37. Fun little sleepover

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"It sure is a bit sudden," her mother looked at Taehyung again.

"Did something happen, Yukio-kun?" she asked.

"Eh? No, nothing happened?" he glanced at Natsuki for help.

"Is that so!" she exclaimed.

"Mom, you know today, Fumiya-kun's cat was missing, so we went to help him find her. We are so tired, right Yukio?" Natsuki started blabbering whatever came into her mind.

"Oh my! Did you find her?" now her mother was interested.

"Yes, we did, but I'm so hungry. Yukio can have dinner with us, right? Let's go eat." she walked off into the kitchen, sitting down at the dinning table without any delay.

"Oh, sure, make yourself at home, Yukio-kun." her mother smiled, forgetting about the sleepover for now.


"Phew! I thought she was going to ask a thousand questions." Natsuki plopped down on the bed after dinner.

"I think it's alright. As your mom, she needs to be careful."

"Hey, hey, what do you mean?" although her voice was offended, she was laughing because it was true.

"I'm just kidding," Taehyung sat down beside her too.

"So, are you going to tell me now?" Natsuki finally asked. The reason why they were having a sleepover was that she wanted to hear the story behind Taehyung's plan.

On one fine, calm day...

"Yukio-kun!!! How could you do this to her?!" Fumiya stomped his feet, frustrated.

"...what- what did I do?" Taehyung was clueless and it only made Fumiya more furious.

"What did you do? You rejected Natsuki-chan and she's all sad now."

"I... did that?" Taehyung was still clueless. Or was he acting?

Fumiya was speechless for a moment and then he took a long, deep breath with his eyes closed and finally opened them as he tried to smile.

"Listen, Yukio-kun, I know that you like her and she likes you too, it is so obvious that even someone as oblivious as Aki-kun can tell. So, why did you reject when she asked you out on a date?" Fumiya smiled with all his might and he still managed to look like a psychopath. Taehyung was taken aback.

"But Fumiya-kun-"

"No buts, I need you to go and talk to her right now," Fumiya deadpan-ed.

"Do you think I don't want to?" Taehyung also said firmly. This was the first time Fumiya had seen him talk like that. The usual Taehyung was very mindful and soft spoken.

"Huh?" that surely took Fumiya by surprise.

"It's.. it just happened like that, I didn't mean to make her sad. I just can't accept her when I'm not even sure what to do with my feelings." Taehyung facepalmed, having to say those words out aloud like that took a lot of his courage.

"Oh?" Fumiya had to take a moment to process it, "that means you like her too, right?!" and his normal smile was back.

"I mean... I think so-"


"Ah, that's what I said, I don't know what to do with my feelings. I do like her, but what if..."

As Fumiya listened to his rambling, the wheels in his brain twisted and turned and a sly smile surfaced on his lips.

"Oh, Yukio-kun, there's no place or time left for you to be confused right now," he stood up from the bench that was on the rooftop and clicked his tongue.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

"I mean what I mean," he took a couple of steps away from him and then turned around with a serious look on his face.

"You know how close Yoongi and Natsuki-chan are, don't you?" those words made Taehyung's imaginary dog ears perk up.

His face said it all but he didn't speak a word so Fumiya continued, "Do you know why Yoongi suddenly arrived in Japan? That also when Natsuki-chan's birthday was around the corner?" he started pacing left and right as he spoke.

Fumiya could see Taehyung's brain working hard as well and it almost made him want to laugh but he kept it in.

"How sweet of him to clear up his schedule so clean that he could celebrate her birthday together, right? I even thought he was going to make his moves when we went to the island, but somehow-" Fumiya stopped on his tracks as Taehyung interrupted him.

"Wait, Fumiya-kun, it doesn't sit right..." his words trailed off.

"It does! Think about it, Yukio-kun. He has a soft spot for Natsuki-chan only. You know how he seemed cold at first? But with Natsuki-chan, he is always so sweet. Do you see the connection now?" Fumiya worded it perfectly and looked at Taehyung's frowny face with satisfaction.

"Um, really? So, he likes her...?" he was clearly trying not to let that jealousy out through his words.

"Anything is possible," Fumiya shrugged nonchalantly.

"But, to think about it, someone would suspect you and Natsuki to be.. you know? Not Yoongi-"

"HUH? Me and Natsuki-chan?" he suddenly started laughing, "It can't be! We've known each other since birth!" he still couldn't stop laughing.


"And," he stopped, clearing his throat, "it was a secret but I'm telling you. I already have someone I like."

"Really?" Taehyung was surprised to say the least.

Fumiya had never talked about these things. He never brought up anyone other than their friends in any of their conversations either and, now he suddenly has a lover?

"So," Fumiya put a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, "what I'm saying is, I'm not the one you should be worried about." he smiled discretely while Taehyung was busy in his own thoughts.

"And You know how charming Yoongi can be! Winning someone's heart is not a big deal for him-"

"It can't happen!" Taehyung suddenly shot his head up at Fumiya, startling him.


"I won't let that happen! Suki can't-" he shook his head, finding words, "she can not be with Yoongi. I will make sure of it."

