Chapter 3: Limits Has Been Broken

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Shaiver and Team Hanzo was inside the temple looking at the Legenary Katana that it be lost, the Legendary Zangetsu. Garou did mention he went to a world where soul society exist and train to be soul reaper, Shaiver explains to the girls about the sword, they were awe and shock.

Shaiver: So this is the Legendary Zangetsu...

Asuka: Yes it is.

Hibari: Ummmm everyone!

Yagyu: What is Hibari?

Hibari: There some heroes outside. It might be Class-1A heroes. I peak out the door, and their outside.

Shaiver:...I'll go deal with them. You 5  stay in here.

Katuragi: Come on! We can take-

Shaiver: Ummm as I forgot you 5 are apart of Union, if they notice your with me, they might assume that I brainwashed you and mark you as traitors and go after you.

Ikagura: You....have a point.


Shaiver: Hmph, be right back

He has serious face and close the door behind him protecting Team Hanzo so they won't be seen, after they Join Silverfang and his friends, Union would mark them as tratiors, but there are rumors that Team Hanzo gone, but no matter Shaiver has to defend them as he see Class-1A but they were in shocked to see there dead bodies of pro heroes and huntsmen on the ground, knowing earlier some heroes try get the sword ordering form the headmaster, yet Asuka and her team took them down with ease

Shaiver: So this Class A-1?

Tenya: You villain! How could you do something like this to these heroes!

Shaiver: Heroes? I don't see any? Oooh you mean these heroes? *Points at the corpes and smirks* aren't Heroes, they're monsters, the fucking lot of 'em, they were committing heinous act under our noses.

Tenya: You think this is a game?

Shaiver: Why am I winning?

Tenya: WHY YOU!!

Momo: *Steps forward glaring* Stop lying Hero Hunter! There no way these would commit such acts!

Shaiver: Well, say and believe whatever you want, but these sick freaks desrve for what they've done.

Bakugou: Like we would believe a word you say you human monster!

Shaiver: Whatever you say bitch, I don't give a damn if you fakes believe me or not, I would rather dirty my hands and do what's right before listening to a bunch of whiney brats playing Hero in halloween costumes.

He walks away when a wall of ice blocks his path. He now signed and glare at Shoto.

Shoto: We're not letting you get away with this.

Shaiver: Like how you let your Dad get away abuse and sending your Mom to the breaking point?

Shoto glares murder at him as Shaiver smirks.

Shoto: Don't you dare talk about my M-

Shaiver: *Mocking/Baby talk* Yo mom in the lonney bin and gave you a scarr-warry~ Hahahah!

Shoto look about ready to lose it, as Tenya stepped forward.

Tenya: Thats enough! Todokroki is right! Its our jobs as Heroes to stop villains like you!

Shaiver: Like how your Brother stopped the Hero Killer: Stain? Huh?

Tenya looked shocked at first and glared at hatred at him.


Shaiver: I can. Whats his name? Oh yes. Your brother Tensei Ida. He was weak against Hero Stains, and the result of that being a hero, cause to get cripple and not be a hero, only a faint in you. How really pathetic. I'm glad Stain did since him and I have a lot in common

Tenya clench his fist in rage.

Tenya: WHY YOOOU!!!

Shaiver: Its time to hunted!

He charge at Menzo and engulf his hand in hellfire and punch him in the gut sending flying toward the wall, create huge crack behind.


He cough up blood before fell down to the ground, Momo tried to hit Shaiver with her staff but he block with ease.

Shaiver: Are you try to make a rip off of Nyibo? Mori Jin and his family would be very dissappointed. Light Speed Water Streaming Smashing Attack!

He glow blue before dashing and striking Momo in different angles in as she scream in pain and send her fly with a kick. Hanta try to use his to capture Shaiver, he grabs and pull him toward and punch straight in the face.

Tenya: Recipro Burst!

He try to kick Shaiver but he duck underneath.

Shaiver: Niko and Gaoh Style: Earth Crouching Dragon Breaker.

He land a brutal punch on Tenya's face sending him fly.

Shaiver: Now I got his blood on my hand, then saw Toru and Yuga coming at him, Shaiver smirk and notice Yuuga's belt and throw a small energy star cause to malfunction and blow up cause him to go to the wall.


He saw Toru charging right at him, then he kicks Toru right in the stomach, as she fall onto her knees coughing out blood and Shaiver punch her to knock her out.

