you." He says lightly, sticking his tongue out at the male seated next to him. He laughs, taking the remote from Ryder. He turns on Netflix, and looks through the movies, until he finds one that looks like it'll be really scary. "How about this one?"
    Ryder gives a chuckle, with a slightly nervous undertone. "I'm not gonna get scared, no matter how hard you try. This probably won't even be that scary." He shrugs defiantly and laughs.
    Luke hits play, sets the remote down, and before it gets started, he goes to make a big bowl of popcorn. After it's made, he shuts off all the lights and sits back down next to Ryder. He puts the bowl between them, and starts watching the movie.
    Ryder watches Luke as he gets up to go get the popcorn, and he watches the beginning, which is nothing more than the credits for the cast of the movie, but even that had a few decent jump scares mixed in, so he was glad Lukas wasn't there to see him. He wanted to seem tough, despite actually being really afraid of horror movies.
    Luke glances over at Ryder, and can tell he's kinda scared of the movie already. He feels kinda bad, but then remembers that Ryder tried to play it off like he wasn't afraid. He grabs a small handful of popcorn and eats it slowly, watching the movie. He begins getting engrossed in the story, and soon his eyes are completely glued to the screen.
    Ryder notices how into the movie Luke seems to be, and gives a small smile, despite his fear of the movie. He had to admit, that the male next to him looked really cute, somehow cuter than usual, when he was really interested in something, like he was with the movie. He reaches his hand into the popcorn bowl slowly, and blushes a furious red as his fingers brush against Luke's in the bowl.
    Luke feels his fingers touch the skin of his new friend's, and he looks away quickly, his own face burning hot. "Uh..I'm...I'm really sorry. I didn't realize that you had your hand in there." He says, his voice small and nervous.
    Ryder nods softly. "No, it's my bad, I should have looked." He laughs nervously, looking back at Luke sitting next to him. He then looks back at the screen, brushing off the encounter the best he can.
    Luke doesn't think too much of the situation, and just keeps watching the movie. A really unexpected, scary jump scare happens, and suddenly, he hears a quiet shriek and feels two arms wrap around Luke's own arm, and Ryder buries his face into Luke's upper arm.
    Ryder holds Luke's arm tightly, with his face pressed into the side of it. As soon as he realizes what he's doing, Ryder blushes the brightest he had yet. "I am so sorry. I can't believe I just did that..I didn't think about it at all.." he looks down, ashamed, and his anxiety skyrockets. "That was way out of line, I apologize."
    Luke is very surprised, but doesn't mind it at all. "No, it's completely fine..even though you said horror movies don't scare you." He teases playfully, sticking his tongue out at Ryder.
    Ryder gently slaps Luke's arm, letting out a small, nervous laugh. Shut up, you ass." He mutters, a slight smile plastered on his face.
    Luke laughs loudly, shaking his head gently. "Even if you tried to act macho in front of me, just know, I don't mind at all if you decide to cling to me to keep you not scared."
    "I'm not scared at all! I-i wasn't scared to begin with...I just..just wanted to see what would happen if I did that. It was a-an experiment." He looks down, looking at the floor.
    Without even thinking about it, Luke blurts out "you're so cute when your flustered." Then, he realizes what he had just said, and laughs nervously. "That damned wine." He mutters.
    Ryder perks up immediately, smiling at Luke's comment. "That's not true, but I guess I kinda appreciate it."
    Luke rolls his eyes. "It's very true, but whatever." Luke grabs more of the popcorn, and puts it in his mouth, chewing slowly on the kernels.
    Ryder continues watching the movie. "I guess...I do admit..this is pretty terrifying. I didn't want to admit it, but this is pretty scary."
    Luke smiles and looks at the boy sitting next to him. He thinks carefully about his next move, afraid that it may not be the best thing, but he just can't help himself. He gently drapes his arms across Ryder's shoulders, smiling at him. "If you get scared, just know that I'm right here."
    Ryder is shocked. "Uh...that's...that's your arm. On shoulder." He points out, his jaw practically on the floor.
    "Is it alright? I guess if it isn't, I'm completely fine with moving it. Just let me know. Don't want to overstep and ruin this." He chuckles kind of nervously, biting his lip anxiously. "I guess I didn't think too much about this. Sorry."
    "No, it's fine, I just..wasn't exactly expecting it." He laughs gently, moving his deep chocolate brown eyes to meet Luke's icy blue ones. "It's actually pretty comforting, to be completely honest.
    Luke laughs gently, smiling widely. He brings his gaze back to the scary movie in front of him, paying only half of his attention to the film now, as Ryder and him touching takes up the other half of his attention, no matter how hard he tries not to pay attention.
    Ryder puts his legs up on the loveseat, so his head is pressed lightly against Luke's chest, and he begins feeling his eyelids get heavy. Soon, he can't keep them open anymore, and he falls asleep, cuddling into Luke.
    Eventually, Luke notices Ryder sleeping, and smiles happily down at him. He closes his own eyes and soon, he's also asleep, and in that moment, he's completely content with how things are going. The anxiety about moving more than 24 hours away from his home, the anxiety about moving into a house with someone he didn't know, and the anxiety about staring at a college where he would know nobody, had completely faded. All he knew, was that at least for the moment, he was happy.

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