Chapter 37 Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs...

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Chapter 37    Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs before you find your Prince Charming...


"Duck! It's another one!"

A meteor shower. We all laugh as a T-Rex roars in protest. Yep, we'd gone from a safari to having dinner at the T-Rex, a dinosaur themed restaurant. The roof is covered by an enormous octopus and robotic dinosaurs are all over the place, suddenly coming to life out of the blue and just when you think things are going to quiet down, a meteor shower explodes overhead. I wouldn't want to eat here every day, but it's fun and the guys are all having a good time after a full day running around the park. We all agreed the safari was our favorite part so far.

"Our waiter's hot and he's totally flirting with us," Payton says after the guy drops off our dinner and lingers for a few minutes talking. We'd already found out he was 23, finishing his degree part time while he worked here full-time. His name is Brendan and his dark curly hair and olive skin was set off by emerald green eyes, an uncommon combination which really suits him. Chris says he's wearing contacts so every time he comes by we all stare at his face trying to figure it out, until Payton blurts out the question on all our minds.

"Nope, they're my real eyes," he'd replies, blushing, "My mother is Italian and my father is black Irish."

A few minutes later he comes back with refills of our drinks we didn't even ask for.

"He's really nice," Tai says before he sips his Raptor-rita.

"I think he's just doing his job," Chris says, "but he is hot, ask him what he's doing after work Pay."

"I can't do that," he replies with a blush. "Black Irish, that's so sexy though."

"Remember that guy Seamus you had a crush on in High School," I remind my best friend.

"Of course I do, his eyes were amazing! Cerulean blue and long black hair. Ugh!" he laughs, "I stalked him all year and took hundreds of pictures of him, 'for the yearbook'," he adds making air quote with his fingers. "Joining the yearbook was one of my smartest moves Senior year." He grins, full of pride and we all laugh.

"Here are some extra napkins and I brought you some water too," Brendan says as he comes back unexpectedly.

"What time do you finish here?" Lane asks him while Payton looks at him in surprise.

"I usually get out of here by 10," our waiter replies with a smile.

"You must know all the best places to go, do you want to meet up and hang out with us?" Tai says.

"Really? Um, sure. A lot of us hang out at this bar-club place, it's mostly people who work at Disney, but it's much cooler than most of the bars and clubs with all the tourists. I can meet you when I'm done and show you where it is, it's kind of hard to find and not on the Disney maps since it's mostly for staff."

On our way out after dinner we make plans to meet Brendan at 10:15pm, giving us about an hour and a half to wander around before then. Chris, Lane and Ashton decided to go to an arcade to play games while Tai, Payton and I decide we'd do some shopping.

"I'm surprised you came with us Pay, you usually hate shopping?" I say as we walk into a small boutique. Tai immediately heads for a display of tropical looking clothes.

"I don't mind, I wasn't in the mood for the loud arcade either," he replies. "Anyway, you hardly drag me shopping much anymore, I kinda miss it."

"I'm sorry boo...I know I spend a lot of time with Casey..."

"It's okay, you're supposed to spend time with your boyfriend."

"I like spending time with my best friend too."

"Me too," he replies, "Hey! Look at this!" Payton holds up a sheer yellow sleeveless shirt. "You would look really good in this!"

"Yeah, it would look good with the brown leather pants Casey bought me last week." Payton starts looking through bathing suits while I check out the other shirts on the rack. Soon I have a half dozen to try on.

When we get back I'm going to make a point of spending more time with Pay...and the guys too, I vow to myself. I've probably been too focused on Casey...well, not probably... I have. But it's hard not to, he's so sexy and hot...and handsome...and funny, did I mention sexy? Smart too! I groan internally, thinking about the mid-term grades I got back last week. I didn't show them to Payton or Casey. Payton would be nice about it, he'd tell me it was okay and I still have time to bring up my grades, but Casey would blame himself and put a limit on our time together. He always tells me that school comes first and I need to let him know when I need time to hit the books or when my study group is meeting, but I'd much rather spend time with Casey than study. Ugh, I just whined in my head. What am I going to do with myself. For now I get in line to wait for a changing room.

