Chapter 8: The Chaos Savior King vs The Chaos Monster Among Gods

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(Didn't know I leave this story behind did ya? :3 here an update)

Shaiver was jumping rooftop to rooftop, And yet there something its been bothering him, why he had a feelings someone right now today is coming after him.

Shaiver: Strange.

He looks the sky then he see something in the distance, its like a plane going down.

Shaiver; Wait a moment, is that a plane?

Reika: It looks like it! Yes!

Shin: And heading towards the city!

Shaiver summon his demonic wings and fly towards the city in full speed and see the plane heading toward the city, as he went into a Monster 3 form as he went bigger, muslcear and grabbing front of the plane while skidding to the ground and safety.

Shaiver: There.

The door open as there a ladder and everyone got out, they see they were saved by teenage boy.

Male: Oh thank god you saved us kid!

Little girl: Thank you mister!

Woman 2: Wait...he's look similar...wait! Thats Shaiver Chaos Silverfang!

Male 1: The Hero Hunter?!

Shaiver: What happened?! Why did the plane crash?

Woman 2: Well there are robber on the plane, and then a Hero name Homelander come and saved us, and then the plane was going down because the control panel was fried. We thought he could saved us but he left us!

Man 2: He left us to die!

Shaiver: Not surprising. In reality everyone, Homelander is no hero, he just a fake-ass superman would like do whatever he wants, and hell Union even support that bastard. That one day he would kill anyone that go against him or so. Anyway, where is that bastard.

??: Up to here.

Shaiver heard voide looking up to see  Homelander.

Shaiver:...Everyone, get out of here and report this to Grand Hope.

Everyone nodded and running away. Shaiver facing against this Homelander, a superman wannabe.

Shaiver: So this is Homelander huh? The Superman wanna be.

Garudo: remember Omni man killed him.

Shaiver: He's the one I respect, but how is HE still alive?

Nhazul: I have no idea but kill this son of a bitch.

Shaiver: Right.

Homelander: Your must be the hero-hunter that everyones talking about.

Shaiver: And you must be Homelanders, I heard that you done stuff, and people said you let them to die, if it wasn't for me. They'd would've died...why you didn't save them?

Homelander: Buddy, you know I don't do things like that, I only saved people, and I laser them like I always do. And second, who you think your talking to. And I'm the homelander.

Shaiver: You force a kid, a little girl to jump off...all she wanted you yo save her but you force her off.

Homelander: And guess what, I don't care, I'm the Homelander and I can do the fuck I want.

Shaiver gritted his teeth while huge monstrerous aura surround him.

Shaiver: You and these fake heroes....I'll hunted you down! All of them! Your in my first kill list Homelander.

Homelander eyes widen to sense Shaiver appears behind him, with his eyes glowing, Shaiver grab his cape and spinning the fake hero around before throw him down to the opening street. Homelander get up flying but whats shocking to him to see Shaiver front of him with a wide grin with strange aura suround his palms, punches him that Homelander felt his skull cracking a little it sending rolling on the ground.

Homelander: This is.....this is impossible.

He touched his bleeding nose from his lip, Homelander can no longer control his rage and scream before a shout saying.

Shaiver: Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist!!

Homelander saw hundreds of super sonic speed of brutal fist that hitting across his entire body, he couldn't even reacted to it, Homelander doesn't even stand a chance a all. He heard that the Legendary Hero Hunter, the Succesor of Garou was strong, too stronger, no wonder Union and other couldn't stand a chance.

Shaiver: Chaos X Kure Style: Mountain Breaker!

He did a double punch on Homelander sending him flying. Shaiver only evilly chuckles.

Shaiver: I gotta give credit to my twin brother for the mountain breaker, he must felt so much damage on him now, but I might gonna mess with him.

Homelander recover and looks, he saw like a God, a demon looking down on him, he was looking at Shaiver who has huge monsterous aura

Homelander: No...No!

He fly up into the the sky, Shaiver notice with a serious face, Homelander's eyes glowing red and firing his heat-vision towards Shaiver who using Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist as swirl into a circle.

