Chapter 12 Through His Eyes

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Chapter 12 Through His Eyes


I look around the room as Payton and I sit at the special Holiday lunch on campus for the students who hadn't gone home or away for Christmas. I let out a sigh. I know, it was my choice to stay in Chicago, but even though Aunt Camille offered to stay home, put up a tree and make a big meal, I know she really wanted to go on that cruise with her boyfriend. Since she met Stu she had finally slowed down a bit and was having some fun. She had worked so hard for so many years building her business, but now she had a very good and capable staff and it was time for her to live her life, have some romance and be pampered by someone who loves her.

"I'm surprised Ashton didn't show up," Payton comments. "You know, with all this food. It's actually not bad either, all the stuff from most traditional Christmas dinners."

"Maybe he's having Christmas with one of his friends from High School," I suggest. "The food is fine, but it's still kind of depressing. All the lost souls who have nowhere to go." Looking around it's a lot of the foreign students who maybe couldn't afford to fly home for the holiday break, or people with no families, a category I somewhat fit into, or people who just don't like their family. I look at Payton with his eyes trained on his e-reader. "Good book?"

He looks back up, "Mhm," he says nodding, then looks guilty. "Sorry Tommy." He puts it down and sits up straight. "So do you regret not going home for the holiday?"

"No, not at all. You know, Christmas hasn't been one of my favorite holidays anyway, know." I don't need to say the words for him to understand. Aunt Camille tried to make the Christmases after my parents died as festive as possible, but it was never the same. Of course, I always put on a good face for my Aunt. "Do you regret it?"

"No, I mean, I feel guilty yes, but I don't regret it. After Thanksgiving I just couldn't do a family holiday again this quickly. I...I just would have snapped."

I let out a big laugh thinking of a meme I'd seen recently, "What do you get when a redhead goes off the deep end?"

"I don't know what?" Payton asks cautiously.

"A ginger snap!"

"Haha, very funny," he replies, trying to sound annoyed but I see the smile curling at the sides of his mouth.

"So, Tai texted me and the club is open for members only tonight, we have to go!" I say excitedly.

"I don't know...I was thinking about taking a nap and not waking up until New Years," Payton mutters.

I look up just as a few of our classmates are headed our way with trays. "Just think about it," I say, "We'll talk later." I look up just as Alena, Sven, Tricia and Marco pause at our table. "You guys want to join us?" I ask.

Payton is quiet for the rest of our meal as I chat with the four other freshman from our program who have also stayed in Chicago. He doesn't know them as well as I do, but he's always been shy and I've always been the one introducing myself to new people.

"Let's go for a walk, I ate way too much," I suggest as we leave the dining hall.

"Alright, but I still get my nap after," Payton replies, "Christmas dinner then Christmas afternoon nap, it's the only tradition I'm not letting go of this year."

"You'll get your nap boo!" I assure him.

"Okay bae," he says with a smile.

We decide to walk off campus to see all the decorated storefronts. Pretty much everything is closed so there won't be a lot of people. It's cold, but we both have our winter coats and gloves on, so it's not bad. Payton has the hand knitted hat that his grandmother sent him for Christmas. She made me one too, but I don't really like to wear hats unless it's really cold. They just mess with my hair and I hate hat hair.

We stop to look in the storefront of one of my favorite "unique" clothing stores as Payton calls it, but it's real name is The Alley. This is the place I've gotten a lot of my new clothes and a few things for Payton that he's worn to the club. They have a little of everything; grunge, punk, goth, boho-chic and even some kinky stuff.

"Don't you love their Christmas display," I say to Payton, who was right next to me last time I looked. I turn behind me and he's staring up the street.

"Um, Tommy..."

I follow his line of sight and my breath catches in my chest, and it's not because of the cold air. Striding down the block, straight for us is Casey...I mean, Master Casey. Believe it or not, I haven't seen hardly at all in weeks, and the few times I have it was from afar, then I found some excuse to take off before he could come talk to me. I see a different personal trainer at the gym and I always looked at the big schedule on the wall to see what his days off are before I schedule my sessions. I know, real mature, but I just couldn't face him at first and the longer it went, the harder it became and now I just feel foolish. But I miss him, I really do. I just don't know if it could go back to what it was before I found out he was a Dom. Found out the hard way.

His steps are firm and full of confidence, each step smooth and purposeful. It always amazes me how this huge man, just as tall as Master Matthias, and all his muscles, can glide along with the ease and grace of...a dancer. Yeah, it's like the way Tai moves, like he's the master of every muscle in his body.

"What do you want to do?" Payton murmurs to me.

"It's Christmas, I'm going to say hello and wish him Happy Holidays and all that, it'd be rude not to." Was I just not being rude? Then why is my heart trying to bang its way out of my chest.

"Is it okay if I go back to the dorm," Payton quickly asks, "I just checked my watch and it's half past naptime."

"It's fine," I laugh, "go, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, go."

"Okay, see you back there?" I quickly nod and then turn back to the approaching man as Payton walks away. Once again I'm transfixed by the way his body moves as he gets closer.

"Tommy, I didn't think you'd be in town, Merry Christmas!" His deep voice startles me from my reverie as he lets out a chuckle and smiles at me broadly.

"Um, Merry Christmas Master Casey..."

"Just Casey, I was Casey before...I'm still just Casey." His voice takes on a somber tone at the end and his mouth turns into a frown. Something in me wants to wipe it away and bring the smile back more than anything.

"Are you having a good Christmas Casey?" I quickly ask.

"It's been fine. Listen, would you like to join me for a hot chocolate, coffee, or something warm? The coffee shop around the corner is open today."

I pause for a second before he adds. "Listen, I know you've been avoiding me and I understand, I was hoping we can just talk like we used to, I'm not asking for anything more than a few minutes at the coffee shop."

