Chapter 5: Mother Of Life & Flash To The Past

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Shaiver is now walking on the mountains and its been 2 days since he defeat Nine and Boros. Nine has been defeated and gone, and Boros is now in ailliance with Shaiver and rest, and yet sparing his life, and yet thanks to the magic Shaiver did, restore all the damage what Boros cause to Megaville and to Nabu Island. But not Union. But did bring back all the people and homes that people.

Right now Shaiver was on the mountain stare at the beautiful night sky, while bandages around his body, closing his eyes, having some visitons.

???: You two coming along?!

?? (2): Hold on I'm coming!

??? (3): Alright! Lets go Kurama

Shaiver: Huh? What was that? Kurama?

Then he heards a loud roar that shook entire land, that make him stand on his feet, looking around, but it roar sound powerful, then he saw a gigantic creature heading to the mainland.

Shaiver was surprise at sight of the creature.

Shaiver: Thats Tiamat.

The Primordial Mother Of Creation. In Legend. Nhazul told him that he and 23 sibling, her children had murder her to defend all life in Earth, but it was pretty wild tale, but it all true. She was alive. How? But Shaiver thought in his mind. Someone must have resurrected her along poison her mind, but he won't kill her.

He gonna have free her.

Shaiver: Lets play.

Nhazul: Wait. Don't leave me out of this!

Shaiver: Can you explain?!

Nhazul: Look. I'm confused as you and I don't think that an alternative version of my mother. Its her. If you thinking about free her from the mind control. Lets I'm WITH YOU!

Shaiver: Good. Lets do this!

Nhazul: Primordial Chaos Celesital Dragon! Balance Breaker!

Shaiver roars like mosnter-like dragon as huge aura surround and shot a pillar into the sky getting Tiamat attention

Shaiver (P.B.B): What chances do we have.

Nhazul: Well, Me, Hydra and Shin are here. I was thinking if Hydra and Shin and I use our abilities together, it may take her down.

Hydra: Right!

Shaiver nodded and summon his wing out of Balance Breaker back before fly toward Tiamat. His glow red and increase his speed and hits Tiamat in the stomach lots of time all around her and one final punch hit her to the sky with pure force. Tiamat growls and grabs Shaiver with both hands and began to crush him.


He create giant red explosion that strong enough to freee him from Tiamat's grasp and as she held her brn hands.


Shaiver: There!

He charge at her great speed and using Combo Star combine with Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, but giving her a 10,000 ton of RAPID speed punches all around her as it goes in for more making Primordial mother goes to her knee. Shaiver fly up in the air, then Tiamat raises her hand shoot a gigantic red beam at him.

Shaiver (P.B.B) DO IT NOW!


The energy blast began to shrink, adding Shaiver power to increase, Shaiver and kicks the ball back t Tiamat causing a huge explosion.

Hydra: Inferno Boost TIMES 40


Shaiver: Chaos Nova Rain!

He release a huge yellow flaming arrow within the atmphshere and into one spot hitting Tiamat in such high temperature exploding the entire planet. Then they hear a big roar.

Shaiver: What the hell?

Nhazul: Oh no.....SHAIVER RUN!

Shaiver: Huh?

Tiamat rises up from the ground in more petrified and powerful from. She was in her dragon form.


Shaiver: Her power is really increasing a lot, even me, Shin Reika and Nhazul combine, it won't do damage to her. Nhazul. Its your turn.

Nhazul: You are one smart Demosian Monster partner! PRIMORDIAL CELESITAL CHAOS DRAGON! DRAGON OVERDRIVE MODE!

Then a huge aura surround Shaiver as white pillar shot to the sky, blinding Tiamat, she closes her eyes, then she open, seeing Nhazul appear in his physcial form.

Nhazul stare at his mother and roaring at her cause Primordial mother roar back at him.


He breathe a monsterous crimson inferno energy at Tiamat making her scream in pain.


He blast a humongus crimson energy orb throw it at Tiamat exploding at force with titan tornado with 160,00 megaton explosion, destroying lot of mountains and pillar from that attack, Shaiver spread out his wings and into the air. As huge demonic energy surround him, as he smirks.


