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It's not summer without a trip to Jones Beach. I haven't been here since I was eleven, but it hasn't changed one bit. The image I've had in my head all the years I've been gone, are the same. The large brick amphitheater sits nestled against the bay and if you sit high enough you can look out over the beach to the ocean. This place is magical. I finally feel like I'm home.

Beside me Max is fiddling with his phone. I lean over. "What are you doing over there?"

With a sly grin, he shifts the phone in my direction. The Live Nation website is on the screen.

"Looking to see who's playing tonight," he says.

My heart stutters a beat as I catch sight of the stadium in the side view mirror. It's empty now, but later it will be filled with fans. Lights will keep the night sky over the bay lit, and the music will pour out onto the beach and into the lot.

"My dad and I used to randomly come, buy tickets, and see whatever show was playing. It was kind of our thing."

Max's blue eyes meet mine. They match the clear sky overhead and I can't help getting lost in them.

"Really?" he asks.

"Really. Seeing any concert here would make my summer complete."

Max goes back to searching the phone. He's quiet, but his smile doesn't fade. I stare at the side of his face, tracing his features with my eyes, committing them to memory. He's got one of those strong tight jawlines that I swear you only see in Hollywood.

"It's one of those country singers," Max says, his face tinged with uncertainty.

Tonight, is not about who is playing, but about who I'm with. I'm giddy with excitement.

"I'm cool with that, if you are," I say.

"Box office opens at twelve. Want to go swimming for a bit?"

My stomach flutters and I know the answer even before I reply. "I'd love to."

The tunnel to get to the other side was one of my favorite things as a kid. It's a dark, damp place, but when you talk, at even a whisper, your voice echoes around. Even now as I shout out random things, it's a comforting feeling. Max peeks over at me, with a playful grin.

We're early enough that the beach isn't too crowded. Once we find a spot on the sand, I strip down to my black bikini and rush for the water. Max joins me a few seconds later. He comes barreling towards me splashing the water up as he goes. I scream as the droplets of saltwater splash onto my face. A wave nearly knocks us over as I attempt to splash him back. He grabs a hold of me and lifts me into his arms. I wrap my legs around his lower half and hold on tight. My laughter hurts my sides, but it feels so good to be this happy.

After swimming we settle down at the edge of the beach allowing the fierce waves to rush over us. He holds my hand as we sit side by side, laughing with each push from a wave.

"I used to love to sit here as a kid," I say. "Letting the water rush at you as you let the tide bury your feet in the sand."

"Me too," he says, as one crashes to shore. It splashes us sending sand into places that it shouldn't be. But that's the joy of the beach, coming home filled with sand, and crisp from the sun. The smell of sun lotion and saltwater tickles my senses.

Two waves crash together in front of us. In between laughter and waves, I catch some sand on his cheek. As I wipe it away, my eyes flicker towards his wet salty lips. I can't stop thinking about that night at Alexa's. The way he kissed me it felt so — amazing, like nothing I've ever experienced before.

Our faces move closer with each passing second. The seagulls caw around us, kids scream, the waves crash, but all my attention is on him and those lips. He brushes his against mine and I'm about to dive deeper when a wave hits us so hard that it almost knocks us over. The force is enough to move us around, and we start giggling as he pulls me back into him.

By the time we go back to our things and dry off the beach is overcrowded. Max offers to buy me lunch, so we eat at the concession stand before heading over to buy tickets.

I stare off back at the vast beach while we eat on the boardwalk.

"I had a nice time at your house. Your dads are cool, and Elli is amazing. He really reminds me of my sister Addison."

Taking a bite of a fry, I look over at him.

"How old is she?"

"She was four." His attention falls on something on the table, or maybe it's nothing at all.

"She passed away several years ago." There's a dismal gleam in his eyes.

"Oh, Max I..."

Reaching over the wooden table I take his hand. Max jumps at my touch but doesn't pull away. If I had known, I wouldn't have said anything.

"It was a long time ago." But even as he says this, the sadness in his eyes makes me think the pain is still fresh. "She ran out in front of a car, and it hit her. Mom still blames herself. The door was unlocked, and my sister didn't know any better and walked right out. It's been hard, especially on mom. I was young but I miss Addison every day."

He runs his thumb over my skin, and I hold on to his hand a bit tighter. With his free hand, Max wipes at his eyes.

"I blame myself too," he says. "I should have protected her somehow."

I wish there was something I could do to take away all his pain. I've never lost anyone who was that close to me. I can't imagine how hard it must be.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Max. You were just a kid yourself."

He's so quiet, and I'm afraid I'll say something wrong. I allow the silence to pass between us for however long it takes him to gather himself.

"I'm sorry. I'm so embarrassed." He takes another swipe at his eyes.

"There's no reason to be. I don't know what you and your family are going through, but I'm here. If you need an ear or just whatever, I'm here."

A change to a topic might cheer him up so I say, "Book or eBook?"

For a moment I worry that I'm being tactless, but a spark returns to his eyes.

"Book, there's nothing better than the smell of a new book. And if you say otherwise, I'm leaving you here."

The playful grin on his face is enough to make my heart do flips.

"Reading on a tablet hurts my eyes. There's nothing better than holding a new book in your hands."

Another few seconds of silence pass us by. Talking about books has me thinking about Starlien. I spent all last night tossing and turning, wondering if I should ask him to come with me to the premier, not just as a friend but as my date. Would he even want to?

"I uh — I — was thinking that um... maybe you might like to be my date for the premier? I know it's — it's kind of crazy to think that we — that us."

I've been staring at him the whole time, but haven't been looking, if that makes sense. But now as my vision clears, I'm greeted with his handsome smile.

"I'd love to be your date, but on one condition," he says.

He turns his hand over in mine. I'd been so wrapped up in conversation and nerves that I forgot we were holding hands. Our fingers connect and the sensation makes me gasp.

"I'll go if you are my date for my uncle's wedding."

"I'd love to be your date."

I'm smiling so wide that my cheeks hurt. Our eyes lock and Max clears his throat.

"So, should we go get our tickets now?"

"Yes, definitely. But first," I say, glancing down at my appearance. "Let's get out of these wet swimsuits."


In the showers, I can't help smiling the entire time I'm cleaning myself off. I'm glad I brought spare clothes with me. Once I'm done, I send a quick text to Dad to let him know what's going on. I hope he's not too mad since I have to be up early to help out with ticket sales for the premier.

Alexa must be bored out of her mind. She's sent about fifteen messages asking where I am. Most of them consist of emojis, one includes an eggplant. Some of them are just her rambling.

Alexa: Way to leave me with Dan all morning.

Alexa: I can't believe you and Max are alone. Please tell me he kissed you again.

Alexa: You need to tell me everything!!

Alexa: Seriously though, I'm so happy for you. Max adores you. Have fun.

That makes me pause. Does he?

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