Chapter 1: The Successor Of Garou

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Garou was the Legendary Hero Hunter And the Ultimate Monster who reject both Good and Evil

He's on no-one's side, He had hatred toward Heroes, Villains and More. Like Heroes, Union Academy, an academy for heroes to have Sacred Gears, Quirks, Semblance and Ninja Art, and they have a mark Garou as wanted man on Earth.

Alive or Dead

yet Garou able to cripple so many heroes, not that but Gods and mosnters.

Some heroes that tried to fight has died

Some of them have crippled

And many more, he fought Heroes And Monsters association and defeat them all handed, and even Saitama himself who just to be a hero for fun and yet he gain power and master them yet the more he fights the strongest he gets yet copy some transformations technique.

Garoubhas able to defeat Gods and High Class gods and equal against the Monkey King Himself. Mori Jin, the Monkey King that surpass and equal Demon Deity himself, Kanzaki.

Garou has achieve his goal that Heroes, Villains and more has fear him as the Ultimate Hero Hunter, he doesn't harm innocent, he just himself, and yet many people think they can fight the Hero Hunter, but they're wrong. It says he's Beyond Ultimate Class, God Rank and more. He not even a Monster. He's from a race call:

(And keep this mind this is not the Garou from the canon, this Garou is COMPLETELY different)

The Demosians.

From the Silverfang Demon Realm and Village are known to be exceptionally powerful but the strongest of their kind the Multiverse They are known to possess great physical strength, agility, speed, reflexes, etc. They like all other demons of the Sage Realm, are not limited by the effects of the seal and are capable of freely attacking the gods.

Demonsian soldiers have demonstrated the usage of Heavenly Arts and yet The Silverfang Tribe is a tribe led by Edward Silverfang. the Demon King who can Rival Sun Wukong. The Monkey Kong. A part of the tribe resides in and is led by The tribe's sigil is a silver fang The Silverfang are traditional rulers and war leaders who want peace and not causing some war, they would kill gods and more to protect the worlds and their people. Where they located is unknown.

These noble demon are known for their physical beauty, courage, and honor system of combat technique or physical. And yet when they get near death experience, they heal and get stronger, they can copy every fighting style, and yet copy every technique and use as it's own. And yet the Demosians are very powerful demon they have strong curse magic and more on a Bigger scale

Yet these kind of Demons are EXTREMELY Intelligence when it comes to technology, Battle strategies planning, hunting and more. Whats so extremely dangerous about them is.

These demons capable of adapting instantly to counter any threat that can be High Lecel God or Omnipotence

And their leader is Edward Silverfang

Like Edward Silverfang aka the Omni Demon King. Being born from a demonic egg of energy from Hell and Earth, including the cosmos throughout the Universe. Edward became the most unkillable demon that throughout existence, it doesn't matter he died, death feared Edward. He's just immortal. Everytime someone tries to kill, it only makes him stronger. Even the gods of Hell and Heaven tried to kill Edward. It only made him stronger and adapted to every strength and fighting style.

He heard of a challenge like thousands of gods challenge him but they call got defeated by Edward. Edward say that the Demon Monstification inside of him is growing.

How the demon emperor gets stronger when they get pushed into the break of death, like a Monsterous Boost. It is very similar to a Saiyan getting Zenkai Boost. The gods mention that Demoesian Edward is like fighting Wukong all over again. Boosting Edward power, time to time again. And yet, Edward is one powerful transformation when he fights one of the Celestial Cosmic entities that can destroy Thosuands of Dimensions that transcended the concept of ALL Realities, Time and Dimensions.

But there more.

He has a son

Shaiver Silverfang

Garou was married and has kids, and live in a peaceful life, Shaiver was well train, and all the timeline, he was calm, cute and handsome, but he does has a scary sight when thing bothering him, like Union and villains coming on his tail, he'll just deal with him, after he's the son of Garou, and he got tips from his father about Hero Hunts. Dealing with criminals, villains, terroists, heroes and corrupted assholes

Then he went to his destruction at the crystal at Agreas, Since Supernatural being used them to create the Evil Pieces and Brave Saints to prevent their race won't go extinct. But Shaiver have destroy so many crystals, they have to rely on the old fashion way by giving birth to create children, Shaiver finds Supernatural race as Devils, Fallen Angels and more, he was digusted by how power hungry they were.