"I'd like to," I reply, nodding and he gets a relieved look on his face which I can't help but feel warmed by.

"I hope I didn't chase your friend away?"

"No, he wanted to go take a nap, it's his Christmas tradition."

Casey gestures toward the coffee shop and as I turn in that direction as he places his hand on the small of my back. It feels nice to be close to him again and I can practically feel the warmth radiating off his body.

"What would you like?" He asks as we walk in the door of the coffee shop.

"Whatever you're getting is fine," I say.

"I'll be right back," he calls out as I sit down at a table right by an electric fireplace that's turned on gently blowing a welcomed heat. A few minutes later Casey comes back carrying a tray with two mugs of hot chocolate and a plate of assorted treats. "Candy cane hot chocolate," he tells me, "my favorite, I hope you like it too."

"It sounds delicious!"

"It's a holiday so we can splurge," he laughs as he places the plate down between us. I spot small brownies bites, cookies and some round things I'm not sure about. I pick up one of the brownies and pop it in my mouth and just about moan at the chocolatey goodness. I look up and he's watching me with a smirk.

"Sorry, I love brownies," I admit.

"Good to know," he says smugly before grabbing one of the cookies.

We make small talk about school and the weather. Casey asks me how my workouts are going, but doesn't once ask why I'd stop seeing him, for which I was grateful. I notice the whole time he doesn't eat one of the brownies. I wonder after if he doesn't like them or if he is leaving them for me.

"Well I'd better get going," I say after we finish our second mugs of hot chocolate. I notice the shop is emptying out and it looks like they are closing up soon. "Thank you for the hot chocolates, and...the brownies."

"Thank you for joining me. My sister and her family came for the holidays and I have to admit, they're driving me a little crazy so I had to get out of my apartment. I stopped by the gym to drop off some paperwork that I'd brought home to work on, I'm glad I saw you walking down the street. This has been...really nice, something I needed."

I'm about to ask him if he's going to the club tonight, but for some reason I don't. He probably isn't since his sister is visiting and all.

We get up and bring our mugs and the plate to the counter where people put their dirty dishes and then walk out the door.

"Well, I'll see you later Casey. Thanks again, and...Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas Tommy...oh wait! I have something for you...a little Christmas gift," he quickly says as he opens his leather jacket and reaches into an inside pocket. "I have to admit, I've been carrying this around for several days, not sure when I'd have a chance to give it to you."

"You didn't have to get me a Christmas present," I object, especially since I feel bad that I didn't get him anything...but we hadn't spoken in weeks...

"I know I didn't have to, and it's not a big deal. I don't want anything in return. I just, it's something small, but I thought you might like help with your fitness goals."

He hands me the small package, there's a little tag on it that says 'Merry Christmas Tommy,' so I know he really had been carrying it around for me and it wasn't just something he had in his pocket.

"Go ahead, open it," he says.

I rip open the wrapping paper and read the small box. "Fitbit Surge. What is it?" I ask as I open the box and see something that looks like a digital watch. "Is it a watch?"

"It's like a super watch, it helps you track your fitness, your activity, your heart rate even your sleep patterns." He watches as I pull it out and put it on my wrist. "There's a booklet inside with basic information to get started, but then if you go on their website, it will tell you all about how to use it...or I could show you sometime too. It connects to your smartphone."

"Cool! Uh, I hope this didn't cost a lot..."

"Tommy, stop. I get this kind of stuff wholesale, but it doesn't matter. I wanted you to have it."

"Thanks Casey! I love it!"

"And...there are no strings attached. I understand why you've been keeping your distance, I don't blame you and I didn't give you this to influence you at all, I...I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you."

"Thanks," I repeat, and I can tell I'm blushing. "I...I've missed you Casey. Um, I hope we can do this again soon." Just then his phone beeps and he pulls it out of his pocket to check.

"The Savages are restless," he jokes, "my sister, she says the kids are starving and ready for round 2 of Uncle Casey's holiday cooking. I'd better get going. Maybe we can get together soon and I'll show you how to work that."

"Okay, thanks. I'll, um, text you in a couple of days and if you're free..."

"Perfect, I'll have my freedom again the day after tomorrow when I put them back on a plane to North Carolina."

We both stand there looking at each other, neither of us wanting to make the first move; to leave, say goodbye...until he pulls me into a bear hug. "Merry Christmas Tommy." His voice is quiet and gravelly and I feel a blush wash over me.

"Merry Christmas Casey...thanks again."

He lets me go and with one final smile, turns and walks back down the street. I'm disappointed he won't be there tonight, but glad we finally talked and things weren't uncomfortable. I mean, we really didn't talk about anything that had happened, but it just wasn't the time and I think we need to establish that comfort level again before we can go there.

When I get back to the dorm Payton is sound asleep so I grab my phone and go into the common room down the hall. No one is around so I have it to myself to call Aunt Camille and wish her a Merry Christmas and to hear how her vacation is going. Then I start playing with my new Fitbit as I go through the little manual. I get the app loaded on my phone, but there are still some things I'm not sure how to work, so I figure I'll just take Casey up on his offer to show me how it works.


Later that night when we arrive at the club I haven't even made it to our table before a waiter brings me a drink.

"Those tight pants are working already," Payton teases. He was laughing at me the whole 10 minutes it took me to get them on tonight. The funny thing is, once they're on they feel great, like they're made for me. And since it's Christmas, the gold faux leather doesn't look odd at all. Or at least I hope.

"Courtesy of the gentleman at the bar," the guy says, one of the few waiters I don't know yet. I look over and spot Master Adam smiling at me. I mouth a 'thank you' and 'Merry Christmas' as I take a sip of the fruity concoction that I know has no alcohol.