It was different in High School. I never studied, grades came so much more easily then. And the classes we took at Community College were a lot easier too, plus, Payton and I spent most of our time last year studying together. Ever since I met Casey, if I'm not with him, I'm thinking about him, or shopping for outfits to impress him, or working out at the gym...

"Tommy, what do you think?" Tai calls out as he peeks out from a door ahead of me. How'd he get one so fast, this place is packed! He signals me over so I get out of line.

"You'd rock my world in that," I tell him as I walk closer. Tight white cotton pants, a red shirt that fits so tightly you can make out his nipples. But Tai pulls it off like nobody else can.

"Hang on, wait until you see this other one," he says as he ducks back into the changing room. "You can come in Tommy, we can share this one."

I look around and Payton is sitting on a bench next to the changing area reading on his phone. I chuckle to myself and he looks up at me with a smile. I gesture with my head that I'm going in and he nods.

Tai shows me several outfits and I try on my armful of clothes and we each decide that we need to have, no, must have, most of them. Looking good is a necessity of life, Tai tells me and I high five my agreement.

Once we're out of the changing room I go to find Payton, who is still where we left him.

"One of the books I'm following just got updated," he says with a blush as I walk up to him.

"No worries, I know you get bored looking at clothes. If I see something I think you'd like, I'll let you know."

"Nah, I don't need anything I already have too much clothes. There's no more space to put stuff in our small dorm room."

"Um...yeah, sorry," I say sheepishly because I know my stuff takes up 3/4 of the closet and the large bureau we share. Luckily I've been moving a lot of clothes to Casey's so I'll have room to fit the new clothes I'm getting.

"You should at least get a new bathing suit, the one you have is still from when we were in High School and you need more than one while we're down here anyway. They have some good ones here. Come on."

I drag Payton over and Tai is already there so the two of us pick out several bathing suits for Payton.

"I'll get two, but that's it," he says, "and I'm not waiting in that line to try them on, these'll fit fine." He picks one that I chose and one that Tai chose.

"What about this one," Tai says holding up a little speedo.

"No. Fucking. Way," Payton deadpans.

"Why not? I have several like this," Tai objects.

"No, I'd feel"

"At least get this black one," I say holding up a simple lycra brief. "To wear under the other suits, swim trunks don't have that much support and you don't want to wear cotton briefs which will take forever to dry."

Payton grumbles, but accepts my logic. "I'm only getting these because I didn't have to use the money I saved on hotels or gas since all the Doms paid for that stuff."

"Yeah, our Doms aren't just sexy as fuck, they're generous. If any of the guys at school knew, they'd be lining up at the Club," Tai says with a grin.

"Don't tell them," Payton pipes up. "I already have enough competition with the free subs at the Red Door."

"Yeah, but you're the cutest one of them all," I reply ruffling his already messy hair. "And the Doms love you."

"Mhm, that's right. Our Pay has all the free Doms quivering," Tai says as he hip checks Payton.

"Stop!" Payton whisper yells as he turns bright red, he looks around making sure no one is listening. "It's not true, anyway."

"Don't pout Pay," Tai says as we get in line at the register. "You don't see what we see or hear what we hear." Tai winks at him before smacking his ass and giving him a big wet smooch.

"Oh my god! You guys!"

Payton is bright red now and since I know how much he hates being the center of attention, I figure I'll let him off the hook.

"What about you Tai, do you think you'll stay with Master Ken after he finishes training those Doms?"

"I honestly don't know," Tai sighs. "I think I'd like to, but I just can't read the man. He's sexy as fuck, but he can be so serious and I never really know where I stand. Like, I think he likes me, he came to my apartment every night that week after I sprained my ankle, but I don't know if he would have done that for any sub he had under contract or it was because he likes know, more than just a contracted sub. I wish I knew."

We were next up at the registers so we all paid for our purchases and made our way out.

"I guess, I'll just go with the flow for now," Tai adds once we're out front.

"Guys, we should go meet Lashtis."


"Lane, Ashton and Chris. I was too lazy to say all three." Payton gives us his goofy grin as we head off toward the arcade. We meet the three of them before we get too far. All three are wearing sunglasses I don't remember them having before.

