Chapter 5 Crazy, Sexy Stalker - Interviews

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Pictured above, of course, is the amazing Master Matthias

Chapter 5  Crazy, Sexy Stalkers  -  One-on-One Interviews

"Where do you guys want to get lunch?" Payton asks curiously making Tommy hum in contemplation as Ashton shrugs.

"I don't mind where we eat as long as we go soon. I'm hungry," Ashton sighs making the two others roll their eyes already used to Ashton's hearty appetite.

"Look, there's Lane." Tommy's pointing across the quad making the other boys look over in that direction.

The older boy is walking towards them looking none too happy which makes the trio frown. After a brief catch up, Lane suggests a place for them that's only a ten minute walk from where they are. They all agree and start the short walk towards the diner that Lane claims has the best burgers around. Payton, Tommy and Ashton can tell something is bothering Lane because he isn't his usual joking and teasing self but it isn't until they're all seated with their food that Tommy brings up the question on everyone's mind.

"Hey Lane, are you okay?" The long haired boy asks worriedly as Lane aggressively chews the food in his mouth.

"I'm fine, why?" He asks after swallowing the large bite and before taking a sip of his soda.

"Well, you seem kind of annoyed," Payton says tentatively while unwrapping his burger that he'd yet to even start after looking off, deep in thought, seemingly distracted by something.

"Plus you look bothered." Ashton adds the obvious making the best friends nod.

"It's nothing, just some asshole that pissed me off the other day," he grumbles making the three others share a look.

"What asshole?" Tommy asks highly interested since Lane is usually the one leaving others flustered, not the other way around.

"Just some guy I bumped into a couple of times. He was such an asshole, calling me 'Sugar' and acting as if he could just say a few things and get me to drop my pants! The fucker. I mean, I know I'm a whore but at least I strike up a few minutes conversation with the people I want to fuck!" Lane grumbles angrily and Tommy beams as Payton and Ashton watch silently.

"Well, tell us what happened. Details Lane!" Tommy encourages and Lane frowns.

He's hesitant to talk about it because he himself isn't completely sure how he feels about this 'asshole' that just gets under his skin in ways nobody has before. Lane bites his bottom lip while lost in thought as Tommy stares at him excitedly. Ashton gazes across the booth at Lane trying to get a grip on how this talk is going to go. He can tell the usual happy go lucky guy was going through something but he doesn't know what. It seems like nobody could really see the hidden pain in Lane's eyes but it wasn't Ashton's place to ask what isn't brought up. Something he feels Tommy should consider.

"Well, I was leaving The Backdoor the other day and when I was about to start walking home some guy just blocked my path. He was a real creepy prick. All like 'what's your name Sugar' and 'I'm a gentleman blah blah blah'. I screamed pervert and he let go pretty quick then I left, highly annoyed but sporting a hard-on. I mean, the guy was sexy as fuck, huge build, tall like 7 foot, beautiful green eyes and just all around sexy! I let it go but then a few days later, I bumped into him in that small supermarket. You know the one on the corner of Randolph?" He asks the group who all nod.

"Yeah, we've been there a few times," Payton says before sipping his soda, not even noticing that he's slightly leaning forward as if it drawn in by Lane's intensity.

"Well yeah, we bumped into each other there. He acted as if I should have known who he was, a CEO of some company or other. I told him to fuck off but he followed me, slapped my ass then we made out against the fridges that hold the milk." Payton's eyebrows went up, Tommy grinned and Ashton looked away. "But then I kneed him where the sun don't shine. Guys, the brief moment of contact of my knee to his dick let me get a feel and holy fucking shit, the man is huge! Like, anaconda size!" He states with wide eyes making Tommy burst out laughing as Ashton rolls his eyes, hiding his smirk and Payton blushes while hiding chuckles behind his hand.

"Oookay continue please," Payton says after they all calm down again, mainly Tommy.

"Nothing really happened after that, I left and he followed me. Like, chased me down as if I was his prey or something. He asked me out so I said no, stomped on his foot to get him to let me go then hightailed it out of there. Haven't seen him since and I'm glad." He shrugs but the friends can tell he's not completely happy that he hasn't run into this guy.

"Okay so he's big, incredibly buff, hot as..."

"Fuck," Lane supplies. Tommy nods and continues.

"Has incredible eyes, sexy as hell. Why didn't you give him your name and let him take you to dinner?" When Tommy finishes Payton looks at him in confusion.

"But he doesn't even know him," he says while glancing at Lane who is finishing off his burger.

"That's what the dinner is for, to get to know each other," Ashton adds making Tommy nod as Payton frowns.

"It doesn't matter, this guy and I wouldn't work. He doesn't look like a bottom and I'm not a bottom," Lane chuckles, emphasizing the word 'not'. Ashton narrows his eyes at the look of discomfort that enters Lane's eyes before it disappears as quickly as it appeared.

"So, what are you going to do if you bump into him again?" Payton asks curiously making Lane shrug while licking his lips.

"Nothing, what can I do? I mean, if he asks me out again maybe I'll agree. Free food and maybe he's actually a cool guy. I don't have a problem with being friends, but if he thinks we're fucking and he's topping then I'll tell him. It'd be interesting to top him though," he adds with a wink making Tommy chuckle as Payton blushes once again.