Then he attack on Atlas, since his attack on Atlas have decrased their Military power greatly. With sixty percent of Atlas military personal have been killed or injured during his attack

Right now, there were screaming, to see some heroes and huntsmen on the ground, blooded badly. Shaiver was causing this and saw One hero backing away from him, he trip and falls down.

Hero 1: P-Please! H-Have mercy!

Shaiver: Mercy?

He let out a grin as his right hand glowing red.

Shaiver: I give you all many chances to pissed off BUT NOPE!

Hero 1: W-Wait-

Until he send out many sharp red spirallic energy attack at Heroes cutting him into million of pieces, as blood splatter onto the walls and ground, Shaiver wipe the blood off his face and jumps onto the rooftop and escape, later Heroes, Shinobis, Huntsmen saw the sense, seeing the rats eating so many corpes of the bodies, they were shocked and disgusted by this, yet Hero Hunter is on the loose

Right now Shaiver walking and enter the park

Shaiver: I hope I'm not too late

He sees his 4 girlfriends sitting down, waiting

Kiana Kaslana




In Shaiver travel, he visit lot of world, including he went to Tevat and meet Amber and Eula, all they started friends at first, until Shaiver always protecting them for any danger, then Eula and Amber confess he love Shaiver, which he confuses, for Kiana and Bronya, Shaiver was surprised that they were valkries, they each had their own unique personality which Shaiver found it interesting. Kiana and Shaiver get along, playing video games, cause pranks and little chaos.

Mei and Shaiver always cook together and as for him and Bronya start a bit awkart but they slowly get know each other, and even hang out, and yet even Shaiver show his material arts and they were impressed.

And finally, Shaiver went against Kevin, he slaught Kevin with his bar hands and then the Will of Honkai, and then Shaiver has idea, he grins and remember his father about the Cosmic Fear Mode he use against many of his opponent.

yet he went Cosmic Fear but he didn't cover his entire body, but he was surround by Cosmic energy, and yet defeat Will of Honkai once and for all

Eula: *smile* Nah, you came in here just in time.

Shaiver: Really?

Amber: Its fine, you just had those so called Heroes on your tail and hunting you down.

Shaiver: Just annoying as always.

Kiana: W-


They heard that noice to see a giant monster that none of than the Beast 666 going on a complete rampage

Alrest: Pneuma, Alice Trinty, Diana Darklight, Purple Heart, Asura, Yasha, Shiva, Thor, Purple H and her friends aka CPUS, Conner Pierce, Anna Pierce, Amy Carter, Zero Carter, Tristan, Irene, Arianna, Haruka, Kiriko, Angel, Koro.

Huntsmen: RWBY, JNPR, CFBY, SSSN, NDGO, Ozpin, Ironwood, Glynda, Oobleck, Port, Winter,  Ace Ops

Shinobis: Hanzo, Kiria, Hanzo Squad, Gessen Squad, Hebijo Squad, Crimson

Pro Heroes: Nezu, All Might, Class 1A, Class 1-B, Eraserhead, Mt Lady, Death-Arms, Kaumi Woods, Midnight, the big three

Supernatural: The ORC, Sona and her peerage, Sirzechs, Grayfia, Azazel and Micheal

Avengers: Captain Amercia, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, Falcon, Captain Marvel, Miss Marvel, Black Panther

Shaiver: What that Beast 666, I heard rumors about this...yet didn't expect to be awaken. To well the rest need my help.

He get jump with a smirk.

Shaiver: Time to to conduct evil!

Then a vortex was underneath Shaiver's friends, they look down in confusion then they got teleport on the room top with Shaiver.

Conner: What the?

Arianna: S-Shaiver?

Shaiver: Hey. So mind telling whats going on.

Pneuma: You see, we felt Trihexa pressence from Alrest, and all of us had gather to try stop him.

Shaiver: Hold on, so you out of all the Trihexa, its on like on High Multiversal threat or something?

Haruka: Thats what we were thinking of...

Anna: Meaning someone or something has to make him stronger.

Zero: Yeah..but jeez that thing packs a punch.

Shaiver stare at Trihexa who roaring loudly and smacking all of Union heroes like garbage, and sending to different directions, then Shaiver made a serious before powering up his huge red aura that went to the sky

Trihexa: W-What is this power?

Shaiver charge toward Trihexa, then the beast saw this and sending many head monster towards him, the heads as it surrounds Shaiver surroundings, then he scoff and spinnning himself sending many energy cut at the head, causing them to be chop off as the beast growls in pain. Shaiver powering his hands and throwing many fist of hyper speed toward Trihexa, a fist that can rush God himself. call. Ascending God Slayer Fist

The same move Garou use against some S-Class heroes like Flashy-Flash and Tatsumaki, and those moves hitting the beast, in such brutal and attack, making beast taking so much damage, yet, everyone who still alive saw in awe and shock that who is that guy in the red hair, how is able to damage but they couldn't.