"We got bored at the arcade so we hit up the Sunglass Hut," Lane tells us as they approach.

"But it's night," Payton says.

"Mhm, but you know, the future's so bright..." Chris begins.

"We gotta wear shades," Ashton finishes.

"Oh, and Payton, Remy bought you these," Lane says as he hands Payton a bag with a big Ray-Ban logo.

Payton frowns as he opens the bag and pulls out a pair of sunglasses.

"Those are Clubmaster Woods!" Tai yells excitedly. "Those are like $300 sunglasses!"

"$350, but he way-overpaid," Chris pipes up.

"I'm not keeping these," Payton grumbles, putting them in the bag and holding it out to Lane.

"You have to. I told you Remy gave me a bunch of cash to get you stuff. It's making my wallet too fat and I know you won't take it if I give it to you. We picked these out because they were perfect for you, I already threw away the receipt and pulled the tags off so you can't return them," Lane says matter of fact and we all laugh.

"Try them on Pay, they do look like they were made for you."


"You're so stubborn!" Chris scoffs.

"I'm not. I have principles," Payton retorts.

"Pay," I say softly. "It's no big deal if you take a pair of sunglasses that can't be returned."

"I'll feel like I owe him something then," he sighs.

"Don't, I used his money for mine too," Lane smirks.

"Is there enough to get Tommy and Tai pairs too?" Payton asks, "then we all have new ones...they can be our Spring Break 2016 sunglasses."

"No Pay, I don't need any," I say.

"There's plenty," Lane replies.

"Good, I'm not keeping these unless you guys get new sunglass too," Payton says looking at Tai and I.

"Well..." Tai begins, "If it's the only way..."

"I guess we can take one for the team," I finish.

It doesn't take long for Tai and I to pick out sunglasses and soon all six of us are walking down the sidewalk with a slight strut in our walk as if we were the coolest thing since sliced bread, arriving just in time to meet our new friend Brendan.

"My friends texted me and they're meeting us there," Brendan tells us on the way. Twenty minutes later, we walk into a place called Johnny Castles. It's more a bar than a club, but there is a dancefloor and about a half dozen people are dancing. A bunch of people our age are at a table and they wave us over when they see Brendan.

They're all really nice as everyone introduces themselves. Veronica plays Snow White; Amal, Corrina, Patrick and Jazzy all work at restaurants like Brendan; Mark plays the Beast in Beauty and the Beast; Keddra and Janet work in the aquatic park and Jose and Calvin work with the wild animals where we're staying. Ashton and Payton sit down by Jose and Calvin and start asking them about the animals; Lane starts talking to Mark; Chris strikes up a conversation with Patrick and Jazzy, while Tai and I both gravitate to Snow White...I mean Veronica. She's really sweet and tells us that she also goes to school for broadcasting.

When the waiter comes around he's a friend of theirs and doesn't question anyone when they order a beer or mixed drink.

"Hey guys," a deep voice says from the entrance, about a half hour later, so I look up.

Prince Charming?

"Hey Theo," Brendan says as a handsome tall guy walks up dressed as Prince Charming. He looks to be a few inches over six feet tall, well built, with perfectly combed and styled brown hair and matching brown eyes.

"Where have you been?" One of the girls asks him.

"I had to do a dinner show," he replies, sitting down heavily in an empty chair and letting out a long sigh. "It went late so I didn't bother going back to change."

The waiter, Robbie, walks over and puts a Heineken on the table in front of him. Prince Charming looks up and smiles gratefully.

"That boy is fine!" Tai whispers in my ear, his voice lilting up on the word 'fine'.

"I know right."

"I wonder if he plays for our team, I wouldn't mind letting him charm the pants off me."

"Tai," I whisper-shout. "What would Master Ken think," I admonish him.

"He's the one who said to have a good time and our contract is suspended until my return," he replies with a wink.


"Well it is just a contract for being his sub while he trains those Doms, it's not like we're boyfriends."

"Do you want to be his boyfriend?"

"I don' know." Tai sits back with a shrug. "Part of me does I guess. But I don't know if he's into the whole relationship thing."

I look back at Mr. Charming. "Well, then, I'd say, go for it."

"If he's gay," Tai adds. "Maybe."

