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I don't know where to begin or how to say this out loud, but I'll try. You're the one who's better with words than I am, but we decided to do this so here it goes.

The summer we met, both of us were going through huge changes in our lives. I'm positive that's what drew us together. It was the fact that we both needed another person to confide in, and what better way to do that than with a stranger on the internet.

Our start may have been rocky, but I still remember the first time I saw you as more than one of Patty's friends. You walked over to Elli and me in your Mr. Incredible suit, all rugged and handsome. Before you even said anything to me you checked on Elli first to make sure he was okay. It was in that moment that you went from being that cute annoying friend to something much more.

I tried to deny my feelings for so long, and then the kiss happened. We knew Alexa had something up her sleeve because that's so Alexa. If only I had known that silly game would end up being our first kiss. The moment that tiny sliver of paper fell between us my heart stopped in my chest. There was something different about the way I felt for you that I've never experienced before. At the time I blamed it on being young and not knowing any differently, but boy was I wrong.

My favorite thing about our relationship was that it wasn't love at first sight, how cliche would that have been anyway? It was a different kind of love, one that grew out of something more than just how you looked to me. I love that about us, that our love grew as we grew.

I know I need to wrap this up, and there's so many more things I could say, but we'll save that for tonight.

I never imagined myself falling for someone at only seventeen years old, but you changed that for me. Little did I know when you returned my cherry blossom suitcase that you would be the one I'd be spending the rest of my life with. Love works in funny ways and I'm glad that ours worked the way it did, because I couldn't imagine it any other way.


For once I'm at a loss for words, I know that's crazy right?

Someone close to me once said, if you love someone, you'll do everything in your power to make it work, and if it doesn't then you say goodbye. In the six years we've been together our love for each other has been tested in many ways, but we have always been able to stay strong, because of our deep love for one another. I'm thankful that you and I from the beginning were able to see past anything negative and never give up on each other.

I know that even if things had happened differently, that we still would have found our way to each other, only it wouldn't be our crazy weird love story that I love telling people. From getting yelled at in a crowded airport to kissing at the top of Jones Beach theater and all that's in between, it's all what makes our story unique. I love our bond, and relationship.

The moment I started feeling something for you happened during that first Fourth of July together. We were telling each other stories and I was fully aware of every movement you made. After that I couldn't get you out of my head, although I'm pretty sure you were stuck there from the moment you said, yeah thanks, whatever, at the airport.

The scariest part of it all was letting go and telling you how I really felt. You were the first girl I said I love you to, and now you'll be the very last. On our first date when I told you that the only thing ending that night was that one memory, and that everything I felt was not, I meant it. Six years later it's still true. Our journey is only beginning, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. You're everything to me, Lennox.

My summers were always pretty awesome, but out of all the ones I spent in New York nothing compares to The Summer, I Met You.


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