Chapter 26 Catch Me if You Can

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(A brooding Chris pictured above)

Chapter 26 Catch Me if You Can


"No, no, no! Stop! Please, stop! I'm begging you!" I plead but he keeps coming at me so I tense, waiting for the impact.

He jumps and takes me to the ground easily. I groan as my back hits the grass and his weight lands on top of me. His drool drips onto my face and luckily, I turn my head just in time so it lands on my cheek and not my mouth. I laugh as he starts licking me as if saying sorry for the drool. Wrapping my arms around his big furry body, I hug him tightly before rolling over so he's under me. He barks his annoyance but his tongue flops out quickly as I rub his belly.

"Oh I knew you'd like that." I laugh as his leg starts kicking away.

"Ashton," someone calls out and I look up before frowning.

"Sir, what are you doing here?" I ask while getting to my feet and Master Gideon stops in front of me.

"I went to the shelter to ask if you were free for lunch and was told I could find you here," he explains as I look him up and down; he looks real good in a suit.

"Oh well I was just getting Ozzie some play time," I mumble while picking up the ball Ozzie dropped before he jumped on me.

"So this is the famous Ozzie? He's a looker," Master Gideon smiles while crouching and Ozzie slowly makes his way over.

"Yeah," I agree and scratch the back of my neck. "Um, I have to get back to the shelter soon to drop Ozzie off then I'm done work so I'm free for lunch."

"Great, I don't have to be at the hospital until later tonight. I was hoping we'd head to my house to discuss a few things." He raises a brow so I nod.

"Okay," I shrug before getting Ozzie's attention then launching the ball across the field. "Go get it!"

Master Gideon stands up and we both watch as Ozzie races after the tennis ball. He may be an old dog, but he still acts like a pup when it comes to playing fetch. I stick my hands in my pockets and look over at Master Gideon. It's been a few days since we had dinner and I embarrassed myself on ice, that was the last time I'd seen him before now. He has the ability to fall off the face of the earth for a few days before popping back up. But I know his work keeps him busy.

"I'm sorry I've been MIA these past few days. Work has been crazy," he sighs as if he knew what I was thinking. "Working mornings at the clinic and nights at the hospital kept me busy and when I had a second to sit down it seems all I did was sleep."

"I understand Sir," I tell him and he smiles down at me. "I can cook you something if you'd like? You can rest as I make us lunch. You look like a walking zombie."

"Thanks," he smirks sarcastically but I just shrug.

"Just saying the truth," I say while looking at the slight bags under his eyes. "When's the last time you slept?"

"You sound like my mother," he scoffs then yawns as Ozzie drops the ball at my feet and I pick it up before sighing.

"Let's get going. You need to eat and rest," I mutter and hook the leash back onto Ozzie's collar before grabbing Master Gideon's hand and pulling him along.

"Yes Sir," he mock salutes making me mentally roll my eyes.

The walk to the shelter was a quiet one. I tried to pull my hand free of Master Gideon's once we hit the park path but he just tightened his grip. With Ozzie leading the way, it's a peaceful walk back. Once he is back in his kennel, I make sure he has plenty of water and clean sheets before doing the same to all the other occupants of the shelter. Knowing that they're all in good hands with Joey on the next shift, I say my 'see you later' to Ozzie and the rest of the gang before heading to the front room where Master Gideon is waiting for me.

"I rode my bike here," I tell him as he tries to lead me to his car.

"Please tell me you meant bicycle when you said that," he sighs but I shake my head while pointing over at my motorcycle.

"I can follow you to your place," I suggest as he gives my baby a dirty look.

"No that's okay. I'll follow you back to campus so you can drop it off then I'll drive us to my place," he counters as I cross my arms.

"What if I want to drive my bike to your place?" I ask making him glare at me.

"Well that's too damn bad," he replies and I bite back my response while staring at him blankly.

"Fine," I mutter and turn to go to my bike but his hand grabs my arm.

He pulls me back and my chest slams into his. Before I can even blink, his lips are on mine. The kiss is hard, bruising and fast. I kiss him back quickly as his hand fists the hair at the nape of my neck. He pulls my hair making my head go back. I gasp as his lips leave my mouth before going down my neck slowly. I feel myself hardening as his teeth nip at my Adam's apple. Remembering just where we are, in the parking lot of my workplace, I gently pull away from him. His eyes are dilated, the look he gives me is full of sexual promise and it makes my cock twitch.