He release a tremendous amount of heat from his body like Godzilla in his burning form, this attack Struck Tiamat, damaging her so much while Shaiver saw this while charging his attack.

Shaiver: Curse Style: Death-Star

He made a huge energy sphere made of crimson dark flames while grinning before throw it down at Tiamat and causing a huge explosion.

Nhazul: Ultra Cannon!

He firing a black and white energy beam at the smoke causing big Megaton sun explosion, Tiamat roar in pain as the dark aura came out of her mouth and tried goes to Shaiver but stop. She collapses onto the ground She glow  bright and went back into her normal, Shaiver manage to caught her in time

Nhazul: She's back to normal.

Shaiver: She's sleeping for now. Right now, we need to bring her back to my house. I don't want Union and any more messing with her.

Nhazul: Good idea.

Shaiver eyes glowing in cosmic energy and open a portal. He enter the mansion and into the room, putting Tiamat on a guest room bed

Meanwhile in dark castle of the demon realm. The demon realm created by Evil Mages, Demons, Demon Gods and more. Unlike Silverfang Realm, demon realm in this one is kinda almost weaker than the Silverfang Realm and Demosian Race knowing they LIVE very long time. Behind back in the day, Demon Realm and Silver-Realm went into a war, Demosian Against Demon Gods and Demons, they're same being but very different. Someone in throne room, sititng in on the chair, he had a grin on his face

Mechikabura - The Demon God And Creator Of All Demon In Demon Realm.

Mechikabura: So he finally strikes again, least I am doing my own job. Unlike the midget boy for a Satan.

He's talking about Satan 666.

Mechikaburn: I still remember you. Kurama. Once I'm fully ready, I'm gonna finish i started.

He has image of seeing Kurama Silverfang in his Beast Advance with Cosmic surround him while Mechikabura was charging at him in full power. Their battle MANY, MANY Year sago shakes the entire Multiverse. The Demon gritted his teeth and slam his fist on his throne.

Mechikabura: I'm still gonna crush you....


As he was appear front of Union Academy.

Blake: What in the world..?

Weiss: Who are you?

Fu: Hehe My name is Fu.

Yang: What are you doing here?!

Fu: *giggles* I see, your the inhabitants of this world.

Izuku: This world?

Ironwood: Who are you.

Fu: Where is that Demosian Shaiver. Tell us where is he or me and other will spare your lives.

Issei: You aren't gonna take us down your freak!

Houki: Yeah! There hundreds of us and only you.

Ironwood: So if I were you, I would surrender myself and tell su what am I talking about.

Soon the Atlas Soldiers comes and aim their weapons, Fu grins and snap his finger, then 4 dark energy beam hits the Atlas soldiers, killing them there a dark purple portal appear on the ground, then humanoid demons and armor soldier caome out and fire and attacking Union. Union tried to gight back but soon to be overwhelmed by the ongoing assault. Soldier soon fired at the soldiers and demons, but their attack did NOTHING. all they do and slice off the soldiers head off in second.

Mt.Lady soon incrased herself in size, she try to stomp on the soldiers and demon, but Demons grins and firing so many curse magic and blast, shooting her down with ease, soon armored soldiers and Demons got onto her.


They began to rip MT.Lady to shreds, blood splatter everywhere as her screams fill up the air, the area filled with blood, all over the ground and more. Making everyone look in shocked and horror, Jaune, Izuku and Issei looked at each other as huge aura surround them, thanks to Sirzechs find a new power source he find and use on Izuku, Issei and Jaune, since Issei's boosted gear is gone and Izuku OFA is gone, making more powerful, powerful members in Union Academy That made everyone bow to them.

All they want Revenge on Silverfang family.

Fu: Really? That new power source.

The trio use their new powers to fight against the army but. Their attack has no effect on them.

Jaune: Nothing working!

Izuku: Keep trying!

A demon punched Jaune hard in the face breaking his entire skull.

Jaune: AAAH!

Izuku: ACK!

A Soldier uppercut Izuku before grabbing the green haired boy by the leg and slammed him down so many times. One of the demon summon its scythe and rush toward Issei and cut off his arm as he screams loudly in pain as blood squirt out of his missing arm.