Denny and Dylan come bopping off the dance floor and run over and give us both hugs. I laugh at Dylan who's wearing an elf outfit, but damn, he wears it well! "I love your pants!" He screeches, just a little too loudly as several people turn our way.

They tell us all about their Christmas morning and the gifts they got while Payton and I listen and 'oooh' and 'ahhh' at the right moments. I'm not jealous, but it would have been nice to wake up with up with someone special and have shared a romantic Christmas morning. Then I feel guilty because I still had my best friend Payton, even though it wasn't romantic we still had a fun morning watching cartoons on Payton's laptop. And then of course seeing Master Casey and the gift he gave me. I had to remind myself not to be greedy, some people spent the holidays in a lot worse situations.

"I'm going to go get a drink," Payton says as he stands up. I'm sure a waiter will stop by soon, but sometimes Payton needs to stretch his legs. He gets a little antsy sitting for too long, especially in social situations so I figure he just needs to clear his head for a few minutes.

I see Tai and Ashton arrive and tell Payton I'm going to say hi to them. More hugs and Christmas wishes are exchanged and I chuckle at Ashton's uncomfortable look. He doesn't like hugging at all. Payton used to be the same way, but I've slowly desensitized him over time with all my hugs since I'm a total hugger. He just gave up, or gave in and now tolerates them pretty well.

Lane walks by on his way to the bar, stops and looks over before he says, "Your pants are tighter than Payton's butthole," and keeps walking.

"What the hell Lane!" I call back, but he just giggles and keeps on walking. I would think he'd had too much to drink, but I know he's doing a scene tonight so Master Matthias wouldn't let him. Maybe he's still high on sugar from all the Christmas cookies he's probably been eating today.

"Where is Payton?" Ashton asks.

"Getting a drink, I spotted you two and told him that I was going to say hi. Oh look, he's talking to Lane." I pause and watch the two, I know Payton is uncomfortable about talking to him, he hates any sort of confrontation, but they need to talk it out and get it all behind them so they can go back to being friends. "That's good now they can have a civilized talk and get over this whole 'Payton wants Master Matthias' drama," I say before turning back to Tai and telling him about all the new stuff they have at The Alley and we decide to go shopping the next day to see what kind of sales we can find.

"Tommy, Payton just made a break for the bathroom," Tai says making me look over at the bar. Lane is talking to some Dom I've never seen before, and this guy is looking down the hall that Payton just ran down. I wonder if Lane made some stupid comment to him like he did to me, but usually Payton just laughs at his jokes.

"I'll check on him, don't worry," I say as I stand up.

"Are you sure?" Ashton asks, but I know Payton might be embarrassed if Ashton goes. He looks up to Ash more than he'll ever admit and doesn't want to look stupid in front of him.

"Yeah, I know Payton like the back of my hand. He wouldn't want more attention than necessary. I'm sure he's fine. I'll be back," I say with a sigh before heading to the bathroom.

On the way I'm stopped by Master Adam. "I trust you had a good Christmas Tommy?" He asks.

"Yes, it was good Sir, and yours?"

"My brother and I went to see our parents just outside of Chicago for brunch."

"That sounds nice Sir. Um, I apologize Master Adam, but I need to go check on my friend, I think something may have happened."

"That's fine Tommy, will you join me later, in my playroom, I'd still like to take you through your first scene."

"Um, I don't think so Master Adam," I reply. Until I see where things might go with Casey, I don't think I want to be with anyone else, but I don't want to tell Master Adam that. "I don't think it's the right time...for me." My explanation comes out sounding stupid, but I'm just not good at coming up with excuses on the fly. "I'm sorry Sir."

"Okay Tommy. I have to admit I'm disappointed. I hope you won't be offended if I take someone else to my room though."

"No Sir, of course not. I wouldn't have the right to be offended," I reply, making him frown. "I really have to go Sir, I'm...I'm sorry."

He gives me a curt nod and I rush off down to the bathroom to find Payton. When I walk in I hear the sound of sniffling followed by the blowing of a nose. Poor Payton.

"Pay?" I call out softly, "Pay, Tai said he saw you running in here. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Tommy, I'm just going to stay here a while," he says quietly, his voice sounding hoarse.

"Why? Did something happen? Tai said you looked upset. He was going to come in and check on you, but I told him I would." I left out that Ashton also saw just to keep him from even more embarrassment.

"Tommy, I'm just...I made a fool of myself in front of the sexiest Dom I've ever seen...Lane hates me...I just...can't do anything right." His voice cracks at the end and he just sounds so down my heart breaks.

"Lane doesn't hate you. He might still be pissed off, but it wasn't your fault and he'll realize that. Right now it's just easier to blame everyone else than Master Matthias, even though he wasn't doing anything but his job either. He'll come around, I promise." I try my best to reassure him and once he looks at it from Lane's point of view, I know he'll understand.

I hear him blow his nose again, but otherwise he's quiet.

"Who was the Dom? Master Matthias?" Then I wonder if it was that new guy I saw.

"Nooo!" he practically growls back.

"Sexier than Master Matthias?" I say teasingly, then I feel bad for pushing it too far.

"Stop it with Master Matthias!" He whines, "yes, he's sexy, but so are most of the Doms here. I don't have a crush on Master Matthias and why won't anyone ever believe me!"

"Okay Payton, I'm just teasing you. I believe you," I quickly say as soothingly as possible. "Why don't you come out and we can talk...or just have a drink and relax. Don't stay in there."

"I'm never getting another drink here," he balks, "and I'm not coming out until closing time and everyone's left. You can go back to the table, I'll be fine."

"Pay, I'm not leaving you hiding in the bathroom. Tell me what happened. Who is this sexy Dom and what did you do?" I wonder what could have happened to stir such a strong reaction in my usually quiet friend.