"I'm hungry," I blurt out and he blinks, the look disappears and is replaced by amusement.

"When aren't you hungry?" He chuckles before shaking his head. "Okay, let's head out."

He pecks my lips once more before heading to his car. I swing my leg over my bike and sit before grabbing the helmet. I start the motorcycle and pull back on the throttle while holding the brake making the tires start screeching. Through the helmet, I can see Master Gideon's glare pointed at me as he stands next to his car. I smirk and release the brake after easing up on the throttle. He climbs into his car and I pull out of my parking spot before stopping next to him. He raises a brow at me and I rev the engine and see his lips mouthing as I'm sure he's telling me off, not that I can hear him.

There is no way I'm going to go slow enough for him to keep up in this traffic. It'll kill my empty soul. So doing what I usually do, I peel out of the parking lot when an opening comes in traffic. Swerving in between the cars, I cut just about everyone off. The drive back to campus that takes about twenty minutes by car takes me only ten on my bike and that's because of traffic lights. As I pull up to the dorm's parking lot, I see Chris walking out of the building. He waves when he hears my bike and I stop next to him before taking my helmet off.

"What are you doing here?" I ask with a raised brow and he shrugs.

"I haven't heard from you in a few days, just wanted to check up on you and make sure everything was okay. I thought maybe Master Gideon had fucked you to death, freaked out and hid your body somewhere." He smirks as I stare back at him.

"What's wrong?" I question with narrowed eyes and he looks away quickly.

"I hate when you do that," he grumbles before crossing his arms. "How the fuck do you know something is wrong?"

"I know you Chris," I roll my eyes and motion for him to get on. "Let's go for a quick ride."

"Hell yeah," he fist pumps and I hand him my helmet after he climbs on behind me.

"Hold on tight," I tell him so he wraps his arms around my torso tightly.

Pulling away from the curb, I speed through the rather empty parking lot before pulling back into traffic. Chris' arms tighten around me as I start swerving in between cars and I can hear his muffled curses. A smirk pulls at my lips as I pull back on the throttle more and the front tire leaves the ground. He starts yelling so I have pity for him and relax on the speed. As we go south, I see Master Gideon stuck at the light going north. Our eyes meet and the glare he gives me is all that I need to know, I'm fucked. At the next light, I turn around and head back to campus.

"So what's wrong?" I repeat my earlier question as Chris climbs off and I do the same.

"Nothing you need to worry yourself about," he shrugs as I raise a brow.

"Tell me," I probe while waving away the smoke of a cigarette and glaring at the guy who is smoking it.

"It's just, Master Clark," he mumbles as he sighs and I motion for him to continue. "I don't know Ashinator," I roll my eyes at the stupid nickname, "he's been around more lately."

"He likes you." I state the obvious because each of the times I've seen Master Clark, his attention was on Chris.

"He doesn't know me," he scoffs as I hear a car pulling up and look over to see Master Gideon's Audi rolling over.

"You don't give him the chance to. Chris, you should take your own advice. You told me to give Master Gideon a chance and I did. So listen to yourself and give Master Clark a chance. I know you like him because if you didn't, you wouldn't be bothered with him," I say before patting his shoulder.

"Whatever, go get fucked," he grumbles and pushes me towards Master Gideon's car before turning and walking away.

"I'll stop by your place later tonight," I call out and he gives me a thumbs up without stopping.

When I climb into Master Gideon's car, he doesn't say anything. I look over at him but he doesn't spare me a glance as he orders me to put my seat belt on. Knowing not to push it, I put my helmet between my feet before locking my seat belt in place. He pulls away from the curb and out of the parking lot. I look out the window and relax against the seat even though I know Master Gideon is mad. I'm not a little kid though, I know how to handle my motorcycle. I've been riding motorcycles since I was thirteen and before that, dirt bikes. His doctor brain makes him biased on them but that won't stop me from riding.

"Is this silent treatment supposed to make me nervous?" I ask him as we wait at a red light.

"No, is it?" He questions and I shake my head.

"Nope." I pop the p while looking over at him and he raises a brow before chuckling.

"I don't understand you," he mutters making me frown as he focuses back on the road.

"There is nothing to understand," I mumble and focus back on the window as he drives on. I hope the food is worth the trouble.


"Chris, are you coming down tonight?" Malik asks as he takes his underwear off.

"Um, no. Not tonight," I shake my head and open my locker.

