Chapter 1: My Summer Wish

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Deli's POV:

When I woke up today, nothing could contain my excitement. Today is Cousins day. I wait for this day all year every year. Currently I'm sitting in Belly's room with our best friend, Taylor, as she finishes packing. I packed last night in excitement.

I wanted to pack last week, but Laurel convinced me to hold off a little longer. I can't help it. The beach house is my happy place. It's where I'm the most inspired. I've written some of my favorite songs sitting on the pier or in my bedroom there. I'm so excited.

"Drew's bummed you're both missing the beach matchup with the boys' team next weekend." Taylor says form beside me. "Um, make sure you tell Sophie to sure up for the block." Belly instructs. I grin.

Even when she's not even gonna be in the game, her competitive nature is shining through. I'm kinda the exact opposite. I play more for the rush of the game than the result at the end. Does it get frustrating?

Hell yes, but I learned a long time ago that I'm not always gonna win and I had to learn how to just have fun with it. Now, if it's one on on with anyone in my family? That's when the claws come out, but other than that I just play for fun.

"Drew Martinez is texting me about you, and you're talking about volleyball? Are you serious right now?" "Drew doesn't care if I'm there or not." "She's right, he just wants an excuse to text you. To hell with either of us." Belly chuckles at my comment.

"Also, you need to take this game against the guys seriously. I mean, team pride is on the line, Taylor." Belly reminds her. "Please, you know me better than that. I would never let a boy beat me at anything." "I thought you came here to help me pack, and Lynn, why aren't you packing?"

I shrug. "I packed last night. Remember?" "Fine, I'll help. Here's a tip. Don't bring that Speedo. It doesn't do a thing for your new boobs." Taylor says, flopping back on the bed next to me. "She's right Bells." I call.

"Oh please, you're no better. You would still be wearing yours if your boobs hadn't grown out of it. I swear, your genetics are immaculate." She grumbles. "It's not a Speedo." Belly argues. "I'm just saying babes, you just need to pack cute things."

"Well, I always buy a new suit when I get there." Belly explains. "Ok, so buy one that doesn't look like you're trying out for the swim team." Belly's eyes widen. "Are you serious?" She laughs, rushing over and jumping on top of us. We're all laughing and play fighting now.

"Belly! Deli! We're leaving in the next ten minutes!" Laurel calls. Belly and I sigh as she gets off of us. "I'll make sure she gets something hot." I grin, looking down at Taylor as I too stand from the bed, tossing a pillow roughly at Belly who tossed it back, smacking me in the back of the head.

Taylor laughs. "Thank you. I mean, Belly seriously, look at Lilah here, she's taking my advice. Not that she had a choice, but still. And she looks hot!" I chuckle at this. She's not wrong. I didn't have a choice. Over winter break is when everything changed for me.

I went from a scrawny, pimply, braces having, glasses wearing little girl to a curvy bombshell with some of the biggest boobs in my class. My acne cleared up and I got my braces removed and contacts. It was both a blessing and a curse. Blessing.

I no longer felt like I was the background character in Taylor and Belly's story since Belly had her glow up right after we got home from Cousins last summer. I had a few guys ask me out, though I said no to everyone since my heart was already taken by someone else. Then there's the curse.

None of my clothes fit me anymore. My gift from Taylor, for Christmas this year, was a shopping spree for a whole new wardrobe. She practically forced me out of my ultra covering, cozy aesthetic into a much more feminine one.

One of her biggest accomplishments was buying me my first bikini. I fought it, but she ultimately won. For once, I'm glad she made me change slightly. The clothes I have no flatter my new figure and maybe, just maybe, Jeremiah will take notice. "We gotta go." Belly reminds me.

"No you don't." "Yes." "We still have ten minutes." She reminds us. She pulls us down to where she's laying on the bed, I'm laying with my back against it, and Belly is laying against her nightstand. She boops both of our noses. I grin.

"Ok, before I let either of you go, you both have to tell me your summer wish. Like, the one thing you want to happen this summer." "I don't know." Belly says. "You liar, yes you do. You want a hot make out with Conrad Fisher. You want his tongue in your mouth, you dirty little slut."

I chuckle and Taylor turns to me. "Oh don't even get me started on your Miss Delilah Lynn. You want the same thing with dear old Jeremy." I blush, but don't deny it. When Belly developed her crush on Conrad when we were twelve we made a deal. She got Conrad, and I got Jeremiah.

Susannah always told us we were destined for her boys, but it was up to us which one. I got lucky. When Belly told me she had a crush, I thought it was going to be on Jeremiah. I mean, despite my efforts, I can't unsee the way he has always looked at her.

It hurts, but it's reassuring that she doesn't like him back. Maybe one day he'll give up on her and finally see that I've been here this whole time. "Shut up Taylor." Belly laughs. "I'm just saying, you've been in love with him since we were twelve. You've got to shit or get off the pot?"

I scrunch my nose up at the analogy. "Gross." I mutter. "A) That's disgusting. And B) It doesn't matter what I do. He doesn't see me that way." "Oh, he'll see you." She then turns to me. "They both will. Whether they want to or not. You both look a lot different than last summer." I sigh.

Taylor is the only one I've confided in about my jealousy of Jeremiah's obvious crush on Belly. She goes back and forth with telling me to get over him and find someone who will put me first and telling me to jump his bones anytime she gets the chance.

Honestly, with Taylor, it's one extreme of the other. It's one of the things I appreciate about her. Laurel calls for us again. I sigh. "We should get going." I say standing. Once we're out of the bedroom we load our things into the car.

I gently place my guitar case and song book into the back once everything else is in. This guitar is my baby. Susannah got it for me when I first told her I wanted to learn. Laurel may have gotten custody of me, but Susannah is just as much of a mom to me as she is.

She even had a keyboard put into my room at the house so that I can practice over the summer. The first night of summer I always play one of my newest songs for them in the living room before Laurel, Susannah, Belly, and I watch It Happened One Night.

The boys used to listen too, but as we've gotten older, they've started doing their own things. I don't mind it. Especially since my songs got more and more personal as I've grown up. I wonder if Susanna knows my song from last year is about Jeremiah? Probably.

Susannah has always been able to read me like a book. She says it's because she could read my mom so well and apparently I'm the splitting image of her. I've seen pictures, but I've always wondered how different summer and my life in general would be if the crash never happened.

I learned a long time ago to never dwell on the past. You can't change it. Once everything is in the car I climb into the back beside Laurel. Ever since Steven started driving Belly has left me for the front seat of the car. I don't mind much.

I love just staring out the window on the familiar drive and just thinking and preparing myself for summer. Laurel says my mom was always in her head as well. Apparently I'm her made over, which is comforting to me.

I'll never know her, but coming from Laurel and Susannah, if I'm like her then I'll never lose her. Same thing goes for my dad. I apparently have his love for art. It's not much since they didn't know him too too well before the crash, but it's enough for me.

With one last look at the house, Steven pulls away from the garage, heading towards my favorite place on earth. In that instant all negative emotions leave my body and I'm left with pure happiness. This summer is gonna be different. I just know it.

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