"I don't know who he is, I've never seen him before. He's got a French accent and he's really tall with dark skin and tattoos. His face is beautiful...and he's built, I mean, like perfectly cut and buff. He was in tight fitting leathers that...well, you know...hugged everything perfectly and he had no shirt on and...his nipples...oh my god!"

I chuckle to myself thinking about Payton's obsession with male nipples. He's totally in lust with this British male model that has really perky ones and Payton spends hours googling shirtless pictures of him on the internet.

"I was talking to Lane," he continues so I stay quiet to let him talk, "he was mad...he told me to stay away from Master Matthias, that he's his...and then I started to leave...and Tommy, I spilled my OJ and Cranberry all over this Dom's beautiful chest, down his washboard abs and all over his leathers."

"Oh my god Pay!" I blurt out in shock before I catch myself.

"I know," he mutters sounding totally miserable.

"What did he do? Is he going to punish you?"

"I don't think so...oh my god, do you think? He'd probably have said something, but he mostly just wanted me to go away. So see, I can't go back out there. If he sees me again he'll probably get pissed off and I'll have to get paddled in front of everyone, that would be so embarrassing...they'd all see my butt...then...they'd see me cry and I'd have to leave the club...I'd never be able to come back..."

He starts to ramble and talk faster and faster so I try to calm him down. "Shhhh, Pay. None of that is true. I'm sure it was an accident. He's probably forgotten all about it. Just come out and we'll go sit down...if after an hour you still want to leave I'll take you back to the dorm myself."

"I'm not coming out Tommy. Not right now."

"Please Pay..."

"No, just go and have a good time, you should go talk to Master Casey. Come get me later after everyone's gone."

I wish, I think to myself, but he's not coming tonight. I take a deep breath as I try to think what to do. "I'll be right back," I tell Payton and run back out to the main room. I scan the crowd before I see Lane dancing with Denny and Dylan, the double D's are on either side of Lane grinding the hell out of him and the smile on Lane's face tells me he's enjoying it thoroughly, well, not for long!

I walk over and grab him by the arm, pulling him off the dance floor. If he hadn't been slightly off balance in the middle of a dance move I probably wouldn't have been able to move his muscular form so easily, but after working out myself, I'm no slouch.

"Tommy, have some class. I don't fuck in public bathrooms besides, I have a Master," Lane grumbles and I give him my best glare.

"Get serious Lane, not everyone has the sex drive of a bunny like you," I say and then pull him into the bathroom. "Payton won't come out of the stall."

"Payton, you can come out of the closet, but you can't come out of the stall?" he jokes loudly and I roll my eyes while letting out an exhausted sigh. I hear Payton chuckling followed by some sniffling.

"That's not funny," he grumbles, despite his initial reaction.

"Why are you hiding in the bathroom?" Lane asks him while splashing some cold water on his face that's flushed from dancing.


"Payton, calm down, please come out and let's talk about this, it's not that bad," I try before Lane interrupts me.

"Don't be such a pussy Payton, who cares if you spilled your drink on him? It was an accident and those happen all the time. You just have to brush yourself off and keep moving. You act like you puked on the man's cock while giving him head, or farted while he fucked you or something."

I groan at Lane while Payton screams at him. "What did I say?" Lane asks, like he can't imagine what he possibly could have said to offend him. "Whatever, I'll be back." Lane leaves the bathroom much to my annoyance.

"Wait, where are you going?" I ask, but it's too late. He's gone.

A few minutes later there's a knock on the door as it opens and in walks that Dom from earlier, the one Payton...

"Do you mind if I talk to him," he says quietly a deep, accented voice. I nod and can't help but stare at his face, but quickly I look down. He's got beautiful light chestnut skin and...tattoos. Payton loves tattoos, and his chest...oh my god, up close he's a god. "Just give us a few minutes," he adds looking at me like I'm slow so I quickly nod again and walk out the door.

I'm waiting outside the door, only able to hear the murmur of voices when Master Matthias and Lane come down the hallway. Oh god, this is just turning into a three ring circus. Poor Payton hates calling attention to himself and now he's in the middle of a maelstrom. I stand to the side as Master Matthias walks into the bathroom with Lane hot on his tail.

With the door open I hear raised voices and lots of French, between Master Matthias and the other Dom. I laugh to myself, I bet they don't realize Payton is fluent in French. This should be good. I took Spanish so I have no clue what they're saying, but I'm sure Payton will fill me in later.

I lean back against the wall and close my eyes as I think about seeing Casey this afternoon. He even had a Christmas present for he'd been thinking about me too. I really missed him and I'm glad we bumped into each other. I think I'm finally ready to put everything that happened behind us and at least be friends again.

But do you want something more? I ask myself.

I'd be lying if I said no. I feel my lips pull up into a smile. Maybe there is a chance?

I hear Payton's voice and when I open my eyes he's scurrying by me.

"Pay?" I call out and he stops. He looks miserable.

"I'm just going home Tommy, I'll get a cab or something," he says as I catch up to him.

"Wait Pay, I can drive you..."

"Payton," the deep voice of the mystery Dom says as he follows Payton out.

"Payton Johns, hold still." I watch as Payton freezes at the sound of the man's voice. "Tommy right?" He says to me in that drop dead sexy French accent. There's no hope for Payton with this guy. "Let me talk to him, okay?"

"Yes, Sir," I say with a nod. I look quickly at Payton who's looking at me with pleading eyes, but I can tell the Dom means him no harm so I give him a reassuring smile and walk back down the hallway and wait just inside the main room. A few seconds later I see Payton being led down to Master Matthias' office and after that Lane and Master Matthias finally come out of the bathroom as well. As they pass Lane has a big grin on his face.