Brendan introduces us and Prince Charming seems to live up to his name, shaking each of our hands, making eye contact, smiling and saying a few words to each of us. I look over at Payton and he's practically drooling. I know how attracted he is to guys like this; Payton says even if a guy isn't that great looking, if he's confident and friendly it's way more than compensates for looks. I guess he's right since he seems to be drawing the attention from everyone at the table.

"That guy should either go into Politics or Law," Chris says, leaning down to me and patting my shoulder. "I'm gonna go take a piss, if the waiter comes around, order me another Becks?"

"Sure Chris."

"You're so uncouth Chris," Tai calls after. He really hates when we use words like piss. It's really funny, he's the first guy I've ever met who gets offended by the way guys talk. I guess his parents were really particular about how he spoke and it stuck with him. I mean, I don't usually say that, I'd just say I'm going to the bathroom, but I don't really care when other guys say it. Tai gets really annoyed and acts all grossed out. Too funny!

Payton gets up and goes running after Chris. I guess he needs to go too. When they come back a few minutes later Payton's hair is all freshly combed. I give him a knowing wink and he gives me that 'I have no idea what you're talking about look,' but then gives me an evil grin before taking the seat next to Prince Charming that was left empty when some of the girls went to go dance, dragging Tai with them when they heard he was a dancer.

I laugh because a little while later, after a few songs have played Tai returns and takes the empty seat on the other side of Prince Charming that was just vacated by one of the guys who wandered off to the bar or bathroom. Tai and Payton are chatting the guy up, completely enraptured by him.

I know Payton has had a drink or two because put a little alcohol in that guy and a switch is flipped and he turns into a chatty kathy. It's quite humorous. I glance over at Lane and he's got the same amused look I have as he watches them. Tai is outgoing all the time, but he gets more demonstrative, putting his hand on the guys arm or chest to emphasize what he's saying, or flipping his head back and laughing at all the guy's jokes.

"You guys are awesome, thanks for coming out," Brendan says sitting down next to me on his way back from the bar.

"Thanks for asking us, it's cool to hang out in a place that isn't packed with screaming kids and stressed out parents."

"Yeah, I bet!"

"We're heading down to Miami tomorrow. If you have any time off you should meet us at South Beach," Chris says from across the table.

"Yeah? A couple of us were thinking of heading down on Wednesday for our day off."

"Text us when you get there and we'll hook up," I reply and we exchange numbers.

At about 1:30 a.m. Ashton announces that he's tired and hungry and we either have to go get some food, or he's got to get to bed.

By this time, both Payton and Tai have danced with Prince Charming several times; taking turns at first and then all three of them started dancing together. Drinks had been flowing freely and last time I looked they'd been taking turns making out with him. So I guess the question as to which team he plays on was answered.

"We probably should head back to the room if we want to get up early and see Epcot before we go," Lane calls from across the table.

"Yeah, but who's going to break up the spell Prince Charming has Tai and Pay under?"

"Just leave it to me," Chris says with a smirk.

Twenty minutes later after lots of goodbyes, plans to meet up in Miami and several hugs the six of us are walking back to our room.

"My life is now complete," Payton tells me as he runs up and slides his arm through mine.

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhm, I got to kiss Prince, several times. How can anyone top that?"

I laugh and throw an arm over his shoulders. "I'm sure you'll meet lots more Prince Charmings before you settle down in your Kingdom, Pay."

"He was really handsome though, wasn't he?"

"The picture of perfection."

"Nice too," he adds.

"He'd better be if he deserves to kiss you."

"Awwww, Tommy. I'm all verklempt!"

"You're a big goof is what you are," I laugh and ruffle his hair into a mess.


"Are we there yet?" Lane asks for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes, I'm sure he's doing it on purpose.

"Lane, I will pull over and kick your ass out of this damn van," Ashton grumbles making us all laugh as he glares out at the road.

"No you won't because the van is rented under my name," Lane states with a smile and I shake my head.

"We'll be there soon, their land is just up the road," he replies as I look out the window.

"I remember this, kind of. It's been a long time since we've been here," I say since the last time Ashton and I came here was when we were about fourteen.