Shaiver: Just because I can't see you doesn't mean I can't sense you. And here I thought I was the loser that nobody wants me.

He sense someone attack him from behind, Shaiver use his hand and block Ojiro's tail attack, then he punches him on the gut a she cough out spit, grabbing his hair, Shaiver drags his face through the ground before throwing him in the air.

Shaiver: Don't know who's more annoying money, you or Sun?

Then he jumps in the air before punch him into the ground as he bounce off of it then Shaiver throw a fireball towards him as it exploded, as Shaiver land on the ground as Ojiro on the ground cover in blood and burns.

Shaiver: Hmmm.both equel and annoyance.

???: HEY!!!!

Shaiver turns around to see Bakugou charging at him using his explosion quirk, Shaiver has a serious face.

Shaiver: After what Hibari told me that you yelled and punch her...even hurt LOT of people, thinking that your number one hero, reality your not.

He combine his Whirl-Wind Iron Cutting and Dragon Slayer magic allt ogether.

Shaiver: Whirl Wind Iron Cutting Dragon Crushing Strike!

He has red tornado surround his arm and then.


Bakugou eyes widen looks to see his left arm were cut off and he screams in pain loudly shocking lot of Class-1A student, as Shaiver walks over to Bakugou seeing on left arm cut off bleeding so much.

Bakugou: My arm!...W-What have you done..

Shaiver: Something that was payback for what you did to people who had "weak" and "villainous" power and who are powerless and they had to commit sucide, forcing  to join your school, nothing will make for lot of people you force and killed.

Bakugou: Noooo....please....

Shaiver: Whirl-Wind Fire Dragon Atomic Slash!

He speed dash past Bakgou as million of fire slashes around Bakugou body as his pupil were gone and collapse to the ground, bleeding out.

Toyoyami: DARK SHADOW!!

He summon his shadow and charge the hero hunter, Shaiver smiles and his hands glow as he throw a flash bomb blinding everyone making Shadow disappear as Shaiver appear front of him.

Shaiver: DIE!

He punch him int he stomach sending him flying as Shoto freeze his legs.

Shoto: Its over Hero Hunter, you will for what you said to my mother.

Shaiver chuckles and turn to him as Shoto notice Shaiver's right eye was red.

Shaiver: I heard she got raped by the people in Asylum and she killed herself not wanting to take the pain no more and she told me....That you nothing more than disappointed son and you just like your father.

Shoto widen his eyes in horror.

Shaiver: And you broke your promise with her,..Never be like your father and in the end you did and want to be a Hero for fame and glory instead of helping people.

Shoto fells on his knees totally heartbroken, Shaiver kicks him knocking him out unconsious while other students there in shock.

Shaiver: His farher let them do anything to her until she wouldn't deal with pain anymore, she's living peacefully in Elysium with the Divines looking after her including me. I'm going after that ex-husband of a bastard! And for you Deku.

Deku: Huh?

Shaiver: You said you going to be a hero for quirkless people but ever since you were given power you became everyone else...and Hero that seek fame and glory

Mineta: Wait, what does he mean by given....


Denki: Midoriya! What is he talking about?

Shaiver: Izuku Midoriya....was Quirkless and was given a transferable Quirk

Mina: Transfer?!

Shaiver: Its call: One for All. You see. One For All is a Quirk that has been passed down through generation. He's the ninth user of this power with the previous user of this power is All Might.

Ochaco: Deku?! You knew about this?

Mina: Why you didn't bother to tell us?! Silverfang is right!

Deku: I...I

Shaiver: You know what? I'm done, the past One For All user would be ashamed of you, in fact, I'm solving the problem right now.

He charge toward Deku put his hand in Deku's chest, as the green boi look down, he cough blood before Shaiver pull his hand out and holding a green sphere.

Shaiver: Your no longer holding this. Mina, Ochaco and rest, leave now.

Asuka: (comms) Shaiver, we have the sword! Lets go and meet us at the mountains.

Shaiver: Got it.

He jumps top of the temple and climbing up the mountains to see Team Hanzo

Asuka: Soo how did it went?

Shaiver: I defeat them, not all of them and yet I ended something carrer. Bakugou's

Asuka: How?

Shaiver: I slice his arms off.

Yagyu: Thats what he gets for yelling and punch Hibari in the face.

Katsuragi: Not surprised but that was badass!

Shaiver: And I got rid of Deku's Quirk.

Asuka: Really.