Trihexa: WHY YOU!

Shaiver: *smirk* Your just too easy.

The Beast growls and send more heads toward Shaiver, but his hands glow blue and send many Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fists at them, deflecting all the heads back.

Trihexa herself/himself was shock to see a mere mortal like him doing this too him, who was here. But no, he sense huge amount if monsterous aura coming from Shaiver.

Trihexa:..Is he...even human? My senses...why it tells me that I shouldn't mess with him...NO...NO! NO!! I'M THE BEAST OF APOCAPLYPSE!!!!! I WILL NOT LOOSE TO YOU!!!!

Hatsu: Seem Trihexa pretty pissed.

Then Shaiver was moving faster than Trihexa, the beast 666 try to land hit, but Shaiver was way faster, striking the monster back and forth, punch, kick and more, Shaiver grin before a blue tornado surround before he throw at Trihexa, as it slashes off some heads, monster and more, damaging, as the beast was bleeding out from Hero Hunter Rikan himself.

Shaiver smirked seeing Trihexas scream before having a barrier surround him as he has blue aura surround as he glowing white gathering so much as it shakes the entire city, everyone was in awe, as lighting struck the ground cause craters.

Shaiver: Gamma Ray Burst

His beam was so huge, bigger as they imagine, that Balance Breaker Juggernaut Longinus Smasher that can destroy counties and more, while that beam was beyond Solar System, Planetary, Galaxies and more, in fact Shaiver was holding back his attack so he won't blow entire city and more as it exploded ended. Trihexa was no more. A purple crystal was flying in the air, Shaiver caught it while he has demonic wings.

Shaiver: Hmmm, better give this to Pneuma.

He flows over to her as Diana give a Shaiver a kiss on the cheek, as rest of his lover at Koro, Angel, Yoko, Asuna, Arianna, Amy and Haruka hugging him and giving him kisses. Then Shaiver give the crystal to Pneuma.

Shaiver: Before Trihexa was blast away, this crystal was there, and meaning it was enchanted Trihexa power in such seconds.

Pneuma: When I go back to the Empire, I will seal this away.

Then they see Union Soldier and more aiming their weapons at Shaiver.

Ironwood: Your not going anywhere Silverfang, you are u-

Shaiver: You gonna arrested and approaching all of your pathetic weapons at me? Go on ahead, try and face me it will be your LAST. I know what you all sins, you try to control Trhiexa to make it your weapon? Joining and force people to join your academy because they have power, who give you the right to control people lives? How can call yourselves heroes with all those law shit and stuffs  THATS LOAD OF BULLSHIT.

He let out a grin as demonic aura surround him, as it giving so much image of his Demon/Monster form, Union feel so much pressure and gravity, as they knee to the ground, looking in fear at the one who is Son of Garou aka the Legendary Monster. As portal open as Shaiver left along with his friends and family.

All Might: I remember the first time...I encounter the kid..


In night time on the street Shaiver was walking through the tree, he was in his teen age, he was seeing Heroes, that treated, taking bribes from criminals, illegal arms, dealing, selling drugs, kidnapping people and sold them to Union and as slaves, even go kidding any children from their parents, right now Shaiver on pile on of Huntsmen, Heroes, Shinobis and more while reading a book then see bunch of Union top master coming in

All Might: Mr Silverfang, lets not make this, come with us or we will make you.

Shaiver:...Then make me you smile son of a bitch.

He rushes at AM and giving him a punch to the face and sending many rapid punches, as All Might blocking and try punch Shaiver, but he avoid and did some backflip.

(AM = All might for short)

AM: Your Monster Play ends here!

Shaiver smile and gets into a stance similar how Garou fight Darkshine, then as AM throw a punch, but Shaiver lean back kick, as AM hit the ground, Shaiver jump and give AM a kick to the face.

Shaiver: This can't be all your all can't it?

AM recover by spinning himself and land on his feet

AM: If you could change your mind, throughly atone for your sins, and reforge the muscles of your mind, you can become a true hero and join our ranks according to Ozpin, take down All For One.

Shaiver listen to AM what was he was saying, Join Union Academy, to be a weapon? Not happening as he let out a grin.