"This is like in the middle of nowhere," Tai mumbles as we all look out of the windows and at the miles of open land.

"Just how she likes it," Ashton chuckles before turning onto another dirt road. "You can see the house from here. It's over there."

"That's a nice house!" Lane states after a few minutes when we can actually see it clearly.

The drive up to the house is lined with trees, but when we pass those it's a large ranch styled house. My eyes immediately go to the porch swing and a smile tugs on my lips. The memory of Ashton and I sitting on that swing and gazing up at the stars, coming up with a bunch of things we wanted to do when we were older comes crashing back on me. I look at Ashton and see his eyes are on me through the rear view mirror. He smiles softly before looking away as he parks the van next to a large pick-up truck. After we all climb out, we stretch after the three hour drive. I crack my back and look up at the blue sky, white clouds painted across the beautiful sky. A bark echoes through the air making us look over and my eyes widen at the sight of a group of dogs rushing forward.

"Otis, Gunther, Patch, Creature, you old goofs!" Ashton shouts while running forward with a bright smile and a large grey and white border collie jumps into his open arms as the other three try to jump on him as well.

"The only ones Ashton willingly hugs are animals and Master Gideon," I mutter to Tai who chuckles.

"Can you blame him? Animals are cute and Master Gideon is sexy as fuck," he replies as we watch Ashton get surrounded by, and taken down by the multiple dogs.

"He must be in heaven right now," Payton says just when the front door of the large ranch house opens.

"I was wondering if all the barking was because of your arrival," Linette, Ashton's aunt, says before waving us over. "You boys don't have to just stand outside. Come in and relax, I just made a fresh pitcher of lemonade."

"Hey Lin, how's the weather treating you!" I wave while grabbing my suitcases.

"The weather is a bipolar bitch, but I'm used to it," she calls back before disappearing into the house.

"Wow," Lane mumbles making me laugh.

"She's really cool, no need to be all formal with her. She'll probably smack you for trying to be," I warn the guys as we start the walk towards the house.

"Ashton, are you coming inside?" Payton asks making me look over.

Ashton is laying down on the green grass on his back, the dogs all laying around him. "I don't think he'll be moving anytime soon."

"Probably not," Tommy agrees so we head into the house without him.

"Oh wow," Tai gasps after we step through the door.

"Nice," Lane whistles as the guys look around the huge open floor plan that lets us see the whole first floor as soon as we step in.

"Are you boys hungry? I can make you a late lunch," Linette says and I nod because I'm starving.

"I can go for some grub!" I smile just as two small blurs race past us making Tai, Tommy and Payton jump back in surprise.

"Mom! We're going fishin', see ya later!" Ashton's little cousin yells.

"Excuse you boys, we have company so say hello," Linette demands making the twins turn to face us.

"Hello," Weston and Easton smile before racing out the back door with fishing poles and a box in their hands.

"Sorry about them, they've been excited to go fishing every day since they saw a huge Blue Catfish last week. They've been trying to catch it since," she shakes her head with a chuckle.

"It's fine, just a bit surprised. Last time I saw the twins they were running around in pull-ups and now they're going off by themselves." I smile as I put my suitcases down by the stairs.

"Um, would you mind pointing me in the direction of the bathroom," Tommy says as I walk into the kitchen area and grab one of the glasses filled with lemonade.

"Chris, have some manners!" Tai scolds as I chug the drink.

"Oh no, it's fine. These are for you boys anyway so help yourself. I'll walk you to the bathroom," Linette says before leading Tommy away and Lane, Tai and Payton all grab a glass of lemonade.

"She's nice," Payton smiles while gazing around.

"Yeah she's cool, but don't you think those kids are too young to be out fishing alone?" Tai asks worriedly making me shrug.

"Nah, they're like eight years old. Besides, I'm sure they know how to swim," I reply as I open the fridge to look for something to eat.

"Chris!" Tai hisses at me.

"Making yourself at home I see," a deep voice grumbles making us all spin around to see a large man standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey Gareth!" Ashton greets while walking into the house and he looks around slowly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Gareth chuckles before taking his cowboy hat off and putting it on a hook by the back door. "When did you guys get here?"