Shaiver: Its call One For IS  a Quirk that has been passed down through generation. He's the ninth user of this power with the previous user of this power is All Might.

Hibari: I see, I got a question Shaiver, what are the most powerful being that you struggle a lot again.

Shaiver: Good question.....I remember...God Kiana and...Will Of Honkai


God Kiana

She watches as Shaiver, Kiana, Bronya, Spiral, Andrea, Searon, Regina, Yara, Conner, Anna, Zero, Amy, Eula, Amber, Arianna, Kiriko fighting the honkai beasts, while God Kiana watching this with a serious face. As they are is a place with much lava and like an underground big cave.

Kiana: Okay, there so many of them!

Spiral: No shit! Now I'll never give my present to Cheelai, 18 and Vados.

Andrea: SHUT UP! Focus bro!

Yoko Litter: How can it be so many?!

Simon: I don't know but keep firing!

With Shaiver he's on the ground badly hurt as blood coming down his face as God Kiana giggles and cross her arms like she's sitting on her throne.

God Kiana: My~ My~ After all that beating and you still breathign~ Your one interesting human Shaiver~

Shaiver:...Akk! D-Don't make me laugh..*gets up* I'm the the same time won't work on my twice...since your strong Honkai...I'll teach you something to be afraid of...Fear.

He has got into a stance with extreme red aura surround him.

Shaiver: Now! Be afraid.

He swung his arm create bunch of red and blue dragons spirit, GOD Kiana smirks and open portal as dragon went through, Shaiver appear front of her, shocking the honkai and punch her in the face, surprising her and then both clashing to fist fight

But surprising, Shaiver getting upper hand, and sending many attack of Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist attacks on her, she feel the human teen attack getting stronger, but she thought. How is that possible, he was struggling earlier and yet...her eyes widen.

God Kiana: He's...adatping!

She gritted her teeth in anger and summon many Honkai Bigger as it land on the ground, rushing at Shaiver who saw them coming as he smirk, everything went black.

Shaiver: Whirlwind Iron Cutting-Atomic Slash!

And lot of Honkai Beast gets slash into million pieces, shocking God Kiana before summon many spikes from the portal she made and heading toward Shaiver, he jump and using Water Streaming Rock Smashing fist to deflect some of them and before he was running in high speed and yet he avoiding so much spikes, knowing he cannot run forever.

God Kiana: Impressive.

Shaiver using his reflexes and dodging lot of sharp tendrils and then appears behind God Kiana, she turn around in shock as Shaiver give a strong kick and sending to the ground causing a huge impact.

And makes entire ground shook and as Shaiver lands on the ground. God Kiana got up and glare.

God Kiana: Why.....Why are you defending Humanity for their sins and spoling the planet Earth.

Shaiver look at Earth, silent, why did he defend humanity after all they have done, after the wrong things they did, all the lives raken and cause so much damage to the Earth.

Shaiver: Humanity do have sins, your right about that. They are foolish, cruel, disrespectful, greedy,jealous, hated, contempt, treason, sloth, tyrannical, rebels, avengers, arrogant, desperate, resentment, selish and much more.

he sign close his eyes and open.

Shaiver: I am a human as well, and no a monster I am Both, a Human monster of Silverfang clan.

God Kiana: No...way..those words...

She plant her hand on her chest, and then tears falling down, Shaiver was surprised and confused, why is she crying? Did he did something wrong or something.

God Kiana: Kurama....

Shaiver: W-Whats wrong.

God Kiana: I lost a lover....who part of the Silverfang clan.

Shaiver: I see...

He goes to Kiana, embrace of a hug, surprising God Kiana, but he soon realized, she haven't felt like for a long time, the reason Shaiver done this.

Shaiver: No trick or games. Your loneliness, helpnessness, fear and sorrow. Yet you must be lonely for long time. Lost someone you love, and now your enraged against humanity for what they have done....

God Kiana:.....I...I

She break down crying, sobbing onto his chest, as she grip on the torn shirt, Shaiver started to pat the back of her head as God Kiana cried so much.

God Kiana: Love...please...don't leave me.

Shaiver: I won't. I promise.

God Kiana: Thank you...Kurama.

Shaiver: Kurama?

God Kiana: N-Nothing.

All of a suddeny reality itself began to shake, both God Kiana and Shaiver eyes widen as they felt a large surge of energy, one of they have not felt before it terrified both of them to the core inclduing everyone else.