He stops and lets Master Matthias go on, "who is that?" I ask him.

"Daddy's cousin Remington or he's also called Remy. Almost as hot as Daddy, genetics can be such a gift...either that or fuck you over. Daddy's genes are sexy as fuck though."

" he going to punish Payton?" I ask.

"Punish him? Nah, I actually think Pay may have caught his eye, too bad he's going back to France after the holidays, who knows what could happen if he lived in Chicago, they'd be so cute together! I have to go catch up with Daddy, we're going to do our scene soon, you should watch!"

Lane takes off before I can answer. This is turning out to be an interesting night. I wonder what's going through Payton's mind. I wonder if he's attracted to this Master Remington...well, I can tell he is, I just hope he realizes he's only here for a visit. I laugh to myself at the irony, Master Matthias' cousin! Well, I guess Payton will be fine so I go to sit back with Ashton and give him a rundown of what will be known going forward as 'the great Payton drink spilling, bathroom hiding' method of Dom seduction.

"Here they come," Ashton says with a slight chuckle and I look up to see my friend walking towards us, with the tall Dom's hand on the small of his back. Payton is blushing of course and I fight to keep a smile of amusement off my face.

"Master Remington has asked me to watch the show with him," he tells us nervously, but I can also see a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"Would you two like to join as well?" Master Remington asks us, taking me by surprise. I look at Payton and his expression tells me he wants me to say yes. He's probably still nervous being around a Dom with the similar overpowering/overbearing disposition of Master Matthias, but Master Remington doesn't seem quite as stern or cold. I can tell he has a softer side, which would be perfect for Payton...if only he didn't live in France!

"Yes, Sir. Thank you," I say standing up. I certainly wouldn't want to miss the most important show of the season.

"No thank you Sir, I'm fine watching from here," Ashton replies and I'm not too surprised.

"Are you sure Ash? Lane and Matthias are performing," I say because it will be much easier to see the show from the VIP seating.

"I can see from here, don't worry about me." Ashton is pretty stubborn so I just nod and follow Payton and Master Remington across the room.

We walk up to a couch that's next to Master Matthias and Lane...that's also right in front of the stage where they'll be performing. Basically, the best seats in the house to watch. I feel my mouth go dry at the thought.

"Sit right here Payton," Master Remington says in his smooth French accent. "Tommy, you can sit on the other side of him." I wait for Payton to sit down first, but he looks like he doesn't know what to do. I think he was expecting he'd have to kneel on the floor, I give my friend a subtle nudge to take a seat.

"Payton?" Master Remington questions when he hasn't moved.

"Huh, I'm sorry Sir, did you say sit? Aren't Tommy and I supposed to kneel on the floor?" Payton asks.

"You're my guests Payton," Master Remington explains, "I have not engaged you as a submissive tonight, so you may sit next to me."

Payton nods and sits down in the middle of the couch where Master Remington had pointed, while I sit down next to him and peek around the room I haven't ever seen from this angle. Master Remington sits down on the other side of Payton and I feel Payton almost slide into him while I stifle a giggle. Payton is probably ten shades of red, but I don't dare look at him in case I start laughing.

Master Remington is speaking quietly to Payton so I look the other way trying to give them some space. I wonder if I should have stayed with Ashton after all as I begin to feel like a third wheel.

"Tommy, I'm surprised to find you here tonight," a very deep, slow tempo voice says from above. High above. I look up, and up, and up and my face flushes in excitement as I see Casey, for the second time today.

"Cas.." I begin, then remember where we are, "Master Casey, I didn't expect to see you here tonight," I say softly, blushing again at basically repeating what he said. "I, uh, I mean, I thought you had to be with your sister?"

He let out a deep chuckle, "I made them dinner, played with the kids, did all that Uncle stuff and then plopped them down in front of a pile of Disney movies. My sister let me off the hook and told me to go out. I think she could tell I needed a break."

"Casey, welcome back," Master Rowan calls over. "I missed all the excitement a few months ago, but I'm glad to see you back, in tip top shape I'm sure."

"Rowan," his grizzly voice replies and I can tell he's fighting his annoyance. "Good to see you, Merry Christmas, glad to be back."

"Excellent. You're just in time to watch the show, Master Matthias and Lane are presenting for us tonight." The King and Queen of the club are already on stage preparing so Rowan is kind of standing in as host I realize.

"Casey, you haven't met Remy. Remy is Matthias' cousin visiting for the holidays," Rowan tells Casey. The two shake hands and when Master Casey steps back I realize that there's no place for him to sit so I quickly stand up and offer my seat, I figure I can kneel on the floor just like the other subs, it would be worth it to be near Casey.

"Actually, I have a seat over there," Master Casey replies, "I saw you and wanted to come over to see if you'd like to join me...or are you waiting for someone else?" he asks looking around.

"No! I mean, I'm not waiting for anyone else." I look over at Payton who gives me a small smile so I turn back to Casey, "I'd like to join you Sir, that is, um," I look back at Master Remington who laughs and waves me off. "Thank you Sir," I say to Master Remington and follow Casey over to a large easy chair with another group of Doms and subs I only know from seeing them around the club. I feel relieved that I haven't seen Glen lately and Tai said he thought he had signed a contract with another Dom already.

"I'm sorry, I was the last one here so I didn't get the best choice of seats," Casey chuckles. "But it's a fairly large chair, we can fit if we squeeze in tight."

"It reminds me of that chair Lily Tomlin used in her Edith Ann skit," I say. "It's fine Casey, I'm just glad you came."

"Oh that will hopefully happen later," a Dom in the group says and they all snicker with him. Casey gives him a stern look before he sits down, moving as far to one side as his large body allows.