"A few minutes ago sweetheart," Linette says as she walks back into view with Tommy following behind her. "These are the friends of Ashton that will be staying with us tonight."

"Hello, I'm Lane," he says as he holds his hand out with a confident smile.

"It's nice to meet you," Gareth lifts his dirt covered hands in the air. "Not sure you want to shake my hands as I just got finished cleaning out the barn."

"Yeah, I'll pass," he chuckles while putting his hand back down.

"Oh my god, look!" Payton gasps and I look over to see him pressed against the French doors leading to the backyard.

"What?" I ask as the guys rush over.

"It's a freaking herd of horses!" Tai says making me walk over to see Linette and Gareth's horses roaming the fenced in acres.

"Do you like horses? You boys can go riding after lunch if you'd like," Linette suggests as I gaze out at the horses, "or if you're tired from the drive you can wait until the morning."

"I don't know how to ride a horse," Tommy mutters worriedly.

"Lovell can teach you I'm sure. He rode horses competitively for years. Isn't that right, Lovell?" Gareth nudges Ashton's shoulder making the guys frown.

"Lovell?" Lane questions with a raised brow.

"He's been under the sun too long, ignore him!" Ashton laughs before pushing Payton and Tai out the door. "Come on, I'll show you the horses!"

"Hey, what's the rush?" Tommy whines as Ashton grabs his sleeve and drags him out.

"Wait up!" Lane calls before rushing after them.

"He's still not a fan of his middle name huh?" Linette smiles knowingly and I shake my head.

"Nope, he hasn't told any of them and I'm sure he's going to somehow find a way to make them forget they ever heard it," I reply as I check my phone to see a message from Clark.

"Why don't you go join your friends Chris, we'll bring your luggage up to the loft," Gareth says so I stuff my phone back into my pocket and nod.

"Um yeah okay, see you guys later." I smile before heading outside and rushing after the guys that are still walking towards the barn. "Hey, wait up!"

"Hurry up Chris!" Tai shouts while waving me forward so I start running after them.

The afternoon was spent outside, riding horses and just hanging around the barn. Ashton's aunt and uncle have a shit ton of animals aside from horses. They have a few cows, a million chickens it seems, a group of pigs, a goat that chased poor Payton around for about ten minutes until Ashton decided to step in and get the goat to leave Pay alone. There are a couple of sheep too. Of course there are four dogs, a few cats and they even have two tortoises. This place is like a haven for Ashton who stays out with the animals even when we were called in for supper. The one thing Ashton loves more than food, animals. Probably the one reason he would miss a meal.

During lunch, the twins got back and with proud smiles they lifted a huge catfish out of a large bucket they needed to carry together. I smile as Gareth jumps up and scolds the boys for taking it out of the lake further into the woods. They pout, their cheeks puffing out as they both cross their arms over their chests. Gareth tells them to go wash up as he takes the bucket of water with the catfish in. He states he's going to go toss the fish back into the lake since there is a strict catch and release policy in this house. I stuff my face with the cheeseburger and homemade fries Linette made as Ashton walks into the house, his face smudged with dirt and his smile brighter than usual. He washes up quickly and joins us at the table.

After the meal, we rest up after a long day. The loft of the house is where we're going to be staying. It's the left side of the second floor which is like a small apartment. It has a den with a bar area instead of a kitchen. Plus there are two bedrooms with large beds that four of us can use. If I remember correctly, the L-Shaped couch has a section that converts into a bed so two of us can crash on the couch. I claim the couch because the television mounted on the wall is bigger than the televisions in the room. Lane plops down next to me as the guys bring their bags into the rooms so I guess I'm sharing the couch with Lane. My eyes drift around the loft and sigh. I wouldn't mind living in a house like this one, but it definitely has to be closer to civilization.

"So, we're heading out to South Beach tomorrow. You ready to party?" Lane asks with a smirk and I nod with a smirk of my own.

"Hollywood Undead style," I add making him roll his eyes.

"I don't know about all that Chris," he chuckles as my phone starts ringing.

"It's Clark," I say out loud and Lane stands up.

"Take the call, I'm going to call Matthias to tell him we're all good," he says before walking towards the balcony with his phone in his hand.

