Prolouge 2

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In space stars are everywhere then there is the galaxy everywhere was beautiful just nothing but clear space and stars and it was peaceful then a ship fly pass and inside is three people a raccoon and a three their names are Peter Quill/Star Lord Gamora Drax Rocket and finally Groot the Guardians of the galaxy

Peter is leader of the team and he controls the ship as they heading to their next job

Groot: I am Groot

Drax: would you shut up tree

Rocket: hey don't talk to him like that

Gamora: Enough both of you it's way too early for this

Rocket: oh now you're taking sides

Peter: guys guys please don't argue okay look I know things have been very stressful but come on let's just get to our next job and we'll be okay

Groot: I am Groot

Peter: see Groot agrees

Drax: fine

Groot: I am Groot

Rocket: what's wrong Groot

Groot: I am Groot

Groot points to the window and there everyone saw a giant skull ship just floating in space and it was on fire and destroyed as debris was everywhere

Peter: Jesus

Gamora: what happened here

Drax: i believe we come across a fallen creature

Rocket: it's not a creature Drax this is some type of ship huh hey Quill let's scout the place to see if we can find anything useful

Gamora: are you insane we don't know what's out there what cause this could whatever did this can still be here

Rocket: oh come on there's nothing here just a pile of debris what could

Suddenly some hit the ship

???: Ow

The Guardians of the galaxy jumped

Peter: what was that

???: oh bloody hell

???2: get off me Boomerang

???3: hahaha this is fun

???4: I believe this should be a way inside

Rocket: oh Flark

They heard a door open as the guardians of the galaxy heard something get inside

Drax: we have aliens abroading the ship

Groot: I am Groot

Gamora: let's check it out and get rid of them

The Guardians of the galaxy got their weapons and they rush over to the source of the sound and they didn't see aliens they see a young man a clown woman a homeless looking man and a giant shark

Clown woman: ahh look at this place very nice

Homeless man: at least it's better then out there

Shark: I believe this is where we should look around

Young man: I suppose so

Peter step forward

Gamora: Peter

Peter: ahh hello

The three people and Shark turn around

Young man: ahhh hey who are you

Peter: I'm Peter Quill and who are you

YN: I'm YN Lawan aka DeadShot and I never

Shark: you never miss

Clown woman: (mocking) I never miss

Homeless man: never miss yeah yeah we bloody know you never shut up about it

The Shark man laughed

Harley: Harley Quinn at your service just a quick question what's with the freaking tree

They look at Groot

Groot: I am Groot

Harley: oh nice to meet you Groot huh we have a talking Shark and now a talking a tree

Groot: I am Groot

Boomerang; I'm Captain Boomerang the killer of the Flash and here are my sidekicks

Harley slap him

Boomerang: Ow

Harley: I already told you I'm nobody sidekick

King Shark: I am Shark a son of a God

Drax: a descendant of God you say hmm you could make a very worthy opponent

YN: wait where the hell is

???: BOOO

YN jumped and the Guardians of the galaxy see a Clown and he was kind of creepy looking

YN: Joker

Joker: I got you didn't I

YN: don't do that again or I'll put two bullets between your eyes

Peter: quick question who are you guys really

YN: we are Task Force X mostly known as The Suicide Squad

Rocket: hahaha yeah I can see that

Joker: oh a puppy

Joker started petting Rocket and he slapped his hand

Rocket: hey hands off and I'm not a freaking puppy

Boomerang; you are a raccoon mate

Rocket: i ain't a freaking raccoon

Groot: I am Groot

YN: yeah we know that so who are the rest of you

Gamora: I'm Gamora and I don't wanna hook up with any of you

YN: fine by that because I respect women

Boomerang raise his hand

YN: Boomerang put your fucking hand down

Boomerang lower his hand

YN: motherfucker

Rocket: I'm Rocket and hey kid how much for the Sniper rife

YN: it is not for sale

Drax: I'm Drax the destroyer

Groot: I am Groot

Boomerang: yeah yeah we bloody know you are Groot now please can you shut up about it

YN: what's with the tree

Rocket: he doesn't speak English good all he can say is just I am Groot

Groot: I am Groot

Harley: yes you are you are Groot

YN rub the back of his neck

YN: ahh crap the bombs

Peter: bombs

YN: yeah there are bombs in our heads

King Shark: we are loser

Rocket: sounds like you are

YN: hey it was either having a bomb in my head or staying in prison

Peter: yeah I would choose the second option

YN: so who are you guys call

Peter: oh we are the Guardians of the galaxy I'm sure you heard of us

King Shark: I believe we never heard of you

Gamora: how did you get here

YN: well it's a long story

Groot: I am Groot

Boomerang; yeah yeah mate

Drax: I do enjoy long stories

YN: well got a couch

Peter: yeah we do

YN: well let's go there and we'll tell you everything


Rocket: wait hold on you guys been going around the Multiverse killing this alien guy call Brainiac 13 times

Boomerang; yeah it was fun at first but it started getting boring

Joker: at least we played with cool toys haha

Drax: and this group call the Justice League were heroes but they were brainwashed by this Brainiac

YN: yep

Peter; man that sucks having to kill people that were heros but gotten brainwashed

Harley; yeah of course but we pretty much didn't have a choice

YN lean back on the couch

YN: now what

Peter: what do you mean

YN: i mean we got noway back to our dimension so we are technically stuck here

Peter: I mean you guys could join us

Gamora: what Peter

YN: I mean hey as along we can do stuff we're in

Peter hold his hand out

Peter: welcome to the Guardians of the galaxy

YN grabbed Peter hand

YN: We’re gonna stick with the suicide squad

Peter; fine by me

They shook hands

To be continue

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