Chapter 1

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Marcel P.O.V

(imagine hearing this with his chirpy voice ;)))

"Beep beep beep..."

Time to get  up, 6am. Very early for a Sunday,too early actually. It's not that I'm not used to gettin up at this time, in effect, I don't mind at all. 6am is when I usually get up, even though school starts at 8 and from my house to there is only a 10-minute drive. I want to spend some time in the morning to revise my old lessons and prepare for new ones, it has been proved by science that studying in the morning improves your memory, the reason for me doing it in case you might wonder...

Yeah,sorry to bore you,haha, it's just a habit of mine wanting to explain on everything possible. Maybe that's why I'm so keen on physics and chemistry and maths, things like that. I like English Literature too,yeah,personal favourite is Jane Eyre.

Wow, now even I find myself boring...

Anw, today, being forced to get up at 6am bothers me, a lot, because I will have to get to the airport with Mom to pick up my "dearest brother". He's my twin brother actually. To be honest, me and him have never been on good terms. That bloody crazy boy thinking he's "hotter" than me and that he's a chick magnet and I'm a nerd who doesn't deserve to hang out with him. I mean, hello? WE ARE TWINS WE LOOK INDENTICAL! Well, at least I can use my brain, and for that, I'm proud of myself. Still, I can't never say that to his face. I just have problems with expressing my thoughts, I'm afraid I'm gonna offend anybody.

"Marcel! Honey, are you up? Come onnn, you are seeing your brother again, aren't you happy about that? Let's go son"

"I'm coming Annie!"

Annie- my mother, Harry's too of course. When our parents divorced, I was the one to live with Mom and Harry with Dad. We remain staying in Cheshire-small but lovely town, while Harry and Dad moved to London.

"Let's go Marcey, you're driving"

"Mom, stop calling me thattt, not in front of Harry"


Harry P.O.V

"Please unfasten your seatbelt. We have landed in Cheshire...."

Ohhh bloody hell what a rough flight...

"And we danced all night, to the best song ever~~~"-my phone rings

"Oh hello best father in the world who throw his son out of his house and dump him in the stupid town of cherries"

"It's Cheshire, well, you're not dead. That's enough. Behave. Your money has been transferred to your mother's account. Happy being punished for neglecting your study and all-night partying with your friends."

"Dad, I was with the guys practicing, I told you"

"Stop talking nonsense, you went home having alcohol all over. Behave yourself there. Bye now"

Urgh, so annoying. Me, Harry Styles, having my own boy band, a womanizer, a London bad boy, ha, yes that's what they called me, is now stuck in this stupid little town. I'm gonna die of boredom. And it's not even my fault, if that stupid Niall boy didn't spill his vodka on me, Dad wouldn't have found out I snuck out to drink. Well, shit happens. That's why I'm gonna be stuck here with a creepy nerdy creature who shares my family name. And I'm even gonna go to the same school with him.

Finally,I stop myself from thinking too much nonsense. I'll done being bored as soon as I get a girl at school and "have a little fun" . Now that sounds good...



"Ohhh my little cutie pie. I miss you"

Being hugged by Mom is the most incredible feeling ever.

Her scent of cookies, her arms holding you tight, makes you feel like a little child again...

"Hey Bro"-Marcel smiles at me

"Don't bro me, my luggage is there, let's get going"

"Harry, you are NOT talking to your brother like that"

Oh no, I've got to be Annie's favourite child...

"Oh I'm sorry. Marcel, could you please give me a hand with these heavy suitcases. Thanks brother!"

"Now boys, let's all head home, shall we?"

A/N: Chap1!!!! Do you like ittt???

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