"Yeah but maybe it was kismet," Tommy, the incurable romantic says with a wistful sigh. "You bumped into him twice, that means something!"

"Yeah, that this guy is stalking Lane," Payton mutters while playing with the straw of his drink. "He could be a psychotic weirdo."

Tommy laughs, "seems to me you've been stalking someone at the club Pay, not all stalkers are bad, or psychotic weirdos. It sounds like this guy really has a thing for Lane."

Payton turns bright red at the discreet mention of Master Matthias. "I'm not stalking him," he hisses quietly at Tommy so the others can't hear and Ashton asks Lane a random question to distract him when he notices the young man watching Payton and Tommy curiously.

"I think you like him more than you're leading on," Tommy whispers back.

"What are you two whispering about?" Lane asks making Ashton sigh and focus more on his cheese fries than his friends.

"Nah, nothing," Tommy replies. "Just some guy at The Red Door that Payton has a crush on."

"Tommy!" Payton hisses and feels his face warm with a blush at Lane's raised brows and amused smirk.

"You should come with us sometime Lane," Tommy continues. "It's um...different, I think you might like it."

"It's a great place to hang out, meet some cool people. You never know, you might find a serious boyfriend there," Ashton adds quietly making Lane laugh loudly.

"Or a really great fuck buddy," he corrects making Ashton roll his eyes with a sigh.

"Yeah, that too I guess," he shrugs because casual hookups aren't uncommon at The Red Door.

"So Pay, tell me about this guy you have a crush on," Lane says with a smirk making the shy redhead's eyes widen before he groans.

"I don't have a crush on him!" He huffs making his three friends share amused and unbelieving looks.

"Hi Lane." A voice interrupts the four boys as they look up to find Drew standing next to their table.

"Drew," Lane observes more than replies.

"What are you doing?" He asks, his eyes roaming the table and the four boys.

Lane gives him a patronizing look. "Well, we're eating lunch Drew."

Ashton sighs, looking over at Payton, preferring ketchup, over drama, with his cheese fries. Payton shuffles in his seat uncomfortably and Tommy watches with a slight smile. The three of them never took a liking to Drew, yes, he's good looking, but he always seems so needy while also shallow and pretentious. Personality traits none of them have time for and they don't understand why Lane hooks up with him. Well, it's apparent why when Drew constantly throws himself at Lane despite Lane's indifferent treatment, they just don't understand how even an easy lay is worth it.

It's obvious that the table can only fit four and none of the boys offer to move over so Drew can pull up a seat.

"Do you want to do something tonight Lane? Go to a movie or something?"

"Can't," he replies tersely, "have to study right up until my shift."

"Oh, you're working tonight? Maybe I'll see you at The Backdoor then, we can...umm, do something after."

"No Drew, I'm working, then I'm going home and sleeping. Alone." Lane's voice is resolute, but then he seems to soften a bit. "Maybe later in the week, after I finish my paper and research project, but I'll call you."

"Okay, great! We'll do something later in the week, I'll wait for your call." Lane's expression turns to one of annoyance at the overeager boy.

"I said maybe," he restates, "but right now I'm having lunch with my friends." He leaves the statement hanging and after a brief pause Drew seems to get the hint.

"Yeah, well, I can't stay, I have a class so I need to get back to campus. See ya Lane, I'll talk to you later in the week." Ignoring the other three boys he quickly leaves, giving Lane a wave and big smile before he disappears around the corner.

"Awkward," Payton mutters once he's gone. Lane gives him an undiscernible look before stealing a handful of fries off his plate. "Hey!" Why do you always steal my food?" the redhead complains.

"You're the smallest," Lane replies, smirking despite the mouthful of fries. Payton opens his mouth to protest, then closes it, without a ready reply.

After lunch Lane heads off in the direction of his apartment while the three others return to campus.

"So, you went to the information session and signed up?" Ashton asks.

"Yup," Payton replies. "We both have a one-on-one scheduled with Master Matthias Thursday afternoon. I guess...if he lets us, we start training right away."

"What kind of questions will he ask at the one-on-one?" Tommy questions.

"Hmm...he'll ask why you want to be a submissive," Ashton replies, "some personal questions so he can get to know you and make sure you can handle it."

"Like what kind of personal questions?" Payton seems a bit nervous as he stops on the sidewalk waiting for his friend's reply.

"Pay, he's going to ask you your sexual experience and you have to tell him the truth...everything he asks you have to answer with the truth. He's been doing this a long time, he knows what he's doing and who the lifestyle is right for and who it isn't."

"Do you think he'll let us join?"

"Remember, without the subs, the Doms have nothing. If he thinks you can be a good submissive he'll let you in. I think you'll be fine. If you really want it, he'll see that and during training you'll figure out if you can really handle it. It's no big deal, don't stress over it." Ashton pats his friend on the back, hoping to ease his concern.

"Yeah Payton, it's not worth worrying about," Tommy adds. "If it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world."

"You seem less interested since you met that personal trainer at the gym." Payton looks over at his tall friend, who'd been spending every day at their new gym since the two joined.

"No, I'm going to try it too. It's weird, since that first day, Casey's been all business with me. I thought we made a connection, but I guess I was wrong. He probably already has a boyfriend anyway, the good ones are either heterosexual or taken. He's probably not interested in a college freshman anyway," Tommy adds with a touch of disappointment.

