Chapter 6: Honk Honk

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I had never felt so ashamed and aroused then after I told her about my erotic dream.

She looked at me tenderly, ruffled my hair and called me a good boy, which did nothing to calm me down.

She got out a book from her bag about past lives and ordered me to read it. So that's what we were doing now, reading side by side.

It was quite romantic, we looked like a married couple and it made me happy.

I didn't know if it was safe to indulge in this fantasy, but even I knew that some things didn't add up.

More than that, I knew that she was my destiny. I wanted to be with her so I didn't mind losing my mind like her, if it meant staying together.

This made me sound quite pathetic but the feelings she ignited in me were so strong, I found myself losing all reason and logic.

Some may say I was drunk on lust, but it wasn't that, not quite. She felt comfortable, she felt familiar, she felt like home.

When she spewed crazy shit, it didn't scare me, I caught myself hoping we were actually lovers for more than two thousand years. Although a small part of me still protested the absurdity of that statement. A small part of me wanted proof, undeniable proof.

That's what Miri had promised me, undeniable proof, the certitude that she was telling the truth. She would stay by my side until I was as convinced of it as she was. If that moment ever came, that would ring the beginning of our new life together.

I found myself wondering if she would leave me if I was never convinced. A small, devilish part of me whispered to just fake it, but I wasn't unscrupulous enough to do that to someone I loved. Not that I thought she would buy it as she was exceptionnally sharp.

My eyes were glazing over the words, it was like I couldn't concentrate on anything whilst this goddess of a woman was beside me.

She must have noticed me glancing at her, because she tore the book from my hands. "If you're not gonna take this seriously, I can take my book back and let you drown in the dreams alone."

I put up my hands in protest, "No, no, I want to take it seriously. I'm just a bit distracted by everything, so reading is a bit beyond my abilities at the moment."

She shifted in bed until her back was to the wall, then she positionned her legs as if she was performing Sukhasana.

She gestured for me to put my head on her crossed legs. Before doing so, I grabbed my fluffiest pillow and put it between her and the wall. I was so close to her as I positionned it that I could have kissed her. Instead I rejoiced in the smell of her hair, her smile and the warmth of her body.

I layed down, putting my head square in the middle of her crossed feet, looking up I had her smile in full view.

My bed wasn't too large so I had to bend my legs, otherwise I'd be half dangling off the bed.

This was great, the sun was lightly shining through the window, I was resting comfortably on Miri and she was smiling down at me. I could stay like this forever.

She opened up the book and began reading from it. At first, I was so enthralled to be so close to her, I didn't pay much attention to what she said. But as she went on, the minute expressions on her face as she read, made me focus. I didn't want to disappoint her yet again, when she was kind enough to do this for me.

She didn't finish the whole book, instead she picked the chapters she liked best. By the end of her reading, I got an idea of what she wanted to convey. That my dreams were me remembering past lives, slowly but surely.

I was hard, seeing her lips move from up close, being wrapped up in her scent, just did something for me. I scrambled to get out of bed.

I was wearing grey sweatpants which made my bulge very visible. I didn't want her to glance down, see it and assume I was a creep, a disappointing one at that.

I headed to take a shower, hoping it would calm me down.

It didn't. As soon as I turned off the cold water, dried myself off and stepped into my room, the hard on was back again.

As soon as I laid eyes upon the charming creature in my room, my dick instantly got hard.

This time, it was more excusable though, as I found her topless and squeezing her breasts with her hands.

I wanted to reach out and do the same.

"What are you doing exactly?" The question came tumbling out of my mouth.

She looked up at me, surprise flashed across her face as if she didn't hear me come back. This didn't stop her from continuing her activity, "I'm squeezing my breasts." She said matter-of-factly, "It's a reassurance thing."

She removed her right hand from her right breast, then put her right hand on top of her left breast. Now, with both hands on that breast, she squeezed. "If you want, you can squeeze the other one. When you Honk Honk, it just feels like all the stress vanishes from your body."

I reached down, my fingers tentatively caressing her breasts, still unsure if this was reality or fiction.

"Well don't linger like a creep, either squeeze it like a normal person or get your hand off of me."

I couldn't really believe the situation, this felt too surreal to not be a trap.

I still reached my hand and squeezed. Her skin was soft and her breast fit perfectly in my hand.

Just like that, with her smiling face looking up at me and her breast in my hand, I felt at home.

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