Deflecting the Heat Vison back but cause it to make it bigger in the process, as hit Homelander point blank shatting her his outfit, blood and bruices all over him. Homelander recover and see 3 chaos dragon coming toward him.

Homelander glare and charge toward him, barrel roll dodging them and about land a punch, Shaiver's hand cover in water aura, deflecting the fake hero punch.

Homelander: What the?!

Shaiver: Take this!

A kick send Homelander through a building and onto near the bridge. Shaiver lands on the ground, as he about to go after him. until he saw rest of the Seven, Starlight, Queen Maeve, The Deep, A-Train arrived.

Starlight: Stand down! Silverfang!

Shaiver: Oooh, its the member of the Seven. *grins* Good. Your just arrived in the neck of time. Because THERE MORE HEROES FOR THE SLAUGHTER!!!

Deep: Oh really?! Its 6 of us against you! We're the Seven, the real heroes of tha-

Until Shaiver use his Whirl-wind Iron cutting fist, sending many red spiral energy the Deep as his body got cut into a MILLION pieces, as blood splatter everywhere, Shaiver grins like he's a villain.

Shaiver: NEXT?!

Starlight: W-What kind of power is that...?

Shaiver: The power that will bring all Gods and fake heroes no, all mankind into era of absoulate terror. I sinscerely thank you

A-Train use his speed and rushing toward him, about throw a punch until Shaiver saw the incoming attack, and catch it before punch his chest, A-Train cought so much blood from one blow, and slams him to the ground and throw him to Starlight as they crash. Maeve charge at him and throw many punches, as Shaiver blocks her assault and kicks her in the face.

Shaiver: Niko Style: Chaos Breaker Barrage!

He sending many immeasurable speed of assault at Maeve, as she screams in pain, feeling the bones in her body, and punch her through a truck, Shaiver eyes widen and did some backflip while his senses gone off, avoiding Starlight lighting beams from her fist.

Shaiver: Not even a challenge whats so ever.

Starlight screams and firing a bigger blast at him, until Shaiver's eyes glow white as a portal appear front of him as Starlights attack went into the portal, then a portal from above her, as she notice her down attack hit her form above as she screams in pain. A-Train was slowly getting up and he cough up blood, he glares at Shaiver, he has cross the line.

A-Train: Oh your's SO gonna get it now!

He screams and running toward Shaiver in full speed, and punch him many time son the face, Shaiver didn't feel, anything until he got annoyed and grabbed A-Train on the face and lifting him up, A-Trains glasses breaker, he punching Shaiver chest so many times, A-Train face beginning to getting smash, as his Eye-ball pop out as rest of the member rush and try to save him until his face got crushed as blood splatter got on Shaiver and throw him down.

Shaiver looks to see 5 mini-bombs coming at and exploded on him, but he swung hi hands, clearing the smoke, as Black Noir with his katana coming at him from above, Shaiver looks up and grab his leg, and slam to the ground hard, and slam Noir down against making blood splatted all over on the ground.

Shaiver: Pathetic.

Maeve scream in pure rage and throw a punch, Shaiver then using Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, sending hundreds of brutal punches on Maeve again, then grabs Maeve saber sword and slash her, decapitate her. Before he throw a cosmic beam, destroying her body.

Starlight: Oh god...NO!....NO! This can't be happening.

Shaiver: You seven call youselves all are fake..just like Union

Starlight had no choice to use everything she has in her power, as lights blinking that close to them and firing her final beam while screaming, meanwhile, Homelander was slowly getting up and flew toward Shaiver locations in rage, he looks around until to see what shocking to him. He sees all the corpses of his team, all of them, they were dead, he sees Shaiver holding Starlight's neck and drop her body.

Shaiver: Last one to go.

Homelander growls and charge at Shaiver in high speed in rage.

Homelander: DIE!!!!

Shaiver deflect his punch and punch the fake hero on the chest and sending million of brutal punches around Homelander and grab his face and slams him to the ground. Shaiver steping on his head lots of time before put his hands on in Homelander mouth.

Shaiver: Bye~ Bye~ Maybe we play against someday~

He rips Homelander in half, as blood splatter everywhere, ashe drop the corpse.

???: Well, well, look like I ended up in another universe.