"Guys, I'm taking off, I have a class to get to." Ashton waves goodbye as he picks up his pace down the street.

"We have an hour until our class, want to get an ice cream?" Payton smiles and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Will you ever grow up?" Tommy asks, smiling at his friend.

"Probably not, it doesn't seem very appealing," Payton answers.

"You're like one of the Lost Boys," Tommy scoffs with no trace of anger, only amusement.

"And you can be Tinkerbell," Payton grins, picking up his pace to avoid any retaliation. He could hear Tommy grumbling behind him as he fights not to laugh.

Thursday afternoon - The Red Door


Thursday afternoon finally arrived and Payton and I are seated on a bench by the reception desk at The Red Door. We've been sitting on this hard bench for about 15 minutes, having been instructed to do so by the girl at the desk once she checked our names on a piece of paper she had in front of her. We were early because Payton is sometimes OCD over getting places on time. He hates being late so much he's usually always early. Sometimes I find it annoying, but he's trying to get better about it, so I cut him some slack.

I look up and see 'the man' walking down the hallway, his eyes on us. I sit up and nudge Payton to do the same, or at least so he sees Master Matthias approaching in case he's in never never land.

"Hello Tommy, Payton. You're right on time. That's good, something you'll learn about Doms is they abhor tardiness. Now who would like to go first?" Master Matthias' asks. I looked over at Payton and his eyes are wide, I don't know if it's better for him to go first and get it over with, or second to give him more time, but since he looks almost catatonic, I stand up.

"Hello Sir, I'll go first."

"Okay, follow me to my office." Master Matthias turns abruptly and walks back the direction he came, so I quickly follow him. When we arrive at his office he motions to a chair. "Have a seat," he instructs so I sit down and place my hands in my lap.

"Thank you Sir," I say, not sure why, but I feel like I need something to say.

"Tommy Adamson," he says looking at a notepad on his desk, which he picks up along with a pen. "Is Tommy short for Thomas?"

"No, I was named after my dad's favorite Uncle Tommy."

"Okay, Tommy it is. How old are you?"

"19. Sir." He scribbles onto the notepad.

"Good. Height and weight?"

"Five foot 11, Sir, and 165 pounds," Sometimes I dip down to 160 and I'm not exactly sure where I am right now, but I figure that's close enough.

"Healthy weight for your height. Good. Are you polyamorous?" My brow raises at this next question. I feel a little stupid, but I'm not sure what that is and I don't remember it being discussed at the information session.

"I'm sorry Sir, can you tell me what that means?" I ask, rather then try to bluff my way through.

"Are you willing to have one, or more than one open relationship at a time?" His tone is even so I have no idea what kind of answer he's expecting, but I already know from Ashton and Tai that I always have to answer completely honestly.

"Well, I actually prefer just one partner at a time. I've always been a tiny bit jealous," I admit, looking down at my feet.

"That's fine Tommy. Nothing wrong with being possessive of your partner. Almost everyone in this club is possessive of their partner once they find the right one." I breathe a sigh of relief while he pauses and makes a notation on his paper. "Do you have any history with law enforcement, any prior arrests?"

"No, Sir!" I answer, maybe too vehemently.

"Good. Keep it that way." His look is stern and I suddenly feel a tiny bit like being in the Principal's office at school. I intertwine my fingers and try not to fidget.

"Yes, Sir," I reply when his eyes don't leave me. I look back down at my feet, nervous of his strong glare. He's a bit more intimidating than I expected.

"Do you smoke? You're underage so if I catch you drinking in my club you'll be banned from coming back again." I'm taken aback for a minute, but then of course I realize that he could lose his license if anyone underage is caught drinking, so that's pretty serious.

"I've tried smoking, Sir, but I didn't really like it. So, no, I don't smoke. And I will gladly follow all the club rules, Sir. You won't have to worry about me."

"I'll make that decision for myself."

"Of course, Sir." I begin to worry if he has something against me or maybe he's like this with all the new subs.

"Are you a virgin?"

My eyes widen, but I understand why he has to ask. "No, Sir."

"How many partners have you had?"

"I've been in three committed relationships, I only had sex with two of them....well, full sex."

"Have you been tested for any sexually transmitted diseases?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I'm assuming you're clean then?"

"All my test results were negative, yes. I've been tested regularly." He nods and I feel a fleeting sense of pride from giving a 'correct' answer.

"Did you enjoy vanilla sex?"

"Yes, Sir." I stifle a grin because...I really quite like it a lot. I look down hoping he can't see the silly look on my face.

"What interests you about this lifestyle?"

I pause for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts. "Well, honestly...I've carried a heavy load in my life so far. My parents were killed in an accident when I was 13. My Aunt took me in, but she was always very busy with her own life. I knew she loved me and did her best, but it was more like me taking care of her I guess. I did most of the cooking, cleaned and maintained the house while going to school. I..." I look up at the ceiling and take a deep breath, "I think I really enjoy the concept of letting someone take care of me for a change. College is hard work and I like the thought of giving control to someone I can trust...I'm not lazy though," I'm quick to clarify.

"Never said you were Tommy." He looks at me closely and then jots down some more notes. He's quiet and I feel again like I have to fill the silence, and I also want to make sure he understands my interest...fully.

", I also want to try some more...I guess the word is unconventional, sexual experiences. Broaden my horizons a bit, you could say." After blurting that out I'm sure my face is as red as Payton's gets when he's embarrassed. He nods before going to the next question.