"It's been a while since you've been in the dungeon. Everything okay?" He frets, worried, as I change my clothes.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Just a change of pace," I shrug making him nod slowly.

"Alright well you know where to find me if you need anything." He smiles and I smirk at him.

"Yeah, on your knees with a pussy on your tongue," I retort while standing up after tying my boots and he laughs.

"You're right, hopefully Madame Sloan is here." He wiggles his brows before leaving the locker room as I'm shaking my head.

I lock up my things and head out of the locker room as well. But when he heads downstairs, I head into the showroom. The music is thumping, the ground vibrating with the beat. My eyes scan the dancefloor for anyone I know and it doesn't take long to spot Lane who is grinding on Master Matthias, much to the big man's pleasure it seems. I chuckle and shake my head. No way am I interrupting them. So I make my way to the bar and Jacobi raises a brow when I order a Sprite. What can I say, the hangovers have been annoying lately so I'll stay away from alcohol tonight.

"Thanks," I say when he puts the glass, with the slice of lime, in front of me.

"You're very welcome. Where are all your friends?" He asks while wiping down the counter and I shrug.

"Ashton went off with Gideon this afternoon so I guess he's with him somewhere. I haven't seen Tai, Pay or Tommy yet. But I just got here. They're probably around here somewhere," I reply as he nods while looking behind me.

"Yeah cool," he mumbles absentmindedly so I look over my shoulder and chuckle as Master Giovanni walks over.

"Hey Tinkerbell," Master Giovanni smirks while leaning on the bar top and Jacobi laughs.

"Hey Good Lookin', can I get you a drink?" Jacobi winks.

I silently watch the husbands going back and forth without missing a beat. Witty comebacks and sarcastic ass remarks from Jacobi, snide replies and crude comments from Master Giovanni. They're both smiling and laughing though. Master Giovanni grabs Jacobi's vest and practically pulls the man over the bar as he slams his lips down on his husband's. This is my cue to leave although as they start kissing, it's a nice view. But it feels slightly creepy to continue watching them. I turn to leave and only get a few steps away before bumping into someone. I quickly look up to either apologize or make a rude remark but I do neither, I freeze as the blood drains from my face.

"Ahh, Christopher it's been awhile." Master Lucien smirks as Master Garrison looks me up and down slowly.

"U-uuum, I was just uh..." I trail off as he lifts his finger and shakes it in my face.

"Tsk, tsk. I never said you could speak. Did I?" He asks with a raised brow and I shake my head quickly.

"Why don't you join us downstairs Christopher?" Master Garrison suggests with a dark smirk and a sadistic glint in his eyes.

"Because Christopher knows he can do better than you...gentlemen for lack of a worse word," I hear and look over to see Master Clark watching us closely.

"Who the fuck are you?" Master Garrison spits out as Master Clark holds out his hand for me and I take it quickly before he puts me behind him.

"Someone you do not want to cross," Master Clark warns as I stare at his sculpted back with wide eyes.

"We don't want trouble, we just want the boy," Master Lucien interjects calmly. "Now Christopher, be a good boy and get your ass over here."

"Christopher isn't going with you," Master Clark states before I can even think of moving, not that I was going to.

"Christopher can decide for himself. Why don't you let him," Master Garrison chuckles and I look around to notice we're gaining attention, fast.

"Fine," Master Clark shrugs before stepping to the side and now I'm in clear view of Master Lucien and Master Garrison.

"Come with us," Master Lucien orders while staring me down. "You know we can pleasure you like this man never can."

"Um," I mumble while looking over at Master Clark who watches me with a calm expression.

"The decision is yours Christopher, I won't try to persuade you. What's the difference between persuading someone to do something and forcing them? They go hand in hand, when persuasion doesn't work, forcing the situation is the next thing to do," he states making me frown as I look at him.

"What's the problem here?" Master Matthias questions while I glance at Master Lucien and Master Garrison.

"Nothing Sir, Master Garrison and Master Lucien were just leaving," I tell him as I step closer to Master Clark and he smiles at me.

"You two, my office," Master Matthias demands before walking away, Master Lucien and Master Garrison stare me down before turning and following the big man.

"Welp, I'm going to make sure Daddy doesn't end up in jail for murder. Bye!" Lane sings before rushing after the three Doms leaving the showroom.

"A word in private Christopher?" Master Clark asks and I nod slowly.