They saw space began to tear apart into a hole, something came out of the white dimenmsion.

Shaiver narrowed his eyes who the hell is this person or thing.

Shaiver:...Who are you?

???:....I go by many names. God, Honkai God, God of Honkai and The Truth Itself.

Shaiver: You're not the truth, your damn joke. A Rip off.

God Kiana: Not gonna lie Will, you do look like a rip off


The Will began to take Shaiver appear, shocking him until Will appear and give Shaiver punch in the gut sending him fly

God Kiana: SHAIVER!!!

Shaiver hit the wall and put his hand on the ground, spit blood.

Shaiver: *Thoughts* So the Will has knowledge of the tecniques and power from person they use against huh? I'm gonna find a way. Hey Will. Just because you took my appearance and my look doesn't mean it gonna give you advantage.

Will: We'll see about that Human Monster

Both of them charge and clashing their Cross Fang Dragon Slayer first as the battle makes entire area shake, Will have advantage and punch Shaiver in the face, grab his arm and slam him to the ground making huge crater.

Will: Weak.

He kick Shaiver to the wall, make huge crack behind Shaiver's eyes widen to see Will charge in and throw a punch, but Shaiver make his arm a X Position and then pushing Shaiver through the wall, he gritted his teeth and kick Shaiver in the air.

Will: Niko Style: Adamantine Kata, Iron-Breaker.

Both of them collied their first, but Will notice something, as Shaiver shirt his rips along with the bantages

Shaiver Limiter of his Monster Powers has been


Will: Your limiter.....


Will: Is Brok- GAAAAAAAH!!!

He felt pain seeing Shaiver appear front of giving bunch of Cross Fang Dragon Slayer combine with Fire Element, giving Will a brutal combo, as Will try Shaiver again, he goes unheath and as throw his two first against Will's chest against the wall cause entire wall to exploded, as Will fall down and hit the ground on, he gets up, rubbing his head to see Shaiver jump down. Will's body glow white and made several clone of himself, the real one points his finger commanding his clones to charge at the human monster.

Shaiver saw and then he thrust his left throw many red spiral cutting attacks call: Whirl-Wind Iron-Cutting Fist as the clones got slice into a million pieces.

Will: WHAT?!

Shaiver: Whats the matter Will.

Shaiver: Im still kicking...

Spiral Cross Awaken Shaiver.

He punch Will across the face sending him through several walls and then he turns around to see Shaiver charge at and give him a kick to the face, Will groans in pain. Shaiver will not let up, his body glow blue and charge at Will and giving lot of Light Speed Attacks, hitting him in every angles as Will was groaning in pain.

Shaiver: Niko Style: Fist Of Flowing Water Machine Gun Blow!

He sending Hyper-Speed barrage of chaotic attack on Will, he was feeling more pain than before, but how is it possible, Will got Shaiver's body! He should be stronger, but he doesn't know that the more Shaiver fight and get near-death experience, the stronger he gets, pushing him to new heights of power

Will: How are you doing this?!

Shaiver: Time to end this.

He engulf his fist with extreme crimson aura, as lighting surround it, Shaiver charge at will and chanted Chaos Exploding Heart Release Heart. as he went pas the Will of Honkai, his body began to exploded causing a huge explosion. Shaiver looks at the corpse.

Shaiver: Pathetic

Until he got tackle by Kiana, Bronya, Haruka, Arianna, Kiriko, Sinon and Yoko.

God Kiana: Your okay!

Kiriko: I'm so glad!

Arianna: Shaiver...your bleeding...

Shaiver: *his hand on Arianna cheek* Don't worry. My healing factor will kick in

Amber: How did you even defeat the Will of Honkai?

Spiral: The limiter is broken and release.

Kiriko: His Limiter?

limiter (リミッター, Rimittā) is a theoretical barrier that restricts the physical growth of a being. Genus first coined the term to explain how Saitama obtained his strength. According to his theory, God placed a growth limitation on every being to prevent them from losing purpose. Everyone eventually reaches this upper limit, where they become unable to develop more strength no matter how hard they try. However, it is possible for an individual to remove their limiter, which results in the development of immeasurable strength and new highs of power In rare instances, it is possible for certain individuals to remove their limiters. Genus claims that this requires certain conditions. According to Genus, becoming a Mysterious Being is not the same as removing one's limiter: they are just reborn as a new being with a new limiter.[2] Abnormally powerful humans, always had the potential to become extraordinarily strong, and those who modify their bodies must modify again in order to improve beyond their natural limitations; they also have not broken their limiters. The same applies to creatures that were born as monsters. They have natural physical capabilities far superior to ordinary humans. However, this only means that they have a greater limiter than humans; they did not remove their limiters.