"Have you thought of safe words?"

"Safe words?" I don't remember Ashton explaining those, but Payton talked to him a lot more than I did and he'd been googling the subject for days, so I'm sure he already knows what they are.

"Yes, safe words. Two words that will tell your future Dom that you are either reaching your limit and to slow down, take a break and discuss your feelings about the situation or scene, or another to let him know you've reached your limit and need to stop immediately."

"Oh, okay. No Sir, but I could make some up now."

"Of course, just make sure they are clear and have nothing to do with anything sexual. They cannot be 'stop', 'wait' or 'hey hold on a sec', some idiot actually tried to use those before." Master Matthias rolls his eyes and I let out a giggle before I realize it. He pauses again and I realize he's waiting for my safe words.

"How about colors, like a red light?"

"Actually, those are the most common Tommy, Red for stop and Yellow for slow down."

"I think those would be the easiest to remember Sir."

"Good, and do you know what your hard limits are. Hard limits are some things that you will not do or even want to try. You may have more as you learn about the lifestyle, but are there any you know right now?"

"I'm pretty open to trying new things at least once, but I'm afraid of fire...and I don't know how much I would enjoy a lot of pain. I've thought about spanking and I kind of like the idea of that, but if someone were to whip or cane me, I honestly don't think I could handle it...I...I actually thought of having my friend Payton hit me, just to see how much I could take." I look at Master Matthias and he looks annoyed, so I continue talking just to calm my nerves, something I do when I'm nervous. "I also don't think I would enjoy being shocked, but I'd be willing to test it once if...if it's safe." I start wringing my hands, I'm pretty sure this isn't what he wants to be hearing and I've probably just ruined my chances. "I'm sorry, Sir. I know that sounds wimpy."

"Nonsense, you sound pretty brave to me if you're willing to try things out of your comfort zone. But I'll have to say this, don't get your friend to hit you because A. That's fucking stupid, and B. Getting punched or slapped isn't the same as getting whipped or caned. Two very different tools, a hand versus a whip or cane. The hand will always hurt less, and your test would be pointless. Also, the Doms here are trained extensively by me. Without proper training you could get seriously hurt or injured and that's not the point of BDSM. Pain, when inflicted properly, can cause pleasure. A good Dom wants to help their sub skirt the line between pain and pleasure, as we discussed during the information session you attended."

I felt a bit stupid and embarrassed so I looked back down at my feet, though, he did call me brave, which made me feel somewhat better.

"So, fire is a hard limit, understandable. Whipping and caning can be placed into soft limits, which are things you are willing to try, but aren't too certain about. Do you have any kinks or fetishes?"

My eyes pop up..."I...well, I love underarms...and long hair." I feel my face heat as I blush at my confession. " having my hair pulled sometimes."

"Your hair, yes, I was going to comment on that. It seems like you take great care of it, you wouldn't want it cut off then, would you?" Master Matthias raises a brow waiting for my reply and I feel myself pale at the thought. I'm sure my eyes are as wide as saucers.

"Would I have to? I love my hair this way." My mom always told me how much she loved my thick hair and that I should grow it out, I never did until after she was gone and I couldn't bear to cut it now. "And, thank you Sir," I add remembering the compliment.

"No, of course not," he replies reassuringly. "Just make it a hard limit, no cutting the mane off. I know some Doms that'd shave you bald as a punishment if it wasn't a hard limit.

The thought of that is more than troubling and a mixture of nerves that were flying high throughout the interview and the thought of someone shaving my head cause me to tear up a bit, I'm not a crier, but I can tell I'm reaching my limit. "Oh my god! I definitely want that to be a hard limit!"

"Don't cry, I hate criers," he barks with a stern look and I quickly sit up straight and brush the tears from my eyes.

"So we've gone over safe words, hard limits, reasons why you want to enter the lifestyle, kinks, health and relationship status. We've covered a lot for one day. Is there anything you'd like to ask me about the club or lifestyle before we finish?"

"Well, I know if I am allowed to be a submissive here, I will be trained. After training, what if there is a situation where I don't know for sure if I'm making the right decision, or performing properly for a Dom. Will I have any sort of safety net? And do Doms and subs ever have long-term, loving relationships? Like 24/7...I guess like boyfriends?"

"You won't have to worry about making the decisions, your Dom will make them for you and you'll have to trust him to make the right ones. That's what this lifestyle is all about, trust. If you don't trust a Dom, Tommy, don't play with him. And if you aren't performing properly, the Dom will let you know and correct you. As for the long-term loving relationship, yes, that is always a possibility. While some Dom/sub relationships take it no further than that, many do have a relationship outside of BDSM. A few couples here are actually married."

"I think I will be able to trust, Sir. I really want to...and finding someone special...a partner, is very appealing to me."

"It's not something I want you to rush Tommy. Don't rush into trusting someone just because you want to play. They'll see through you and either drop you without a second thought or take advantage of it. As much as I screen and train everyone here, you still need to use your judgement and instinct to protect yourself."

"But Sir, how will I know who to put my trust in? I really loved my last boyfriend and he hurt me. Not physically, but emotionally. I don't want to feel that again...but I definitely have a strong interest in exploring this lifestyle."