Shaiver: Union Academy, League Of Villains. You will both be annihilated someday. Now Die In peace.

All Might will say he will end it and then as his muscles gain bigger, and charge at Shaiver, then bashing through different lots of walls, leaving so much destruction

AM stare at Shaiver in the rumble

All Might: In order to experience his divine techniques I had watching so video of you and your sibling fighting style so I can understand. I was mostly the aggressor who force the action but little guy name Searon beat me up, even through I didn't sustain any damage all my attack were deflecting and I got smash to the ground over and over, and yet the pink hair girl nearly killed me, you still too green Shaiver. You have only been winning so far because of luck, and yet have you challenge Red Dragon Emperor, White Dragon Emperor, Team Hanzo/Gessen/Crimson. Younwould have been dead before you even get show off the technqiues you've work so hard on. I don't why you and your family hunting heroes and villains, but you should know your place

He heard a chuckle then as Shaiver burst out with a grin on his face.

Shaiver: Yeah, of course they're strong, but strong enough. If you able unleashed violence on other without ever questing whether its right like they are you can win any fight. All Union has down, it means you've thrown away your kindness and hide your ugly face. This ENTIRE Hero society! It all stinks. The Srench of Hypocrisy is making ME SO GOD DAMN SICK! Is this situation supposed to be part of your child play. The protagonist is filled with sreength because of the good cause he's fighting for huh? You were saying Issei is strongest one in the academy just become he's love beast making more stronger?! And Vali, two are strongest one because of their dragon? Oh please, I have a scared gear too, 3 to be intact, far greater than you could imagine. All of you heroes are shit, I respect true heroes like Captain Amercia, Iron Man, Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Avenger, Justice League and the X men Being hated and feared is far much better than being humiliated and belittle. I will end you all you know why

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


He release his chaotic red aura, like he's going Advance or Instense Rush and charge at AM and punch in the face sending him back a little, AM try land a hit on Shaiver, but the Silverfang hunter grins and dodges did a roundhouse kick, and yet he's gonna combine his Water Streaming Rock Smashing fist move combine with Niko Style, as he combine and throwing many rapid punches against the Number Hero.

All Might: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! Not a problem. My muscles can guard against any attack. I'll finish off young Shaiver when he stop attacking!

When that said

All Might: NO! I'm not seeing thigns, he is acutally getting faster! He's getting faster with alarming momentum ! He's not stopping! There no sign of wanting to stop! His power and energy kept increasing in each second! It feels like THOUSANDS martials artist focusing their attack on me! He keeps bearing me down on a tidal wave! How can he-



No Mercy

All Might:....?! What is going on? For one Instant, the Words "Defeat" and "Death" came up in my mind. NO! Impossible! Absolutely impossible I cannot lose in clash of physical bodies!

Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist on the Left

Whirl-Wind Iron Cutting Fist in the Right Hand.

All Might: This is how can be broken. Like his mentors Bomb, Bangb and Ohma joining Forces and unleashing a series of attack even this incredible fortress of muscle can be torn apart without mercy. This secret join technique that even World-class genius cannot normally alone. Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist, was acquired by him sub-consciously. By forcing himself through Sucidal training, Hero Hunts, deadly challenges, fighting huge monsters, demon, and many more. This kid is able to copy-acquire physical techniques that goes Beyond Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist and Whirl-Wind Iron Cutting fist, and yet this anything than I could imagine

AM know what he has to due, he has to use his full power as he about throw his United States of Smash. He could end it.

But Shaiver has a massive grin on his face, suddenly unleashing more hyper-speed punches

Shaiver block his fist in time, before going and thrust his fist, punch AM through a wall, cause the entire city to rumble then Shaiver grab and unleashing furious amount of rapid punches and bash AM through lots of cities. Shaiver jumps in the air.

Shaiver: Roar of the Inferno Dragon!

He breathe of inferno flame out of his mouth as AM saw it coming as the flame cause a huge explosion, AM body now in burns, he looks up, then his entire body was shaking in so much fear, see a gigantic spirt of Garou coming at him

This give Shaiver engulf his fist in dark red crimson aura and give AM a punch on the face cause another explosion, then as it ended, AM was on the ground, the entire world was shock to see a teenager defeated the number one hero. Shaiver then open a portal and head in.

End of flashback

In Alrest

Pneuma: So, Shaiver. I have a question. Is it true? Your the son of Garou?