Issei: MY ARM!! AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!

Then a brutal beatdown ensured as demon and soldier began to beat the HOLY hell out of the trio who scream in pain, felt their boens break, as blood got into the demon and soldiers as they laughing and beating down the heroes.



Izuku: Please stop! ITS HURTS SO MUCH!

Fu only laughed easily, Union are more horror and scared, seeing their 3 strongest heroes are now defeat with ease

Ozpin: Fall back! Fall back now!

Ironwood: Retreat!

As portal open up as Devils, Fallen Angels more teleport away while Atlas went inside the portal. Fu evilly smirked. Meanwhile we see Searon who going with Pyrrha and with Neo inside a Supermarket, getting some stuff, lots of food for the mansion They're going out for a walk until they se tv heard talking about Union got attacked

Neo: What the?

Pyrrha: Union got attacked by new armor soldiers and demons?

Velvet: Searon, could it be your kind?

Searon: Demosians? Monster? No I don't think so. It might from Hell or I don't know.

Velvet: Hmmmmmm

Searon: Whatever it is, I got a bad feeling about this.

Pyrrha: Same here

??: Don't move!

They turn around Ace Ops surround him along with Winter

Searon: -_-

Winter: Searon Silverfang Rose, your under arrest for taking o-

Searon: Sorry, but I'm his younger brother.

Marrow: Wait, your Shaiver's younger brother?

Harriet: What is Neo doing here! Pyrrha?! What are you doing? aren't you supposed to be with Union along with Velvet.

Searon: New flash, their with me, so leave us alone?

Harriet: Not a chance!

She use her Semblance "Super Speed and leap toward Searon, but he got annoyed, he did a upsword kick on Harriet on chin.

Searon: Woah! You use super speed too?!

Harriet: Why you speed too?

Winter: Stand down. Harriet.

Harriet: Bu-

Winter: I said, stand down! Sorry for her action, she's young and naive

Searon: Its okay. its how these days, are you a speedster?

Harriet: W-What?

Searon: If it is. Then one day, you and me will race and show whos the fastest.

Harriet: W-Whatever.

Marrow: Searon right? Well, I'd read your files that you been abused by your father and yet killed him.

Searon: True, at least Summer, Raven and Qrow aren't power hungry and abusive at my so called father.

Winter: Sorry to hear this.

Searon: But I got one question for you Winter.

Winter: And that is?

Searon: Who do you think its right Winter? Those heroes in Union Academy or those who do whats right despite breaking many long.

Winter remained silent at his Question. She knew very well Union was in wrong because they never help the weak and powerless, or even protect innocent lives, they just do that to get fame and Union has done major shady like taking people including woman and children away from and kill their families.

Winter: Those who do the right despite breaking law and in the right.

Neo: Yes, despite I have a criminals. I have standards, Union is way worse than League Of Villains and more combine.

Velvet: Searon open our eyes, including Coco.

Searon: Why did you join forces with them?

Winter: I have no choice.

Searon: There always a choice. Listen. Do what your loved one want you to do, do what you think is right, do what your heart tells to you. *smiled* Hope will be on your size.

Winter: Thank you.

She has suddenly blushed up and closing her eyes.

Searon: See ya later Winter, we may meet again someday, if your not busy with something.

Winter: You too Searon. Come on everyone we're living.

Harriet: You sure.

Winter: I'm postitve. Yes

As she and her Special Ops lift, she let out a smile on her face


In the background, there like a war going on, there like dark soldier battle against alrest army, Like between Malos Empire against Alrest Empire, its been going out for a while, then two people walking up the stairs and going up against the Divine.

Kurama Chaos Silverfang

Zack Silverfang-Kure

Kurama: Ready bro?

Zack: Indeed.

Then they see a huge purple color Aegis appears on the ground, as person merged from the ground, the brother has serious faces. It was non other than Malos.

Malos: So your here. The Sons of the Edward Chaos Silverfang, The Leader of Silverfang Clan, The Silver Demon King And Omni Demosian Warrior.

Zack: Surrender while you still can Malos.

Kurama: Forget it brother. Its time to hunt him.