"Like I said, you'll have to trust yourself, trust your gut. Deep down you'll know who can and can't be trusted." Master Matthias paused, put his paper down and looked at me directly. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Why? You don't know me."

"Because my friends know you. They respect you and the manner in which you run your club. I trust you because I trust them..."

"It's good that you trust your friends. And they're right to trust me. If ever you need help, I'm here so don't hesitate to come to me." He stood from where he was leaning on his desk and took a step forward. "That's all for today Tommy, good job."

"Thank you for meeting with me Sir." I stay seated since he hasn't told me to get up, I figure the training starts from day 1.

"Come, I'll walk you out. Make sure not to give anything away until I speak with your friend. I want his answers to be as spontaneous as yours." He motions me out, so I stand and lead the way to the door as instructed.

"I won't friend Payton, he's a little shy, just so you know." I smile, hoping he'll understand. I know Payton will be nervous and it's a natural instinct of mine to protect him, even though he really doesn't need it. I just can't help it.

"I'll keep that in mind Tommy."

"Thank you Master Matthias, he means the world to me...and I'm just a little overprotective I guess. Um, thanks again and enjoy your afternoon."

"You too," he replies and I walk out, Payton stands up, nervously looking between me and Master Matthias who is several steps behind me, standing with his arms crossed over his massive chest. I walk up to Payton and give him an encouraging hug. "You got this," I whisper in his ear quickly.

"Payton, you're up next," Master Matthias calls out, his voice deep and firm, what we started calling 'the Dom voice'.


I've been sitting on this hard bench for at least half an hour and my butt has fallen asleep and my legs are stiff so I try stretching them and rolling in my seat from side to side to get the blood flowing. The girl at the desk, I don't know her name because she's not Cindy and Cindy is the one I know, looks at me with an annoyed expression so I freeze until she looks away. Once she's gone back to her computer I slowly move into a more comfortable position and try to keep from squirming.

Finally Tommy walks out and as tall as he is, he looks short with Master Matthias walking behind him. I quickly stand up. Master Matthias stops and Tommy walks over and gives me a hug. "You got this," he says. When he steps away I look back at the large man who's standing with his massive arms crossed over his front and I feel my heart trying to pound its way out of my chest. Oh my god...I can't do this. I turn and look at the exit, maybe I should just go. No...I want to do this. This is important to me, I just need to calm down and face my fears.

"Payton, you're up next." Master Matthias' face is expressionless. He's still handsome, almost too handsome, yet his eyes are cold and he looks intimidating. I swallow and take a deep breath. I can do this, I can do this, I tell myself.

"Payton?" He sounds impatient.  I look up. Oh my god, how long have I been standing here like a dope letting my internal monologue ramble on.

"Yes, Sir," I say, but it sounds like a raspy whisper.

"Follow me." Before I can answer he's marching back towards his office. I jog to catch up with him and he stops at his door, his hand sweeps forward motioning me in. Once I've entered he shuts it behind us. Again, he waves for me to sit in a small wooden chair that's placed in front of his desk. I see other more comfortable chairs that look like they were pulled back leaving the hard one alone in the middle of the room, the hot seat. I sigh internally as I go to sit on yet another uncomfortable surface. I'm nervous so I sit at the end of the chair and make my back as straight as possible. I'm reminded of a military movie I saw once where the new recruit held the same pose with his commanding officer.

I look around the room, his office is nice in a very masculine way, but simple. He has a window behind his desk with a nice view of this part of the city.


"Yes, Payton Johns." I reply looking up at his intense eyes, but I quickly look down in case he gets angry. I wonder if that was the right response, he probably already knows my last name from the application. But it's too late so I just tap my foot trying to release some nervous energy. He moves to his desk, standing in front of it he picks up a pad of paper before turning around and leaning back against the thick desktop that looks as strong as the man before me. He scribbles something on the paper and I let my eyes dart around the room again for something to do.

"How old are you?"

"N..nine...teen Sir." I'm embarrassed at the stutter, it's only nerves, it's the only time I ever stutter and I hate it. My nerves are getting the best of me and I find myself fidgeting and looking around the room.

"Really?" Master Matthias' voice sounds surprised and he looks carefully at me. I freeze, not sure what the problem is. "You hardly look eighteen." His eyes seem to probe me from head to toe so I sit up as tall as I can.

"Um, yes Sir. I'm really nineteen, since, um...last March." He raises his eyebrows and looks back at his paper. I let out a quiet sigh, I always get this. People think I'm younger than I really am and I'm getting tired of it. His eyes are back on me and his gaze is so strong that it makes me feel even smaller and I shrink into my seat.

"Height and weight," his voice is gruff and to the point, and I know my reply is just going to make me more embarrassed and I pause, not wanting admit how short I am. I look up, pleading with my eyes for him to move on to another question and he raises an eyebrow.

"Don't hesitate Payton, that'll get you a slap with a crop or worse."

"Five foot nine...err, well, five foot eight and a half really. I'm, around 145 pounds, give or take." I'm wringing my hands and staring at my fingers as if they're the most interesting thing I've ever seen while rocking slightly in my seat.

"Are you polyamorous?"

"Poly...what?" I look up and I'm sure my face is a mess of confusion, in my googling I don't remember reading anything like that.

Master Matthias sighs before raising a brow again. "Are you willing to have one, or more than one, open relationship at a time, and sit still, please Payton."