I feel guilty making him squish into the seat so I kneel down in front of his legs facing them so I can either turn to talk to him or turn to see the show. Casey leans forward, "Tommy, I don't mind sharing the seat."

"I know, but, I don't want you to be crowded, and besides, all of the subs are kneeling."

"I don't think of you as a sub..."

"What if I wanted you too?"

My words have the desired effect as he looks at me intensely, his nostrils flaring. I take a risk and don't move my eyes from his. The staring match isn't broken until I hear Master Matthias speaking to the group meaning the show is beginning and my eyes unconsciously shift away. Strong arms reach down and pull me into a large warm lap and I feel petite as I'm drawn into the powerful chest whose dips and curves I had once memorized.

"I like my subs in my lap if that's how you want to play it," he growls into my ear and I try to turn a giggle into a chuckle, but it's too late and I blush at the sound.

It feels weird at first, not because its Casey...or Master Casey, but because I've never sat in another man's lap really before, at least not like this, not that I feel dwarfed in. I've always been as tall or taller than any of my previous boyfriends. Something I actually didn't like. I'd never admit it out loud, but there's something so comforting about sitting on this man's lap; feeling protected and cherished. Like I don't have to be the one looking out for everyone else, I can be the one being looked out for. I really like this. I like this quite a bit. I close my eyes and just languish in the moment and melt into his arms. I could get way used to this.

"If you don't open your eyes you'll miss the show," Casey chuckles into my ear and his breath on the sensitive skin of my neck causes tingles to shoot down my nerve endings.

"I'm sorry," I whisper and start to sit up, maybe move off his lap next to him, but he holds me tightly.

"Don't be, I'm not. Now that you're here, I just may never let you go though." He gives me that intense look again as he says it and I barely register that Master Matthias has started to tie the ropes around Lane. Something that I was keenly interested to see earlier is not so interesting to me now that I'm sitting here in Master Casey's arms.

There's so much sexual energy flying around the room that maybe it makes me bolder so I lean up and press my lips lightly against Master Casey. I should know better, I'm a sub and I shouldn't take such initiative, but I can't help it. Master Casey doesn't seem to mind though as he places a hand behind my head holding me in place while he turns the light kiss into something deeper and more passionate. I close my eyes again and let my body relax into him, becoming pliant to his other hand that caresses the side of my face, then trails down to my shoulders, down my sides until he's gripping my hip.

"Mmm," I moan as I feel him hardening underneath me, right against my ass. Then I feel disappointment as he breaks the kiss and sits back a little.

"It would be rude of us not to pay attention as Master Matthias performs for us," he says quietly as he catches his breath. I nod and turn my body slightly to see the stage.

Lane is naked, not something I haven't seen before, hanging from the ropes above him, bent in half in what looks like an uncomfortable position to me, yet he looks perfectly relaxed. I watch, but my mind is elsewhere. It's focused on every part of my body that's in contact with Master Casey. My heart rate is buzzing at the way his hand rubs circles into my thighs as it rests on my lap; the circles dangerously close to the bulge in my tight pants.

Even though I watch, it's without really seeing, though I can feel the tension in the air rising. The whole room is like a pot of heating water getting closer and closer to the boiling point. The spell Master Casey has on me gets slightly broken when an audible gasp emanates from all parts of the audience, I look and Master Matthias has stripped off his leathers.

"Whoa," I can't help but murmur at the size of him. I unconsciously clench my ass and Master Casey growls deeply at the slight movement against his erection. I swallow, my throat dry as I realize the mountain below me might end up being just as big as Master Matthias by the feel of it. It scares me a little, 'Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore', I think to myself...'Tommy, we're not with High School boys anymore'.

When I focus again Master Matthias is plunging that behemoth into Lane's ass like it was fitted just for him. The look of pure pleasure on Lane's face is enviable, but hard to watch, especially as it's mirrored by the look of devotion on Master Matthias. It's not that I'm jealous, though, to have someone look at me like that is 'goal as fuck,' as Lane would probably say, but the shows I'm used to seeing aren't as intimate as this. They're shows, this is something more, something I can't even find the words for. Payton would have to bring up his thesaurus to even attempt to come close, but maybe there isn't even a word strong enough in our language.

I turn back to Master Casey and am surprised that he's not looking at the scene, but his eyes are fixed on me. We just stare at each other against the backdrop of sounds; slapping skin, groans and gasps, heavy breathing. Sounds emanating throughout the whole room as others ride the wave created on the stage.

Lane's scream followed by Master Matthias' loud groans and final grunt startle me and I feel my whole body jolt, like when you wake up from a dream that you're falling in. Payton told me they're called myoclonic jerks after he looked it up on the internet. I involuntarily chuckle at the fact that I'm thinking about Payton and the way he's constantly googling everything. You can't ask him a simple question without him offering to google it. Get out of my thoughts Pay, I scold to myself. Though, for a split second I wonder how things are going across the room with Master Remington.

People are moving around us, I look up to see Doms leading subs off to more private parts of the club and a bout of nervous energy shudders through me wondering what Master Casey will say next. Is our night over or will he let me show him what's been going through my mind in the last few weeks whenever I thought of him. I also realize I don't know if he has a playroom or if we would have to find a quiet corner like many of the couples did after a show like this. I don't think I'd really like to have our first intimate moments, if they were to happen, take place in a room where anyone could see.


"Yes Master Casey?"

"What are you thinking right now?"

"That...I'd like to go somewhere private with you," I boldly reply.

"What are you expecting to happen if I take you to my playroom?" he asks and I feel my breath hitch. He has a playroom.

"I want..." I can't find the right words. I don't want to sound like a horny sub, but I want to be clear. That's what Master Matthias always stressed, be clear with your wants, needs and expectations.

"I want to be with you," I finally say, keeping it simple.

