28. Something sweet

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"Suki-chan!!" the sudden voice startled them both and they got up in an instant. It's good they didn't fall off and break a bone or two.

"Uh, I'm sorry but your mom asked me to get you, she's waiting for you at home." Fumiya stood at the door of the compartment, looking up at them. He looked super awkward and who wouldn't?

He purposefully went home first to give them some time together only to come back after some time to disturb them.

"Oh? Is there any problem?" somehow, she mustered up the courage to act normal and they both slowly climbed down the stairs.

"No, no, everything is fine." his eyes followed their silhouettes in the dark as they approached him, "it's just that... someone is waiting for you at home."

"Someone? Who is it?!" her voice seemed excited but also a little confused. Her brain probably went through many names of people who could possibly visit her at this time but none came to mind.

Now they started to walk. Descending down the small slope was easy and even though it eas dark, the moon was bright and full and they knew the place really well.

"Um, your mom didn't tell me about that." he shrugged and continued ahead as Natsuki hummed.

The night time was always the calmest part of the 24 hours we get everyday and if it wasn't for sleep, Taehyung would perhaps spend it gazing at the sky all night long.

"You sure do love the sky, huh?" Natsuki couldn't help but comment when she noticed him still glancing up after almost every step he took.

"Oh, yes," he chuckled, embarrassed as he was caught.

"How lucky-" Natsuki mumbled in a very small voice only she could hear.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Nothing. I said, if you keep looking up, you'd trip and fall on your handsome face." she blurted out a bit too much than she initially wanted to, "let me hold your hand so I can guide you where to go or you'll either get lost or lose a face as you fall."

Now you understand why I said, she blurted out a lot. She just kept speaking.

Not only speaking, she actually reached out and grabbed his hand, about which Taehyung had no complaints as he surrendered to her.

"Suki-chan, do you smell something sweet around here?" oh, they totally forgot about Fumiya's presence.

Poor my guy, always third wheeling!

"Eh?" Natsuki legit tried to sniff and see, "ah, no? I don't."

"It's you guys!!" Fumiya yelled and ran for his life. It was time for them to take a different turn and part their ways.

"What?! What did he say just now?!" Natsuki was furious and went to run after him but Taehyung stopped her by reminding about the guest waiting for her at home.

They also bid their goodbyes when they reached Taehyung's home and when Natsuki entered the main gate to her house,Taehyung stood there, looking at her.

"Hey, Yukio-kun, do you wanna see something?!"

"Woah!!" Taehyung exclaimed a bit too loud and Fumiya, who just startled him, went to calm him down.

"Shh! It's just me."

"Why are you back, Fumiya-kun?" Taehyung's heart was still beating loudly.

"That's not important right now. Come on, I have to show you something." he forcefully dragged him towards Natsuki's house, "this feels a bit illegal but we're all friends so it's fine, right?"

"What... are you talking about?" Taehyung was totally clueless.

"You'll miss it! Come here, climb up these rocks and be quiet." Fumiya showed him how it was done as be put his feet onto some big rocks laying on the ground and peeked inside the fence of Natsuki's house.

"What?!" Taehyung was hesitant but Fumiya insisted him to do the same and he agreed.

"What is there to see?" Taehyung asked, feeling weird as he had never done something like this before.

"I lied. I knew who was waiting for her at home. But if I told her that her father had come back for a few days, that would ruin the surprise. So, as someone who was given the job to keep this a surprise, I at least deserve to see the happiness on her face, don't I? That is my salary." Fumiya explained everything so fast, half of it went past Taehyung's ears but he got the hang of it after processing for a bit.

"But, why am I here too?"

"Because... just because! Just look at her and you'll thank me later."

"Why would I-"

"Shh! Be quiet, Yukio-kun."

They kept their mouths closed after that but eyes and ears were open, focused.

The kitchen window was open and they could see the living room from there.

"Mom, what is it about? Why did you call me back so early? Who is there to see me? I was enjoying the night view with Yukio and you-"

"How is my daughter doing?" a voice Taehyung had never heard before called out to Natsuki who abruptly stopped mid sentence.

"Dad?!" there was no doubt, she was so happy. If her voice was a bit more loud, everyone would have heard it.

There were no other words spoken, she went straight to him and hugged her father tightly. She missed him a lot, especially after knowing that he wouldn't be able to make it home on her birthday, she was upset. This was the best birthday gift she could ask for.

Her eyes were already red, cheeks stained with tears as she cried like a baby while her father and mother gently comforted her.

"She always cries like a baby when her father comes home. That's such a sight to see, don't you agree?" Fumiya smiled, whispering to not ruin the calmness.

But he got no answer from Taehyung.

"Yukio-kun?" Fumiya averted his gaze only to find him staring inside with an expressionless face.