My lips wordlessly mouth 'more than one' and my brows go up. "Um, No...I don't think so...I mean...more than one? I never really thought about it..."

"Yes or no Payton, it's important to establish this from the beginning."

"Sir, I haven't even had one real boyfriend yet," I watch as his face gets stern. "Really, I can only disappoint one person at a time," I blurt out.

"Wait. Stop."

I freeze, did I say something wrong...", I'm not good with relationships."

"Let me get this clear. You've never had a boyfriend and you're considering entering the BDSM lifestyle?" I look up at him and I can't tell if it's his normal look or he's pissed off.

"Guys my age...well, except my friends...make me nervous. I never know what I'm supposed to do or say...and in the past I always seemed to say the wrong thing and get laughed at."

"This isn't something you can just go on and off with. This isn't a kink, it's a lifestyle." Master Matthias' hands curl into fists and he looks really angry. I cringe slightly in my seat and get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Jesus Christ Payton, have you at least had sex yet?"

"And don't look like a scolded child, this is important."

"I know..."

"Have you ever had sex?"

"Of course," I lie, but he continues before he can call me on it and I feel even more sick to my stomach.

"If guys your age make you nervous, how will you handle older, more intimidating Doms?"

"They can tell me what to do." They're actually what I'm drawn to, I think without saying.

"And what? You jump like a puppy?"

"No!" I shout back, feeling angry. "I mean...I don't know!" I feel my face warm up, but instead of looking angry at my outburst he kind of looks relieved.

"That's not how this works Payton. Do you even understand what this lifestyle is about?" His voice is softer and I find myself relaxing a bit as my own anger washes away.

"Yes," I whisper. "Ashton told me."

"It doesn't seem like it. It seems like you don't want to be left out with your friends."

"That's not true!" My voice rises again and he looks cross like I'd already used up my free pass.

"Watch your tone!" He shouts and slams his hand on the desk.

"I'm sorry...but it's not true." I keep my voice calm and steady and he lets out a big sigh and I try to get the words out to make him understand. "When I was here the other night...I felt like I belonged. I never feel like that." I peek up and Master Matthias is watching me closely so I quickly look back down so his gaze doesn't make me lose my train of thought. "I saw the way the subs were looking at their Doms...and it was like...I could feel what they were feeling. I wanted to feel that way. I want someone to look at me, the way the Doms were looking at them, like they're important. Like they matter."

"You want to feel loved, protected and cherished?" I look up and I sigh in relief.

"And I want someone I can look up to, that I can trust, who won't let me down...and I want to..." I'm not sure how to explain it so I try another way, "It would be someone that I'd trust so much that I would want to make them happy. I'd want to make them proud of me. I...uh...I also want them to teach me stuff." I squirm uncomfortably as I try to explain this part. "I liked the things I saw happening...I want to feel that too."

"It's a beautiful thing to see; the bond between a Dominant and their submissive." I look up and Master Matthias lets out a long sigh and I try to figure out what he's feeling. He gazes out the window and its almost a wistful look and I feel like he probably wouldn't want me looking as closely as I am so I move my eyes down to my hands. "The Dom guides their submissive and they follow with total trust and loyalty. But it's not all rainbows and lovey-dovey shit Payton. A Dom will push you to your limits and sometimes past your limits. It all comes down to trust."

I could feel Master Matthias gaze back on me. "Do you trust a lot of people Payton?"

"I trust Tommy...and Ashton. I trust my grandfather, we're really close. trust you." I don't dare look up.

"Do you trust your parents?"

"Not really," I whisper.

"I don't trust my parents either."

I look up quickly at his statement, no one else has ever told me that and I always thought it was just me. "Really?"

"Yes, but that's not important." He clears his throat and a blank mask comes back over his face. "Sometimes you can only trust your gut Payton. What's your gut telling you right now?"

"That I belong here." I say it without hesitation.

"Good. Then let's get this interview started."

What?! "There's more? I...I thought that was the interview?" I'm pretty sure I'd already been in here longer than Tommy was.

"You thought that was the interview, did you?" He lets out a deep, hearty laugh and even though it's probably at my expense, I smile along with him because I'm pretty sure he doesn't laugh often and it's a contagious sound. "Oh no, that was a little test run I guess you can call it. I just wanted to see if I would be able to deal with you without getting a headache."

I squirm in my seat and look down. "I'm sorry Sir."

"You passed so there is nothing to be sorry about."

"Really?" I feel a sense of hope, "so I can stay? I can get trained?"

"Yes you can, but before that we need to discuss some intimate topics. Can you handle that?"

"Yes Sir." Maybe...I hope. My butt has fallen asleep in the hard chair and I start squirming again.

"First of all, stop squirming because it's highly annoying."

I freeze. "Yes, Sir."

"Good boy."

I beam at the compliment more than I probably should, but I can't help it. "Thank you Sir!"

"I don't think you actually answered my earlier question and it's an important one. Are you a virgin or not?"

Thank god he didn't notice that I lied, but I'm nervous about my answer. "Um, does it matter? I mean, will I get kicked out if I am?"

"No, of course not Payton."

"I've done some stuff."

"Answer the question directly Payton, it's important for your future Dom to know."

"I'm still a virgin Sir." My face heats up again and I wonder if anyone has ever died from blushing too much.