Malos grins and summon his sword and slam onto the ground causing so much destruction the ground, they see dark energy wave coming toward him, Kurama and Zack jump in the air and avoid and charge at Malos, Zack give the divine a kick to the face, Kurama let out a huge fire dragon roar at Malos, who saw it coming, he made a shield to block it. Zack smirks and charge at Malos as his fist made of dark purple energy.

Zack: Curse Style: God Slayer Nuclear Fission Fist!

That fist conntact at Malos face who had his eyes widen in shocked that made so much nuclear explosions happening in the air, Malos scream and got send fly, but manage to recover.

Malos: What is with you two! You two could've join me!

He snap his finger, then Zack and Kurama got hit by giant beam, cause a red explosion, the brother were. As they groan in pain, laying on their own craters. Then It came from Malos Black Sirens

Malos: We would rule the entire Multiverse and ENTIRE Creation itself! But Noooo! You deny and join with my pathetic sister and my younger brother!

The Siren firing so many beam at Zack and Kurama, both of them did their reflexes to avoid them, then Kurama summon his own Sunsanno that is color red and Zack is purple. Malos looked in shocked. Zack fire his own Charka bomb at the sirens and destroy them, Kurama slam his fist down at Malos, hitting him down cause huge rumble to the ground before Kurama giving the divine combo using Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist attack, sending many brutal attack, then as Kurama's hands glow hand.

Kurama: Curse Style: Explosive Spiral!

He swings his other arm forward, swiping it in the direction of the target. This action creates a large explosion in the form of a spiral that covers a large area sending Malos away screaming and hit the ground, Malos gets up quick and slam his monado on the ground send a huge purple destructive explosion, Kurama jump and smirk.

Kurama: Not giving huh?

Then he and Zack appear front Malos and giving him a brutal beatdown usinh "Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist" beating the trap send so much blow on the Divine as he screaming in pain before Zack put his palm, charging a huge black and purple sphere.

Zack: Time to die Malos! Cure Style: Death Bang Attack!

He launch his attack toward Malos, sending away into a giant pillar or rocks, then sending a huge purple flaming explosion yet he was done.

Zack: Hmph.

Kurama: Lets hope that will end him this time.

Zack: No shit. Anyway, I'm gonna see Anna and Zenou, and yeah, Alice as well.

Kurama: Alright see ya, I got more thing I got to do.

Both brother nodded before fly away with cosmic energy, Kurama was flying was back to his domain, he was taking a walk until he sense some vision.

Kurama: W-What is this....

He open his eyes, saw a worm hall, he goes take a look, its like from another reality. But his eyes widen to see Conner, Anna, Zero, Amy, Eula, Aine, Kiana, Bronya, Mei. Its like they battle in some kind of village while its night time, but they see a man with long white hair with black strips on it, wearing a combat shirt and pants. While picking up Searon on the neck. It was a Dark Rikan. Blast.

Blast: Time to die. Young warrior.

Theme start: Fist of Flame (Fairy Tail OST)*

Blast look over to Shaiver who had woken up from his unconsciousness.

Blast: What....?

Shaiver's body is covered in yellow aura and he glares over at the Dark Rikan. He punches the ground and lift his head up looking at the giant in pure rage Shaiver look over to Blast, his eyes begin to change the color to red and raise himself off the ground up on his feet and his fists clenched as he continue glaring at Blast, he gritted his teeth and let out a loud cry.


Shaiver transforms into Agni Shaiver as his hair went yellow and red and have flaming wings went into his super form, Arianna woke up as saw her lover was alright, as everyone watches in awe, Shaiver was VERY Furious has flames surrounds him as 7 Super Emeralds surrounds him, as rocks floating in the air, as emeralds glow in different colors, transfers to him.

Blast: What the?

Without any warning, Shaiver then power up his energy and power which he let out a loud mightily yell beginning to transform again.


All of sudden he is surrounded by white aura and the white pillar begin to appear, lifting from underground as the white pillar circling around Shaiver. Everyone watching the transformation as Shaiver continue to yell during this transformation. After a minute of the transformation, the white pillar disperse and fade away. Blast look over at Shaiver, he was stunned by absolute shock. He gritted his teeth. Shaiver in his Hyper form before charge at Blast and punch in the face.

