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 My chest hurts as I run through the long hallway and back out into the crowd of people in the lobby. The sounds of all the people talking make it hard for me to think about anything. I've got a throbbing sensation in my temple that gets worse with each passing second. I know what I saw. I want to be wrong, but there was no denying his lips were on hers. She didn't look happy though, something wasn't right. I should go back and check on her. I stop in the middle of the lobby and attempt to get my bearings.

I glance back at the curtain I came through. Maya comes bursting through it and starts searching the room with frantic eyes.


Going back is not an option. My body is on fire, and I need fresh air. There's a small path leading to the doorway, so I make a break for it. Maya is hot on my tail. I'm not sure I'm ready to discuss what I saw and I'm not ready to hash out my feelings to anyone.

The minute I reach the doors I push hard on the handle and a wall of heat smacks into me. The crowd outside is starting to clear and there are only a few ticket holders left. Trying to catch my breath, I stop running and try speed walking. There are still guys with cameras hanging low around their necks. I worry if they see the giant pass hanging around my neck, they'll immediately know something is going on. The paparazzi always know what's going on. Living in California I've seen it.

"Max, please wait up." Maya exhales a long staggering breath.

Maya catches up as I reach the edge of the theater. Her hand reaches out and she grabs mine. Biting down on my cheek is helping to keep the tears at bay. They sting my eyes, causing my vision to blur.

"Max," she says again. "I don't think..."

"I know what I saw."

I hate how she jumps back from my snappy tone.

She shakes her head. "Can you listen to me for a second?"

I'm not ready to hear what she thinks happened. In my head I saw one thing, and maybe that's the jealous side of me coming out.

"I'm going home, please don't try to convince me otherwise."

This entire relationship feels like a lie. Why I ever thought it would work is beyond me. Lennox is famous, I'm not. I'm not Chase Dawson, and I never want to be. The fact that he has a million adoring fans, and has been named the hottest celebrity of all times, makes me feel small in comparison.

I try to tug my hand away from hers, but she holds on tight.


Inhaling, I lift my eyes to meet hers. She furrows her brows.

"I can't right now, okay? I need a little space. Can you let my mom and Rob know?"

An understanding soft smile grazes her lips. "Of course, I can do that."

She finally let's go, allowing me the freedom to leave. There's so much more she wants to say, it's in her sullen eyes. I turn to leave.

"Hey Max."

Closing my eyes, I come to a halt. I don't turn around, if I do, she might convince me to go back in there. That's not something I'm ready to do.

"I'm here if you need me, okay? Whenever you are ready to talk. You were there for me when I told you about Dan. Like those times I cried on your shoulder over him. I want to do the same for you."

I lower my head, opening my eyes. Staring at the ground, I bob my head up and down. "Thank you. For now, I just need to be alone."

"That's understandable."

"Enjoy the show."

She doesn't stop me this time as I walk away. Dan's breathy voice yells out for me. I lift my hand, but don't stop. Dan understands my gesture and doesn't attempt to follow or talk me out of leaving.

When I eventually get home, I'm not sure what to do with myself. The house is almost too quiet, but that's what I said I wanted. I don't think I could have sat there and watched the episode knowing things with Lennox and I are on the rocks. Coming back here was where I needed to be. I grab some mountain dew from the fridge and make myself a roast beef sandwich. I'm not hungry, but I know I need to eat. We were all supposed to go out to dinner after the premier to celebrate. I was looking forward to food from my favorite pizzeria in town, but I guess I'll have to stick with this.


I haven't slept a wink. Losing myself in Warcraft seemed like the only logical solution to help calm me. I've been ignoring Dan's messages too, and closed out discord. The only sounds are from my character fighting her battles alone. I should be tired, but I'm not. I'm still trying to process what I saw. One thing I'm certain of is that Lennox is behind the theater's Instagram. Thinking about it all night I came to the realization that all the chats I had with that page sounded exactly like her. I don't know how I didn't see it before.

"Max, sweetheart."

Mom's soft melodic voice floats around me.

"Come in," I say.

Last night I asked mom if I could sleep in the room again. I needed some privacy and mom didn't question it. She offered to sleep on the couch, and I promised her she could have the room back today.