"That's fine Payton, nothing to be embarrassed about." He says that, but I hear a small chuckle as he writes something down on his paper. "Since you are a virgin, a few of these questions are moot, as you've never had sexual intercourse."

"I've still, you know...done some stuff...with parties and stuff."

"How far have you gone?"

"Oh my god," I whisper and look down. I'll get heat stroke at this rate. "Um, I've given a few...blow jobs...and...hand jobs...and made out and...let them...touch me."

"How much did you like giving blow jobs, and being touched by another person?"

I let out a tired breath and looked to the wall on my right. "I liked both...I liked them a lot."

"And have you ever played with yourself? Fingered yourself?"

Looking back at Master Matthias I didn't know how many more questions like this I could take and I was confused too. "Like, my penis or my....aa...butt?"

"Both." God, why does he have to be so direct.

"Oh...I...I jack off like any guy know, in the shower or in bed."

"What about the other?"

"Um, only once...with my butt...but it felt awkward to do that to myself."

"Payton, you're very flushed, would you like some water?"

"Yes, Sir," I say barely above a whisper. I watch Master Matthias as he walks over to a mini-fridge. His body is graceful despite his mammoth proportions and his muscles seem to flex with every movement. It's mesmerizing.

"Thank you Sir," I say as he hands me a bottle of water. I roll the cold bottle over my face before I take several large sips. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little nervous."

"Payton, you said you felt awkward doing that to yourself, but a Dom will more than likely ask you to play with yourself as he watches."

" was hard to reach," I explain.

"Different positions provide better and easier reach."


"I can show you a few if you'd like."

" right now?" I look back at the door nervously because I don't think he locked it and anyone could walk in at any moment. Master Matthias walks around to the front of his desk.

"Yes, right now."

Oh God. He reaches in a drawer and pulls out a book. "You can look through this. It has photos of just about every position, and don't look so ready to run out of here. Nobody will interrupt us and save you." He holds the book out to me and I swear he's smirking at me tauntingly. "But don't look at it now, take it home and maybe practice a few positions. Just make sure you return the book as soon as you're finished."

I visibly relax. "I'm sorry Sir, I thought you wanted me to them right now...never mind Sir." I take the book and place it in my lap. My knee starts bouncing and I see him give me the raised eyebrow look so I quickly stop. "I'm sorry I'm a bit jumpy. I was really nervous this afternoon and I drank 3 cokes between my classes...I'm not really used to that much caffeine." I quickly take another sip of my water as my throat feels like its drying up.

"You shouldn't drink that much soda then, it's not healthy and a Dom is more than likely going to have strict rules about eating right. A sub's health is vitally important to a Dom."

"Yes, Sir."

"And speaking of drinking, you're underage so if I find out you're drinking alcohol in my club, you will be kicked out and your membership, which you'll get when you finish your training, will be revoked immediately, no second chances."

"I won't Sir. I don't usually, I mean, I don't drink a lot of soda...I was just thirsty and that was all that was in the machine at the PT building...and as for alcohol, I don't drink a lot of that either, only sometimes at house parties, but...I won't here, at all."

"Good. What are your thoughts on safe words?"

"Safe words. I, um, I think they're good. Ashton told me about them and I also read some and, yes. They are a good thing."

"Do you know when to use them?"

"When I'm reaching a limit or if I'm really scared...if I need to stop or take a break or talk to him about something I'm uncomfortable or unsure about."

"Yes, basically. Do you have your safe words picked out yet?"

" I hadn't thought about them. I read that a lot of people just use red and yellow. I think I'd just want to use those so I wouldn't forget what mine was...sometimes...well, my parents think I'm scatter brained. I just forget things sometimes."

"That can be dangerous in this lifestyle, we'll have to work on that." Master Matthias writes down something on his paper and I feel like I should explain.

"I have techniques..."

"And they are?"

"I have a notebook and if I write stuff down in it, I remember it better even if I don't look back at it. I learn by writing it down, my teachers just said I have a different way of learning. If I hear it I have a harder time remembering than if I write it down."

"That's interesting, you're a visual learner."

I nod, "and kinesthetic," I add. "Tactile or by doing," I explain. "My parents had me evaluated in 8th grade because I was only getting B's and they were used to my brother who got all A's and was the Valedictorian in both High School and University." I let out a chuckle. "In my family only A's are acceptable." My voice is flat as I recall the hours and hours of lectures over my grades, despite the fact that I studied twice as much as my older brother. Master Matthias nodded as if he understood.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Now, Payton, this is important. Is there anything that you don't want to do or even try, these would be hard limits."

"I don't want to be choked...and whips scare me. And sharp things...and...snakes."


I nod. "But otherwise I'm open to try things, I can't guarantee that I'll want to do them again, but I'll try."

"Snakes?" He repeats.

"Oh, sorry. That just slipped out. You know, that scene from Indiana Jones with all the snakes. That totally freaked me out. Or, have you seen that movie Snakes on a Plane?" I let out a shudder. "Scorpions are pretty nasty too."

"Hmm, okay. No snakes or scorpions. I'll make sure to tell the Doms not to bring in any snakes or scorpions on bring your pet day." I look up and he's smirking at me again and his beautiful green eyes are glinting. I think he's teasing me.