God Kiana: I see..

Shaiver: Now that Will of Honkai is gone, what are you going to do?

God Kiana smiles and hugs Shaiver from behind.

God Kiana: I'm staying with you for now on.

Kiana: Hey! Back off! He's mine!

Bronya: Yeah!

Arianna: -_- Oh boy here we go again.

Shaiver: -_- No kidding.

End of Flashback

Asuka: Oh my....

Ikagura: That some story....broke your limiter and absorb some power of Honkai huh?

Shaiver: Pretty much. Wait a second?

He looks down and he reconized these peoples down below, these are students fromGrand Hope Academy, Shaiver's friends.

PowerPuff Girls

Danny Phantom


Totally spies

Ben 10


Issei Mason Hyoudou

Shaiver: What the?

Asuka: Wait, are these students from Grand Hope Academy?!

Shaiver: I haven't seen them for a mintue, let go talk to to them, .

He jump off and slide down the cliff along with team Hazno. Meanwhile with Mason and his allies.

Mason: This is the second time this week!

Buttercup: That Atlas stealing some of Grand Hope's technology!

Ben: And by the sound of it, I don'r what their doing, its like building something big.

Sam: Agree.

Blossom: Well our duty to stop what their doing.

Then Shaiver lands in front of them along with Team Hanzo surprising the other.

Bloom: Shaiver!!

Danny: Good to see you dude!

Clover: O_O Wait, is that Team Hanzo from Union Academy.

Gwen: What are they doing here?

Shaiver: Unlike most heroes. These shinobis just protecting people, their not like the others

Gwen: I see

Asuka: Please...I know you don't trust us...but I hated Union for all the sins and thing they done.

Bloom: I'm not sensing any lies for them.

Buttercup: You sure?

Blossom: Well, we gotta trust them for now.

Shaiver: What are you guys doing.

Ash: Been report that Atlas been stealing some Grand Hope's technology and use to build like a super-weapon

Shaiver: Idiots...Lets head to the base.

Pikachu: Pika! Pika!

Then moment later, then they see a huge base, Shaiver has a serious face and as he goes to the door then base exploded as gust of wind blow everyone way.

Blossom: WHAT WAS THE?!

Ikagura: Look!

Then a giant robot   purple robot/cyborg which has simian features, and is also capable of transforming into a jet propelled tank labelled as his "Tank Form". He is covered head to toe in a heavy mechanized arsenal, possessing two rocket launchers as shoulder weapons, and powerful jets on his feet. He wears an iron mask that covers his face, as well as metallic arm braces over his bulky forearms. He is also quite agile in his simian form, capable of performing extremely large jumps, leading to the possibility that his jumps are jet propelled. In his tank form, he is much more compact, only being able to attack by either firing the missiles on his back, or simply by ramming into his foe at a high speed.


Sam: Okay...that is unexpected.

Shaiver: Yeah, damn that they build something like this. Combine of IS Suits and more.

Galleom roaring and clam his fist down as everyone was surprised.


Buttercup: Union's pathetic creations!

Bubbles: Then lets take it down!

Shaiver take out his Pyra/Mythra Aegis Blades, Galleon rises up his fist and slam to the ground making it rumble, the Spies girls nodded and head inside the base, Pikachu jumps and throw a electric ball on the arm, causing some of pieces of the robot to be taken off. Galleon about punch Pikachu into a pancake, the pokemon jump out of the way, giving Powerpuff girls advantage and land a uppercut on the jaw sending Galleon up, Mason summon his Upgraded Boosted Gear.

Mason: lets do this.


Mason: Inferno Shot!

Danny: Right beyond you pal!

Mason send a huge fire beam at Galleon combine with Danny firing his green ghostly beam causing a huge explosion, while Shaiver glowing yellow and sending my light speed slashes in all angles around the giant robot then Katsuragi jump and shout land a kick to the face, sending it down As it land, the robot lift up his GIANT rocket shoulder and firing at Shaiver and the group. Ben use his Omnitrix summon a made a giant shield blocks all the rocket. Hibari rides on a giant white bunny while has a serious face and rams it down. Bloom use her fire power, summon a LARGE flaming dragon as launch toward Galleon and made a huge inferno tornado. Then she notice pieces was falling apart.