"Hey," I answer while laying back on the couch.

"Hey Chris, how is the trip going so far?" Clark asks curiously making me shrug even though he can't see me.

"It's going great. We had a blast at Disney and we're at Ashton's aunt and uncle's place now, but we'll be heading out to South Beach tomorrow morning, or early afternoon depending on what the guys want to do," I tell him while looking over as Ashton walks out of the room in only his underwear and a towel draped around his shoulders.

"Remember what I told you Chris, be careful at South Beach," Clark states as I stare at Ashton's ass when he bends over to grab a water bottle from the fridge.

"I know Clark, don't wander off alone and don't take drinks from strangers. You should tell Gideon that Ashton got lost in Disney within the first two hours we were there," I say with a smirk and Ashton glares at me.

"I didn't get lost, I wanted to be alone so I left the group. There is a difference! Besides, I already told Gideon," he grumbles before disappearing back into the bedroom, "It's not my fault Tommy freaked out."

Clark laughs, obviously having heard Ashton's response before saying, "I just wanted to check in with you, but I have to get back to work. I'll talk to you soon Chris."

"Do you miss me?" I blurt out the question with thinking and mentally curse my stupidity when he falls silent. "Never mind, bye!"

"Smooth," Lane snickers while sitting back down next to me.

"Shut up," I groan while hitting myself in the face with a couch cushion just as my phone starts ringing again. "Fuck my life."

"You're such a pussy when it comes to emotions. Just pick up the damn phone!" Lane rolls his eyes so I hit him with the cushion before answering the phone.

"Hello?" I mumble, a heavy sigh escaping me.

"So much Chris, I miss you so much, it's not even funny," Clark says softly making a blush rise up my neck before settling in my cheeks.

"Really? I thought you'd enjoy your alone time with me gone," I admit and Lane gets up before disappearing into the other room with the rest of the guys.

"Chris, you don't seem to understand just how much I enjoy spending time with you. The best part of my day is when I get to see you," he says as I nibble on my bottom lip. "Do you miss me? Be honest, Chris."

"I do miss you," I admit quietly then shake my head. "I didn't think I would, but I really do."

"I'm happy to hear that, but I want you to have a great time. Just remember, I'll be right here waiting for you when you get back," he tells me and I smile.

"I'll be home soon," I reassure him and we talk for a few more minutes before ending the call.

Since we're only here for one night, Gareth decides to fire up the grill and make us some of his famous baby back ribs that Ashton moans at the mention of. The cool night air is perfect for hanging around the yard and we decide to play a game of soccer when Weston...or Easton suggests a game. With the smell of food drifting into the sky, the game goes on until the food is on the picnic table on the patio. I look up at the setting sun with a smile before heading over to the table to join the others. Being the only female, Linette doesn't seem to mind all the grabbing hands reaching out for seconds, even thirds in Lane and Ashton's case, and eats just as much as her husband does.

"Hey ma, can we have a bonfire tonight?" One of the twins asks hopefully.

"Oh yeah, that'd be cool!" Ashton agrees quickly so the parents nod.

"That's not a problem, if you boys collect enough wood we can have a bonfire soon," Gareth states and the twins rush into the woods with the dogs chasing after them.

An hour later, we're all sitting around a large bonfire. The flames flicker through the air and the crackling of the wood fills the otherwise silent air. The atmosphere is relaxing, the warmth of the fire and cool breeze are a perfect match. I think we needed this. A calm relaxing day and night half way through our trip, time to reenergize before the last leg of our holiday arrives. I look into the fire. The red and orange flames twist and twirl above the charring wood below. The area's outlined by large bricks to keep the flames controlled. The colors seem to melt into each other as the breeze causes them to sway through the air, swinging the flames reach into the sky as if trying to grasp the moon shining above us. I pull my stick back and blow the roasted marshmallow softly before trapping it in between the graham crackers and Hershey chocolate bar. Can't really have a bonfire without S'mores.

"Alright boys, time for bed," Linette says making me frown in confusion until I look up and see the twins nodding off on their seats.

"But ma, I'm not tired!" they say together and I smile as Gareth and Linette each pick up one of the boys.