"Oh, sure, sure." Fumiya suppressed a smile as his plan was working, "honestly, I'm on your side, Yukio-kun. I think Natsuki-chan and you look better together-"

"Right?" Taehyung's face lit up immediately. It was so cute, even Fumiya thought that he was adorable. How could Natsuki not fall for him?

"Help me out," before Fumiya could say anything, Taehyung suddenly asked for his help.

'He sure did change his mind so quickly for someone who wasn't sure about his feelings.' Fumiya thought to himself but nodded his head nonetheless.

"Of course, Yukio-kun, I'll help you." he sneaked a hand around Taehyung's shoulders.

His plan was successful! Oh, to have a friend like Fumiya-kun!

"Now, you do as I say, Yukio-kun." he started speaking as Taehyung listened attentively.

Back to reality...

"Oh, so, Fumiya-kun did really help me out after all," Natsuki nodded her head as she listened to Taehyung.

"Yes, he did," he could do nothing but scratch his nape in embarrassment.

"You were so slay with that tomato thing though!" Natsuki praised him.

"Oh, that," he chuckled, "actually, I didn't plan to confess like that. I mean, who plans out a confession while calling their girl a tomato? It just, kind of, happened!"

"Really?" Natsuki laughed, "so, you really think I'm a tomato? Tomatoes aren't so pretty, although they're red and cute and taste good but.." Natsuki kept talking and didn't realise that a smile had crept up on Taehyung's lips as his eyes adored her. When she did, however, she shut her mouth up instantly.

"Tomatoes may be red and cute, but only my tomato can talk like that,"

"Hey, who are you calling your tomato-"

Knock! Knock! The door slowly opened as Natsuki's mother peeked inside.

Uh, oh!

"Kids, do you need some snacks? Or anything else? If not anything, I will be heading to bed,"

"We don't need anything, mom. Have a good night." Natsuki quickly greeted her so she could go and let them get back to talking.

"Good night, don't stay up too late."

Although this might sound weird to some, but Fumiya had been having sleepovers at Natsuki's place since as long as they can remember, so, when Taehyung wanted to have a sleepover, her mother really didn't think much of it.

Just two friends having a fun little sleepover, that was all!

Or so she thought!

But she wasn't entirely wrong either. Knowing Natsuki, even if she liked Taehyung a lot and he did the same, they'd probably just be talking till late then innocently going to bed, or the most they could do was, get some warm cuddles.

But, it would be too soon yet. If Taehyung can even give her a small kiss, it would be more than enough for her. For now.

"So, what are we-"

"Us? I think, lovers? We're dating, right?"

"Um, Yukio," Natsuki suppressed a laugh, "that's not what I was going to ask, but I think that answer felt nice to hear, so I won't complain. I'd say, yes."

"Oh," today, he was drowning in embarrassment.

"It's alright," Natsuki ruffled his hair, looking at his sullen face. Taehyung looked at her, lips just slightly pouted, but he was happy.

"Oh my-" Natsuki suddenly took her hand away from his hair, startling him.

"What happened-"

"You look like a puppy, I wanna squeeze you in a hug. Look at those puppy eyes!" she covered her mouth, making Taehyung flustered.

Over dramatic as always!

"Come on, Suki, you're making me more embarrassed," he chuckled, ears turning red.

"Well, what's wrong about being embarrassed? You're adorable! Even your embarrassed face is so handsome. If I were you, I'd be so proud of a face that perfect. Actually, I still don't believe that you like me. You know, I was going to isolate myself for today so I could make myself believe that it really happened-"

Natsuki again didn't realise when she started blabbering and Taehyung didn't want to disturb her but he couldn't stop himself, which resulted in him gently yanking her forward to leave a lingering kiss on her lips.

It made her go silent for sure, but her eyes went wide instead.

"D-do you believe now?" Taehyung asked, feeling shook himself.

Natsuki just pursed her lips as soon as she got back to her senses.

The touch of his soft lips lingered a second or two more to be just a peck, but rather innocent to get called as a proper kiss. His unfocused eyes and shy smile only made the matters worse. If before, she wanted to squeeze him, thinking that he was cute, right now, all she she wanted to do was to get squeezed by his arms instead.

She had never liked someone this much before, let alone had the opportunity to experience how it felt to be loved by that person and now that she had it all, it sure was a bit overwhelming.

As much as she was scared to take a step forward and move towards a new beginning, she was also excited because it was Taehyung. If it was with him, she could take the long route and enjoy the scenery on their way to the future.

If he was willing to accompany her, she was willing to take the risk and go for it.

"Do you? Or do I have to do it again to make you believe?" Taehyung asked again, bringing her back to earth.

"I mean, I won't complain if you do-"

"Suki, you're being naughty now, huh?" Taehyung flicked her forehead, not so forcefully but she still hissed, being dramatic.

"Come on, my finger didn't even touch your forehead-"

"It did,"

"It didn't,"

Although the night was young, it was quiet and their laughter filled the whole room, making it as lively as ever.

Now, the only task left was to tell about this to their friends. How to break it down to them?

Vote and comment please! <3
I started this book on 28th August 2023, so if possible, I will publish the last chapter on 28th. XD it's been a year, I can't believe!

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