I keep my teary eyes focused on the screen in front of me. I was able to hold them back yesterday while I was alone, but now that mom's come in to check on me, the flood gates feel like they're opening.

"You need sleep." She touches my shoulder.

"You think I don't know that?" I snap at her, but immediately regret it.

I let out a shaky sigh. "I'm sorry mom I didn't mean..."

"Look at me Maxwell," she says.

I log off the game and turn in my chair. She sits on the edge of the bed with her hands in her lap.

"Are you ready to tell me what happened last night?"

Mom reaches out to take my hand, and I let her. I don't want to think about it, but I know eventually I'll have to.

"I don't know to be honest."

For the first time I admit to myself that I'm unsure if I actually saw them kiss. They were so close. I assumed the worst.

"I saw Lennox with Chase Dawson..."

"The actor?" she asks.

I nod. "The actor. He and Lennox were a thing."

I stop for a moment to catch my breath. "I saw them last night and it looked like they..."

"Like what?" she questions.

"It looked like they were kissing. Maya tried convincing me otherwise. Somehow after all this time she's somehow on Lennox's side." I stare down at my hands.

Mom holds my hand a little tighter.

"Max, I spoke to her dads after the show last night."

She's trying to get me to look at her, but if I do I know I'll cry. I hate that I'm showing mom that I'm weak. I'm supposed to be her support system, she needs me more than I need her, and I can't fall apart, not now.

"Sweetie, something happened last night between Lennox and her mother. She may have had her game face on during the Q&A, but there was clearly something wrong."

"Her mom was there?"

I'm shocked, from what I know her mom was off traveling and rarely contacted her. I know there's drama there, I wonder what happened.

"Things got heated," mom continues. "I guess maybe she ran into Chase in the hallway. Her dad doesn't know in full detail what happened."

"Are you sure you saw what you did? I'm not saying you didn't. I know how sometimes certain things can cloud our vision," she says, her voice is soft and comforting.

Sitting here with her hand in mine and talking about my love life is just weird. I've never had a love life to really talk to mom about. Mom confided in me so much while she was going through everything that I almost forgot that I could talk to her too.

"I'm not sure what I saw. One minute he was close and the next he was on the floor."

"Honey," she says. "I'm not taking sides, but I think you two should sit down and chat."

"It's not that I don't want to talk to her."

There are so many things I want to say to Lennox. Before I do, I need to let go of the anger that's sitting in the dead center of my chest. It's like a heavy weight. When we do talk, I can't let my emotions control me, I have to be in control of them.

"I know. I just don't want you to regret not talking to her. I saw the way you two were with each other. The way you moved around her, the way you acted. Even in our best years your father never looked at me the way you look at her." Mom laughs a little.

When I don't laugh or smile, she continues. "Max, when you love someone, you do everything in your power to work on it. If after it's been worked on, and it still isn't right then you say goodbye."

I know she's thinking of her and dad. They were young and in love once too and maybe if they would have just held onto it, things could have worked out between them. Lennox and I might be young, but that doesn't mean that our relationship isn't something to fight for.

"You're both good kids Max. I just hate seeing you like this, and I worry that maybe all of these years I've put too much on your shoulders. You had to grow up so fast to take care of me and now it's my turn to take care of you."

I don't know why her words hit me hard, but they do. An uncontrollable sob escapes my lips. Mom tugs my hand and pulls me onto the bed with her. Her arms wrap tightly around me as she lets me cry on her shoulder, the same way I allowed her to lean on me when she was hurting. I clear my throat when the sobbing subsides. I hate that it came down to me crying it out, but I honestly can say I feel a little better.

"So, we're only here for five more days. Do you think you could possibly give me a tour of the island?" she asks, changing the subject.

"Of course, there's so much to show you," I tell her. "I need a little bit of time before I can talk to Lennox, and I think giving you a tour will be the perfect distraction until I can figure out what I'm going to say."

"Don't wait too long."

I'm thankful for the subject change. I hate that in California our school year starts at the end of August, I always have to leave in the middle of August. This year it's a blessing and not. For the next two days I'm going to concentrate on mom and showing her a good time. I'm not sure how things are going to be if we continue with our relationship long distance. I need some time to think about if it's what I want, all I know is either way I have to talk to her.

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