Shaiver: The Hero Hunter, The Ultimate Monster and the The God Hunter, yes. He's teaching lot of things, Hero Hunter, control my own Cosmic Godly power, making me travel to different world, that I lean, Ki, Dragon Slayer Magic and more, and hell. Garou has move like Advance and Removal.

Alice: Removal? Same that my husband used?

Shaiver: He has both call: Unleashed and yet Garou master it.

Hatsu: O_O H-How?!

Shaiver: He ate Ohma and Raian flesh use Cosmic copy to have their Advance and Removal. Surpassing both fighter in the world. So thats my father. Hell my mentor Bomb and Bang was shocked that GODS power still in Garou

Pneuma, Diana, Alice & Hatsu: O_O

Conner & Anna: O_O

Zero & Amy: O_O

Kuro, Angel, Asuna and Simon: O_O

Tristan & Irene :) / -_-

Hatsu: Wait, how much he has more when he Cosmic Fear mode?

Shaiver: More like 70%

Diana: Thats a surprising.

Purple H: Agree

Green H: But question, when Shaiver send a huge Gamma ray, blast how much did it trigger the-

Y/N Omega: More like 26D dimensions to more. Like a even bigger higher dimensional reality

Green H: You mean 26 Dimensional?

Y/N Omega: It can surpass Infinity to More. Multiple High Hyper Multiverses than that or beyond to transcended

Bowser: Hmmmm that a surprising, but there something strange.

Sonic: What is it?

Bowser: Hey young silverfang, do you have a connection to him?

He hand him a photo, and show a man with purple color eyes, yellow hair, wearing a white shirt, over a black jacket and black pants, and combo boots.

Alice: S-Satori...


Purple H:......I miss him

White H: Same here..

Anna: I wish I can see him again...

Conner: Don't worry sister, you will.

???: Can I visit him Nala?

??: Sure, but come on, we have our date.

Then the two enter, the left one is a boy has black hair with one red strip on his hair, and next to her a girl with long green hair, that flower on it, wearing a green dress and shoes. The boy was Mendoza, son of Silverfang Shaiver and Nala, Pneuma's  Daughter.

Mendoza Silver & Nala

Shaiver: S-Son.

Mendoza: Father....

He rushes to him and hugging him, he misses his father so back when Shaiver was Kurama, when the war broke out, SO many years ago, Mendoza had to be in Alrest for a while, he doesn't like going to Earth.

Shaiver: I'm sorry....

Mendoza: Its not your fault..I'm glad your back...

Nala: N-Nice to meet you Shaiver. *bows*

Shaiver: Are you-

Nala: My name is Nala Redgrave. Pneuma's daughter

Mendoza: And my girlfriend.

Shaiver: *Smile* Nice to meet you.

Y/N Omega: Hey Shaiver.

Shaiver: Yes Omega?

Y/N Omega: Do you know where your father is?

Shaiver: To be honest Omega, he might be busy, and yet he's not interested to join in. And yet he trust all of you because all for you had me and my family back for years, what dad's doing is doing so many God Hunts, hero hunts, Training and more. Who knows. I gonna get back to my date with Amber, Kiana, Eula and Bronya.

Haruka: Hey handsome~ Wanna go out for a date.

Diana: Ara~ Ara~ let me join~

Arianna: -_-

Amy: Same! I'm going with my husband!

Yoko/Asuna/Simon/Tiffy/Koro: TAKE ME WITH YOU!~

Shaiver: Oh no..

Meanwhile on the hill that far from Union City and Megaville. There two boys walking down the hill.

???: You sure what you are going? Because we should fighting strong opponent like Orochi and Boros.

??? 2: You will get your chance brother, did heard rumor that our brother defeat Trihexa.

Then the two boys to be reveal, two of Shaiver's brother.

Satori Shadow Silverfang-Kure

Katsuro Chaos Silverfang

Katsuro: And something odd about it, that out of all The 666 Beast exist in the multiverse, this one is very powerful and different yet the divines having trouble with it.

Satori: But I'm glad Alice and Anna is alright.

Katsuro: Thats include Lightrise and Darkfall. But something been bothering than me.

Satori: What is it?

Katsuro: I heard this word, Edward Silverfang.

Satori: Edward Silverfang....hmmm, is there something in our family that we don't know about?

Katsuro: I don't know but we must find out, sooner of later.


Conner and Anna Pierce goes to HeroicWolfGuardian

Amy and Zero goes to CarterEchoZero100

Pneuma, Nala, Y/N Omega, Diana and Alice goes to my brother pksp04

Arianna and Haruka goes to Arthias_Pendragon

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