"We're going to put the boys to bed then wash up ourselves. Feel free to stay up, but please make sure to put the fire out thoroughly," Linette tells us before pointing to the hose connected to the back of the house.

"I got it Auntie, no worries," Ashton tells her so she smiles then follows Gareth back into the house.

"They're really cool," Payton says before taking a bite of his S'more.

"Hell yeah they are," Tai agrees making me nod.

"We should get to bed soon. I know it's not that late, but we have to head out in the morning and I'd rather not stay up late and be miserable in the morning," Lane says before finishing off his beer.

"He's right," I agree after looking at my phone and seeing it's already past eleven o'clock and at dinner we planned on leaving no later than eight thirty, after breakfast.

"Then let's put this fire out and get upstairs," Ashton states while standing up.

Ashton hoses the fire down and mixes the ashes with the dirt from the hole Gareth dug out. After I poke around the burnt wood and make sure everything is soaked and won't catch fire again, Ashton hoses the wood down again before we clean up. I claim the shower first and plop down onto the couch once I'm sweat and dirt free. Christ, this was a long day. Relaxing and calming, but still a long day. Just what I needed though. I stretch, a yawn escaping me as I lay my head on the pillow while draping the blanket over my body. The room is dark, but the moon light floods into the room from the French doors leading to the balcony. I close my eyes and turn onto my side, knowing that I should sleep because tomorrow is going to be a long day as well, but it'll probably be a crazy long day.

"Chris," Lane mumbles as I feel him sit on the couch.

"What?" I ask curiously and he tugs on the blanket.

"Can we cuddle? I'm used to sleeping with Matthias next to me, so I can't sleep without someone next to me," he admits, an embarrassed tint to his tone.

"Yeah sure," I agree with a chuckle and he wastes no time in moving closer, his chest pressed against my back. "If I feel your dick poking my ass, I'll punch you though."

"I can't help it Chris, but don't worry I don't want to fuck you. I don't fuck friends. Goodnight," he yawns before nuzzling his face into the back of my neck.

"Goodnight Lane," I whisper while closing my eyes again.

Surprisingly, Lane is a great cuddler. With all his muscles, I didn't think it would be comfortable but it was very comfortable and he was very warm. The next morning, after a very restful sleep, I wake up to an amazing smell. I sit up and notice that Lane is nowhere to be seen so I grab my bag and head into the bathroom to wash up. It turns out, I'm the only one in the loft. I grumble as I get dressed. Those assholes couldn't have woken me up? Assholes, all of them. I pack my stuff back into my luggage before carrying them downstairs. By the front door, all the other suitcases are piled up so I just leave mine there before heading towards the dining room where I hear the chatter of my friends.

"Thanks for waking me up guys, I really appreciate it," I mutter while sitting in between Ashton and Lane.

"We all tried Chris, you just didn't want to wake up." Payton frowns before taking a bite of a crescent roll.

"Yeah, we all gave it a turn," Tommy nods while putting his hair up in a messy bun, which reminds me of when Master Casey does that.

"Here you are Chris," Linette says before a plate of steaming eggs, bacon and hash browns is placed in front of me along with an empty glass.

"Thank you." I smile at her and reach forward before grabbing the pitcher of juice and filling my glass. "Where are Gareth and the boys?"

"Oh the boys are doing their chores, collecting the eggs from the chicken coop. Gareth is milking the cow. We're all early risers here and like getting things done as soon as possible so we can relax the rest of the day," she explains making me nod.

"Makes sense," I reply before focusing on my food.

After breakfast was done, the bags get packed in the van and we wish a goodbye to Ashton's aunt, uncle and younger cousins.

"Who's driving?" Tommy asks and Tai raises his hand before climbing into the driver's seat.

"It's only about half an hour to South Beach, so let's go hit the sand and waves!" Lane says making everyone whoop is agreement.

"South Beach here we come bitches!" I shout as Tai drives away from the house.



This Chapter is dedicated to Louis E. Allen III, our beloved Master Matthias, who is on the road to recovery from a very serious illness. We wish him all the best and send him all our love!  Literally, I mean this...WE LOVE YOU MATTHIAS!!!!!

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