Blast: GACK!

He send fly as Shaiver glow white and gone after him and strike him and light speed attack him from all angles before kick Blast to the ground.

End of the vision

(Shiku: *chuckles* Future chapter for Battle Of The Multiverse story)

Kurama: W-What was that?

??: Kura!~

He felt two arm wrap around his neck and turn around to see his teacher and lover.

Xuangzang Sanzang

Kurama: Heh, how are uoi?

Xuangzan: I'm good~

She smirks, grabbing Kurama chin and kissing him on the lips, which the teenager don't mind at all.

Xuangzang: Mmmmmmmmmm~

Kurama: Mmmmmmmm~

They began to use their tongue to fight for domiance until they sensed a few Godly Presences. They narrowed their eyes.

Xuangzang: You sense that?

Kurama nodded and summon a screen, saw Olympian Gods invades the human world, Kurama glaring, gritted his teeth in so much rage, he hates them

Kurama: You gotta be kidding me.

He remember one of his ancestor, Kratos and Denetsu delt with them before

Xuangzang: Just great....great.

Kurama: We will have our time later, I'll go deal with them. I'll make them pay...f

Xuangzang: Good luck dear~

She kisses his cheek, Kurama blushed, both of them blush, Kurama leap into the air. Things were not going well within the human world, the Greek Gods are going on a rampage there and that is causing much destruction and suffering.

Zeus: Take everythign! Man, women and children, animals! Everything! Don't leave anything behind.

Hades: Why are we doing this again?

Poseidon: You just wanna see your wife again.

Hades: Yes, she was playing with Cerberus.

???: Oi

They heard a voice. they see Kurama in his Cosmic Fear Mode.

Zeus: If it ain't the son of another God-Killer.

Kurama: If it isn't the God of horses. And I know that I'm right. How many times have you see this dude fuck something.

Hades: *sigh* You know, he's right.

He looked at his brother.

Hades: You have so much problems.

Poseidon: I do as well

Kurama: Those two agree with me

Zeus: Hmph!

Kurama: Look, I just done battling against Malos with my brother, and try go back to my wife and family, but can you please just leave the humans alone so I can have my peace?

Poseidon & Hades:......Sure


Hades: -_- No. I wanna go see my wife

Poseidon: I kinda like the human world cause they made a badass anime version of me

Kurama: Record of Ragnarok?


Kurama chuckles and snap his fingers, made portal for the two Gods as they enter. The other Gods shocked from what just happened, the God of Sea and Underworld just up and left them because they don't want to mess with Members of Silverfang Family.

Ares: Cowards and bunch of weakling!

Helois: They were literally one of the strongest Gods in Olympus!

Kurama: At least they had brains unlike you all.

Ares: We can take this mortal.

Kurama: Well you all are no fun and I going to end this quick. Gamma RAY BURST!


They were all eliminated with one blast, Kurama was laughing and then exit out of his Cosmic Form, as he went inside to see his Two wives, and Diana was on the bed with her

Diana: Hey Kura~

Xuagzang: We've been waiting for you~

Diana grabs Kurama and pin him down, she grinning while Xuangzang rips off his pants, Kurama looks and see his member sticking up as girls has heart in their eyes

Both: Oh my!~

Diana: Someone eager~

Xuagzang: Time for some fun dear~

Diana kisses Kurama on the lips while Xuagzangs grinns, outside the room, there so much moaning and screaming going all night

Meanwhile on another location, as the sunset setting, there a Woman was sitting on her desk, playing some music.

Marina "Eden" Pierce

She was part of the Silverfang clan and yet ancestor of Pierces of Satori's timeline. You see she's a strongest fighter of Silverfang family and clan, and Zack's Wife. Marina was spending lot of time when she meet Alice and Anna.

Right now, she's wrapping some bandages around Zack wound after fighting a dragon-god like being.

Marina: Honey, what did I told you about fighting that monster alone.

Alice: You could have been more carful

Zack: I know.

Kama Wukong

Kama: Don't do that again.

Zack: I know...

