Chapter 28 Tougher than the Rest

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(Ashton pictured above)

Chapter 28 Tougher than the Rest


"Where are you off to Ashton?" Chris asks as I stand from his couch.

"To piss, do I need your permission to take a leak?" I huff as I walk away from him.

"No need to be an asshole!" He calls out making me roll my eyes.

I leave the door of the bathroom open and walk over to the toilet before unzipping my jeans. A sigh escapes me as I release my bladder. My eyes drift around the bathroom slowly, Chris needs to clean up a bit. His apartment is messier than usual which is strange. Chris likes keeping things clean. After I finish using the toilet, I use my foot to flush because I don't trust the cleanliness at the moment. I wash my hands before heading back towards the living room. Glancing down at my watch, I smile before grabbing my helmet.

"I have to get going," I tell him as he taps away at his cell phone.

"Aw, that sucks. Where are you going?" He asks while looking at me with a frown.

"I told you, I work today. I'll see you tonight?" I raise a brow making him shrug.

"If you get there and you don't see me, I'm with Superman." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I mutter before leaving his apartment.

When I get to my motorcycle, I put my earphones in before blasting music. I put my phone back into my pocket and my helmet on before swinging my leg over it. I turn my baby on and it roars to life as I twist the throttle back slightly. Looking over my shoulder, I wait for a break in the traffic before pulling away from the curb. I swerve in between cars and zoom past a yellow light as I tap my foot to the beat of the rock music blasting in my ears. I look over after getting caught at a red light and see two girls staring at me from their car. They can't even see my face but they're all giggles and twirling their hair.

"Disgusting," I mutter to myself as the light turns green and I speed away.

After arriving at the shelter, I park my motorcycle and head inside with my helmet. Joey is behind the counter and waves when I pass. Nodding back, I go into the employee break room and put my helmet down before pulling out my earphones. I can hear the barking as I walk down the hall to the kennels and a smile tugs at my lips. When I open the door and step into the kennel area, the dogs go crazy. Whines and cries fill my ears along with excited barks. I press my finger into my ear as I walk over to Bosco's kennel. He's a jumper and turns into a rabbit dog as he jumps up and down to greet me.

"Hey boy," I laugh while sticking my fingers in through the caged door.

He whines, his tail wagging quickly as he licks my fingers. I greet all the dogs in the shelter before I get to work filling their food and water bowls, taking out the blankets and replacing them with clean ones, clean up any shit or piss. Once all that's done, I head towards the other room where all the cats are held. They're not as welcoming but I still love them all. Cleaning out litter boxes though, I can live without. Now that Gizmo isn't here, it's a quiet and uneventful time in the cat corner of the shelter. He's the one that always got into everything and wanted to play all the time. I'm glad he's in a home that has kids he can play with.

"Ashton!" I look up when I hear Joey scream.

Instead of answering him, I put the broom down and head towards the front with a frown. I don't know why he's screaming. He knows I don't like being bothered when I'm at work. He stays in the front, I stay in the back and we work in silence. A sigh escapes me as I walk through the kennel but I stop in front of Ozzie's kennel. He walks up slowly as I crouch down and I give his nose a small kiss through the caged door. His tail wags slowly as I kiss him again.

"I'll be back boy," I tell him before heading over to Joey. "What?"

"Ashton," someone else calls and I turn to see Master Gideon standing there.

I bite my lip to keep from smiling as he all out beams at me. Looking over at Joey, who is watching everything over a magazine, I walk to Master Gideon. He opens his arms and I walk straight into his embrace. His arms wound around me tightly as I bury my face into his neck. His smell drifts up my nose as I take a deep breath. My body soaks in his warmth while I clutch at the back of his white button up shirt. His hand palms at the back of my head as he sways us side to side.

"I've missed you," he whispers into my ear making me close my eyes.

"Me too," I mutter as I pull back.

"Care to join me for a walk?" He asks while smiling down at me.

"Of course, I was just getting ready to take Ozzie for one anyways," I tell him before holding up a finger.

I rush to the back and get a leash, ball and bag before walking over to Ozzie's kennel. Once his collar is hooked into the leash, I let him out of the kennel. He's a strong one and pulls me along, knowing all too well where we're going. When we get to the front, he rushes straight for the door and Master Gideon just chuckles as he falls into step besides me. He wastes no time in grabbing the leash and my hand. We walk side by side on the busy sidewalk of Chicago with Ozzie leading us to the park. I glance up at him from the corner of my eyes and a smile tugs at my lips as he whistles casually.

"How was the trip?" I ask him when we reach the park.

"As good as it could have gone," he sighs while sitting down on the bench and pulling me onto his lap. "I missed you though, I wish you would have joined me."