Shaiver turns around to see his Gojira self

Gojira Shaiver/Shaivira.

Shaiver SF: Heh, its my Godzilla self from another universe.

Shaivira: Indeed its me.

Shaiver SF: How it going over there in your dimension.

Shaivira: Nothing much, I was killing bunch of APEX soldier until I saw a portal and it lead to your universe.

Shaiver SF: I see...but there something I've been thinking Shaivira.

Shaivira: That is?

Shaiver SF: What if I challenge you to a fight.

Shaivira: Are you challenging me?

Shaiver SF: Yes.

Shaivira's hands glowing red crimson flames and clenching them.

Shaivira: Alright, lets see what you got.

Then both of them take a stance before charge at each other throw their fist forward and collied, causing entire city to Shake, Shaiver SF grins punch and kick Shaivira straight on the stomach sending him flying up, then Shaiver SF's right hand made of cosmic energy suddenly a portal appear behind Shaivira that got send in the portal into wide open area. As Shaivira land onto the ground.

Shaivira: So we're not in the city anymore huh? Good, meaning we can go ALL Out.

Shaivier SF comes the portal and charge at his Godzilla counterpart and throw a punch, as Shaivira dodge it.

Shaivira: Atomic Breaker!

His fist engulf with atomic energy send a brutal punch on Shaiver SF sending back a bit, until he punch Shaivira back, and sending barrage of brutal attacks using Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist and last attack punch Shaivira across the face. Shaivira growls and grabs Silverfang on the face and slam him to the ground

then he jumps onto the air as he summon 2 red dragon skulls and as they open their mouth firing a double atomic beams sending it to Silverfang and cause a big explosion. Shaivira lands on the ground to see the smoke, then a kick send Shaivira through a rock, as he gets back up to see Shaiver SF with a grin on his face, his clothes are in atter a little. He has big monsterous demonic aura, while he went Chaos Demon Advance.

Demon Emperor Aura

Shaivira: Getting serious?

Shaiver SF: Yes, now lets its mine turn.

He left up his right hand forming 4 dark red orbs with demonic energy

Shaiver SF: Chaos Demon Death Balls!

He send them all at Shaivira who his eyes widen to saw the incoming attack, as he cross his arm forming an X Position as the orbs connect cause a big explosion, Shaiver SF glare at the damage until his eyes widen to see Shaivra busting out of the smoke and punch Shaiver SF across the face, and use his tail to smack him sending him through a tree. Shaivira use his atomic breath sending a blue beam at Shaiver SF, then he saw the incoming attack from his counterpart then he use water aura from his Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist to deflect the beam upwards towards the sky.

Shaiver SF's fist glow in dark crimson aura with a dragon symbol on it and Shaivira's fist did the same as they charge at each other.



Both fist collied cause entire Universe and any Multiverse, 6 Dimension to 99 or more Dimensions that they clash into a brutal fist fight, fist collied and dodging each other attacks then time slow down, Shaiver SF see Shaivira's fist heading toward his face, he glare to see an opening.

Shaiver SF: *Thought* Wide open..

Then Shaiver SF's head lean right and sending many combo attacks at Shaivira, like punches and licks and did a final blow on his the kings stomach.

Shaivira: GAH!!!!

He cough blood and send to the ground, Shaiver SF look at his otherself from another dimension, surprising getting back up, Shaivira's growls loud soon a big release of dark crimson aura surrounds him before rising back up. He went into Burning Divine Demon

Divine Demon


Shaiver Silverfang grins and got into a stance as well. The battle still going on. The Demon King vs The Chaos Savior King. One shall shall. Then an a blink of an eye beyond light speed, Shaiver send many strike of attack on Shaivira

Shaivira grab Silverfang's fist and headbutt him, sending him back. Shaivira sending many barrage of punches on Shaiver SF, as he can feel amount of damage he's reviving, Shaivira strength has increase a lot.


He send a massive sea dragon at Shaiver SF that pushing him a lot and crashing him to the pillar.

Shaiver SF: Jesus that hurt...a lot. But Man this is fun!