Shaiver: Good one!

Asuka and Ikagura swing her katana, slashing off the shoulder cannons from the robot, Shaiver use Mythra sword and release lots of blue light beams .

Shaiver: Chroma Dust: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist!

Those beam hitting Galloem in such force of brutal attack before fuse two sword into Pneuma Sword.

Shaiver: Now for the big finale!

Mason: Right with you!

He put his hand forwarc charging a dark red sphere with lighting surround it as Shaiver's Aegis Blade was getting bigger.


Shaiver swung down his blade as made a huge green energy slash as Mason throw a huge sphere attack as it combine heading toward Galleom as saw it coming as he try to shield himself but it was no use it cause a huge green explosion.

Mason: Hell yeah. we got him.

Bloom: Good work everyone!

Sam: Yeah!

Alex: Union has failed once again.

Shaiver: Lets go and report to Luna, Denshin and Rengoku.

Everyone: Right?

Meanwhile in the control in Atlas, Ironwood was saw with a serious face.

Ironwood: The Hero Hunter strikes again and now Team Hanzo on their side? Oh damn. Hanzo is not gonna be happy.

In Union Academy, student watching the video footage of Shaiver and Trihexa fighting, they were in shock and awe then Ironwood comes in and meet with Ozpin, Sirzechs, Micheal, Azazel, Hanzo, Chifuyu.

Chifuyu: What is it?

Ironwood: Shaiver destroy one of my bases!

All Might: Well thats another problem, when Class 1A encounter him, he defeat some of them and yet young Bakugou's arm was slash off and his heart was damage, now he's in a coma!

Houki: Damn that bastard!

Mina: Forget that, All Might, why you didn't hide this from us!

All Might: Huh?

Ochaco: Shaiver said you were once quirkless and didn't have a power, and yet you have Quirk call One For All, and I always thought Deku has a quirk, it reveal you transfer to him!

Everyone: WHAT?!

Midnight: All it true?

All Might:...Yes.

Deku: Yet my quirk is gone...

All Might: WHAT?! What do you mean its gone?!

Deku: Shaiver took it.

Mina: We all saw it, and not only that.

Yumi: Tell us something we don't know.

Ironwood: Fine, but Hanzo, your not gonna be happy.

Hanzo: What do you mean?

Ironwood press the button and image show that Shaiver and his team fighting against the Galloem and then whats shocking to the students that Team Hanzo is with them and Shaiver carrying Asuka.

All: ASUKA?!

Meanwhile in front of Grand Hope Academy Shaiver and his allies was walking back and then saw Conner, Anna, Haruka, Tristan, Irene, Arianna, Kiriko, Zero, Amy, Kelia, Asuna, Sinon, Yoko, Kiana, Bronya waiting for them

Arianna: Shaiver, your back.

Anna: We was wondering where you were.

Shaiver: Sorry, some fake heroes got in the way and I had to help Mason and other with the mission that Atlas stole some of Grand Hope and Rikans tech.

Zero: -_- Figures.

Amy: I'm glad you still in one peace honey~

Shaiver: *chuckles* Yeah, hehe. But knowing me and my siblings are children of Garou, I never forget what my father said to me.

Garou: Shaiver and rest of you promise me, even that I'm not gonna be around with you forever, I'm trying to make a Amends for people I'd hurt in the past, except for Union, due LOT of forgive, some of them don't, due of me being the fearsome being in the entire Multiverse, but my hero hunting and legacy isn't over, you can take that over, I want you, Satori, Katsuro, Searon, Regina, Yara, Ashura, Ashton, Sinnan, Andrea and Sophia to be better than me, keep fighting for your friends, for the beginning, Tarreo thinks I'm a hero that I'd save him a lot of times and Metal Bat consider me a true rival, Shaiver, and the others be on your own path and never give up and never bow down that whats superior do you. Thats part of the Silverfang clan and family. Make me and your mother proud.

Shaiver: Heh. I will always remember his words.

Searon: Same here little bro.

Andrea: I will make our parents proud.

???: Thats good to here.

Shaiver and his siblings eyes widen in surprised, they recognized the voice, then everyone turn to see a man with dark blue hair, blue eyes, wearing sweater over a white, mix with purple jacket, black pants. It was older brother of Silverfang family.

Shaiver: Ashura!?

Ashura: Good to see you again. Younger brother

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