Then Anna give Zack a bunny, as the bunny nuzzles onto his face, Zack smiles and petting it, the girls giggles, finding it cute and adorable.

Zenzou Silverfang Jin

Zack: Hey son!

Zanzou hugs his father and mothers, as Kama giggles and pats him.

Marina: Hey Zack!

Zack: Yeah?

Marina: Do you wanna try the piano?

Zack looks the piano, he nodded and he sits down and playing his music.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kama: Very impressive.

Marina: Indeed~

Zack: I play a lot back when I was Renzo.

Kama: And watching this back when I was Yashna.

Alice: *giggles*

Zack smiles until he saw a portal opening up showing another timeline, then he sees Satori was on the ground kneeing on the ground hurt, surprising the other. Then it shows Green Mobian Hedgehog name Nazo fighting against Super Searon and Katsuro, Shaiver in his Beast Advance gets up and roaring powering up, red aura surround, its long they have a very tough struggle.

Satori eyes widen before shouting changing his black hair into purple hair, roaring powering up so much energy, transformed into his energy. He appear in the air and punch Nazo who in his Chaos Form.

Shaiver: Nice color I see.

Satori: Oh please, that bastard interurpped our battle in games.

He and other turn forward, Nazo screaming in so much rage, green aura surround him. Satori grinned.

Satori: We talk about this later.

Then Searon punch Nazo int he face, Katsuro kick Nazo, uppercut him in the air then Shaiver give hedgehog a hammer punch, Nazo gritted his teeth, then Shaiver and Satori appear front of him and give him a double ironbreaker to the face, sending Nazo through 3 pillar rocks. Nazo growls, raises his hand forming a huge black sphere with lighting, throw it at brother, then Shaiver holding back, best as he can.

Satori teleport behind Nazo grabs Nazo.

Satori: Look forward dumbass!

Nazo: What?

Shaiver: Lets end with a bang!

He deflect the sphere back to tyrant while Satori teleport out of sigh at sphere hit Nazo cause a huge explosion, Nazo gritted his teeth.

Nazo: Stupid bastards..I'm tried of all of you..You're getting on my nerves again, and again and again and again. Just stop already and let me kill you. After that, I'm going after Sonic and destroy this whole planet!

Nazo speed blitz pass Katsuro and Searon and blast them away with a huge energy beam from his palms, Katsuro recover and charge at Nazo, as shockwave happening in the air, Shaiver raise his one arm up, forming a rainbow sphere in his palm.

Shaiver: Heh, farewell.

He throw the Soul Punisher as it went through Nazo, making him turn back to base form. Katsuro grins put his hands forward, making a red sphere.

Katsuro: Chaos Big Bang...Kamehame


Katsuro: HAAAAAAAAA!!!

He throw a huge red gigantic beam at Nazo, killing him, causing a big explosion as the timeline ended

Zenzou: O_O

Anna: W-Woah.


Marina :....Jesus.

Zack: Those teens. That look like Kurama, Kotaro, Byran...and me..

Kama: What make you so sure?

Zack: Then it happen to be a different timeline. But a sword in my head...says Satori...I think thats me.

Kama: And a word came to my head. Says: Yama.

Anna: Well that was strange.


Miwa: *giggles* Hehe.

Zack: -_- Ooooh boi.

Anna: Hey Zackie, I think...we should give Zenzou a sibling~

Alice: Oooh~ I see~ Fun time~

Kama: I wanna join~

Zack: O////////O Oh I am so screwed

Anna grabs his cheek and kissing him on the cheek, pinning him down.

End of flashback.

Satori: O////////O Jesus christ.

??: SATY!

He turn around to see Anna and Anna pins him down.

Aim: What were you doing.


Anna: You cute when your blushing~

Satori: *blushing*

Anna: Hehe~

Cera: Fufu~

And yet there so many question that Shaiver and Satori have.

Kurama Chaos Silverfang?

Zack Silverfang-Kure?

Are those people are their older brothers, and yet whats with the other timelines that they just watch, and yet saw their siblings like Katsuro and Searon, what are they fighting with? But they didn't know that Kurama Chaos Silverfang and Zack Silverfang-Kure are their past selves.

(End of chapter)

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