His eyes glowing cosmic energy, then suddenly serveral portals surround Shaivira, as he was confused, then he sense an incoming danger as he jump into the air as lot of energy beam hit each other cause the explosion.

Shaivira: What the- GAAAAAAAAAH!!

He was screaming pain because a big dark crimson dragon hitting and sending him into a mountain, as half of it collapse. Shaivira groans in pain and getting back. then Shaiver SF running toward before he summon a dark and red similar staff, A Similar to Wukong Staff;

Shaiver SF: Curse Style: GROW!!

Shaivira: *Thought* What?!

The staff grow in massive size and as Shaivira dodge it as it destory more mountains.

Shaivira: "He can COPY WEAPONS TOO?! Damn IT! These type of demons are no joke, he's the TRUE DEMON  GOD AMONG GODS!"

His sense pick up and saw Shaiver SF behind him and swung his leg, Shaivira duck and did a spinning hook kick on Shaiver SF's cheek, sending him in the air, Shaiver SF manage to recover and as his palm cover in dark crimson energy and aim his palm at his Gojira counterpart.

Shaiver SF: Chaos Gamma Gray!

He release a a gigantic beam toward Shaivira who smirking of the incoming attack, he snap his finger the attack vanished.

Shaiver SF: Huh?

Suddenly a portal open behind the demon warrior he looks behind see his own attack hits him, Shaivira grins as his arms glowing blue and send a atomic slash, as Shaiver SF gritted in his deep pain feeling the sharp effect, as Shaivira sending many more atomic slash

Shavira: Down you go!

His arm glow red rise his arm up and down and last clench one fist, there a giant fist made of atomic energy above Shaiver SF it slam him to the ground causing a HUGE explosion that can shock more than the ENTIRE earth. Shaiver SF is now getting up from the crater and jumps in the air and form red dragon and yellow dragon around him.

Shaiver SF: Chaos Silverfang Style: Red and Yellow Dragon.

He send his two dragon toward Shaivira in such speed that he couldn't react in time, pushing him back to the rock pillar, then suddenly, Shaivra's right arm glow and suddenly time frozen around Shaiver SF.

Shavira: GOT YOU!

He put his hand together and raise them up creating a big dark and red sphere as lighting surround it.


He throw the attack toward Shaiver SF who has time cause an explosion, sending him 3 rock pillar, Shaiver SF's slide on the ground and charge at Shaivira with his fist cover in crimson demonic energy.



Both of them collied cause a big shockwave and as clashing with mutiple and various attacks punches and kicks causing many shockwaves through out the area. As both step away from each other. Shaivira eyes widen sending invinible eye blast from his eyes heading at Shaiver SF direction he lean his head right to avoid. Shaivira sending more invinible blast, Shaiver SF avoid it more and using his reflexes.

Shaiver SF: Nice t-

Until something impale through the stomach, his eyes widen, coughing blood, he turn left to see Shaivira's tail impale him.

Shaivira: Wide open.

He send a roundhouse kick at Shaiver SF sending him to the wall, as he slide down with blood trail, Shaiver SF gets back slowly, holding his wound on his side, feeling so much pain before grinning as his aura expanded up so much, powering up so much.

Shaiver SF: Hehehe~ This is so much fun~

Then he sending soaring fist, sending invinible shocwaves at Shaivira, the King of the monster cross his arm into a x blocking position, as the shockwave making slide back for few yard, he gritted his teeth before with a blink he quickly appear front of Shaiver SF and sending a barrage of punches.


Shaiver SF smirks and then copy the same technique and both got into a massive crash of punches, Shaivira saw that Silverfang is adapt more and more

Shaivira & Shaiver SF: Gah!

Shaivira kick and Shaiver SF punch each other on the face sending them back, Shaiver SF smirks and raise up to the air

Chaos Style: Chaos Dragon Of Supreme

Shaiver SF; Ready for the big finales

Shaivira looks in before roaring and powering himself more, Shaiver SF cross his arm and smirks seeing his counterpart powering up in so much raditation and chaos energy. His dorsal plates glowing red, his eyes also too.

Shaivira: Ultima + Chaos Style: ATOMIC NOVA!