"You were working the whole time, I would have died of boredom." I chuckle as he kisses my neck, tilting my head to give him better access.

"You could have just stayed in the hotel and I would have kept you very entertained when I came back every night Little One," he whispers as his hand glides up my thigh.

"Sir," I mumble awkwardly when an elderly couple stares at us as they pass.

"Don't mind them, they're jealous of me because I have you." He chuckles making my cheeks flush as his hand presses over my tenting jeans.

"Can't we get arrested for this?" I ask even as I grind into his hand.

"You like being cuffed so does it matter?" He whispers with a teasing tone. "Have you been a good boy while I was away?"

"Yes Master," I reply quickly because I haven't done anything since he left last week.

"I hope so, I wouldn't want to have to punish you again." He tsks as his hand caresses my erection.

I mentally wince thinking about the punishment I got for the 'little motorcycle act', as he calls it. After we got to his house, he made sure it was a slow and torturous punishment. It was so slow in fact, I forgot I was being punished. He started off normally, I made him lunch as he rested, we talked about our relationship and went over a contract. We both signed on for three months of me being his boy. But then, that's when it really started. CBT, in the slowest and fastest terms possible. He made me so fucking hard, my cock was purple with the need to cum. Then he just slapped my cock. Everything hurt, even my hair and nails. Pain was everywhere but the punishment fuck left me in tears. He came, three times and I was left with a cock-cage and no release.

His hand suddenly leaves my jean covered erection and he sits back. I blink in confusion while looking down at him and he smirks. His eyes say it all, he did that on purpose. A glare forms on my face making him laugh. Asshole, I huff as he hugs me to him tightly. I'm not really annoyed, a bit frustrated though. It's been a week since he flew out to New York to help oversee some special surgery one of his patient's was having. A week full of hand jobs and cold showers. It wouldn't have been too difficult but over the last few weeks that Master Gideon and I entered a contract, I've learned he loves teasing me. He sent me sexy pictures of him in his scrubs or lying in bed naked, him in the shower, videos of him masturbating.

Before he left though, it was two weeks of sex and more sex. Constantly, we were all over each other. I spent a week with Master Gideon at his apartment in the city and the other week, he'd sneak into my dorm building at night making sure I couldn't muffle my screams in a pillow. The cocky smirk he had every morning as we left, the guys living in the dorms watching us, was one I'd expect to see on Chris or Lane. It was a smug, confident grin that told me he was proud of what he'd done. He acts more my age than I do.

He shifts suddenly and I feel his erection pressing against my ass. My eyes snap down to him as he smirks up at him. "You're cute when you blush," he says, his voice genuine despite his teasing smirk.

"Stop," I groan while standing up.

"Did I say you can get up?" He raises a brow making me shake my head. "Then sit down."

"Yes Sir," I whisper before sitting back on his lap.

"Now you may get up," he says and I lock my jaw to keep from screaming in frustration.

"Did you know, you can be highly annoying?" I ask him while walking away.

"Yes, I did!" He calls out making me smile and shake my head.

I crouch down and whistle making Ozzie looks over. He's been roaming the dog park since we got here but the ball has been in my jacket pocket the whole time. I show it to him and he rushes over. He doesn't stop, I didn't expect him to, and tackles me to the ground. I groan as his paw presses down on my ribs. Throwing the ball makes him dash away and I feel hands go under my arms before I'm hauled to my feet. I turn around and Master Gideon scans me from head to toe.

"I'm fine Sir," I tell him making him nod.

"Just making sure, you shouldn't let him keep tackling you." He sighs as Ozzie runs back over with the ball.

"I exaggerate it, makes him feel better," I admit once Ozzie goes chasing the ball Master Gideon throws. "Are you going to be at the club tonight?"

"Yes I am," he nods while looking over at me. "I was asked to perform a scene tonight, are you okay with that?"

"No," I glare at him and his brows shoot up. "Master Matthias knows we're in a contract, why would he ask you to perform with someone else?"

"He meant with you Ashton, which is why I'm asking if you're okay with performing a scene tonight." He smirks and I blink, the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"I knew that," I mutter as he laughs loudly.

"Of course you did Little One," he chuckles while pulling me into his arms and kissing me heatedly.

"I did, I was testing you," I mumble against his lips making him smirk as he pulls back.

"Testing me in what?" He asks as I bite my lip.

"Wow, look at the time. I'm starved, want to get lunch? Ozzie, let's go boy!" I shout and turn away from Master Gideon as he continues laughing at me.

Jerk, I think while rolling my eyes and smiling.


"Hey Chris," Lane greets and I look over before frowning.

"What's that?" I ask while following him.