"Is there really a bring your pet day?" I ask skeptically. "Because I like dogs. I wasn't allowed to have one growing up because my older brother was allergic, but my Grandfather always had dogs. I spent a lot of time with him, so it was kind of like having my own...oh god. Sorry. That was a joke, right? " I slap my forehead, "God, I'm such a dork. Sorry. I ramble sometimes...I'll just shut up."

"No," he laughs and I can't help but smile at the sound, "pet in this club means submissive, not an actual pet Payton. So, I've been asking all the questions, it's your turn. Is there anything you'd like to ask me about the club or the lifestyle?"

"Will you be training me?" I ask and try to make it sound not overly hopeful even though I really hope so.

"Yes, I train everyone who applies for membership to my club. Of course, sometimes another Dom, a friend I guess I'd call him, will step in and help if I'm really busy, but that doesn't happen too often. I prefer to do most of it myself." I nod and try to think of what else I want to know, but I'm already on overload.

"How will I know, after I'm trained, if someone is the right Dom. I guess I'm a little nervous about that. What if they don't like me once they get to know me, or I don't like them. I don't want to make them mad at me."

"None of us are in High School anymore Payton. If you don't feel comfortable with a Dom, you have to be honest and tell them. They will understand, but if they don't and they continue bothering you, then tell me and I'll deal with them. Everything is consensual here and as I explained at the information session, the Doms truly understand that the submissive holds all the power as it's your choice whether to give up control to the Dom or not. It's a gift and they treat it as such. But, if you say no and they continue to bother you or make you uncomfortable, then tell me and I'll deal with them. I've had to kick out a Dom or two in my time and I'm not afraid to do it if it's called for. Finding the right Dom is a matter of patience. You won't find them right off the bat, especially since you don't really know what you like and don't like. You'll have to test the waters, be patient and be open for testing yourself."


"And don't forget the safe words, if you want to stop or you change your mind about something, safe word and explain your feelings. All play stops when you use the word red."

"I understand. Um, I don't really have any questions right now. My head is kind of full and I just need some time to think about it all." I feel utterly drained and I stifle a yawn hoping he doesn't notice.

"That's fine, if you think of any questions, write them down and you can ask during our training sessions. I know this is a draining process, we'll continue another day." He stands up, "Go home and rest," he adds in a deeper voice and I know it's an order, not a suggestion.

"Yes, Sir. And, um, thank you. I feel much better after talking with you, I'm not as nervous now."

"You should be nervous. I am the Head Dom around here," he says in that same commanding voice as he walks to the door and opens it.

"Oh. I'm sorry Sir, I didn't mean it like that..."

"I know Payton, relax."

I go to pass by him and he puts a hand on my shoulder and the other on my head. I stand absolutely still and feel a shiver run down my spine from his touch. He leans down, and I'm embarrassed at how far, but he is a freaking amazon. When his mouth is right next to my ear and I can feel his breath on my skin, he whispers, "Payton. You need to have more faith in yourself and stop second guessing your judgement. You have a certain air about you that makes you seem fragile, but I can tell that you're actually very strong. You'll make a great submissive, I'm sure of it. I have faith in you."

Master Matthias pats my head before standing up and steps back. "I'll talk to you soon Payton. Go check in with Ivy at the desk to set up your first training session." Ivy. That's her name. "You did great today. I'm very proud of you. Good boy."

Before I can breathe, he closes the door behind him and I'm left alone in the hallway. I look back at the door and my face turns into a broad smile. I lift my right hand and touch my head where he patted me. "Thank you, Sir," I whisper even though I know he can't hear me. After a few seconds I make my way back out to the front and only then realize I'm clutching the book he lent me in my left hand. Tommy stands up when I see him and gives me a hopeful smile and I just grin, ear to ear back. When I reach the bench I quickly stuff the book in my backpack.

"We need to schedule our training with Ivy." I say nodding to the girl. We walk over and she pulls up a calendar program on the computer. Her phone rings and she picks it up. I can't hear the other voice, but she listens and agrees and then hangs up.

"Master Matthias said you can come together for your first training and he said to tell you, Payton, to bring your notebook."

Once we've been scheduled in, Saturday at 5:00pm, we grab our stuff and leave. I'm surprised when we meet Ashton coming in the door as we're going out.

"How'd it go?" He asks.

"It was good," we both agree.

"A lot to think about, but we'll tell you more about it tomorrow at lunch," Tommy adds. "Are you headed in?"

"Yeah, I have my last session and then I'm a member. Are you coming back tonight? I might stick around after."

"I don't think so," I admit, "I'm too tired. I chill for a while."

"Me neither Ash. But maybe tomorrow or Saturday. We have our first training Saturday, so we might hang around and stay afterwards, depending on how it goes," he says looking at me so I nod in agreement.

"Okay, Tai and Chris might show up tonight, or I might leave early. I don't know, but I'll see you tomorrow and we'll grab some lunch between classes?"

"Yeah, for sure," I nod and another yawn takes me by surprise. "Caffeine crash," I explain.

"Let's get you home Pay, see you tomorrow Ash." Our friend nods and heads over to see Ivy. I follow Tommy to his car and we're both quiet on the way home until Tommy says. "Okay, I can kind of see why you have a thing for Master Matthias now."

I smile to myself, but object nevertheless. "I don't have a thing for him, I just have a lot of respect for you would for a really good teacher. I trust him."

"Okay Payton," Tommy says with a smile and I give him a light punch in the arm at his cheeky attitude.

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