He send a massive atomic breath with color red while Shaiver SF scream and sending his dragon at it, as two massive attack clash making the ground shaking, both of them are not giving up as both yelled suddenly a massive explosion happen.


Suddenly reality itself begin to crack then a big explosion as everything went white. Shaivira and Shaiver Sf are not floating in a purple and red space.

Shaiver SF: What the heck?

Shaivra: I think we kinda broke reality itself apart during our clash.

??: Yeah no shit.

The heard a voice to see Shaiver Chaos Mishima Kazama who crossing his arm while in his Devil Gene.

Shaiver CMK: So you must be Shaivira and Shaiver Silverfang, I heard rumors you two are the most powerful version of myself.

Shaiver SF: So your-

Shaiver CMK: Mishima Kazama.

Shaivira: So jin adaopted you.

Shaiver CMK: Yes and there other version of us here as well. Turn around

They turn around to see another different versions of him.

Kurama Wukong

Winter Soldier Shaiver

Lord X Shaiver

Lord Shadow Shaiver

LS Shaiver: What the hell? Why am I here?

Kurama Wukong: Well Counterpart Gojira me and Silverfang is stronger than Lord X, their fight cause Omniverse realities to be turn apart. *eats a peach*

WS Shaiver: Tch, wow. Unbelievable. I was with Kiana to kill the Worm generals, Union heroes and many more, i was enjoy it until I got suck in!

LS Shaiver: I was with Shadow Garden, Rose, Alexia, Iris, Optimus to battle against Scourge from releasing Unicron and Konton! and then what happened, I ended up here.

PK Shaiver: Well this isn't supposed to happen. I guess there a massive clash happen. Well, not the first time has happened.

Kurama Wukong: -_- And I knew strange thing is gonna happened/

Shaiver SF: If it is. My apolozies.

Shaivira: Whelp....crap.

??: Hey!

They all turn to the big rock to see Classic Shaiver holding up his axe.

Shaiver: let's try together to fix all back to normal.

All: right!

Shaivira: Silverfang, that was a good match and a fight.

Shaiver SF; Indeed it was. I enjoy it. And good luck in your dimension.

Shaivira: So are you.

Shaiver SF: Wait..who are you?

Shaiver Jin Wukong: I'm Shaiver Jin Wukong? Why?

Shaiver SF:....I'm son of the Monkey King. Sun Wukong. Ooooh shit. I'm gonna imagine what Kenji's family reaction gonna that me and my siblings are their race form a different VERSE.

LD Shaiver: and call me. Shaver. Lord Shadow.


LD Shaiver: More like Order of Shadow Garden. Yet, like our brother Satori, we able to help and fight corruption throughout the Multiverse.

Shaiver SF: I see...heh. Way better than Cid in my opinion. And that verse. sound like lot of things are verse...and more

Classic Shaiver: Lets fix this with Chaos Control before Ohma ZIO Aka Composite version of us would be on our asses.

Shaiver Jin Wukong: Oh dam your wright!

As he went into his Monkey King form, WS, Classic went to their Ultra forms that similar to Monkey King form, Shaivira went into his Guardian Form. Shaiver SF went to Cosmic X Mode both of their raise their hand up, throw their own sphere into the air and beore they say.


As they did their attack, evertything went back to normal, as everything went white. Shaiver SF is now on the ground, as he starting to open his eyes.

??: Shaiver?

He open his eyes to see his two lover right front of him.

Ameri Azazel & Leonoa

Ameri: Are you alright?

Shaiver SF: I'm fine.

Lenoa: -_- Don't tell me you encounter your alt self and tear almost the ENTIRE Omniverse with those strike. And I sense it FAR away.

Ameri: *facepalm* Really?

Shaiver SF: *Chuckles* Sorry about that, in the end we fixed it.

Ameri: Its fine.

She pulls her lover up and kiss him on the cheek

Ameri: As long your safe and okay~

Lenoa: You ready for our date?~

Shaiver SF: *smile* Sure, anywhere you go, I'll follow you two.

As the trio begin to walk and in the distance, Shaivira let out a smile before going into the ocean, swimming under water, then his eyes glow red opening a portal, back to his world.

Shaivira: Until we meet again. Silverfang.

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