"Oh, these are the pictures Abel took of me and Matthias. They're for his office." He beams while turning one around.

"OH JESUS!" I shout while rushing over. "Holy shit Lane, you're so fucking toned."

"I know," he smirks as I stare at his muscular arm.

The picture is perfect. He's naked, kneeling with his hands clasped behind his back and gazing up at who I'm guessing is Master Matthias. You can't really tell if you didn't know they were together. It's from the side and taken from Lane's level. All you can see of Master Matthias are his bare feet, leathers and his waist. His hand is fisted in Lane's hair though as Lane gazes up at him. I adjust my erection and shake my head. These two are like yin and yang, so different but they complement each other perfectly. He smiles and tells me he'll be down in the showroom soon before heading off to Master Matthias' office.

I continue on my way towards the locker room to change. Once I get in there, it seems to be more packed than usual which makes me frown. I push my way through the twinks and other subs until I get to my locker. After I change quickly, I look around for Ashton because he should be here by now. I don't see him though and shrug. I do spot Tai and head over where he's standing with Tommy and Payton. They seem really excited, well Tommy and Tai do.  Payton looks a little nervous but excited nonetheless. When I reach them I don't even have to ask what all the excitement is about.

"Chris, guess what! Master Gideon and Ashton are performing a scene tonight!" Tai blurts out with a bright smile and my eyes widen.

"No shit?!" I ask with a gasp and they all nod.

"Yeah, I just saw Ashton about ten minutes ago. He's in Master Gideon's playroom prepping and getting ready," he adds as I smirk.

"This will be interesting. Do you know what they're performing?" I ask Tai who shakes his head.

"Nope, nobody except Master Gideon, Ashton, Master Matthias and most likely Lane knows. But get this, word around the club is that this is the first time Master Gideon is performing in this club. He usually sticks to scenes in his playroom and out of prying eyes way. That's why all the subs are excited, it's a new show, so to say," Tommy yabs off quickly.

"Come to think of it, I haven't really heard of Master Gideon from others. Usually Doms get around so there is gossip about them, but not the good Doctor. What if he's totally lame in bed?" I ask while rubbing my chin.

"I doubt Ashton would be limping all the time if Master Gideon wasn't good in bed," Payton pipes up with a huff before blushing. "Not that I really notice or anything."

"Sure you don't Pay, it's okay. I stare at Ashton's ass all the time. Well, to be honest I stare at everyone's ass," I chuckle as Tommy claps his hands.

"I have to go meet Casey, we're watching the scene and I don't want to keep him waiting. Bye!" He waves before disappearing, his hair flowing freely behind him.

"I have to go meet with Master Kael, we're watching the scene too. I don't want to be 'late.'" Payton huffs making me chuckle as he follows after Tommy.

"Who are you watching the scene with?" I ask Tai who closes his locker.

"You," he smirks as we leave the locker room and I nod.

"Um," I reply, but hear my name getting called. "Hello Master Clark."

"I'm glad you're here early, for once. We have a scene to watch," he states while pulling me flush against his chest and pressing his lips to mine.

"Oh," I gasp in surprise at his forwardness, I really shouldn't be after almost a month. "Um, Sir can Tai join us?"

"Of course," he nods at Tai. "But we have to go to the playroom first." I look over at Tai who nods.

"Well duh, go. I'll wait for you by the bar!" He huffs before heading into the showroom.

"Okay," I mutter and turn back to Master Clark. "Thanks Sir."

"You do know it's your friend in the scene. Are you okay with watching that?" He asks as he leads me towards his playroom.

"I've seen Ashton naked plenty of times, had sex with him a few times too. I think watching him getting fucked will be okay, a first though," I shrug and look over but freeze when I see he's not next to me.

"You've had sex with him?" Master Clark asks with a frown as he walks up to me.

"Yeah," I reply with a shrug.

"How did that work, seeing as you're both bottoms?" He asks while we step into his playroom.

"Ashton is a switch outside of the lifestyle...and so am I," I tell him and he nods slowly.

He changes out of his suit quickly and into his leathers. He's sexy in both, more so in the leathers though. I watch him as he sticks his hand down and adjusts himself. My brows shoot up when he looks over at me with his hand still down his pants. He smirks then winks before licking his lips. My cock twitches in my shorts at his actions and I can tell he knows how much that shit affects me. He walks up to me with his sexy swagger, his leathers riding so low on his hips that I can see the top of his pubic hair.

"Are you ready to watch the scene?" He asks as his fingers barely brush the skin above my shorts which makes me bite my lip.

"I'm ready for more than just watching," I admit while smirking up at him and his eyes dilate under my gaze.