"Of course Sir," I say so he grabs my hand and leads me away.

Jacobi winks at me as we pass him and a smirking Master Giovanni at the bar. I roll my eyes but smile at them. Master Clark leads me out of the showroom and down the hall. We stop in front of his playroom and I look away as he inputs the code to unlock the door. When I hear the click of the door opening, I look back and he motions me inside first. I step in with a low but clear thank you and he follows me before locking the door behind him. Master Clark motions for me to sit on the bed so I do as told without a comment, for once, and he stands in front of me.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asks casually so I nod since I left my drink at the bar.

"Yes please Sir," I reply and watch him walk over to the mini-fridge.

"I have water, Sprite and Coke," he calls back as I stare at his ass.

"Um, a water will be fine," I say so he hands me a cold water bottle after sitting down next to me.

"I'm glad you chose to stay with me instead of going with Lucien and Garrison," he admits as I roll the bottle in between my hands.

"Yeah, me too," I chuckle awkwardly making him sigh.

"Christopher," he starts while touching my chin and gently turning my face until we're looking at each other. "I like you Christopher and I want what's best for you. Right now, I don't know what that is but I want to see if it can be me."

"What are you talking about?" I ask with a frown even though I'm sure I know where this is heading.

"I want you to be mine; sign a contract, make it official. You deserve better than what happened back there. If you're mine, that won't happen again. Those guys treat you like a toy and sometimes I get the feeling that you see yourself as that; a toy for their amusement. You're so much more than that and I want to help you see that," he says softly while cupping my cheek.

The next thing I know, his lips are pressed against mine. My eyes close on instinct but I try to pull back. He doesn't let me and eventually, I lean closer as his tongue touches my bottom lip. The bottle drops from my hands as I reach out and grab his biceps. His tongue slips into my mouth the second I part my lips and the taste of Master Clark soaks into me. My body seems to take on a mind of its own as I move even closer. Master Clark kisses me hard, his hands fisting in my hair as his tongue explores my mouth. He bites down on my bottom lip making me whimper at the sharp pain at shoots through me but his warm tongue quickly soothes away the sting.

"I don't care if I'm not your type, give me a chance," he demands against my lips as I pant softly.

"Yeah," I nod and he pulls back with a smile.

"Good," Master Clark says before kissing me again then he gets up. "This will work Christopher, I know I can help you."

"Help me? I don't need help," I scoff while standing up and he turns to look at me with a raised brow.

"Your reckless behavior the last few months says otherwise. I get the feeling you were acting out to get attention and the attention you got, although bad, helped soothe some of your inner demons. I want to help you get past those," he explains as I look at him with a glare.

"What the fuck is your problem? Do you want to be my Dom or my fucking therapist? I don't need you trying to find out why I am the way I am. I don't appreciate that shit!" I scream before marching towards the door but he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"You don't think I'd let you go so easily do you?" He chuckles as he grabs both my biceps and holds me right up to his chest.

"I was hoping you would," I give him a fake smile that has his eyes narrow. "Listen, if you want to sign a contract, fine. We can sign a contract and we'll fuck for a few months, but I don't need you or anyone trying to go all therapist on me. I am the way I am because it's me. There is no traumatic event in my past that made me this way. If you honestly think that's why I behave the way I do, you know nothing about me."

"I know you're lying," he says calmly and I look away as I swallow. "You don't have to hide things from me Pup, I just want to help."

"I don't want help," I grumble as his grip tightens and his hands release me but his arms quickly wrap me in a tight hug.

"You don't even believe that, it's all over your face," he whispers as he runs his large hand through my hair. "You're scared, not many will be able to see it. Sometimes, I think you don't even know it. You don't have to be scared with me Pup, I'll never hurt you."

"I'm not scared," I scoff but he just tsks knowing my lie and I mentally curse as my eyes begin to sting. "I'm not!"

"Of course not," he laughs quietly as I rest my forehead on his shoulder, my arms limp at my sides.

"Master Clark," I whisper and he hums while slowly swaying us side to side.

"Yes Pup?" He asks as I swallow nervously.

"Do you really think you can help me?" I question softly making him sigh heavily.

"I want to help you but you have to be willing to help yourself as well. If not, I won't be helping you up, you'll only be dragging us both down," he says and I close my eyes.

"Yes Master," I agree and he pulls back before lifting my chin. Our lips meet again and this time, I quickly melt into his embrace.


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