16 || December 10th, 2017

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Aurora || Parker




"What happened to you yesterday?"

"My...step dad thought I stole money from him...so he came after me..."

"...Did he hurt you?"

"It's fine."

"What did he do to you? Are you alright?"

"Well, my skin is black and blue. I can't even move without pain. I can't see out of my left eye and I'm pretty sure my ribs are broken."

"oh my god....what...where are you?"

"In....my house."

"Your breath is ragged, Parker! You need to go to a hospital or something!"

"N-no it's fine. Can't afford it anyways."


"This is my life, Rorie. This is all my future is going to consist of."

"Please, don't."

"You don't understand. People are so ready to tell suicidal people 'not to give up' and 'keep hanging on' and 'things will get better.'"


"But you can't stop my pain, and a lot of times people don't give you anything but empty promises and meaningless words. Sentiments. No one cares until you're gone."

"Th-that's not true."

"Asking someone to stay alive just to face more pain and no support is the cruelest thing you could ever do! Aurora, why does no one think of it like that? You hear someone's suicidal and suddenly it's all 'how could you think that?' 'Life is beautiful!' 'Let's all sit around the fire and sing kumbaya!'"


"I don't want to be alive, and if you ask me to stop, you're being selfish. They'll cry at the funeral, say 'oh, but he had so much to live for,' and they'll move on with their fucking lives."


"Maybe, suicidal people suffer so much pain that they're be happier when they're dead. for everyone who says they care about them, if you truly did, you should let them go."

"Maybe that's true, Parker. I can't speak for everyone. But I do know, that once you're gone, you don't get a second chance. A do-over. You'll never know what you could've done in your life. You'll never know if those causing you pain ever stopped or if you were ever able to reach your goals. I never said it would be easy, just that's it possible. There is light in your life."

"Yeah, that's literally you. One day that light will leave me. How long are you going to repeat these stupid one liners? You'll stop eventually. Everyone does."

"Maybe I'm not just being naively positive, Parker! Maybe I'm not just dumbly repeating things I don't believe in. Maybe I mean everything I say."


"...Maybe..I found out something that makes me more determined that save you."

"...Which is?"

"My mother committed suicide."

"...W-wow Rorie...I'm so sorry."

"....I didn't know. Everyone told me she died in childbirth."

"...You want to talk about it?"

"Sleepy little towns aren't where things don't go wrong, it's where things are hidden. Apparently...she...was raped by her boss, constantly, and he threatened to kill her, me, and my dad if she ever told anyone. She told my dad and I to get out of town and she told the police, she begged everyone to listen to her."


"The police chief was her boss's uncle. He covered it up and branded my mother a cheater, a slut, a...a whore who slept her way to get her job. Everyone in town was disgusted by her and turned their backs on her. It must've been too much, and then she...."


"When you die, you stop your own pain and you pass it on to others. I don't care what you think, but there will be people whose hearts will shatter the days your's stops beating. Who do you think suffered when my mother died? She stopped suffering for sure. But my father? Nearly went insane from grief. She didn't even make it to my first birthday. I don't even have any memories of her! She-she never combed my hair or walked me to school, and she never will!"


"I. Care. If you try to kill yourself I will find you in heaven..."


"...and beat your sorry behind and then drag you back to the world of the living."

"And then what? You can't solve my problems."

"Good thing I'm not trying, then! You can't depend on other people to save you, Parker! No one can micromanage you to shut down every depressing word that comes out of your mouth and try to convince you that life is a gift. No one can. No one can save you, but you. You need to believe that on your own. I'm here to hold your hand the whole way if you need me, but at the end of the day, you're your own hero."


"You called looking for a suicide hotline for a reason. At least a tiny part of you wants to live. You have to try."

"So you want me to take my life into my own hands, but I have to act exactly as you say and I can't fuck with it..."

" Exactly. Glad you understand."

"Wow, controlling much? What if I don't want to do that?"

"I swear to god, Parker Hollowell, If you ever dare to hurt yourself, even a tiny pinch, I will actually never speak to you again."



A/N: Wow, lot of dialogue and I just...the feels, man. The feels. Lookit Ash finally getting some quality dialogue up in here. I feel really self-conscious writing about this because I'm like "No depressed or suicidal person sounds like this..." and "wait this is way too light hearted, this is a serious topic," but yeah. 

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