"Be a patient Pup," he says before wrapping his arm around my waist and grabbing my ass as he pulls me flush against him so I feel his hard pulsing erection against my hip.

"Yes Master," I whisper as his lips press on the crook of my neck.

"Let's get going, we don't want to miss any of the action," he tells me while pulling back.

"We can create our own action right here and now," I suggest as he leads me out the room making him laugh loudly.

"Oh Pup," he sighs with a smile. "You're a lively one that's for sure."

I don't reply and just smirk as he places his hand on the small of my back as we enter the showroom. After meeting Tai at the bar sipping on a Rum and Coke, we head to the more secluded showroom and enter the main VIP area. The room is packed, Doms and subs are all waiting around for the scene. I don't see what the big deal is, I mean sure Master Gideon hasn't performed here before, but is it really that big of a deal? I don't think so, it's just another scene. Sure, I've wanted to see Master Gideon's dick for a few weeks after I saw Ashton limping but Jesus, people go crazy over some dick.

"The reason it's so packed is because of what Master Gideon and Ashton will be performing, not necessarily them," Master Clark says making me look over at him.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" I ask making him chuckle.

"Your thoughts were spoken out loud, luckily not too loud," he says making me blush as he sits. "Kneel Pup."

I sink to my knees between his spread legs and sit back on my heels when he gives me a nod. My eyes drift around the room and I spot both Tommy and Pay, both with their respective Doms and both on their knees. I catch Tommy's eye and he smiles before turning back to Casey who says something. Payton is too busy getting petted into orgasm to notice anything else making me snicker. I look over to see what Tai is doing to see he's disappeared. A frown tugs at my lips as I look around but roll my eyes when I see him with Master Ken. It seems we're all getting a good fucking tonight.

"Christopher," I hear and my head snaps up to see Master Clark frowning at me.

"What?" I ask confused making his eyes narrow.

"Don't talk to me like that," he hisses as his hand fists my hair and he pulls me up on my knees as I wince in pain. "I expect you to focus when you're with me, not look around the room trying to get into everyone else's business. Am I understood?"

"Yes Sir," I grit out while looking down and he lets go of my hair.

"Don't," he says when I go to sit back on my heels. "On your knees for the rest of the night."

"Are you serious?" I glare at him and the look he gives me makes me swallow.

"Try me, Christopher," he taunts angrily so I bite back my sarcastic ass remark and just do as told.

When the lights suddenly dim and a hushed whisper falls throughout the room, Master Clark tells me to turn and watch. So I do, like the good boy he wants me to be. I focus on the stage where Master Gideon leads Ashton, naked and cuffed. His body is shining under the stage lights as Master Gideon wastes no time in bending him over the table already in place. Ashton's hands get cuffed to the corners of the table and Master Gideon gives his ass a strong smack making him flinch slightly, but he doesn't make a sound. My eyes follow Master Gideon as he walks across the stage to a wall of toys.

His leathers are riding low as well, his back sculpted and toned. He has back dimples, fuck I love back dimples! When he turns, I notice his leathers are unbuttoned and I can see the base of his cock. I lick my lips as he saunters back over to Ashton. He lifts what he's taken off the wall and I palm my erection as the anal beads glint under the lights. I can't really see everything from where I am which annoys me. The look on Ashton's face as Master Gideon steps behind him tells me, he likes the beads. His eyes widen and his jaw slacks before his head drops so we can only see his damp dirty blonde hair.

Master Gideon picks his tools carefully, each toy used to bring Ashton to the edge before he pulls him back. I kind of feel bad for Ashton, with Master Gideon's hand fisted in his hair to keep his head up, we can see his face. His face is red, he's sweating and Master Gideon's edging brought him to tears. He looks fucking sexy. Ashton's always been a passionate person during sex, the opposite of him in everyday life, but I've never seen him act the way he does around Master Gideon. It's like watching a completely different person, it's like watching him before the incident.

I sit back on my heels without thinking and watch as Master Gideon rips the anal beads out quickly. Ashton's scream echoes around the room loudly. I curse under my breath as my eyes widen. Master Gideon drops the beads before slamming into Ashton quickly. I wince as a hand fists my hair before pulling me back. My hands clutch at the wrist and I look over to see Master Clark watching me with emotionless eyes. I glare at him confused, he's being an asshole tonight.

"I thought I told you to stay on your knees all night. Did you get permission to sit back on your heels?" He asks making me pale, shit.

"No Sir," I grumble and he stands up, pulling me up by my hair.

"Walk, now," he orders while releasing my hair.

"Yes Sir," I mumble and start the walk to his playroom, a smirk tugs at my lips as I feel him walking behind me closely.

I hope he's extra rough this time.

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