"How Tommy, how do you want to be with me?"

"I...I want to submit to you...I want"

"You realize this changes the nature of our relationship, if you come to my playroom, we don't go back to just being friends."

"I understand. you want that too?"

"Yes Tommy, I do, very much. I have for quite some time."

"Me too," I admit.

Wordlessly we get up and Master Casey leads me to his playroom. I can't believe things went from avoidance to this. As Master Casey is punching his code into the electronic lock I glance away and see Master Adam and one of the waif-like twinky subs that seem to avoid our group going towards another room. The boy keeps his excited eyes on Master Adam, but Master Adam looks over and gives me a hard glare. I quickly look away and try not to feel guilty. I have nothing to feel guilty about. Just because he bought me a drink, he never should have presumed anything more.

"Hey?" Master Casey says, giving me a little tug so I look up at him. "Are you okay? Don't worry Tommy, we don't have to do anything you don't want to or aren't ready for."

"I wasn't that...I just saw...I mean, it was nothing. I promise." I walk into the room and watch as he glances down the hallway before closing the door. His expression seems to be one of understanding and I'm grateful when he lets it go.

"I have to apologize, I haven't seen your limits sheet and rather than go through that right now, let's just keep things very simple and you let me know if you want to stop at any time."

"That's fine Sir, I do have to tell you, um, this is my first actual scene...I haven't really been with any Doms yet, other than that me."

"Maybe we don't think of it as a scene then, but just get to know each other...get to know each other's bodies. In my line of business I've become very adept at the art of massage and I have a collection of essential oils here, I'd like to blindfold you and stimulate your other senses. How do you feel about that Tommy?"

I look down with a blush, and he lifts my chin with a finger. "Honesty."

"I'm actually embarrassed to say how much I'd like that." I grin shyly at Casey causing him to let out a deep chuckle.

"I feel like the kid on Christmas who just got what he'd been wanting all year," Casey whispers.

I lift my arms a bit and shrug my shoulders, "time to unwrap your present."

This time Casey lets out a belly laugh that has me smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"With pleasure," he says when he stops laughing and his face goes serious again as he reaches for the bottom of my shirt and slowly pulls it over my head. Next he pulls off my shoes and socks. When he reaches for my pants I blush again as I suck in air so he can get them unbuttoned. "I like these," he says as he tugs them down and has to use one hand on the top and one on the bottom of each leg to help slide them off me.

Of course, with pants this tight you can either wear nothing or only a thong or you'd get lines from the briefs. I went the thong route and he lets out a barely audible moan when he sees them. Bright red for the holiday.

"Fuck. I'm leaving those on for now," he says. "Come, lie down on the bed, I just need to pull out a few things." Casey throws off a comforter, letting it bunch up at the end of the large bed, probably a California King. I'm not sure which way he wants me so for now I just sit down, shuffle to the middle and lean back against the pillows.

I watch as he undoes the last few buttons of his shirt that was mostly open baring his amazing chest. He takes the shirt off and leaves it on a chair before opening a cabinet. I'm not sure what to expect, but he walks over with a blindfold and a tray of bottles, which I assume are massage oils. He then takes a remote control from the night table and clicks a button and slow, sultry music fills the air. He pulls off his black leathers, but leaves on a pair of tight black boxer briefs.

"Lie down on your stomach," he directs and I quickly move down a bit and roll over. He puts the silk blindfold over my eyes and ties it in the back. "Just to keep you focused on the feel of my hands and the smell of the oils," he explains. "If you feel uncomfortable, all you have to do is take it off or tell me to."

"I don't mind it," I reply softly.

When I'm settled down he places the tray next to me and straddles my legs just above my knees then leans down and places soft kisses on my neck and shoulders. "Just relax Tommy, let yourself go and I promise you'll like this."

I hear him squirting massage oil in his hand and then rubbing them together to warm it up. He starts at my shoulders and begins what I assume is deep tissue massage. Sometimes so deep its almost painful, but whatever he's doing, whether it's releasing endorphins or just putting me into a super deep state of relaxation, I feel like I'm floating up in the clouds.

A slow Barry White songs comes on as he's moving down my back. I feel like Barry White would be cliché in any other situation, but for some reason with Casey it works.

I hear moans as he moves down to my bare ass and then realize that it's me. He's massaging and kneading each cheek like its bread dough and the metaphor works as I can feel something distinctly rising between my legs.

I move my hips to give my erection some room just as his thumbs circle down right behind my balls. "Oh god Casey," I groan as the sensation lights my groin on fire.

When his hands move down to my thighs I lift my hips again to give my aching shaft more room. "Casey," I breath in an almost whimper, then correct myself, "Master Casey?"

"It's okay Tommy, just let the sensations flow through you."

"I can't," I whine, "I hurts," I finally gasp out and roll over, my full cock straining at the thong. I pull off the blindfold and watch as Casey's eyes glide over my front. He moves to the side and watches me with curious, but intrigued eyes.

He looks up at my face as I give him a pleading look and then his hand slides up my thigh and right under the piece of stretchy red fabric until he's gripping me firmly in his large had. I let out a sigh of relief as he slowly pumps me. My head falls back on the bed, my eyes close and I arch my back pushing my hips up at him.

I feel Casey slide the thong off adeptly without taking the one hand from my cock. My legs automatically spread and I lift my knees so my heels rest on the bed on either side of me.

Casey lets out another of his growly sounds, which send vibrations up and down my spine, and then he's in between my legs, leaning over me so his body hovers just above mine. I can feel his very large, heavy erection press into my hip and I arch my back even more, rubbing against him. Everything is happening faster than I expected, but I don't care, all I want to do is get lost in him. To feel every part of his body against every part of mine.

"Tommy, we should slow down," he groans, but it sounds half-hearted and it's certainly not what I want.