"What happened?" he grabbed his shoulder to turn him around, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

Fumiya was beyond surprised. Did he do a mistake? Did Taehyung hate it so much? Hated invading someone's privacy so much that he started crying?

Fumiya can be so dumb sometimes!

"Oh my god, why are you crying?!" he was panicking and didn't realise how loud he was being.

"Ahem! Ahem!!"

They both turned to look at the source of the sound.

"So... what are you guys doing here?!" it was Natsuki.

"What the he- Uh, I mean, what are doing here?!" Fumiya was in a double panic mode.

"I asked you first, Fumiya-kun." her eyes found Taehyung and she couldn't believe that he was there too.

"It's alright kids, come inside. Let's have some cake together." her father popped up from behind, a gentle smile on his face.

He was the type of man who looked really disciplined and sophisticated but considering his job, it was only natural. Once you get to know him, he was rather gentle and calm.

"Uh, I'd better go, I'm really sorry-"

"It's okay, Yukio-kun, I was going to call you over anyways." her mother also appeared.

There was no way he could escape now.

He just sighed and accepted his fate, following Fumiya inside.

"I swear, Suki, this was Fumiya-kun's idea. I had no idea what was going on. I didn't mean to int-"

"What a lovely friend you've got, Suki!" her father laughed, making Taehyung stop in his words and grin shyly, more like in embarrassment.

"I know right, dad?! So, now you know why mom trusts Yukio a lot and one time, she also gave him the title of 'my favourite'. It's surprising, yeah?" she was even more excited today that her father was back.

"You're as cheerful as ever, I see. And yes, he seems like a nice person, I'm glad you're all having a good time."

The happiness on her face was so pure that it contaminated both Fumiya and Taehyung who were smiling as they listened to her talk.

After all, Fumiya was right about it! Taehyung might actually thank him for making him see the smile on her face right now. But he wouldn't!

And just like that, he also never got to finish the conversation with Natsuki from earlier. And he wasn't someone who had the courage to bring it up again.


"So, the other day, was it worth it?" Fumiya asked Taehyung in a whisper.

"What? You almost got me in trouble, we looked like burglars who were trying to intrude in the house." Taehyung whispered back.

"Hey, don't lie, I saw you smiling ear to ear that day." at this point, Taehyung had to shut up.

"Fumiya-kun, Yukio-kun, what are you talking about in class?! Keep quiet." the teacher scolded them and they stopped obediently.

Natsuki gave both of them a side eye and focused back on the lecture.

After the classes were over, they gathered around at the entrance of the school.

The other students were already on their way back home but these three were standing there like a statue.

"When is Aki-kun gonna show up?!" Natsuki stomped her feet on the pavement in hurry.

"Suki-chan, I know that you're impatient but... have some patience." Fumiya looked her up and down as if judging her.

"Hah?! Where is the logic?!" she just scoffed playfully.

"Natsuki-chan! We're here!" and as expected, there they were! Jimin, Haruki and Yoongi walked up to them.

"Hi, Yoongi!!" Natsuki ignored Jimin and went to give Yoongi a fist-bump

"Wow, how cold!" Jimin started sulking but it was his punishment for showing up late.

Although they were all late but, it was always Jimin who made them late.

"I think we can head to the park now?" Fumiya asked and he was almost starting to walk.

"Yes, yes." Natsuki beat him to it as she walked past him.


"A two day trip?!" Jimin jumped up, almost toppling over on Yoongi but he caught him in time.

"To the island?!" Fumiya joined him, completing Jimin's sentence in a way.

"Yes!! It will be so much fun. Dad said he will sponsor the trip as a thank you for giving me a very pretty birthday party."

"Your dad is the best, Suki." Yoongi threw a wink her way which she accepted, giggling in return.

"Right, isn't that nice, Yukio?" Natsuki then turned to him, not forgetting to involve him in the celebration.

By now, she had known one thing for sure that Taehyung wasn't a very extroverted person and he would rather stay quiet unless and until he was asked something.

His facial expressions changed in an instant, "absolutely!" and he smiled, showing all his teeth.

That famous box smile of his was really charming. It got her blushing which he didn't notice as his mind was busy observing how Yoongi treated her slightly differently than others. It wasn't too weird but it got on his nerves sometimes.

Also, Yoongi had known her longer than he had, which put him in a troubled situation. He could never hate him for something that trivial and as everyone had said, Yoongi was a very nice person.

Natsuki adored him too and talked about how cool he was. Taehyung definitely couldn't hate him without any reason.

But, what if the reason was created by his brain?!

Told you, it was a complicated situation for him. It was new and complex for his simplicity-loving heart.

"I'm so looking forward to it!" Natsuki exclaimed, pulling Taehyung back to earth.

"Me too!" he simply answered, smiling back.

I don't know where this story is going. (No, actually I've planned this trip thingy out for a while now lol)
Vote and comment please!

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