"No, I don't want to slow down at all...this feels so amazing, I want more of it...all of it." I look up into his eyes, "Please," I say. "Please," I repeat when his eyes are questioning.

Casey presses down onto me, not heavy enough to hurt me, but just enough so I feel like we're fully connected. I wrap my legs around him, squeezing into him as we kiss hungrily. Whatever restraint we may have had has gone out the window.

"You're not..." he starts when we break for air and I'm confused at first. "You've done this before right?"

I let out a chuckle, "of course," I assure him. Then I feel bad wondering if the way I said that sounded too...I don't know, crass. He doesn't seem offended though as he reaches to the table next to the bed, opens a drawer and pulls out lube and a condom. I chuckle to myself since it's certainly not his first rodeo either.

Casey kisses his way down my body and then nibbles at my lower belly. I can feel my cock pressing against his chin and a shudder goes through me at the proximity. He lets out a gravely chuckle and the next thing I know he's swallowing me down his throat. Like really far down his throat. I gasp for air and my hands slap down on the bed and clutch at the sheets. When he finally lets me go, with a loud pop, he sits up on his knees.

"You taste amazing Tommy, like every one of my favourite flavors combined into one." All I can think of is what he tastes like, but before I have a chance to voice that thought his face goes serious and he picks up the bottle of lube, squirting an ample amount on his hand.

The lubed fingers go straight to my ass and the cool gel feels good as he massages it gently around my perineum and then slowly works a finger into my hole. His other hand is stroking my cock and pretty soon my body feels like a mess of pleasurable sensations. He takes his time preparing me, which I'm glad about since it has been a while since I slept with someone.

His eyes never leave mine like he's monitoring my comfort level so I don't hold anything back. I want him to know how good he makes me feel. I lift my hips to give him easier access and moan as a second finger joins his first. It feels so good, but all I can thing about is how even better the feel of his cock will be.

"Please Casey, I'm ready, I'm ready," I plead.

He continues his preparation for a few more minutes, pressing down on my walls, making sure I'm not in any discomfort. When he finally slips his fingers out of me, I watch like a hungry hawk as he stands and takes his boxer brief's off.

Oh my god, he's a monster. His full cock pops right out and he's a beautiful, uncut monster. I lick my lips and then look up at his face.

"Can I..." I begin, but embarrassment stops me. But then I mentally pull up my big boy panties. "Can I taste you, before..."

Casey smiles and moves closer so I lean down and start by flicking a tongue over the tip. He lets out a groan and I feel more bold so I take it in my hand and lean even further to wrap my lips around him. No matter how much practice I ever had I don't think I could ever take him all the way in my mouth, but I use my hand to squeeze and pump the bottom half while I explore the top with my mouth.

Sudden realization hits me that this huge cock is about to go into my ass, but I quell those thoughts and take a deep breath. I can do this, it will fit fine, I tell myself.

When Casey pulls my face off his cock, I realize he's breathing much heavier than before. For some reason that makes a flash of pride go through me. The thought of having that kind of power over this man is seductive.

"What position would be most comfortable for you?" He asks, and, as much as I like the intimacy of facing my lover, I know that for the first time with someone of his size, the most comfortable angle for me is from behind.

"Um, from behind," I whisper shyly and look away with a blush. Wordlessly he rolls me over and lifts me onto my knees. Oh my god, oh my god, runs through my head as I hear him tear the condom wrapper.

"Just relax, breathe and push out," he says in my ear as I feel his body wrap over mine. I try to do just that as I feel the tip of him pushing against my ring of muscles. I consciously blow the air out of my lungs and arch my back to the easiest angle and feel him push inside of me.

"Oh gahhhhd," I moan. I feel my muscles strain around him, I feel my walls stretched and a deep pressure, but it's not painful, or at least not anything I can't handle.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, god yes, don't stop." I forgot how much I love the feeling of being stretched, the way my walls are tight and slowly give. It's so hard to explain, it's like something that pulls at my core. A stimulation that seems so primordial, so base. It's different than an orgasm, and I love them too, but this feeling that you only get at the beginning of just fucking blows my mind and with Casey, the sheer size of him, it's more intense than I've ever felt before.

He goes slow which prolongs that feeling and I soak in every bit of it like it's my last time ever. I let out moans, not paying any attention to how I may sound or look, my focus is purely on the sensations this man is giving me.

Soon he is pumping into me and I finally get to that point where I want to pick up the pace, like a hunger is building in my body and I move my hips against him. The pace increases and the sounds we both make get louder.

Casey has been pumping my cock along with his thrusts, but then he lets go and brings that hand up under my chin, he pulls my head gently so I'm turned towards him and kisses me deeply, with so much feeling that I'm almost overwhelmed.

God, this is amazing!

Both hands are then on my hips as he all out pounds into me. I meet him thrust for thrust practically bouncing off his hips and we keep up this pace until I hear his breath hitching. A hand moves back to my cock and he is pumping me as hard as his thrusts.

"Cum with me Tommy," he orders and within seconds we are both exploding into each other.

Casey practically lifts my hips up after I orgasm and holds himself as deeply in me as possible as he spills into me. My arms shake and eventually I fall down onto the mattress only to have him come down with me, still inside. We lay like that for several minutes and I love the feeling of him inside me. But after a while he starts to slip out and then carefully reaches down in order to hold onto the condom.

"I'll be right back baby," he whispers and I practically coo at the sound of the word. Not Tommy, "baby". Maybe it's cliché, but I don't care. To be called that by him is like a dream.

When he returns, he has a warm, wet washcloth and cleans me up before lying down next to me and spooning me. I love being the little spoon. I drift off in his arms and all I feel is an overwhelming feeling of happiness.


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